Our colleague Dr Jennifer Redmond is participating in this event to be held at the National Museum of Ireland. All are welcome.
The debate ‘A New Europe 1918/1923–2022: Memory and Challenges' accompanies the opening of the outdoor exhibition ‘After the Great War: a New Europe 1918–1923’. The exhibition presents the complicated emergence of a new order in Central and Eastern Europe in the first years after 1918. Many of the topics discussed in the exhibition, which took place a century ago, are also very relevant today – especially after the Russian attack on Ukraine. Thus in order to better understand our times, the European Network Remembrance and Solidarity (ENRS) would like to discuss the similarities of the situation and the challenges/threats to the new order in Europe around 1918 and now.
The debate will also be devoted to presenting a book that has recently been published: A New Europe, 1918–1923: Instability, Innovation, Recovery, ed. by B. Dziewanowski-Stefańczyk and J. Winter (Routledge, 2022) in the book series established by the ENRS and Routledge. The book offers insights into the political, diplomatic, military, economic and cultural circumstances out of which the New Europe was born. It focuses on three kinds of narratives that relate to conflicts and violence; the recasting of civil society through the creation of new structures and institutions; and to remembrance and the representation of these years in the public sphere.
Drop in to this event at 5pm on the National Museum of Ireland- Decorative Arts & History, Collins Barracks. Booking is not necessary.
For more details see
After the Great War - Dublin Debate press release