The Faculty of law of Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje has the honour and privilege to invite you to the Virtual Book Promotion
“Balkan Legacies: The Long Shadow of Conflict and Ideological Experiment in Southeastern Europe”
on Monday July 5, 2021 at 2PM CET
Balkan Legacies is a study of the aftermath of war and state socialism in the contemporary Balkans. The authors look at the inescapable inheritances of the recent past and those that the present has to deal with. The book’s key theme is the interaction, often subliminal, of the experiences of war and socialism in contemporary society in the region. Fifteen contributors approach this topic from a range of disciplinary backgrounds and through a variety of interpretive lenses, collectively drawing a composite picture of the most enduring legacies of conflict and ideological transition in the region, without neglecting national and local peculiarities. The publication also includes the paper of our professor Mišo Dokmanović - The Unexpected Twist: The Historical Legacies of the 20th Twentieth Century and the Process of “Antiquisation” in Macedonia. The book was published by Purdue University Press.
Prof.dr.iur. Sasho Georgievski, Dean of the Iustinianus Primus Faculty of law, Skopje
Prof. dr. John Paul Newman, President the Irish Association for Russian, Central and East European Studies, IARCEES
Prof. dr. Balazs Apor, Trinity College Dublin
Prof. dr. iur. Mišo Dokmanović, Iustinianus Primus Faculty of law, Skopje
Link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83576230012?pwd=cFNWb1dDQVR6Nk1sT0FlMllCbHdKUT09
Meeting ID: 835 7623 0012 Passcode: 1122