Dr David Lederer


Associate Professor


A cultural and social historian trained in early modern German history (Reformation/Counter-Reformation).  I have taught and researched extensively in Australia, China, the United States and throughout Europe.  

For a complete cv, please see Dr. Lederer's website:



Year Publication
2006 David Lederer (2006) Madness, Religion and the State in Early Modern Europe: A Bavarian Beacon. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Edited Book

Year Publication
2017 David Lederer (Ed.). (2017) German History in Global and Transnational Perspective. London: Palgrave,
2013 David Lederer, Maria Teresa Brancaccio & Eric Engstrom (Ed.). (2013) The Politics of Suicide: Special Issue of the Journal of Social History. Oxford: Oxford,

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2021 David Lederer with Richard Bell, Maria Teresa Brancaccio & Alexander Kästner (2021) 'The Humane Society in Eighteenth-Century Europe and the Newly United States A Research Agenda for the Atlantic Maritime World' In: The Sea. Maritime Worlds in the Early Modern Period. Vienna : Böhlau Verlag.
2021 Lederer, D (2021) 'SUICIDOLOGY ON THE CUSP OF MODERNITY Sociology and psychiatry in the nineteenth century' In: ROUTLEDGE HISTORY OF DEATH SINCE 1800. ABINGDON : ROUTLEDGE.
2020 Lederer D. (2020) 'Suicidology on the cusp of modernity: Sociology and psychiatry in the nineteenth century' In: The Routledge History of Death since 1800. [DOI]
2020 Lederer, D (2020) 'Suicide in the Early Modern World' In: CAMBRIDGE WORLD HISTORY OF VIOLENCE, VOL III: 1500-1800 CE. CAMBRIDGE : CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS.
2020 David Lederer (2020) 'Suicide in the Early Modern World' In: Cambridge World History of Violence. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. [Link]
2019 David Lederer (2019) 'Religion and Spirituality' In: A Cultural History of the Emotions in the Late-medieval, Reformation and Renaissance Age. London : Bloomsbury Academic.
2009 David Lederer (2009) 'Welfare Land: Johann Eberlin von Günzburg and the Reformation of Folly' In: Ideas and Cultural Margins in Early Modern Germany: Essays in Honor of H.C. Erik Midelfort. Farnham : Ashgate.
2017 Lederer D. (2017) 'Introduction: The return of the nation' In: German History in Global and Transnational Perspective. London : Palgrave. [DOI]
2016 Lederer, D (2016) 'Dragged to Hell: Family Annihilation and Brotherly Love in the Age of the Apocalypse' In: DISASTER, DEATH AND THE EMOTIONS IN THE SHADOW OF THE APOCALYPSE, 1400-1700. BASINGSTOKE : PALGRAVE. [DOI]
2013 David Lederer (2013) 'Constructing a Wonder. The Influence of Popular Culture on Miracle Books' In: Mediale Konstrucktionen in der frühen Neuzeit. Affalterbach : Didymos Verlag.
2013 David Lederer (2013) 'Suicide Statistics as Moral Statisitcs: Suicide, Sociology and the State' In: Death and Dying in Ireland, Britain and Europe: Historical Perspectives. Dublin : Academic Press.
2005 David Lederer (2005) 'Verzweiflung im Alten Reich. Selbstmord während der kleinen Eiszeit' In: Kulturelle Konsequenzen der kleinen Eiszeit. Goettingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Verlag.
2005 David Lederer (2005) 'Exorzieren ohne Lizenz…’: Befugnis, Skepsis und Glauben im frühneuzeitlichen Bayern' In: Dämonische Besessenheit. Zur Interpretation eines kulturhistorischen Phänomens. Bielefeld : Verlag fuer Regionalgeschichte.
2005 David Lederer (2005) 'Honfibú: Nationalität, Männlichkeit und die Kultur der Selbstopferung in Ungarn' In: Selbstmord als kultureller Praxis. Vienna : Boehlau Verlag.
2004 David Lederer (2004) 'Honfibú: Nationhood, Manhood, and the Culture of Self-Sacrifice in Hungary' In: From Sin to Insanity: Suicide in Early Modern Europe. Ithaca : Cornell University Press.
2003 David Lederer (2003) 'Psychiatry in the Sixteenth Century? Spiritual Physic in Early Modern Europe' In: Historia de la Psiquiatría en Europa. Madrid : Iberlibro.
2003 David Lederer (2003) 'Die Geburt eines Irrenhauses: Die königlich-bayerische Irrenanstalt zu Giesing/München' In: Psychiatrie im 19. Jahrhundert. Forschungen zur Geschichte von psychiatrischen Institutionen, Debatten und Praktiken im deutschen Sprachraum. Mainz : Schwabe Verlag.
2002 David Lederer (2002) 'Living with the Dead: Ghosts in Early Modern Bavaria' In: Witches, Werewolves and Wandering Spirits. Traditional Belief & Folklore in Early Modern Europe. St Louis : Truman State University.
2001 The Salzburg Transaction, Part II: Protestant emigration from Austria to America (2001) 'The Salzburg Transaction, Part II: Protestant emigration from Austria to America' In: The Sea in European History. Pisa : Pisa University Press.
2000 David Lederer (2000) 'Melancholie und andere Krankheiten des Geistes: Plädoyer für eine Geschichte der frühmodernen Seelenarznei' In: Melancholie – Krankheit oder Lebenskunst?. Irsee : Irseer Dialoge.
2000 David Lederer (2000) 'Das Schreiben der Geschichte' In: Frühe Neuzeit. Oldenbourg Geschichte Lehrbuch. Munich : Oldenbourg Verlag.
1998 David Lederer (1998) 'The Dishonorable Dead: Elite and Popular Perceptions of Suicide in Early Modern Germany' In: Ehrekonzepte in der Frühen Neuzeit. Identität und Abgrenzungen. Berlin : De Gruyter Akademie Forschung.
1997 David Lederer (1997) 'The Mirror: Critical Self-Reflection and the Psychological Origins of European World Domination' In: The Propagation of Power in the Medieval West. Groeningen : Groeningen University Press.
1994 David Lederer (1994) 'Aufruhr auf dem Friedhof. Pfarrer, Gemeinde und Selbstmord im frühneuzeitlichen Bayern' In: Trauer, Verzweiflung und Anfechtung.Selbstmord und Selbstmordversuche in mittelalterlichen und frühneuzeitlichen Gesellschaften. Tuebingen : Edition Diskord.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2013 Lederer, D (2013) 'Sociology's One Law: Moral Statistics, Modernity, Religion, and German Nationalism in the Suicide Studies of Adolf Wagner and Alexander von Oettingen'. Social History, 46 :684-699. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2013 Brancaccio M.;Engstrom E.;Lederer D. (2013) 'The politics of suicide: Historical perspectives on suicidology before Durkheim. An introduction'. Social History, 46 (3):607-619. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2011 Lederer, D (2011) 'The Myth of the All-Destructive War: Afterthoughts on German Suffering, 1618-1648'. German History, 29 :380-403. [DOI] [Full-Text]
1999 David Lederer (1999) 'Selbstmord im frühneuzeitlichen Deutschland: Klischee und Geschichte'. PSYCHOTHERAPIE PSYCHOSOMATIK MEDIZINISCHE PSYCHOLOGIE, . [Full-Text]

Other Journal

Year Publication
2018 David Lederer & Maria Teresa Brancaccio (2018) 'The Influence of National Unification on the Interpretation of Suicide Statistics in Nineteenth-Century Germany and Italy' Crimino Corpus, .
2006 David Lederer (2006) 'Suicide in early modern Central Europe: An Historiographic Review' Bulletin of the German Historical Institute London, .
2005 David Lederer (2005) 'Wieder ein Fass aus Augsburg…’: Suizid in der frühneuzeitlichen Lechmetropole' Mitteilungen des Instituts für Europäische Kulturgeschichte, .
2003 David Lederer (2003) '’...welches die Oberkeit bey Gott zuverantworten hat...’ Selbstmord im Kerker während der frühen Neuzeit' Comparativ, .
2002 David Lederer (2002) 'De cultuurgeschiedenis van de zelfdoding in Vlaanderen: een uitdaging' Archieflink, .
1998 David Lederer (1998) 'Irland entdeckt das Heilige Römische Reich' Mitteilungen des Instituts für Europäische Kulturgeschichte, .

Book Review

Year Publication
2020 Lederer, D (2020) Four Fools in the Age of Reason: Laughter, Cruelty, and Power in Early Modern Germany. OXFORD: BREV
2017 Lederer, D (2017) Witchcraft and Folk Belief in the Age of Enlightenment Scotland, 1670-1740. OXFORD: BREV [DOI]
2017 Lederer, D (2017) Mad Tuscans and Their Families: A History of Mental Disorder in Early Modern Italy. OXFORD: BREV [DOI]
2016 Lederer, D (2016) Martin Delrio: Demonology and Scholarship in the Counter-Reformation. OXFORD: BREV
2014 Lederer, D (2014) We Shall Be No More: Suicide and Self-Government in the Newly United States. CARY: BREV [DOI]
2014 Lederer, D (2014) From Priest's Whore to Pastor's Wife: Clerical Marriage and the Process of Reform in the Early German Reformation. OXFORD: BREV [DOI]
2012 Lederer, D (2012) Wallenstein: The Enigma of the Thirty Years War. OXFORD: BREV [DOI]
2011 Lederer, D (2011) Enlightenment and the Creation of German Catholicism. CHICAGO: BREV [DOI]
2011 Lederer, D (2011) Suicide in Nazi Germany. OXFORD: BREV [DOI]
2011 Lederer, D (2011) German Histories in the Age of Reformations, 1400-1650. WASHINGTON: BREV
2011 Lederer, D (2011) Reformation and the German Territorial State: Upper Franconia, 1300-1630. WASHINGTON: BREV
2010 Lederer, D (2010) Drinking Matters: Public Houses and Social Exchange in Early Modern Central Europe. CAMBRIDGE: BREV [DOI]
2008 Lederer, D (2008) Madness in Seventeenth-Century Autobiography. HONOLULU: BREV
2008 Lederer, D (2008) The German concordat of 1583. The new orientation of the Pontifical German politics after the council of Trent and its consequences for the relationship of worldly and spiritual violence. OXFORD: BREV
2007 Lederer, D (2007) Church robbers and reformers in Germany, 1525-1547. Confiscation and religious purpose in the Holy Roman Empire. RED BANK: BREV
2007 Lederer, D (2007) The Origins of Sectarianism in Early Modern Ireland. WASHINGTON: BREV
2004 Lederer, D (2004) Religion, government and political culture in early modern Germany: Lindau, 1520-1628. BOSTON: BREV
2004 Lederer, D (2004) Double confessionalization in Ireland: Conflicts and coexistence in the 16th century and the first half of the 17th century. WASHINGTON: BREV
2002 Lederer, D (2002) The place of the dead: Death and remembrance in late medieval and early modern Europe. HANTS: BREV
2002 Lederer, D (2002) On punishment: The confrontation of suicide in Old-Europe. KIRKSVILLE: BREV
2002 Lederer, D (2002) Death in England: An illustrated history. HANTS: BREV
2002 Lederer, D (2002) Last things: Death and the Apocalypse in the Middle Ages. HANTS: BREV
2001 Lederer, D (2001) Choosing death: Suicide and Calvinism in early modern Geneva. ANGERS CEDEX 01: BREV
2000 Lederer, D (2000) A history of madness in sixteenth-century Germany. KIRKSVILLE: BREV
1999 Lederer, D (1999) The reformation of ritual: An interpretation of early modern Germany. RED BANK: BREV

Encyclopedia Entry

Year Publication
2010 David Lederer (2010) Verzweiflung. ENC
2005 David Lederer (2005) Wolfgang Behringer”, “Sigmund Freud”, “Bernhard Frey”, “Pact with the Devil”, “Psychoanalysis and Witchcraft”, “Suicide”, and “Sympathy. ENC
2004 David Lederer (2004) Popular Culture. ENC
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2023) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Description Function From / To
American Historical Association Member -
German History Society Member -

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/01/2018 Alumni Short Visit Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation
01/01/2015 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow European Commission
01/01/2015 Alumni Short Visit Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation
01/01/2014 Alumni Short Visit Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation
01/01/2012 ARC Distinguished Visitor Australian Research Council, Centre of Excellence for the History of the Emotions
01/01/2010 Research Grant Wellcome Trust for the History of Medicine
01/01/2010 Conference Grant Wellcome Trust for the History of Medicine
01/01/2008 Fellow Princeton University, Shelby Cullom Davis Center for Historical Studies
01/01/2007 Gerald Strauss Book Prize 16th Century Society
01/01/2006 Publication Grant Maynooth University
01/01/2005 Research Grant Polish Academy of Sciences/Royal Irish Academy Research
01/01/2003 European Fellowship Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation
01/01/2002 Humboldt Fellow Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation
01/01/2002 Research Enhancement Grant Maynooth University
01/01/2001 IRC Fellow Irish Research Council
01/01/2000 Research Grant Austrian Academy of Sciences/Royal Irish Academy
01/01/2000 Grants-in-Aid From 2000 to the present: Austrian Academy of Sciences, DAAD, ERASMUS, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences, Royal Irish Academy, Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Wellcome Trust
01/01/2000 Teaching Exchange Grant Vlaamse Gemeenschap/Royal Irish Academy
01/01/1998 Research Grant Hungarian Academy of Sciences/Royal Irish Academy
01/01/1998 Senior Study Grant German Academic Exchange Service
01/01/1997 Group Study Grant German Academic Exchange Service
01/01/1993 Volkswagen Fellow Institute for European Cultural History, Augsburg
01/01/1993 Penfield Scholarship New York University
01/01/1991 Fulbright Fellow Fulbright Foundation
01/01/1990 Summer Scholarship Volkswagen Foundation, German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C.
01/01/1990 Developmental Fellowship New York University
01/01/1990 Gordon Bauer Scholarship University of Massachusetts
01/01/1988 DAAD Fellow German Academic Exchange Service
01/01/1988 Graduate Scholarship Michigan State University
01/01/1986 Recruitment Scholarship Michigan State University


Committee Function From / To
German History Society, Steering Committee Post-Graduate Officer 01/01/2010 - 01/01/2014
Secondary School Outreach, German History Society of UK/ROI Irish Representative 01/01/2018 - 28/02/2022
German History Journal Advisory Board 01/01/2015 - 28/02/2022


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
New York University PhD History
Michigan State University MA History/German
University of Maryland BA History/German
Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center Diploma Russian


Language Reading Writing Speaking
German Fluent Fluent Fluent
Russian Functional Basic Basic
French Functional Basic Basic
Dutch Functional None Basic
Italian Functional Basic Functional
Latin Functional None None

Teaching Interests

My teaching interests include early modern Europe, the Holy Roman Empire, the Reformation/Counter-Reformation, the History of Emotions, the History of Suicide, Popular Culture, Historical Criminology and Witchcraft Studies.

In addition to numerous short exchanges, I have held teaching posts of one semester or more at the following places:
  • 1995-present: Senior Lecturer, Maynooth University
  • 2006: Visiting Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • 2004-2011: Summer Intensive Course “Renaissance Venice”, Venice, Italy
  • 2001: Visiting Professor, Catholic University of America, Washington, DC
  • 1996: Visiting Professor, Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich, Germany
  • 1992: Adjunct Lecturer, City Colleges of Chicago, European Division
  • 1989 – 1990: Adjunct Lecturer and Graduate Teaching Assistant, UMass, Amherst
  • 1988 – 1989: Adjunct Lecturer, University of Maryland, European Division
  • 1986 – 1988: Graduate Teaching Assistant, Michigan State University
  • 1984: Undergraduate Peer-Tutor, University of Maryland, European Division