Dr David Lederer

A cultural and social historian trained in early modern German history (Reformation/Counter-Reformation). I have taught and researched extensively in Australia, China, the United States and throughout Europe.
For a complete cv, please see Dr. Lederer's website:
For a complete cv, please see Dr. Lederer's website:
Book Chapter
Year | Publication | |
2021 | David Lederer with Richard Bell, Maria Teresa Brancaccio & Alexander Kästner (2021) 'The Humane Society in Eighteenth-Century Europe and the Newly United States A Research Agenda for the Atlantic Maritime World' In: The Sea. Maritime Worlds in the Early Modern Period. Vienna : Böhlau Verlag. | |
2021 | Lederer, D (2021) 'SUICIDOLOGY ON THE CUSP OF MODERNITY Sociology and psychiatry in the nineteenth century' In: ROUTLEDGE HISTORY OF DEATH SINCE 1800. ABINGDON : ROUTLEDGE. | |
2020 | Lederer D. (2020) 'Suicidology on the cusp of modernity: Sociology and psychiatry in the nineteenth century' In: The Routledge History of Death since 1800. [DOI] | |
2020 | Lederer, D (2020) 'Suicide in the Early Modern World' In: CAMBRIDGE WORLD HISTORY OF VIOLENCE, VOL III: 1500-1800 CE. CAMBRIDGE : CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS. | |
2020 | David Lederer (2020) 'Suicide in the Early Modern World' In: Cambridge World History of Violence. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. [Link] | |
2019 | David Lederer (2019) 'Religion and Spirituality' In: A Cultural History of the Emotions in the Late-medieval, Reformation and Renaissance Age. London : Bloomsbury Academic. | |
2009 | David Lederer (2009) 'Welfare Land: Johann Eberlin von Günzburg and the Reformation of Folly' In: Ideas and Cultural Margins in Early Modern Germany: Essays in Honor of H.C. Erik Midelfort. Farnham : Ashgate. | |
2017 | Lederer D. (2017) 'Introduction: The return of the nation' In: German History in Global and Transnational Perspective. London : Palgrave. [DOI] | |
2016 | Lederer, D (2016) 'Dragged to Hell: Family Annihilation and Brotherly Love in the Age of the Apocalypse' In: DISASTER, DEATH AND THE EMOTIONS IN THE SHADOW OF THE APOCALYPSE, 1400-1700. BASINGSTOKE : PALGRAVE. [DOI] | |
2013 | David Lederer (2013) 'Constructing a Wonder. The Influence of Popular Culture on Miracle Books' In: Mediale Konstrucktionen in der frühen Neuzeit. Affalterbach : Didymos Verlag. | |
2013 | David Lederer (2013) 'Suicide Statistics as Moral Statisitcs: Suicide, Sociology and the State' In: Death and Dying in Ireland, Britain and Europe: Historical Perspectives. Dublin : Academic Press. | |
2005 | David Lederer (2005) 'Verzweiflung im Alten Reich. Selbstmord während der kleinen Eiszeit' In: Kulturelle Konsequenzen der kleinen Eiszeit. Goettingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Verlag. | |
2005 | David Lederer (2005) 'Exorzieren ohne Lizenz…’: Befugnis, Skepsis und Glauben im frühneuzeitlichen Bayern' In: Dämonische Besessenheit. Zur Interpretation eines kulturhistorischen Phänomens. Bielefeld : Verlag fuer Regionalgeschichte. | |
2005 | David Lederer (2005) 'Honfibú: Nationalität, Männlichkeit und die Kultur der Selbstopferung in Ungarn' In: Selbstmord als kultureller Praxis. Vienna : Boehlau Verlag. | |
2004 | David Lederer (2004) 'Honfibú: Nationhood, Manhood, and the Culture of Self-Sacrifice in Hungary' In: From Sin to Insanity: Suicide in Early Modern Europe. Ithaca : Cornell University Press. | |
2003 | David Lederer (2003) 'Psychiatry in the Sixteenth Century? Spiritual Physic in Early Modern Europe' In: Historia de la Psiquiatría en Europa. Madrid : Iberlibro. | |
2003 | David Lederer (2003) 'Die Geburt eines Irrenhauses: Die königlich-bayerische Irrenanstalt zu Giesing/München' In: Psychiatrie im 19. Jahrhundert. Forschungen zur Geschichte von psychiatrischen Institutionen, Debatten und Praktiken im deutschen Sprachraum. Mainz : Schwabe Verlag. | |
2002 | David Lederer (2002) 'Living with the Dead: Ghosts in Early Modern Bavaria' In: Witches, Werewolves and Wandering Spirits. Traditional Belief & Folklore in Early Modern Europe. St Louis : Truman State University. | |
2001 | The Salzburg Transaction, Part II: Protestant emigration from Austria to America (2001) 'The Salzburg Transaction, Part II: Protestant emigration from Austria to America' In: The Sea in European History. Pisa : Pisa University Press. | |
2000 | David Lederer (2000) 'Melancholie und andere Krankheiten des Geistes: Plädoyer für eine Geschichte der frühmodernen Seelenarznei' In: Melancholie – Krankheit oder Lebenskunst?. Irsee : Irseer Dialoge. | |
2000 | David Lederer (2000) 'Das Schreiben der Geschichte' In: Frühe Neuzeit. Oldenbourg Geschichte Lehrbuch. Munich : Oldenbourg Verlag. | |
1998 | David Lederer (1998) 'The Dishonorable Dead: Elite and Popular Perceptions of Suicide in Early Modern Germany' In: Ehrekonzepte in der Frühen Neuzeit. Identität und Abgrenzungen. Berlin : De Gruyter Akademie Forschung. | |
1997 | David Lederer (1997) 'The Mirror: Critical Self-Reflection and the Psychological Origins of European World Domination' In: The Propagation of Power in the Medieval West. Groeningen : Groeningen University Press. | |
1994 | David Lederer (1994) 'Aufruhr auf dem Friedhof. Pfarrer, Gemeinde und Selbstmord im frühneuzeitlichen Bayern' In: Trauer, Verzweiflung und Anfechtung.Selbstmord und Selbstmordversuche in mittelalterlichen und frühneuzeitlichen Gesellschaften. Tuebingen : Edition Diskord. |
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2013 | Lederer, D (2013) 'Sociology's One Law: Moral Statistics, Modernity, Religion, and German Nationalism in the Suicide Studies of Adolf Wagner and Alexander von Oettingen'. Social History, 46 :684-699. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Brancaccio M.;Engstrom E.;Lederer D. (2013) 'The politics of suicide: Historical perspectives on suicidology before Durkheim. An introduction'. Social History, 46 (3):607-619. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2011 | Lederer, D (2011) 'The Myth of the All-Destructive War: Afterthoughts on German Suffering, 1618-1648'. German History, 29 :380-403. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
1999 | David Lederer (1999) 'Selbstmord im frühneuzeitlichen Deutschland: Klischee und Geschichte'. PSYCHOTHERAPIE PSYCHOSOMATIK MEDIZINISCHE PSYCHOLOGIE, . [Full-Text] |
Other Journal
Book Review
Year | Publication | |
2020 | Lederer, D (2020) Four Fools in the Age of Reason: Laughter, Cruelty, and Power in Early Modern Germany. OXFORD: BREV | |
2017 | Lederer, D (2017) Witchcraft and Folk Belief in the Age of Enlightenment Scotland, 1670-1740. OXFORD: BREV [DOI] | |
2017 | Lederer, D (2017) Mad Tuscans and Their Families: A History of Mental Disorder in Early Modern Italy. OXFORD: BREV [DOI] | |
2016 | Lederer, D (2016) Martin Delrio: Demonology and Scholarship in the Counter-Reformation. OXFORD: BREV | |
2014 | Lederer, D (2014) We Shall Be No More: Suicide and Self-Government in the Newly United States. CARY: BREV [DOI] | |
2014 | Lederer, D (2014) From Priest's Whore to Pastor's Wife: Clerical Marriage and the Process of Reform in the Early German Reformation. OXFORD: BREV [DOI] | |
2012 | Lederer, D (2012) Wallenstein: The Enigma of the Thirty Years War. OXFORD: BREV [DOI] | |
2011 | Lederer, D (2011) Enlightenment and the Creation of German Catholicism. CHICAGO: BREV [DOI] | |
2011 | Lederer, D (2011) Suicide in Nazi Germany. OXFORD: BREV [DOI] | |
2011 | Lederer, D (2011) German Histories in the Age of Reformations, 1400-1650. WASHINGTON: BREV | |
2011 | Lederer, D (2011) Reformation and the German Territorial State: Upper Franconia, 1300-1630. WASHINGTON: BREV | |
2010 | Lederer, D (2010) Drinking Matters: Public Houses and Social Exchange in Early Modern Central Europe. CAMBRIDGE: BREV [DOI] | |
2008 | Lederer, D (2008) Madness in Seventeenth-Century Autobiography. HONOLULU: BREV | |
2008 | Lederer, D (2008) The German concordat of 1583. The new orientation of the Pontifical German politics after the council of Trent and its consequences for the relationship of worldly and spiritual violence. OXFORD: BREV | |
2007 | Lederer, D (2007) Church robbers and reformers in Germany, 1525-1547. Confiscation and religious purpose in the Holy Roman Empire. RED BANK: BREV | |
2007 | Lederer, D (2007) The Origins of Sectarianism in Early Modern Ireland. WASHINGTON: BREV | |
2004 | Lederer, D (2004) Religion, government and political culture in early modern Germany: Lindau, 1520-1628. BOSTON: BREV | |
2004 | Lederer, D (2004) Double confessionalization in Ireland: Conflicts and coexistence in the 16th century and the first half of the 17th century. WASHINGTON: BREV | |
2002 | Lederer, D (2002) The place of the dead: Death and remembrance in late medieval and early modern Europe. HANTS: BREV | |
2002 | Lederer, D (2002) On punishment: The confrontation of suicide in Old-Europe. KIRKSVILLE: BREV | |
2002 | Lederer, D (2002) Death in England: An illustrated history. HANTS: BREV | |
2002 | Lederer, D (2002) Last things: Death and the Apocalypse in the Middle Ages. HANTS: BREV | |
2001 | Lederer, D (2001) Choosing death: Suicide and Calvinism in early modern Geneva. ANGERS CEDEX 01: BREV | |
2000 | Lederer, D (2000) A history of madness in sixteenth-century Germany. KIRKSVILLE: BREV | |
1999 | Lederer, D (1999) The reformation of ritual: An interpretation of early modern Germany. RED BANK: BREV |
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2023) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.
Honors and Awards
Teaching Interests
My teaching interests include early modern Europe, the Holy Roman Empire, the Reformation/Counter-Reformation, the History of Emotions, the History of Suicide, Popular Culture, Historical Criminology and Witchcraft Studies.
In addition to numerous short exchanges, I have held teaching posts of one semester or more at the following places:
In addition to numerous short exchanges, I have held teaching posts of one semester or more at the following places:
- 1995-present: Senior Lecturer, Maynooth University
- 2006: Visiting Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong
- 2004-2011: Summer Intensive Course “Renaissance Venice”, Venice, Italy
- 2001: Visiting Professor, Catholic University of America, Washington, DC
- 1996: Visiting Professor, Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich, Germany
- 1992: Adjunct Lecturer, City Colleges of Chicago, European Division
- 1989 – 1990: Adjunct Lecturer and Graduate Teaching Assistant, UMass, Amherst
- 1988 – 1989: Adjunct Lecturer, University of Maryland, European Division
- 1986 – 1988: Graduate Teaching Assistant, Michigan State University
- 1984: Undergraduate Peer-Tutor, University of Maryland, European Division