Prof Ian Speller



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(01) 708 3652


Ian Speller BA, MSc(Econ), PhD, FRHS is a Professor and Director of the Centre for Military History and Strategic Studies in the Department of History at Maynooth University. He also provides lectures in military history and defence studies at the Irish Military College.

Prior to this he was a Senior Lecturer in the Defence Studies Department at King's College, London and at the UK Joint Services Command and Staff College.

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date Amount
IRC Postgraduate Fellowship (Giovanni Parente) PI GOI IRC Postgraduate Fellowship: Giovanni Parente 01/09/2022 31/08/2025 88833.33
Air power and COIN, the theory and practice of deploying air power in small wars and counterinsurgency (COIN) operations. PI 01/10/2013 30/09/2017 94662


Year Publication
2023 Ian Speller (2023) Understanding Naval Warfare 3rd edition. London: Routledge. [Link]
2019 McCabe R.; Sanders D.; Speller I. (2019) Europe, Small Navies and Maritime Security: Balancing Traditional Roles and Emergent Threats in the 21st Century. [DOI]
2014 Speller I. (2014) Understanding naval warfare. [DOI]
2019 Ian Speller (2019) Understanding Naval Warfare 2nd ed. UK: Routledge. [Link]
2016 Ian Speller, David Jordan, James Kiras, David Lonsdale, Christopher Tuck, Dale Walton (2016) Understanding Modern Warfare 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2014 Speller, Ian & Tuck, Christopher (2014) Amphibious Warfare. Strategy and Tactics from Gallipoli to Iraq. : Amber.
2014 Speller, I. & Jordan, Kiras, J. Lonsdale, D, Tuck, C. & Walton, D (2014) 현대전의 이해 (Hyeondaejeoneui Ihae) Korean language edition of 'Understanding Modern Warfare'. Transl. Kang, Chang Boo. : Hanul Academy.
2009 Speller, I.A. & Jordan, D., Kiras, J, Lonsdale, D., Tuck, C., Walton, D. (2009) Understanding Modern Warfare. : Cambridge University Press.
2001 Speller, I.A and Tuck, C. (2001) Amphibien fahrzeuge im einsatz. Eine illustrierte geschichte der amphibieneinsatze von 1914 bis heute. : Zietgeschichte.
2001 Speller, I.A. and Tuck, C. (2001) Strategy and Tactics: Amphibious Warfare. : Spellmount.
2001 Speller, I.A. (2001) The Role of Amphibious Warfare in British Defence Policy, 1945-1956. : Palgrave.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2024 Ian Speller (2024) 'Joint Operations, Multi-Domain Operations and Integrated Action' In: Defence Forces Review 2023. Dublin : DFPRB. [Link]
2022 Ian Speller (2022) 'Modern Maritime Strategy and Naval Warfare' In: The Routledge Handbook of Maritime Security. London : Routledge.
2019 McCabe R.; Sanders D.; Speller I. (2019) 'Conclusion' In: Europe, Small Navies and Maritime Security: Balancing Traditional Roles and Emergent Threats in the 21st Century.
2020 McCabe, R; Sanders, D; Speller, I (2020) 'Europe, Small Navies and Maritime Security Balancing Traditional Roles and Emergent Threats in the 21st Century Conclusion' In: EUROPE, SMALL NAVIES AND MARITIME SECURITY: BALANCING TRADITIONAL ROLES AND EMERGENT THREATS IN THE 21ST CENTURY. ABINGDON : ROUTLEDGE. [Full-Text]
2020 McCabe, R; Sanders, D; Speller, I (2020) 'Europe, Small Navies and Maritime Security Balancing Traditional Roles and Emergent Threats in the 21st Century Preface' In: EUROPE, SMALL NAVIES AND MARITIME SECURITY: BALANCING TRADITIONAL ROLES AND EMERGENT THREATS IN THE 21ST CENTURY. ABINGDON : ROUTLEDGE. [Full-Text]
2020 McCabe, R; Sanders, D; Speller, I (2020) 'Europe, small navies and maritime security Introduction' In: EUROPE, SMALL NAVIES AND MARITIME SECURITY: BALANCING TRADITIONAL ROLES AND EMERGENT THREATS IN THE 21ST CENTURY. ABINGDON : ROUTLEDGE. [Full-Text]
2013 Ian Speller (2013) '‘Learning to project power in an era of declining access: joint forces, expeditionary operations and the Royal Navy, 1956-1982’' In: Le operazioni interforze e multinazionali nella storia militare le operazioni interforze e multinazionali nella storia militare. Rome : Commissione Italiana di Storia Militare. [Link]
2018 Speller I. (2018) 'Ireland' In: The Handbook of European Defence Policies and Armed Forces. [DOI]
2018 Hugo Meijer and Marco Weiss (eds.) (2018) 'Chapter 18: Ireland' In: The Handbook of European Defence Policies and Armed Forces. Oxford : Oxford University Press. [Link]
2016 Ian Speller (2016) 'Post-Cold War Navies' In: Navies in the 21st Century. Barnsley, UK : Seaforth Press.
2012 Speller, Dr Ian (2012) 'The use and abuse of history by the military' In: Tony Walsh(Eds.). Building a Better Future. Contributions by the Irish Defence Forces. Maynooth : MACE. [Full-Text]
2011 Speller, Dr Ian (2011) ''The war at sea in the age of Napoleon and the development of maritime strategy'' In: Amélia Polónia, David Martelo, Isilda Braga da Costa Monteiro, Jorge Martins Ribeiro(Eds.). XXXV Congresso Internacional De História Militar. A Guerra No Tempo De Napoleáo: antecedentes, campanhas militares e impactos de longa duracáo. Lisbon : Comissao Portuguesa de Historia Militar. [Full-Text]
2011 Speller, I (2011) 'Limited War and Crisis Management: Naval Aviation in Action from the Korean War to the Falklands Conflict' In: BRITISH NAVAL AVIATION: THE FIRST 100 YEARS. ALDERSHOT : ASHGATE PUBLISHING LTD.
2011 Speller, Dr Ian (2011) '‘Limited war and crisis management: naval aviation from the Korean War to the Falklands Conflict’' In: Tim Benbow(Eds.). British naval aviation: the first 100 Years. Abingdon : Ashgate Press.
2007 Speller, I.A. (2007) 'The Suez Crisis. (Op. Musketeer, November 1956)' and 'Kuwait (Op vantage, July 1961)' In: Tristan Lovering(Eds.). Amphibious Assault. manoeuvre from the sea from Gallipoli to the Gulf. Rendlesham : Seafarer Books.
2005 Speller, I.A. (2005) 'Naval Diplomacy: Operation Vantage, 1961' In: Ian Speller(Eds.). The Royal Navy and Maritime Power in the Twentieth Century. London : Frank Cass.
2004 Speller I. (2004) 'In the shadow of Gallipoli? Amphibious warfare in the inter-war period' In: Gallipoli: Making History. [DOI]
2005 Speller, I.A. (2005) 'The Royal Navy, Expeditionary Operations and the End of Empire, 1956-1975' In: Kennedy(Eds.). British Naval Strategy East of Suez, 1900-2000. London : Frank Cass.
2005 Speller, I.A. (2005) 'Operation Corporate: The Falklands Conflict, 1982' In: Peter Dennis and Jeffrey Grey(Eds.). Battles Near and Far. A Century of Overseas Deployment. Canberra : Army History Unit.
2004 Speller I. (2004) 'Naval diplomacy: Operation vantage, 1961' In: The Royal Navy and Maritime Power in the Twentieth Century. [DOI]
2004 Speller I. (2004) 'The Royal Navy, expeditionary operations and the End of Empire, 1956-75' In: British Naval Strategy East of Suez 1900-2000: Influences and Actions. [DOI]
2004 Speller I. (2004) 'Amphibious operations: 1945-1998' In: The Royal Navy 1930-1990: Innovation and Defense. [DOI]
2004 Speller, I.A. (2004) 'In the shadow of Gallipoli?' In: Macleod(Eds.). Gallipoli. Making History. London : Frank Cass.
2004 Speller, I.A. (2004) 'Amphibious Operations' In: Richard Harding(Eds.). Innovation and Defence. The Royal Navy, 1930-2000. London : Frank Cass.
2002 Speller, I.A. (2002) 'Defence or Deterrence' In: Hopkins, Kandiah and Staerck(Eds.). Cold War Britain, 1945-1964. London : Palgrave.
2001 Speller, I.A. (2001) 'Amphibious Warfare' In: Charles Messenger(Eds.). Reader’s Guide to Military history. London : Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers.
2001 Speller, I.A. (2001) 'The Role of Amphibious Warfare in British Defence Policy, 1945-2000' In: G. Till(Eds.). Seapower at the Millenium. London : Sutton Publishing.
2022 Speller, I. (2022) 'MODERN MARITIME STRATEGY AND NAVAL WARFARE' In: Routledge Handbook Of Maritime Security. [Link] [DOI]

Edited Book

Year Publication
2024 Ian Speller;Rory Finegan;Stuart Armstrong;Simon Keenan (Ed.). (2024) Defence Forces Review 2023. Defence Forces Review 2023, Dublin: DFPRB, [Link]
2022 Ian Speller, Rory Finegan, Padraig Brennan (Ed.). (2022) Defence Forces Review 2021. Dublin: Defence Forces Public Relations Branch, [Link]
2019 Ian Speller. Deborah Sanders, Robert McCabe (Ed.). (2019) Europe, Small Navies and Maritime Security. London: Routledge, [Link]
2014 Ian Speller. Deborah Sanders, Michael Mulqueen (Ed.). (2014) Small Navies: Strategy and Policy for Small Navies in War and Peace. London: Ashgate,
2005 Ian Speller (Ed.). (2005) The Royal Navy and Maritime Power in the Twentieth Century. London: Frank Cass,

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2020 Speller, I (2020) '"NEITHER FISH NOR FOWL NOR YET GOOD RED HERRING" Joint Institutions, Single-Service Priorities, and Amphibious Capabilities in Postwar Britain'. Naval War College Review, 73 :89-115. [Full-Text]
2020 Ian Speller (2020) 'US Naval War College Review. “Neither Fish nor Fowl nor Yet Good Red Herring”—Joint Institutions, Single-Service Priorities, and Amphibious Capabilities in Postwar Britain'. 73 (4):85-111. [Link] [Full-Text]
2019 Ian Speller (2019) 'Journal: Revista Da Escola De Guerra Navale (Journal of the Brazilian Naval War College). Title: Command and Control in Amphibious Operations: the lessons from history'. 25 (3):561-586. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2011 Speller, Dr Ian (2011) 'Hit hard, move fast and sustain action: the replacement of the Amphibious Warfare Squadron and the rationale for HMS Fearless and Intrepid''. Mariner's Mirror, 93 :173-196. [Full-Text]
2010 Speller, Dr Ian (2010) '‘Inter-service rivalry: British defence policy, 1956-69’ JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL UNITED SERVICES INSTITUTE'. RUSI Journal, n/a . [Full-Text]
2006 Speller, I (2006) 'The seaborne/airborne concept: Littoral manoeuvre in the 1960s?'. Journal of Strategic Studies, 29 :53-82. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2008 Speller, Dr Ian (2008) '‘Corbett, Liddell-Hart and the British Way in Warfare in the 1960s’ DEFENCE STUDIES JOURNAL, Vol 8, Issue 2'. Defence Science Journal, 8 . [Full-Text]
2007 Speller, I (2007) 'An African Cuba? Britain and the Zanzibar revolution, 1964'. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 35 :283-301. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2007 Speller, I.A. (2007) 'Hell has many different names The raids on St. Nazaire and Dieppe, 1942'. EVERYONE'S WAR, 16 :1-12. [Full-Text]
2003 Speller, I.A. (2003) '“A Splutter of Musketry?” The British Military Response to the Anglo-Iranian Oil Dispute, 1951'. Contemporary British History, 17 :1-46. [Full-Text]
2002 Speller, I.A. (2002) 'Delayed Reaction: UK Maritime Expeditionary Capabilities and the Lessons of the Falklands Conflict'. Defense and Security Analysis, 18 :1-16. [Full-Text]
2002 Speller, I.A. (2002) 'Amphibious Renaissance: The Royal Navy and the Royal Marines, 1956-1966’'. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NAVAL HISTORY, . [Full-Text]

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2022 Ian Speller (2022) Warfare and Strategy Course Indonesia Staff Course lecture Indonesia, 28/11/2022-28/11/2022.
2021 Ian Speller (2021) The Russo-Japanese War and the Battle of Tsushima' Lecture: The Russo-Japanese War and the Battle of Tsushima Ormonde Military History Society, Kilkenny, 04/05/2021-.
2020 Ian Speller (2020) Maritime Strategy and Naval Warfare Today Presentation for Faculty of Military Science, Stellenbosch University (South Africa) Stellenbosch University, South Africa, 05/10/2021-05/10/2021.
2019 Ian Speller (2019) Fishing in empty waters? Analysing defence, strategy and war in Ireland today Political Studies Association of Ireland Conference Maynooth, .
2019 Ian Speller (2019) Capabilities and Capacities. Defence Dilemmas in a Highly Competitive Era Plenary Lecture to Brazilian Naval War College Naval War College,Rio de Janeiro, .
2019 Ian Speller (2019) 'Seapower and New Technology: Strategy, Policy and Technophilia Brazilian Naval War College: Maritime Security Symposium Brazilian Naval War College, Rio de Janeiro, .
2019 Ian Speller (2019) Amphibious Forces in an era of declining access: responding to the cross-domain challenge Kiel International Sea Power Symposium Institute for Security Policy Kiel university, Germany, .
2019 Ian Speller (2019) Amphibious and expeditionary operations in an era of declining access US Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth US Command and General Staff School, Fort Leavenworth, 02/04/2019-02/04/2019.
2019 Ian Speller (2019) Command and Control in Amphibious Operations Amphibious Command Symposium. UK COMATG and No.3 Commando Brigade Royal Marines HMS Albion, 18/03/2019-18/03/2019.
2019 Ian Speller (2019) Military History and Ireland Ormonde Military History Society Kilkenny, 18/01/2019-.
2018 Ian Speller (2018) Brazilian Naval War College. Maritime Strategy Symposium Lectures to Brazilian Naval War College Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 16/07/2018-20/07/2018.
2018 Ian Speller (2018) NATO Amphibious Leaders Expeditionary Symposium Plenary lecture and opening address to NATO Conference Stavanger, Norway, 20/06/2018-.
2018 Ian Speller (2018) HMS Doris at Alexandretta. A 19th Century Cruiser in a 20th Century War The First World War at Sea: Conflict, Culture and Commemoration National Maritime Museum, Greenwich UK, 08/11/2018-10/11/2018.
2018 Ian Speller (2018) Europe, Maritime Security and Small Navies Closing address King's College, London, 18/01/2018-19/01/2018.
2016 Ian Speller (2016) Maritime Strategy and Contemporary Security: a role for small(er) navies? Presentation to the IIEA Institute for International and European Affairs, Dublin, .
2016 Ian Speller (2016) The Battle of Jutland, 1916 Public lecture at Shankhill Road Library, Belfast Belfast, .
2016 Ian Speller (2016) The sea and the Easter rebellion, 1916 contribution to 'The sea and the Easter Rising' conference National Maritime College of Ireland, .
2014 (2014) Maritime Strategy and Maritime Security' HQ Allied Maritime Command, Northwood, .
2014 (2014) Contingent Ops Theory UK Defence Academy, .
2013 (2013) Power Projection: Maritime Strike UK Staff College, ACSC UK Defence Academy, .
2013 (2013) Littoral Manoeuvre UK Staff College UK Defence Academy, .
2013 (2013) 'Learning to project power in an ear of declining access' Annual Congress, International Commission of Military History Turin, Italy, .
2013 (2013) Maritime Power Projection Advanced Command and Staff Course UK Defence Academy, .
2012 Dr Carlos Zaforteza (2012) Spanish seapower in the 1840s King's College London, Arts, History, .
2012 Prof. James Willbanks (2012) Nixon's War, 1969-1975 US Army Command & General Staff School, Arts, History, .
2012 (2012) The use of history by the military History Research Seminar Dundee University, .
2012 (2012) Strategy and Policy for Small Navies International Studies Association Annual Convention San Diego, California USA, .
2012 Professor Eric Grove (2012) The ranking of small navies revisited Salford University, Arts, History, .
2012 Professor Michael Mulqueen (2012) Small navies. Enabling innovation Liverpool Hope University, Arts, History, .
2012 Prof Geoffrey Till (2012) Small Navies. Are they Different? King's College London, Arts, History, .
2012 (2012) 'What did Trafalgar achieve that Jutland did not?' Interpreting naval history & writing strategy History Research Seminar NUI Maynooth, .
2012 Rear Admiral Mike McDevitt (2012) Small navies in Asia Center for Naval Analyses (Virginia, USA), Arts, History, .
2012 Niklas Granholm (2012) Challenges for the Royal Swedish Navy Swedish Defence Research Agency, Arts, History, .
2012 Ian Bowers (2012) The Republic of Korea Navy: moving from the littoral to the regional King's College London, Arts, History, .
2012 (2012) Maritime Strike & Littoral Manoeuvre Advanced Command & Staff Course UK Defence Academy, .
2012 Michael Peske (2012) The Polish Navy in World War 2 n/a, Arts, History, .
2012 (2012) The use and abuse of miltiary history 'Taking you a step further .... military education in the 21st century' Unitd Nations Training School Ireland, .
2012 Commodore Mark Mellett (2012) Meeting requirements for innovation and enhanced service delivery in the post modern world Irish Naval Service, Arts, History, .
2011 (2011) Maritime Power Projection Advanced Command & Staff Course UK Defence Academy, .
2011 (2011) Opening address Art of Leadership Conference NUI Maynooth, .
2011 (2011) The use and abuse of military history’ Desmond Tutu Centre for War & Peace Studies Liverpool Hope University, .
2010 Professor Eunan O'Halpin (2010) British intelligence in Afghanistan, 1939-1945 Trinity College, Dublin, Arts, History, .
2010 (2010) Inchon and the amphibious war The Korean War: Christ Church Special Intertest Weekend Christ Church, Oxford, .
2010 (2010) Two bald men fighting over a comb. The 1982 Falklands Conflict Military History Society of Ireland Griffith College Dublin, .
2010 Dr Spencer Mawby (2010) Planning a rural and urban counter-insurgency campaign University of Nottingham, Arts, History, .
2010 (2010) Amphibious forces and maritime security operations Naval Striking and Support Forces, NATO: Alligator Conference Naples, Italy, .
2010 Colonel Con McNamara (2010) EU crisis management operations in Tchad/RCA, 2009 Defence Forces, Arts, History, .
2010 (2010) Inchon and the amphibious war Korean War - special interest weekend Christ Church College, Oxford, .
2009 Commander Thean Potgeiter (2009) Contemporary African piracy: context, causes and responses South African Military Academy, Arts, History, .
2009 (2009) The war at sea in the age of Napoleon and the development of maritime strategy 35th International congress of Military History Porto, Portugal, .
2009 Capitaine Véronique Mieze (2009) A French experience in Afghanistan: six months with the EPIDOTE Detachment in Kabul, April-Sept 2008 Service Historique de la Defense, France, Arts, History, .
2009 Dr Karen Devine (2009) Neutrality: changing concepts and different practices Dublin City University, Arts, History, .
2009 Dr Stuart Griffin (2009) Peacekeeping and stabilisation operations: lessons from Afghanistan and Iraq King's College London, Arts, History, .
2009 (2009) Crown Forces and the 1916 Rebellion Sean MacDiarmada Summer School Kiltyclogher, County Leitrim, .
2009 (2009) Power projection in an era of declining access War and Security Studies Seminar NUI Maynooth, .
2009 (2009) Maritime Power Projection Advanced Command and Staff Course UK Joint Services Command and Staff College, .
2009 Comdt. Ray Lane (2009) Countering the threat posed by IEDs. The challenge for modern militaries Defence Forces, Arts, History, .
2009 Dr Jerome aan de Wiel (2009) The French Deuxiéme Bureau and Ireland, 1900-1921 University of Limerick, Arts, History, .
2009 (2009) The Pacific War Ormonde Military History Society Kilkenny, .
2009 Jonathan Marley (2009) The conceptualization of national minority rights in the Balkans LSE, Arts, History, .
2009 (2009) Littoral Manoeuvre Advanced Command and Staff Course UK Joint Services Command and Staff College, .
2009 (2009) Power projection in an era of declining access War & Security Studies Seminar NUI Maynooth, .
2009 Dr Michael Mulqueen (2009) The mediatisation of security policy University of Limerick, Arts, History, .
2008 (2008) The Second World War Kilkenny Liberal Studies Group Kilkenny, .
2008 (2008) The raid on Dieppe 1942 The Military History Society of Ireland Griffith College, Dublin, .
2007 (2007) Britain, Argentina and the Falklands Conflict 25 years on History Research Seminar NUI Maynooth, .
2005 (2005) Britain and the Zanzibar Revolution, 1964 History Research Seminar NUI Maynooth, .
2005 (2005) The First World War Kilkenny Liberal Studies Group Kilkenny, .
2004 (2004) Operation Corporate. The Falklands Conflict, 1982 Australian Chief of Army Military History Conference Canberra, Austalia, .
2003 (2003) British military operations in defence of Kuwait, 1961 History Research Seminar NUI Maynooth, .
2001 (2001) The sea as a medium for projecting British influence overseas. The decline of empire, 1956-1975’ 70th Anglo-American Conference of Historians Institute of Historical Research, London, .
2001 (2001) In the shadow of Gallipoli? Amphibious capabilities in the inter-war period Gallipoli Symposium Menzies Centre for Australian Studies, . [Full-Text]
2000 (2000) The role of amphibious warfare in British defence policy Seapower at the Millennium Conference Portsmouth, UK, .

Book Review

Year Publication
2015 Speller, I (2015) From East of Suez to the Eastern Atlantic: British Naval Policy. PHILADELPHIA: [Book Review] [DOI]
2004 Speller, I (2004) The Royal Navy and nuclear weapons. ESSEX: [Book Review]
2013 Speller, I (2013) The Dreadnought and the Edwardian Age. OXFORD: [Book Review] [DOI]
2013 Speller, I (2013) Army, Empire, and Cold War: The British Army and Military Policy, 1945-1971. CHICAGO: [Book Review] [DOI]
2015 Speller, I (2015) The Great War at Sea: A Naval History of the First World War. LONDON: [Book Review] [DOI]


Year Publication
2019 McCabe R.; Sanders D.; Speller I. (2019) Introduction: Europe, small navies and maritime security. [Editorial]
2004 Speller I. (2004) Introduction. [Editorial] [DOI]
2014 Mulqueen M.; Sanders D.; Speller I. (2014) Preface. [Editorial]
2014 Speller I.; Sanders D.; Mulqueen M. (2014) Introduction. [Editorial]


Year Publication
2007 Speller I. (2007) An African cuba? Britain and the Zanzibar revolution, 1964. [Reviews] [DOI]
2011 Speller I. (2011) 'Hit hard, move fast and sustain action' the replacement of the Royal Navy's Amphibious Warfare Squadron and the rationale for HMS Fearless and HMS Intrepid. [Reviews]


Year Publication
1996 Speller, Dr Ian A (1996) The role of amphibious warfare in British defence policy, 1945-1964. King's College London: [Thesis]
1991 Speller, Ian A (1991) The Future of the Royal Navy. Aberystwyth University: [Thesis]
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