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Jennie C. Stephens is Professor of Climate Justice at the ICARUS Climate Research Centre at the National University of Ireland Maynooth. She was a 2023-2024 Radcliffe-Salata Climate Justice fellow at Harvard, and she served as the Director of Northeastern University's School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs from 2018-2022. She is an internationally recognized expert on renewable energy transformation, the power of fossil fuel interests, energy justice, climate justice, higher education, energy democracy, and gender and race in energy and climate. Her forthcoming book, Climate Justice and the University: Shaping a Hopeful Future for All (Johns Hopkins University Press, December 2024), reimagines higher education for a more equitable, healthy and stable future for all. Her 2020 book, Diversifying Power: Why We Need Antiracist, Feminist Leadership (Island Press), inspires collective action by elevating the stories of innovative diverse leaders who are linking climate and energy with jobs and economic justice, health and food, transportation and housing. Her work explores how to mobilize transformative change by diversifying leadership, redistributing wealth and power, and moving beyond technocratic solutions so that feminist, antiracist, anticolonial principles are prioritized. Before joining Maynooth University in Ireland in summer 2024, Professor Stephens was on the faculty at Northeastern University (2016-2024), the University of Vermont (2014-2016) and Clark University (2005-2014). She earned her PhD at the California Institute of Technology in environmental science & engineering and her BA at Harvard in environmental science & public policy.
Research Interests
Climate justice, fossil fuel phaseout, transformative social change, financial innovations for climate justice, leveraging the transformative potential of higher education, Industry influence of higher education
Peer Reviewed Journal
Surprise, K.; McLaren, D.; Möller, I.; Sapinski, J.P.; Stabinsky, D.; Stephens, J.C. (2025) 'Profit-seeking solar geoengineering exemplifies broader risks of market-based climate governance'. Earth System Governance, 23 . [Link][DOI][Full-Text]
Kinol, A.; Si, Y.; Kinol, J.; Stephens, J.C. (2025) 'Networks of climate obstruction: Discourses of denial and delay in US fossil energy, plastic, and agrichemical industries'. PLOS Climate, 4 . [Link][DOI][Full-Text]
Hiltner, S.; Eaton, E.; Healy, N.; Scerri, A.; Stephens, J.C.; Supran, G. (2024) 'Fossil fuel industry influence in higher education: A review and a research agenda'. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, . [Link][DOI][Full-Text]
Sonya Ahamed; Gillian L. Galford; Bindu Panikkar; Donna Rizzo; Jennie C. Stephens (2024) 'Carbon collusion: Cooperation, competition, and climate obstruction in the global oil and gas extraction network'. Energy Policy, . [Link][DOI]
Hoicka, C.E.; Stephens, J.C.; Zhao, Y.; Hernandez, P.S. (2023) 'Misalignment or exclusion? Investigating climate and energy philanthropy funding of diversity'. Energy Research and Social Science, . [Link][DOI]
Alaina Kinol; Elijah Miller; Hannah Axtell; Ilana Hirschfeld; Sophie Leggett; Yutong Si; Jennie C. Stephens (2023) 'Climate justice in higher education: a proposed paradigm shift towards a transformative role for colleges and universities'. CLIMATIC CHANGE, . [Link][DOI]
Si, Y.; Desai, D.; Bozhilova, D.; Puffer, S.; Stephens, J.C. (2023) 'Fossil fuel companies' climate communication strategies: Industry messaging on renewables and natural gas'. Energy Research and Social Science, . [Link][DOI]
Alaina Kinol; Elijah Miller; Hannah Axtell; Ilana Hirschfeld; Sophie Leggett; Yutong Si; Jennie C. Stephens (2023) 'Correction to: Climate justice in higher education: a proposed paradigm shift towards a transformative role for colleges and universities'. CLIMATIC CHANGE, . [Link][DOI]
Jennie C Stephens; Prakash Kashwan; Duncan McLaren; Kevin Surprise (2023) 'Toward Dangerous US Unilateralism on Solar Geoengineering'. Environmental Politics, . [Link][DOI]
Jennie C Stephens; Prakash Kashwan; Duncan McLaren; Kevin Surprise (2023) 'The Dangers of Mainstreaming Solar Geoengineering: A critique of the National Academies Report'. Environmental Politics, . [Link][DOI]
Stephens, J.C.; Sokol, M. (2023) 'Financial innovation for climate justice: central banks and transformative ‘creative disruption’'. Climate and Development, . [Link][DOI]
Simon Jorgenson; Jennie C. Stephens (2022) 'Action research for energy system transformation'. Educational Action Research, . [Link][DOI]
Basseches, J.A.; Bromley-Trujillo, R.; Boykoff, M.T.; Culhane, T.; Hall, G.; Healy, N.; Hess, D.J.; Hsu, D.; Krause, R.M.; Prechel, H.; Roberts, J.T.; Stephens, J.C. (2022) 'Climate policy conflict in the U.S. states: a critical review and way forward'. CLIMATIC CHANGE, . [Link][DOI]
Stephens, J.C. (2022) 'Beyond Climate Isolationism: a Necessary Shift for Climate Justice'. Current Climate Change Reports, . [Link][DOI]
Si, Y.; Stephens, J.C. (2021) 'Energy Justice Through Solar: Constructing and Engaging Low-Income Households'. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, . [Link][DOI]
Raub, K.B.; Stepenuck, K.F.; Panikkar, B.; Stephens, J.C. (2021) 'An analysis of resilience planning at the nexus of food, energy, water, and transportation in coastal US cities'. Sustainability (Switzerland), . [Link][DOI]
Jennie C. Stephens (2021) 'Electrification: Opportunities for social justice and social innovation'. MRS Bulletin, . [Link][DOI]
Stephens, J.C.; Kashwan, P.; McLaren, D.; Surprise, K. (2021) 'The risks of solar geoengineering research'. Science, . [Link][DOI]
Boyle, A.D.; Leggat, G.; Morikawa, L.; Pappas, Y.; Stephens, J.C. (2021) 'Green New Deal proposals: Comparing emerging transformational climate policies at multiple scales'. Energy Research and Social Science, . [Link][DOI]
Stephens, J.C.; Surprise, K. (2020) 'The hidden injustices of advancing solar geoengineering research'. Global Sustainability, . [Link][DOI]
Jenkins, K.E.H.; Stephens, J.C.; Reames, T.G.; Hernández, D. (2020) 'Towards impactful energy justice research: Transforming the power of academic engagement'. Energy Research and Social Science, . [Link][DOI]
Sovacool, B.K.; Hess, D.J.; Amir, S.; Geels, F.W.; Hirsh, R.; Rodriguez Medina, L.; Miller, C.; Alvial Palavicino, C.; Phadke, R.; Ryghaug, M.; Schot, J.; Silvast, A.; Stephens, J.; Stirling, A.; Turnheim, B.; van der Vleuten, E.; van Lente, H.; Yearley, S. (2020) 'Sociotechnical agendas: Reviewing future directions for energy and climate research'. Energy Research and Social Science, . [Link][DOI]
Ahamed, S.; Sperling, J.; Galford, G.; Stephens, J.C.; Arent, D. (2019) 'The food-energy-water nexus, regional sustainability, and hydraulic fracturing: An integrated assessment of the Denver region'. Case Studies in the Environment, . [Link][DOI]
Stephens, J.C. (2019) 'Energy democracy: Redistributing power to the people through renewable transformation'. Environment, . [Link][DOI]
Allen, E.; Lyons, H.; Stephens, J.C. (2019) 'Women's leadership in renewable transformation, energy justice and energy democracy: Redistributing power'. Energy Research and Social Science, . [Link][DOI]
Noel Healy; Jennie C. Stephens; Stephanie A. Malin (2019) 'Embodied energy injustices: Unveiling and politicizing the transboundary harms of fossil fuel extractivism and fossil fuel supply chains'. Energy Research & Social Science, . [Link][DOI]
Jorgenson, S.N.; Stephens, J.C.; White, B. (2019) 'Environmental education in transition: A critical review of recent research on climate change and energy education'. Journal of Environmental Education, . [Link][DOI]
Burke, M.J.; Stephens, J.C. (2018) 'Political power and renewable energy futures: A critical review'. Energy Research and Social Science, . [Link][DOI]
Meadowcroft, J.; Stephens, J.C.; Wilson, E.J.; Rowlands, I.H. (2018) 'Social dimensions of smart grid: Regional analysis in Canada and the United States. Introduction to special issue of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews'. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, . [Link][DOI]
Stephens, J.C.; Burke, M.J.; Gibian, B.; Jordi, E.; Watts, R. (2018) 'Operationalizing Energy Democracy: Challenges and Opportunities in Vermont's Renewable Energy Transformation'. Frontiers In Communication, . [Link][DOI]
Arturo Massol-Deyá; Jennie C. Stephens; Jorge L. Colón (2018) 'Renewable energy for Puerto Rico'. Science, . [DOI]
Burke, M.J.; Stephens, J.C. (2018) 'Corrigendum to “Energy democracy: Goals and policy instruments for sociotechnical transitions” [Energy Res. Soc. Sci. 33 (2017) 35–48](S2214629617303031)(10.1016/j.erss.2017.09.024)'. Energy Research and Social Science, . [Link][DOI]
Stephens, J.C.; Frumhoff, P.C.; Yona, L. (2018) 'The role of college and university faculty in the fossil fuel divestment movement'. Elementa, . [Link][DOI]
Feldpausch-Parker, A.M.; Peterson, T.R.; Stephens, J.C.; Wilson, E.J. (2018) 'Smart grid electricity system planning and climate disruptions: A review of climate and energy discourse post-Superstorm Sandy'. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, . [Link][DOI]
Frumhof, P.C.; Stephens, J.C. (2018) 'Towards legitimacy of the solar geoengineering research enterprise'. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, . [Link][DOI]
Burke, M.J.; Stephens, J.C. (2017) 'Energy democracy: Goals and policy instruments for sociotechnical transitions'. Energy Research and Social Science, . [Link][DOI]
Stephens, J.C.; Kopin, D.J.; Wilson, E.J.; Peterson, T.R. (2017) 'Framing of customer engagement opportunities and renewable energy integration by electric utility representatives'. Utilities Policy, . [Link][DOI]
Allen, E.; Yorgey, G.; Kruger, C.; Stephens, J.; Ahamed, S.; Adam, J. (2017) 'Climate science information needs among natural resource decision-makers in the Northwest US'. Climate Services, . [Link][DOI]
Markusson, N.; Dahl Gjefsen, M.; Stephens, J.C.; Tyfield, D. (2017) 'The political economy of technical fixes: A case from the climate domain'. Energy Research and Social Science, . [Link][DOI]
Cody, E.M.; Stephens, J.C.; Bagrow, J.P.; Dodds, P.S.; Danforth, C.M. (2017) 'Transitions in climate and energy discourse between Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy'. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, . [Link][DOI]
Faber, D.; Stephens, J.; Wallis, V.; Gottlieb, R.; Levenstein, C.; CoatarPeter, P. (2017) 'Trump’s Electoral Triumph: Class, Race, Gender, and the Hegemony of the Polluter-Industrial Complex'. Capitalism, Nature, Socialism, . [Link][DOI]
Hall, D.M.; Feldpausch-Parker, A.; Peterson, T.R.; Stephens, J.C.; Wilson, E.J. (2017) 'Social-ecological system resonance: a theoretical framework for brokering sustainable solutions'. Sustainability Science, . [Link][DOI]
Mallett, A.; Stephens, J.C.; Wilson, E.J.; Langheim, R.; Reiber, R.; Peterson, T.R. (2016) 'Electric (dis) connections: Comparative review of smart grid news coverage in the United States and Canada'. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, . [Link][DOI]
Stephens, J.C.; Wilson, E.J. (2016) 'Climate change, technological innovation A US response'. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, . [Link][DOI]
Rebecca Pearl-Martinez; Jennie C. Stephens (2016) 'Toward a gender diverse workforce in the renewable energy transition'. Sustainability: Science, Practice, and Policy, . [DOI]
Peterson, T.R.; Stephens, J.C.; Wilson, E.J. (2015) 'Public perception of and engagement with emerging low-carbon energy technologies: A literature review'. MRS Energy and Sustainability, . [Link][DOI]
Stephens, J.C. (2015) 'Carbon capture and storage: A controversial climate mitigation approach'. International Spectator, . [Link][DOI]
Stephens, J.C. (2014) 'Time to stop investing in carbon capture and storage and reduce government subsidies of fossil-fuels'. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, . [Link][DOI]
Stephens, J.C.; Peterson, T.R.; Wilson, E.J. (2014) 'Socio-political evaluation of energy deployment (SPEED): A framework applied to smart grid'. UCLA Law Review, . [Link]
Fischlein, M.; Feldpausch-Parker, A.M.; Peterson, T.R.; Stephens, J.C.; Wilson, E.J. (2014) 'Which way does the wind blow? Analysing the state context for renewable energy deployment in the United States'. Environmental Policy and Governance, . [Link][DOI]
Langheim, R.; Skubel, M.; Chen, X.; Maxwell, W.; Peterson, T.R.; Wilson, E.; Stephens, J.C. (2014) 'Smart grid coverage in U.S. newspapers: Characterizing public conversations'. Electricity Journal, . [Link][DOI]
Chaudhry, R.; Fischlein, M.; Larson, J.; Hall, D.M.; Peterson, T.R.; Wilson, E.J.; Stephens, J.C. (2013) 'Policy stakeholders' perceptions of carbon capture and storage: A comparison of four U.S. States'. Journal of Cleaner Production, . [Link][DOI]
Jennie Stephens; Elizabeth Wilson; Tarla Peterson; James Meadowcroft (2013) 'Getting Smart? Climate Change and the Electric Grid'. Challenges, . [DOI]
Clark Koenigs; Mudita Suri; Amelia Kreiter; Caroline Elling; Julia Eagles; Tarla Peterson; Jennie Stephens; Elizabeth Wilson (2013) 'A Smarter Grid for Renewable Energy: Different States of Action'. Challenges, . [DOI]
Feldpausch-Parker, A.M.; Ragland, C.J.; Melnick, L.L.; Chaudhry, R.; Hall, D.M.; Peterson, T.R.; Stephens, J.C.; Wilson, E.J. (2013) 'Spreading the news on carbon capture and storage: A state-level comparison of US media'. Environmental Communication, . [Link][DOI]
Fischlein, M.; Wilson, E.J.; Peterson, T.R.; Stephens, J.C. (2013) 'States of transmission: Moving towards large-scale wind power'. Energy Policy, . [Link][DOI]
Allen, E.; Kruger, C.; Leung, F.-Y.; Stephens, J.C. (2013) 'Diverse Perceptions of Stakeholder Engagement within an Environmental Modeling Research Team'. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, . [Link][DOI]
Boyd, A.D.; Liu, Y.; Stephens, J.C.; Wilson, E.J.; Pollak, M.; Peterson, T.R.; Einsiedel, E.; Meadowcroft, J. (2013) 'Controversy in technology innovation: Contrasting media and expert risk perceptions of the alleged leakage at the Weyburn carbon dioxide storage demonstration project'. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, . [Link][DOI]
McCauley, S.M.; Stephens, J.C. (2012) 'Green energy clusters and socio-technical transitions: Analysis of a sustainable energy cluster for regional economic development in Central Massachusetts, USA'. Sustainability Science, . [Link][DOI]
Mary-Ellen Boyle; Laurie Ross; Jennie C. Stephens (2011) 'Who has a stake? How stakeholder processes influence partnership sustainability'. Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement, . [DOI]
Stephens, J.C.; Hansson, A.; Liu, Y.; de Coninck, H.; Vajjhala, S. (2011) 'Characterizing the international carbon capture and storage community'. Global Environmental Change, . [Link][DOI]
Markusson, N.; Ishii, A.; Stephens, J.C. (2011) 'The social and political complexities of learning in carbon capture and storage demonstration projects'. Global Environmental Change, . [Link][DOI]
Stephens, J.C.; Graham, A.C. (2010) 'Toward an empirical research agenda for sustainability in higher education: exploring the transition management framework'. Journal of Cleaner Production, . [Link][DOI]
Stephens, J.C.; Jiusto, S. (2010) 'Assessing innovation in emerging energy technologies: Socio-technical dynamics of carbon capture and storage (CCS) and enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) in the USA'. Energy Policy, . [Link][DOI]
Fischlein Miriam, M.; Larson, J.; Hall, D.M.; Chaudhry, R.; Rai Peterson, T.; Stephens, J.C.; Wilson, E.J. (2010) 'Policy stakeholders and deployment of wind power in the sub-national context: A comparison of four U.S. states'. Energy Policy, . [Link][DOI]
Wilson, E.J.; Stephens, J.C. (2009) 'Wind deployment in the United States: States, resources, policy, and discourse'. Environmental Science and Technology, . [Link][DOI]
de Coninck, H.; Stephens, J.C.; Metz, B. (2009) 'Global learning on carbon capture and storage: A call for strong international cooperation on CCS demonstration'. Energy Policy, . [Link][DOI]
Stephens, J.C.; Wilson, E.J.; Peterson, T.R. (2008) 'Socio-Political Evaluation of Energy Deployment (SPEED): An integrated research framework analyzing energy technology deployment'. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, . [Link][DOI]
Jennie C. Stephens; Amanda C. Graham (2008) 'Climate Science to Citizen Action: Energizing Nonformal Climate Science Education'. Eos, . [DOI]
Stephens, J.C.; Hernandez, M.E.; Román, M.; Graham, A.C.; Scholz, R.W. (2008) 'Higher education as a change agent for sustainability in different cultures and contexts'. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, . [Link][DOI]
Jennie C. Stephens (2006) 'Growing interest in carbon capture and storage (CCS) for climate change mitigation'. Sustainability: Science, Practice, and Policy, . [DOI]
Stephens, J.C.; Van Der Zwaan, B. (2005) 'The case for carbon capture and storage'. Issues in Science and Technology, . [Link]
Stephens, J.C.; Hering, J.G. (2004) 'Factors affecting the dissolution kinetics of volcanic ash soils: Dependencies on pH, CO2, and oxalate'. Applied Geochemistry, . [Link][DOI]
Stephens, J.C.; Hering, J.G. (2002) 'Comparative characterization of volcanic ash soils exposed to decade-long elevated carbon dioxide concentrations at Mammoth Mountain, California'. Chemical Geology, . [Link][DOI]
Stephens, J.C. (1997) 'Factors limiting the acceptance and use of innovative environmental technologies: A case study of the solar aquatics system™ (SAS) technology for wastewater treatment'. Journal of Environmental Systems, . [Link]
Book Chapter
Stephens, J.C. (2025) 'Climate Justice and the Dangers of Solar Geoengineering' In: Geoengineering and Climate Change: Methods, Risks, and Governance. [Link][DOI]
Yutong Si; Jennie C. Stephens (2024) 'An energy justice analysis of global renewable energy transformation' In: [Link][DOI]
Jennie C. Stephens (2023) 'Gender and climate justice' In: [Link][DOI]
Jennie C. Stephens (2022) 'Feminist, Antiracist Values for Climate Justice' In: [Link][DOI]
Stephens, J.C. (2018) 'Innovations in Energy-Climate Education: Integrating Engineering and Social Sciences to Strengthen Resilience' In: Engineering a Better Future: Interplay between Engineering, Social Sciences, and Innovation. [Link][DOI]
Stephens, J.C.; Markusson, N. (2018) 'Technological optimism in climate mitigation: The case of carbon capture and storage' In: Oxford Handbook of Energy and Society. [Link][DOI]
McCauley, S.M.; Stephens, J.C. (2017) 'Changing human geographies of the electricity grid: Shifts of power and control in the renewable energy transition' In: Handbook on the Geographies of Energy. [Link]
Ram, B.; Stephens, J.C. (2017) 'Risk conundrums of the renewable energy transition: Can we balance opportunities, optimism, and challenges?' In: Risk Conundrums: Solving Unsolvable Problems. [Link][DOI]
Stephens, J.C.; Palchak, E.; Reese, B. (2017) 'Divestment and Investment: Strategic Financial Decisions in Higher Education to Promote Societal Change Toward Sustainability' In: World Sustainability Series. [Link][DOI]
Allen, E.; Stephens, J.C. (2016) 'Enhancing the Usability of Climate Information and Models Through Stakeholder Engagement' In: Public Administration And Information Technology. [Link][DOI]
Stephens, J.C.; McCauley, S.M. (2013) 'Clusters in transition: Analysis of a sustainable energy-cluster initiative in Worcester, Massachusetts, USA' In: Innovations in Sustainable Consumption: New Economics, Socio-Technical Transitions and Social Practices. [Link][DOI]
Stephens, J.C. (2013) 'Carbon capture and storage (CCS) in the USA' In: Low Carbon Development: Key Issues. [Link][DOI]
Stephens, J.C.; Liu, Y. (2012) 'The Evolving International CCS Community' In: The Social Dynamics of Carbon Capture and Storage: Understanding CCS Representations, Governance and Innovation. [Link][DOI]
Markusson, N.; Ishii, A.; Stephens, J.C. (2012) 'Learning in CCS demonstration projects: Social and political dimensions' In: The Social Dynamics of Carbon Capture And Storage: Understanding CCS Representations, Governance and Innovation. [Link][DOI]
Conference Publication
Feldpausch-Parker, A.M.; Chaudhry, R.; Stephens, J.C.; Fischlein, M.; Hall, D.M.; Melnick, L.L.; Peterson, T.R.; Ragland, C.J.; Wilson, E.J. (2011) A comparative state-level analysis of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) discourse among U.S. energy stakeholders and the public[Link][DOI]
Ragland, C.J.; Feldpausch-Parker, A.; Peterson, T.R.; Stephens, J.; Wilson, E. (2011) Socio-political dimensions of CCS deployment through the lens of social network analysis[Link][DOI]
Stephens, J.C.; Markusson, N.; Ishii, A. (2011) Exploring framing and social learning in demonstration projects of carbon capture and storage[Link][DOI]
Wilson, E.J.; Stephens, J.C.; Rai Peterson, T.; Fischlein, M. (2009) Carbon capture and storage in context: The importance of state policy and discourse in deploying emerging energy technologies[Link][DOI]
Stephens, J.C.; Bielicki, J.; Rand, G.M. (2009) Learning about carbon capture and storage: Changing stakeholder perceptions with expert information[Link][DOI]
Jennie Stephens; Elizabeth J. Wilson; Tarla Rai Peterson Emerging Smart Grid Struggles.[DOI]
Jennie Stephens; Elizabeth J. Wilson; Tarla Rai Peterson Technologies of Smart Grid.[DOI]
Jennie C. Stephens Technology Leader, Policy Laggard: CCS Development for Climate Mitigation in the US Political Context.[DOI]
Jennie Stephens; Elizabeth J. Wilson; Tarla Rai Peterson Smart Meters: Measuring, Monitoring, and Managing Electricity.[DOI]
Jennie Stephens; Elizabeth J. Wilson; Tarla Rai Peterson Societal Actors and Dominant Smart Grid Visions.[DOI]
Stephen M. McCauley; Jennie C. Stephens Changing human geographies of the electricity grid: shifts of power and control in the renewable energy transition.[DOI]
Jennie Stephens; Elizabeth J. Wilson; Tarla Rai Peterson Promises and Pitfalls of Smart Grid.[DOI]
Jennie Stephens (2012) Diminishing Hype of So-called Clean Coal: Carbon, Capture and Storage (CCS) in the U.S. Context.[DOI]
Jennie C Stephens (2024) Climate Justice and the University: Shaping a Hopeful Future for All. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. [Link][DOI][Full-Text]
Stephens, J.C.; Wilson, E.J.; Peterson, T.R. (2014) Smart grid (R)evolution: Electric power struggles.[Link][DOI]
Stephens, J.C.; McCauley, S.M. (2013) Clusters in transition: Analysis of a sustainable energy-cluster initiative in Worcester, Massachusetts, USA.[Link][DOI]
Stephens, J.C. (2013) Carbon capture and storage (CCS) in the USA.[Link][DOI]
Stephens, J.C.; Liu, Y. (2012) The evolving international CCS community.[Link][DOI]
Stephens, J.C. (2009) Sociopolitical drivers in the development of deliberate carbon storage.[Link][DOI]
Stephens, J.C. (2009) Technology leader, policy laggard: CCS development for climate mitigation in the US political context.[Link]