Dr Emmanuel Kypraios

School of Business, Faculty of Social Sciences, International, ICARUS

Lecturer/Assistant Professor
Associate Dean for Internationalisation, Faculty of Social Sciences

School of Business
(01) 708 4594


Emmanuel Kypraios is Associate Dean for Internationalisation for the Faculty of Social Science and Lecturer/Assistant Professor in Management at Maynooth University School of Business.

His previous academic appointment was visiting Professor of Strategy at the Ecole Hoteliere in Lausanne, Switzerland. Emmanuel earned his PhD at Università della Svizzera italiana (USI)/University of Lugano, Switzerland. He studied at Johns Hopkins University, MD, USA and holds a MSc (Financial Management) from SOAS, University of London, UK, and a BA (Economics) from Bard College, NY, USA. 

Before joining academia, Dr. Kypraios spent 12 years in the financial industry as a senior trader and broker of equity derivatives working for different financial institutions such as BNP Paribas, Hypovereinsbank, hedge fund groups such as Integrated Asset Management and wealth management companies in Munich, Frankfurt, London, Paris and lately in Lugano, Switzerland.   

Research Interests

My research interests lie at the intersection of economic sociology, sociology of finance, organization theory and strategic management, with particular focus on sustainability and the socio-cognitive mechanisms that underlie decision-making processes

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date Amount
DigiFLed: Modernization of university education programmes in foreign languages by integrating information technologies PI The project aims to improve the quality of education at tertiary level by strengthening the FL-related curricula with ICTs in Ukraine. Its objectives are: 1) to address mismatches between the requirements of the labour market and the offer of HEIs; 2) to provide FL professionals with the necessary training in ICTs; 3) to foster cooperation between partner universities; 4) to strengthen the relationships between HEIs, schools and entrepreneurs; 5) to enhance visibility of Ukrainian language and culture internationally. The EU value added activities shall contribute to the wider objectives of EU innovation and digitalization policies through: 1) innovating curricula in terms of content (digital and transversal skills), mode (electronically mediated) and methods (blended learning, real-problembased teaching); 2) continuing Bologna-type reforms via credit system and quality assurance; 3) introducing new training schemes and hands-on training on developing ICT-enhanced FLT products; 4) developing and launching ICT-based courses and open online courses; 5) creating a network of partner universities' virtual centers. The target groups are FL students, university teaching staff and in-service FL professionals. The number of persons to benefit is about 1400. The planned results are as follows: 1) the gap between the requirements of the labour market and the offer of HEIs narrowed; 2) the university curricula in FL innovated; 3) the quality of educational systems improved; 4) students and teaching staff ICT-trained; 5) international links strengthened; 6) Ukrainian language and culture promoted internationally. The 10 outputs planned are of the following types: 1) improvement of digital skills of university staff, students and in-service teachers; 2) modernization of university curricula and equipment; 3) development of new courses and learning resources; 4) forming a network of partner universities’ virtual centers. 01/01/2024 31/12/2026 71277

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2024 Arismendi-Zambrano, J.; Kypraios, E.; Paccagnini, A. (2024) 'Informativeness of the federal reserve chair communication’s sentiment on the monetary policy uncertainty'. Annals of Operations Research, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Etzion, D; Kypraios, E; Forgues, B (2019) 'EMPLOYING FINANCE IN PURSUIT OF THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS: THE PROMISE AND PERILS OF CATASTROPHE BONDS'. Academy of Management Discoveries, 5 :530-554. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Prato M.; Kypraios E.; Ertug G.; Lee Y. (2019) 'Middle-status conformity revisited: The interplay between achieved and ascribed status'. Academy of Management Journal, 62 (4):1003-1027. [DOI] [Full-Text]

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2020 Emmanuel Kypraios (2020) Finance for Good Igniting Impact: Enhancing Business Practice and Research through Greater Collaboration U of Michigan Ross School, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, .
2020 Emmanuel Kypraios (2020) Trading Rare Events and Status Inconsistency European Academy of Management Annual Conference Dublin, Ireland, 04/12/2020-06/12/2020.
2019 Emmanuel Kypraios (2019) Trading Rare Events and Status Inconsistency Academy of Management Annual Meeting Boston, USA, 08/08/2019-13/08/2019.
2017 Kypraios E., Prato M., Ertug G. (2017) To The Manor Born: How Earned Status and Inherited Status Influence Conformity Academy of Management Annual Meeting Atlanta, GA, USA, .
2017 Kypraios E.; Prato M.; Ertug G. (2017) To The Manor Born: How Earned Status and Inherited Status Influence Conformity 33rd EGOS Colloquium Copenhagen, Denmark, 06/07/2017-08/07/2017.
2017 Kypraios E.; Prato M.; Ertug G. (2017) To The Manor Born: How Earned Status and Inherited Status Influence Conformity OMTF Swiss Universities Conference Lausanne, Switzerland, 26/09/2017-27/09/2017.
2017 Emmanuel Kypraios (2017) Emergence and Effects of Social Hierarchies: Two Setting Analysis Third Lugano Conference on Organizations Lugano, Switzerland, .
2016 Kypraios, E; Etzion D.; Forgues, B. (2016) From catastrophes to coupons: The propagation of ignorance in financial securitization 4S/EASST Conference Barcelona, Spain, .
2016 Kypraios, E; Etzion D.; Forgues, B. (2016) From catastrophes to coupons: The propagation of ignorance in financial securitization 32nd EGOS Colloquium Naples, Italy, .
2015 Kypraios E.; Prato M.; Ertug G. (2015) To the manner they were born: The role of homophily and status in routine dynamics of U.S. symphony orchestras 31st EGOS Colloquium Athens, Greece, .
2015 Kypraios E.; Cruz, M. (2015) Driving status: Identity and familiarity as drivers of status-quality relationship Seminar in Management EMLYON Chamonix, France, .
2015 Kypraios E.; Bianchi, F. (2015) Social networks through conversational analysis and text mining in pursuit of the dynamics of social status 31st EGOS Colloquium Athens, Greece, .


Year Publication
2020 Forgues, B.; Etzion D.; Kypraios, E (2020) Coronavirus : les « catastrophe bonds » sont-ils vraiment le remède financier dont nous avons besoin ?. [Media] [Link]
2020 Kypraios, E; Etzion D.; Forgues, B. (2020) Pandemic bonds: The financial cure we need for COVID-19?. [Media] [Link]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Description Function From / To
Academy of Management member -
EURAM Member -
Small Firms Association Ireland member 01/01/2019 -
EGOS member -

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/01/2022 Runner-Up for the ONE-SIM OUTREACH AWARD Academy of Management
01/01/2020 "Employing Finance in Pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals: The Promise and Perils of Catastrophe Bonds" was shortlisted for The Moskowitz Prize Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management
01/12/2020 "Trading Rare Events and Status Inconsistency", Best Paper Award, SIG Strategic Management, Microfoundations of Strategy Track European Academy of Management
01/05/2020 "Employing Finance in Pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals: The Promise and Perils of Catastrophe Bonds" was selected as one of the 20 most important articles as resource related to Covid-19 Academy of Management


Language Reading Writing Speaking

Teaching Interests

Due to my new role, I am currently not teaching. In the past, I co-designed and taught the Masters-level (PG) module Introduction to Sustainability in Business across all MSc programmes in the School of Business. I also designed and led the Masters-level (PG) module Strategy/Marketing/IB Live in the Strategy & Innovation, Strategic Marketing, Digital Marketing and International Business MSc programmes. I also led the final year undergraduate capstone module Strategy Simulation for 4 years. I still lecture on the PhD level Quantitative Methods module and supervise MSc and PhD dissertations.