Tuesday, April 17, 2018 - 12:00
JH Boardroom, John Hume Building
Former MU Writer-in-Residence Eoin McNamee and Screenwriter-in-Residence Lindsay J Sedgwick will read from works they produced during their time at Maynooth. Hot off the press, Sedgwick will read from her just-published novel, The Angelica Touch. McNamee will speak about the three murders that formed the basis of his Northern Ireland-based crime trilogy: Blue is the Night, The Blue Tango, and Orchid Blue.
Public welcome to attend.
This event is part of Maynooth Week 2018. In June 2017 Maynooth University celebrated the 20th anniversary of its founding as an independent university. Maynooth Week 2018 is part of a year-long series of programmes and activities marking this milestone.