What is Turn to Teaching
In April 2018 the HEA PATH 1 fund, allocated €750,000 to Maynooth University to implement the Turn to Teaching project. This 3-year project aims to diversify teacher education through three innovative programmes of activities, including a one-year foundation year to prepare underrepresented groups to progress onto Initial Teacher Education degree courses and a significant school outreach programme, aiming to raise the academic and aspirational capabilities of students and teachers in DEIS schools.
Who is Turn to Teaching
Turn to Teaching is a collaborative initiative between the Maynooth University’s Access Programme, Department of Education, Department of Adult and Community Education, Froebel Department of Primary and Early Childhood Education and Department of Applied Social Studies. The programme is coordinated by two newly appointed full time academic staff .
For more about the project please visit: maynoothuniversity.ie/turntoteaching
Public welcome to attend.
This event is part of Maynooth Week 2018. In June 2017 Maynooth University celebrated the 20th anniversary of its founding as an independent university. Maynooth Week 2018 is part of a year-long series of programmes and activities marking this milestone.