Deciding to return to education is often a big decision in your life, particularly if you are new to higher education. Will you succeed? Do you have enough experience to prepare you? Will you cope with the workload? Are you too old? You are never too old to learn and there really is no 'wrong' decision when it comes to learning. Every choice you make is a learning experience but it can be helpful to arm yourself with all the necessary information to help you make your decision and give you the best opportunity for succcess. 

We would advise all potential RPL applicants to contact us to discuss how they might best prepare to submit an application. Our academic departments are also welcoming to prospective students and contacts for our programe directors can be found at the bottom of every programme's webpage.

The following questions are those which we encounter most frequently and they might be helpful to you in considering your application.

How do I apply for programme admission using RPL?

Applicants must apply via the PAC application system. An instructional video on making your application via APC is available at the bottom of this page.
During your application, you will be asked if you wish to ‘Apply via RPL’ to which you will select yes. You will then be required to download and complete an application form. Please ensure that all relevant transcripts, parchments, course outlines are scanned and uploaded along with this form. The more comprehensive your application, the greater insight we will have to your prior learning.  

What does it cost?

There is no fee for RPL applications. However it is important to note the following:
For applicants applying via the PAC system, the PAC application fee must be paid before an RPL application can be considered.
For applications applying for module exemptions, the full module fee must be paid before an application can be considered. 

What is the deadline for applying via RPL?

There are two types of RPL applications; RPL for admission and RPL for exemption.

  1. Applications for postgraduate programme admission must be made in line with the PAC application system closing dates. Applicants applying via Springboard should check submission deadline dates on the Springboard website. Undergraduate applicants should contact [email protected] for further information.
  2. Applications for module exemptions should be submitted as early as possible in the relevant academic year. Reviewing applications and supporting documentation can be a lengthy process and applicants should ensure they afford themselves enough time. Only in exceptional circumstances, such as transfer applications will late applications be considered.


How long will it take to process my application?

Applications are usually processed within a three week period however should further information be required from you or should an interview be required, this timeframe can be lengthier. 

Can I get a module exemption on the basis of experiential learning such as my work experience?

Module exemptions are generally only granted on the basis of prior formal learning where learning can be evidenced through transcripts, module descriptors and course outlines. Only in exceptional circumstances will exemptions be granted on the basis of experiential learning.

Can I apply for exemption from part of a module?

Exemptions are granted for whole modules only.


What if my exemption application is not successful?

If your application is declined it will be on the basis of the assessor(s) making a judgement that the evidence of prior learning provided by you did not meet the learning outcomes of the module for which you sought an exemption. You should ensure that you submit all relevant prior learning in the form of transcripts and module descriptors at the time of application.

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