Prof Lorraine Byrne Bodley

Schubert. A Musical Wayfarer (London and New Haven: Yale University Press, 2023), 736pp.
Goethe and Zelter: Musical Dialogues (London: Ashgate, October 2009), 585pp.
Schubert’s Goethe Settings (London: Ashgate, May 2003), 512pp.
Music Preferred: Essays in Musicology, Cultural History and Analysis in Honour of Harry White (Vienna: Hollitzer Verlag, 2018), 784pp.
A Hazardous Melody of Being: Seóirse Bodley’s Song Cycles on the Poems of Micheal O’Siadhail (Dublin: Carysfort Press, 2008), 87pp.
Proserpina: Goethe’s Melodrama with Music by Carl Eberwein (Dublin: Carysfort Press, 2007), 182pp.
Seóirse Bodley: Three Congregational Masses (Dublin: Carysfort Press, March 2005), 60pp.
Goethe: Musical Poet, Musical Catalyst (Dublin: Carysfort Press, 2004).
Goethe and Schubert Across the Divide (Dublin: Carysfort Press, 2003), 247pp.
Claudine von Villa Bella: Goethe’s Singspiel set to Music by Franz Schubert (Dublin: Carysfort Press, 2002), 153pp. RECENT GUEST LECTURES INCLUDE:
4 May 2023: Larchet Memorial Lecture, 'Ten Lessons Learnt Writing a Schubert Biography'
12 November 2021: 'Icarus in Flight', Climate Music Project Concert and Panel with Live Performances by Yury Revich and James Cottriall from Vienna and Telegraph Quartet, San Francisco
24-25 September 2021: 'Schubert and the Makings of Biography', Schubert Research Centre, ÖAW Vienna
20 June 2021: 'A Garland for Michael Beckerman' IRC-Harrison Medal Citation
4–16 November 2019 Invited Lecture, ‘Schubert and Friendship’, Schubert am Klavier Conference, Neue Schubert Ausgabe, University of Tübingen
21–23 June 2019 Presidential Address and Paper, Society for Musicology in Ireland Annual Plenary Conference, Maynooth University
10 May 2019 ‘Schubert’s Dramatic Music’, St Hilda’s College, University of Oxford
21 February 2017 Invited Lecture, ‘On the Edge of a Dream: Schubert’s Early Compositions’, University of Durham
28 October 2016 Invited Postgraduate Seminar, Tradition und Innovation: Goethes Proserpina mit Musik von Karl Eberwein, Ludwig Maximilians Universität, Munich.
13 June 2015: In Search of Schubert’, SMI Plenary Conference, University College Cork
12 June 2015: ‘Musicology Matters’ Inaugural Address, President of the Society for Musicology in Ireland, University College Cork
9-11 April 2015: Paper read, ‘Imagining Franz Schubert’, Musical Biography: National Ideology, Narrative technique and the Nature of Myth, Institute for Musical Research, London
25 November 2014: Invited Guest Lecture, ‘Proserpina. Carl Eberweins Vertonung von Goethes Melodram’, Musikwissenschaftliches Institut, University of Tübingen
10 October-17 November 2014: Keynote Address, ‘Goethe and Schubert: The Wonder of Song and Vicissitudes of the Singspiel’, Schubert as Dramatist University of Oxford, as part of the Oxford Lieder Festival, Schubert Extravaganza: Live Performances of all of Schubert’s Lieder
7 June 2014: Paper Read, ‘A Place at the Edge: Reflections on Schubert’s Final Years, 12th Annual Conference for the Society for Musicology in Ireland’, University College Dublin
28-30 November 2013: Invited Guest Lecture, ‘Nachdenken über Schuberts ,,Gretchen am Spinnrade,,’ Kunstuniversität Graz, Austria
17 October 2013: Invited Guest Lecture, ‘Hugo Wolf’s Goethe Settings’, Oxford Lieder Festival featuring performances of Hugo Wolf’s 51 Goethe Lieder
18 September 2013: Invited Guest Lecture: Schuberts Goethe Vertonung, ‘Der Musensohn’, Goethe-Museum Düsseldorf, Germany
7-10 August 2013: Paper Read. ‘Silence, Absence and Ellipsis in Schubert-Berio Rendering for Orchestra’, International Association for Word and Music Studies: Ninth International Conference, Institute of Musical Research, London.
21-23 June 2013: Paper read, ‘Imagining Franz Schubert’, 11th Annual Conference for the Society for Musicology in Ireland’, National University of Ireland Maynooth.
3 May 2013: Invited Lecture: ‘Tradition, Thresholds, Transformation: On Seoirse Bodley’s Goethe Settings’, Sonic Symbiosis: The Relationship between the Composer and Musicologist, NUI Maynooth, Co. Kildare.
15 March 2013: Research Lecture, ‘Challenging the Context: Reception and Transformation in Schubert’s “Der Musensohn”’, Department of Music Research Seminars.
28 February 2013: Invited Lecture, ‘Schuberts Lehrjahre Settings’ in collaboration with the Mezzo-Soprano Alison Browner, Irish Songmaker’s Almanac Master Class, Royal Irish Academy of Music, Dublin.
17 November 2012: Keynote Address, ‘Schubert’s Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre Settings’ 25-Year Celebration of the Schubert Institute UK, Institute of Musical Research, London.
28 September 2012: Invited Lecture, ‘Wassermetaphorik und Wandermotive in Schubert’s Goethe Vertonungen, Internationaler Schubert-Kongress, Deutsche Schubert Gesellschaft, Duisberg, Germany.
28 June 2012: Invited Lecture, ‘Transitions and Translations: Goethe’s Proserpina with Music by Carl Eberwein’, Comparative Literatures Association of Ireland 1st International Conference, ‘Transitions in Comparative Studies’, UCC.
17 June 2012: Paper Read ‘Who was Schubert’s Gretchen?’ at NUIM Panel of Staff, Doctoral Graduates and Students ‘Music and Text: Schubert, Wagner and Britten’s Renderings of Goethe’s Faust, 10TH Annual Conference of the Society for Musicology in Ireland, DkIT.
20 April 2012: Paper Read, ‘Goethe and the Allure of Music’, International and Interdisciplinary Conference, Music in Goethe’s Faust: Goethe’s Faust in Music, NUI Maynooth.
4 April 2012: Invited Lecture, ‘Why Musicology Matters’ in: Musicology in Ireland: A Symposium, UCD Humanities Institute.
9 December 2011: Paper Read, ‘From Mythology to Social Politics: Goethe’s Proserpina with Music by Carl Eberwein’, Women and the 19th Century Lied Conference, NUI Maynooth.
16 November 2011: Invited Lecture, ‘Nachdenken über Goethes Freundschaft mit Felix Mendelssohn’, University of Heidelberg Distinguished Guest Lecture Series.
22 October 2011: Paper Read, ‘Music of the Orphaned Self: Schubert’s Late Lehrjahre Settings’, International Conference, Schubert and Concepts of Late Style, NUI Maynooth.
1-3 July 2011: Paper Read, ‘Musical Mimesis and the Representation of Reality: Goethe’s Proserpina with Music by Carl Eberwein’, University of Athens, Greece.
24 June 2011: Paper Read, ‘Leave-takings: On Goethe’s Correspondence with Reichardt’, SMI Annual Conference, RIAM Dublin.
27 May 2011: Guest Lecture, ‘Auf der Spur einer verlorenen Welt: Über Goethes musikalische Dialoge mit Zelter’, Goethe-Gesellschaft Ludwigsburg, Germany.
19 May 2011: Guest Lecture, ‘Durch Schweigen verschleiert: Über Goethes musikalische Dialoge mit Zelter, Goethe-Gesellschaft Kassel, Germany.
19 April 2011: Invited Lecture, ‘Goethe und die Verlockung der Musik’, Goethe-Gesellschaft Weimar, Germany.
7-10 April 2011: Invited Lecture, In dem Fußstapfens des Meisters: Carl Friedrich Zelter, Protégé von Fasch, Internationale Wissenschaftliche Konferenz, ‘Fasch Vater und Sohn’, zu den 11. Internationalen Fasch-Festtagen 2011 in Anhalt-Zerbst, Germany.
2 February 2011: Paper Read, Department of Music Research Seminar Series, ‘The Solitary Musician: On Reichardt’s Correspondence with Goethe’, National University of Ireland Maynooth.
25 January 2011: Invited Lecture, ‘A Vanished World Revisited: On Goethe’s Musical Dialogues with Zelter’, Department of Music, University of Durham.
24 November 2010: Guest Lecture, ‘Striking the Right Note: Translating Music for Page and Stage’, Research Centre for Translation and Textual Studies, School of Applied Languages and Intercultural Studies, Dublin City University.
20 October 2010: Guest Lecture, ‘A Veil of Silence: On Goethe’s Musical Dialogues with Zelter’, Centre for Anglo-German Cultural Relations, Queen Mary, University of London.
11-14 July 2010: Paper read, ‘Swaying on hinges of our everyday’: On Seóirse Bodley’s O’Siadhail Settings’, International Conference on Irish Music and Musicians, University of Durham, UK.
5 & 11 June 2010: Two invited public pre-performance lectures, ‘Eberweins Vertonung von Goethes Proserpina’ at the German premiere of Lorraine Byrne Bodley’s edition of Goethe’s Proserpina, performed by the Thüringer Symphoniker Orchestra on 4 June 2010 in the Rudolstädter Heidecksburg, with a repeat performance on 10 June in the Saalfelder Schlosskapelle, Germany.
30 March 2010: Lecture at the invitation of the Irish Ambassador to Germany, ‘Gegenwart und Führung: Nachdenken über Goethes Freundschaft mit Felix Mendelssohn’. The Irish Embassy’s Inaugural lecture at the Mendelssohn Haus, Jägerstrasse, Berlin, Germany.
Research Interests
Year | Publication | |
2023 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2023) Schubert. A Musical Wayfarer. London, New Haven: Yale University Press. [Link] [DOI] | |
2018 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2018) Music Preferred: Essays in Musicology, Cultural History and Analysis in Honour of Harry White. Vienna: Hollitzer Verlag. | |
2017 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2017) Music in Goethe's Faust: Goethe's Faust in Music. Suffolk UK: In Press. | |
2016 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine and Horton, Julian (2016) Schubert's Late Music: History, Theory, Style. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. | |
2016 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine and Horton, Julian (2016) Rethinking Schubert. New York: Oxford University Press. | |
2013 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2013) A Community of the Imagination: Seoirse Bodley's Goethe Settings. : Carysfort Press. [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Byrne Bodley, L. (2009) Goethe and Zelter: Musical Dialogues. : Ashgate. [Full-Text] | |
2008 | Byrne Bodley, L.and Reul, B. (eds) (2008) The Unknown Schubert. UK: Ashgate. | |
2008 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (ed) (2008) Seóirse Bodley: A Hazardous Melody of Being: Seóirse Bodley’s Song Cycles on the Poems of Micheal O’Siadhail. : Carysfort Press. | |
2007 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2007) Proserpina: Goethe’s Melodrama with Music by Carl Eberwein. : Carysfort Press. | |
2005 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (ed) (2005) Seóirse Bodley: Three Congregational Masses. : Carysfort Press. | |
2004 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (ed) (2004) Goethe: Musical Poet, Musical Catalyst. : Carysfort Press. | |
2003 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine and Farrelly (eds) (2003) Goethe and Schubert Across the Divide. : Carysfort Press. | |
2003 | Byrne Bodley, L. (2003) Schubert’s Goethe Settings. : Ashgate. | |
2002 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (ed) (2002) Claudine von Villa Bella: Goethe’s Singspiel set to Music by Franz Schubert. : Carysfort Press. |
Book Chapter
Year | Publication | |
2024 | Byrne Bodley, L (2024) 'Fanny Hensel’s Literary Genius’' In: Felix and Fanny Mendelssohn in Context. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. | |
2024 | Byrne Bodley, L (2024) 'The Ethics of Writing Musical Biography on Schubert, Goethe and Seóirse Bodley' In: The Oxford Handbook of Musical Biography. Oxford : Oxford University Press. | |
2024 | Lorraine Byrne Bodley (2024) 'Literary Activity and Interests in Schubert’s Vienna’' In: Schubert in Context. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. | |
2024 | Lorraine Byrne Bodley (2024) 'Schubert's Family' In: Schubert in Context. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. | |
2023 | Lorraine Byrne Bodley (2023) 'Schubert and Improvisation' In: Schubert and the Piano. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. | |
2023 | Byrne Bodley, L (2023) 'Wahrheit und Liebe: Beethoven, Schubert, Goethe' In: Beethoven in Context. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. | |
2023 | Byrne Bodley, L (2023) 'The Gardens of Alcinous: Schubert’s Dream and Non-Dream' In: Music, A Connected Art: A Festschrift for Juergen Thym/Die Musik - eine Kunst der Verknüpfung und Verbindungen. Festschrift Juergen Thym. Baden-Baden: : Valentin Koerner. | |
2018 | Lorraine Byrne Bodley (2018) 'Opera that Vanished. Goethe, Schubert and Claudine von Villa Bella’' In: Drama in the Music of Franz Schubert. Suffolk UK : Boydell & Brewer. | |
2018 | Lorraine Byrne Bodley (2018) 'Liber Amoricum: Essays dedicated to Harry White on the occasion of his 60th birthday’' In: Music Preferred: Essays in Musicology, Cultural History and Analysis in Honour of Harry White. Vienna : Hollitzer Verlag. | |
2017 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2017) 'Schubert Sacred Music: Influence, Anxiety, Myth' In: A Musical Offering. Festschrift for Gerard Gillen. Dublin : Four Courts Press. | |
2017 | Lorraine Byrne Bodley (2017) 'Rhapsody and Rebuke: Goethe’s Faust in Music’' In: Music in Goethe’s Faust: Goethe’s Faust in Music. Suffolk, UK : Boydell & Brewer. | |
2016 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2016) 'Schubert’s Late Style and Current Scholarship' In: Schubert’s Late Music: History, Theory, Style. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. | |
2016 | Lorraine Byrne Bodley (2016) 'Rethinking Schubert: Contexts and Controversies' In: Rethinking Schubert. Oxford : Oxford University Press. | |
2017 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2017) 'The Redress of Goethe’s Faust in Music History' In: Music in Goethe’s Faust: Goethe’s Faust in Music. Suffolk UK : Boydell and Brewer. | |
2017 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2017) 'Goethe’s Faust: Musical Dimensions, Musical Responses, Musical Legacies’' In: Music in Goethe’s Faust: Goethe’s Faust in Music. In Press : Cambridge University Press. | |
2016 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2016) 'From Mythology to Social Politics: Goethe’s Proserpina with Music by Carl Eberwein' In: Musical Receptions of Greek Antiquity: From the Romantic Era to Modernism. Cambridge : Cambridge Scholars Press. | |
2015 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2015) '‘Who was Schubert’s Gretchen?' In: Oxford Handbook of Faust Studies. Oxford and New York : Oxford University Press. | |
2016 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2016) 'Challenging the Context: Reception and Transformation in Schubert’s “Der Musensohn' In: Rethinking Schubert. Oxford and New York : Oxford University Press. | |
2016 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2016) 'Music of the Orphaned Self: Schubert and Concepts of Late Style' In: Schubert's Late Music: History, Theory, Style. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. | |
2015 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2015) 'Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel’s Sonntagsmusiken: A Musical Salon?' In: Aisling Kenny and Susan Wollenberg(Eds.). Women and the 19th Century Lied. : Ashgate, UK and Burlington, USA. [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2014) 'The Poetic Muse: Goethe, Schubert and the Art of Song' In: Gavin Plumley(Eds.). The Schubert Project: Bringing Schubert’s Vienna to Oxford. Oxford : Oxford Lieder Festival. | |
2013 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2013) 'Joseph Groocock' In: Harry White and Barra Boydell(Eds.). Encyclopedia for Music in Ireland. Dublin : UCD Press. | |
2013 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2013) 'Crossing Thresholds: On Seoirse Bodley’s Goethe Settings' In: A Community of the Imagination: Seóirse Bodley’s Goethe Settings. Dublin : Carysfort Press. | |
2013 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2013) 'Artsong in Ireland’' In: Encyclopedia for Music in Ireland. Dublin : UCD Press. | |
2012 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2012) 'Mendelssohn as portrayed in the Goethe-Zelter Correspondence' In: Nicole Grimes and Angela Mace(Eds.). Mendelssohn Perspectives. Surrey : Ashgate. | |
2012 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2012) 'Gesellschaftslied’' In: Alex Preminger and T.V.F. Brogan et al(Eds.). Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics. Princeton : Princeton, New Jersey. | |
2011 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2011) 'In den Fußstapfen des Meisters – Carl Friedrich Zelter, Protégé von Carl Friedrich Christian Fasch' In: Barbara M. Reul(Eds.). Fasch – Vater und Sohn. Beeskow : Ortus Musikverlag. | |
2011 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2011) 'Die Ärgernisse des Musiktheaters: Anna Amalias Vertonung von Goethes Erwin und Elmire with parallel translation: 'The Vexations of Music Theatre: Anna Amalia's setting of Goethe's Erwin und Elmire' In: Peter Treager(Eds.). Anna Amalia/Goethe: Erwin und Elmire, full operatic score. Kassel : Furore Verlag. [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2010) 'An old man young or a young man old?’ On Goethe’s Friendship with Felix Mendelssohn' In: Ivano Cavallini and Harry White(Eds.). Musicology Sans Frontiers. Zagreb : Muzikoloski Zbornici. [Full-Text] | |
2008 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2008) 'Schubert and Goethe: Claudine von Villa Bella. Conflict and Reconciliation' In: Barbara Reul and Lorraine Byrne Bodley(Eds.). The Unknown Schubert. Aldershot : Ashgate. [Full-Text] | |
2008 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2008) 'Late Style and the Paradoxical Poetics of the Schubert-Berio Rendering' In: Barbara Reul and Lorraine Byrne Bodley(Eds.). The Unknown Schubert. Aldershot : Ashgate. | |
2008 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2008) 'A Tradition Redefined: Seóirse Bodley’s Song Cycles on the Poetry of Micheal O’Siadhail' In: Lorraine Byrne Bodley(Eds.). Seóirse Bodley: A Hazardous Melody of Being: Seóirse Bodley’s Song Cycles on the Poems of Micheal O’Siadhail. Dublin : Carysfort Press. | |
2007 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2007) 'Proserpina: Goethe’s Melodrama with Music by Carl Eberwein' In: Lorraine Byrne Bodley(Eds.). Proserpina: Goethe’s Melodrama with Music by Carl Eberwein. Dublin : Carysfort Press. | |
2007 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2007) 'Anna Amalias Vertonung von Goethes Erwin und Elmire' In: Ilse Nagelschmidt(Eds.). 1. Interdisziplinäres Anna Amalia & Goethe Symposium Tagungsband. Weimar : Denkena Verlag. | |
2006 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2006) 'Micheal O’Siadhail: The Poetry of Musical Perception' In: 1904505228(Eds.). Musics of Belonging: The Poetry of Micheal O’Siadhail. Dublin : Carysfort Press. | |
2005 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2005) 'Ancient Lights and Modern Vision. Seóirse Bodley’s Three Congregational Masses' In: Lorraine Byrne(Eds.). Seóirse Bodley: Three Congregational Masses. Dublin : Carysfort Press. | |
2004 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2004) 'Goethe and Zelter. An Exchange of Musical Letters' In: Lorraine Byrne(Eds.). Goethe: Musical Poet, Musical Catalyst. Dublin : Carysfort Press. | |
2004 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2004) 'Perceptions of Goethe and Schubert' In: Siobhán Donovan and Robin Elliot(Eds.). Music and Literature in German Romanticism. New York : Camden House. | |
2003 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2003) 'Revisiting Claudine: Schubert’s Goethe Singspiel' In: Lorraine Byrne and Dan Farrelly(Eds.). Goethe and Schubert Across the Divide. Dublin : Carysfort Press. [Full-Text] |
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2016 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2016) 'In Pursuit of a Single Flame?: Schubert’s Settings of Goethe’s Lyrics’'. 19TH CENTURY MUSIC REVIEW, 2016 . [Full-Text] | |
2016 | Lorraine Byrne Bodley (2016) 'Schubert Familiar and Unfamiliar: Continuing Conversations'. Nineteenth-Century Music Review, 13 (1):3-9. [Full-Text] | |
2015 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2015) 'A Place at the Edge: Reflections on Schubert’s Late Style’'. Oxford German Studies, 44 :18-29. [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2014) 'Tradition und Überschreitungen: Eberweins Vertonung von Goethes Proserpina'. MusikTheorie, 29 :333-352. [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2014) 'Musical Responses to Goethes Faust'. Publications of the English Goethe Society, LXXXIII :75-76. [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2013) 'Wandermotive in Schuberts Goethe-Liedern'. Schubert Jahrbuch, (2010-2013):125-141. [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2009) 'Prometheus in Music: Representations of the Myth in the Romantic Era'. Journal of the Society for Musicology in Ireland, Journal of Society for Musicology in Ireland, 5 :101-108. [Full-Text] | |
2008 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2008) 'The Witness of Poetry: Schuberts Songs of Rhapsody and Reflection'. 19TH CENTURY MUSIC REVIEW, 5 :148-153. [Full-Text] | |
2006 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2006) 'Goethe's Music Theatre: Operas, Festspiele, Faust'. Music and Letters, 87 :433-437. [Full-Text] | |
2005 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2005) 'A Musical Cornucopia: Thirty Years of Correspondence between Goethe and Zelter'. Publications of the English Goethe Society, 2005 :3-24. [Full-Text] | |
2001 | Byrne Bodley, L. (2001) 'Schubert’s setting of Goethe’s ‘Die Liebende schreibt'. THE SCHUBERTIAN, :6-15. | |
2000 | Byrne Bodley, L. (2000) 'Goethe’s Musicality Reconsidered'. THE SCHUBERTIAN, :6-13. | |
2000 | Byrne Bodley, L. (2000) 'Schubert’s Goethe Lieder: A Reappraisal'. THE SCHUBERTIAN, :6-15. |
Conference Contribution
Book Review
Year | Publication | |
2015 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2015) Sound and Sense. A critical study of music and musical metaphor in the thought and writing of Goethe and his Age. [Book Review] | |
2015 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2015) Door into the Dark: Another Look at Franz Schubert’. [Book Review] | |
2009 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2009) Prometheus in Music: Representations of the Myth in the Romantic Era. [Book Review] [Full-Text] | |
2008 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2008) The Witness of Poetry: Schuberts Songs of Rhapsody and Reflection. [Book Review] | |
2006 | Byrne Bodley, Lorraine (2006) Goethe’s Music Theatre: Operas, Festspiele, Faust. [Book Review] |
Year | Publication | |
2014 | Bodley, LB; Krobb, F (2014) Introduction: Musical Responses to Goethe's Faust. LEEDS: [Editorial] [DOI] |