Maynooth University was recently named the "Car Share Campus of Year 2017" by Smarter Travel Workplaces, which is a public awareness programme working with large employers to implement voluntary workplace travel plans.
Lar Byrne and the campus services team are key to implementing these types of programmes on campus. The excellent results were achieved through several initiatives that each helped to move the University to a sustainable commuting model for the campus community.
The initiatives included: 1) Appointment of a Sustainable Travel Co-ordinator; 2) Joining the Smarter Campus Travel Partner Programme; 3) Introduction of car parking demand management where the parking on campus either required a valid permit for staff and students or was pay and display for visitors; 4) Promotion of sustainable modes of travel; 5) Car Sharing Website www.carsharing.ie/nuim
6) Introduction of designated car-pooling parking. Where car poolers display at least two permits on the car in order to avail of dedicated parking spaces; 7) G.L.H (Guaranteed Lift Home) Scheme; this scheme guarantees staff and students who are formally participating in the Car Share Initiative a return journey home in the event their car share partner lets them down due to unforeseen circumstances; 8) Co-operation of the campus community in delivering results.