To mark the 70th anniversary of their foundation in 1947, the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection (DEASP), in collaboration with Maynooth University, are hosting a morning conference Digital Economy, New Forms of Work, and Challenges for Social Security Systems: Financing and Coverage.
Entry is free and open to all, places are limited, registration is through EventBrite.
The conference (see link for full agenda) will examine the disruptive potential of emerging forms of employment and the digital economy and potential positive and negative effects on social security coverage and financing.
Contributions will explore how to harness the potential and mitigate possible harms of the digital economy for societal welfare, equality and inclusion. A key focus will be on how social security and public employment institutions might practically respond to these impacts and challenges.
Key note contributions include Mr Hans Horst Konkolewsky, General Secretary, International Social Security Association, Irene Mandl Head of Employment Unit Eurofound and Professor Sean O'Riain, Maynooth University.