Hamilton Institute Affiliate's Research Days 2021
The 2nd Hamilton Institute Affiliate's research event
Programme Organisers: Ken Duffy, Damien Woods
Administrative Organisers: Rosemary Hunt, Kate Moriarty
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89504386269?pwd=Rk1FaEY5dGFLbU5ncnpiZEV0bEdOUT09
Tuesday, October 19, 2021:
9.00 start
9:00 Official opening by Brian Donnellan (Vice-President for Research) and Ken Duffy (Director, Hamilton Institute)
9:20 Andrew Parnel, You are what you eat, and we can tell!
9:40 Christopher Brunsdon, Thinking Spatially - research in Geocomputation
10:00 break (for Hamilton Institute graduate student talks)
11:00 Rozenn Dahyot, Learning activation functions in DNNs
11:20 Peter Mooney, Why spatial data is really special
11:40 Gerard Lacey, Augmenting Human Performance - robots, sensors and learning science
12:00 Damien Woods, Algorithmic molecular robotics
12:20 lunch (1 hour)
13:20 Elisa Fadda, Fine-tuning the Spike: Role of the nature and topology of the glycan shield in the structure and dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 S
13:40 Oliver Mason, Postcards from Stability Theory: Travels with Lyapunov, Riccati and Friends
14:00 Ken Duffy, It’ll all be GRAND
14:20 Fabrice Rousseau, Private Information and Speed
14:40 Charles Markham, Seeing the light, reflections on past projects
15:00 end first day
Wednesday, October 20, 2021:
9:00 start
9:00 Edward Curry, From Data Platforms to Dataspaces: Enabling Data Ecosystems for Intelligent Systems
9:20 Jon-Ivar Skullerud, The quark-gluon plasma and solving ill-posed problems
9:40 Indrakshi Dey, Unified Approach for Modelling Propagation in Wireless Communications
10:00 break (for Hamilton Institute graduate student talks)
11:00 John McDonald, Dense Perception for Autonomous Vehicles
11:20 Rosemary Monahan, Formalising Verifiable Requirements for Aerospace Systems’ Safety
11:40 Tom Naughton, Hologram compression from basic research to standardisation - a 20 year journey
12:00 David Malone, It's all a load of guesswork
12:20 John Regan, The formation of the first black holes in our Universe
12:40 end