Thursday, December 19, 2019 - 11:30
Professor John O' Brennan has just completed a successful lecture tour in Slovenia (Ljubljana University) and Croatia (Rijeka University). His lectures were sponsored by the Embassies of Ireland in Slovenia and Croatia and the Irish Studies Centre in Rijeka University. Whilst these lectures focused on Ireland's relationship with the EU, the visit was also an opportunity to engage with academic and practitioners in Croatia and Slovenia as well as some of Maynooth University's Erasmus students. He also met with colleagues from European Studies at the University of Trieste, Italy.

Pictured above (left to right) are Professor Aidan O Malley, Professor John O Brennan, Ambassador Olive Hempenstall and the Vice Dean of the Faculty Irena Vodopija Krstanović.

Ambassador Olive Hempenstall introduces the last in the Irish Studies Lecture Series in 2019 by John O'Brennan - on Ireland and Brexit on the eve of the UK general election.