The Dean of Teaching and Learning Seminar Series in conjunction with the Faculty of Science and Engineering is delighted to host this one-day workshop which will explore sustainability in teaching and learning as the deliberate construction and framing of learning experiences, across disciplines, so that students can learn while also building their understanding and proficiency in competencies for sustainable development.
This one-day workshop will consider how teaching and learning can embrace and promote sustainability, and whether existing approaches to learning and teaching are sustainable. There will be an opportunity for participants to contribute, formally, by presenting short "lightning talk" presentations on their experiences in promoting sustainable approaches in their teaching and learning, across all teaching subjects and disciplines. Please see below for full details on how to present at "lightning talk". See Eventbrite to register.
Sustainability in Teaching and Learning
June 12th 2023 9am to 4pm
TSI126, TSI Building, North Campus, Maynooth University
Environmental sustainability in teaching and learning is more than simply providing students with information about sustainability. It is about providing achievable and practical opportunities to work collaboratively, to appreciate multiple perspectives, to be reflective, to think critically and creatively, and act constructively. Sustainability in teaching and learning is the deliberate construction and framing of learning experiences, across disciplines, so that students can learn while also building their understanding and proficiency in competencies for sustainable development. This workshop will consider how teaching and learning can embrace and promote sustainability, and whether existing approaches to learning and teaching are sustainable. Sustainability must be acknowledged as a framework for all educational activity, including all programmes, modules and extra-curricular activities.
We particularly welcome participation from staff and students who do not currently feel that they have a connection with sustainability in their teaching and learning. We also particularly welcome contributions from any subject or discipline in order to begin to build alliances across disciplines.
This in an on-campus event. Participation in the event is free, but requires registration using Eventbrite. Lunch and refreshments will be provided for participants.
Programme Item | Programme Activity |
0900 - 0930 | Registration, arrivals, networking |
0930 – 0945 | Offical opening, welcome, plans for the day |
0945 – 10:30 | Showcase lecture #1: Dr Anne M. Dolan - Mary Immaculate College, Limerick. Chair of Leaving Certificate Climate Action and Sustainable Development Group |
10:30 – 10:50 | Tea/Coffee/Rest break #1 |
10:50 – 12:00 | Short presentations “Lightning talks”: Ideally these will be selected from position papers (short abstracts) from submitted or invited parties. Lightning talk format 7 minutes – strictly moderated (this is actually fun!) - 6 – 10 talks. Please see the call for participation section for more details. |
12:00 – 12:20 | Maynooth Green Campus – Showcase presentation |
12:20 – 13:20 | Lunch Break – networking |
13:20 – 14:30 |
Discussion tables – activities are created for each table – This section includes a short report back section. |
14:30 – 14:45 | Tea/Coffee/Rest break #2 |
14:45 – 15:15 | Showcase lecture #3: Dr. Patricia Kennon, Associate Professor, School of Education, Maynooth University “Maynooth University Teaching and the Sustainable Development Goals” |
15:15 – 15:45 | Sustainability Challenge – Here we create a challenge wall where participants must use sticky notes to make their T&L Sustainability pledges. Themes and ideas then emerge from the sticky notes on the wall. |
15:45 – 16:00 | Wrap up, next steps and goodbye |
Call for participation
We welcome participation for the ‘Lightning Talks’ section. Participants are asked to prepare a presentation of not more than 7 minutes in duration. The idea of this session is to have around 10 presentations of 7 minute maximum duration. The session is moderated for time and each presentation runs automatically into the next one. Presenters can choose to have as many slides as they wish.
We welcome presentations on any aspect of sustainability in teaching and learning.
To take part in the session please email Peter Mooney ([email protected]) with a very brief outline of your presentation (100 words) and a tentative title before CoB on June 7th 2023. You will need to provide your presentation slideshow before June 12th 2023 so that the automatic presentation slideshow can be created in time for the workshop.
This workshop has been supported by the Office of the Dean of Teaching & Learning, Maynooth University. The workshop organiser is Dr. Peter Mooney ([email protected]), Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science.