Education is one of the most fundamental and important activities in any society. For individuals, quality education enables the development of intellectual, social and cultural potential. It plays an important part in shaping people’s lives, their economic opportunities, their participation in society and their view of themselves. For society, education is a means of shaping the future and equipping the next generation to face the challenges that will emerge.
At the Education Department of Maynooth University, we are concerned with the study of education. We are engaged in a broad range of educational research, we work to develop and critique the provision of education, and we provide a series of courses aimed at education professionals.
Is gné ríthábhachtach i measc pobail ar bith é an t-oideachas. Cuireann ardchaighdeán oideachais ar chumas daoine a n-acmhainn intleachtúil, sóisialta agus cultúrtha a fhorbairt. Bíonn tionchar suntasach aige ar shaol an duine, ar a dheiseanna eacnamaíochta, ar a chuid rannpháirtíochta sa saol agus ar a fhéindhearcadh. Tacaíonn sé leis an tsochaí maidir le polasaithe don todhchaí a mhúnlú chomh maith leis an gcéad ghlúin eile a ullmhú dona dúshláin a bheidh rompu.
Sa Rannóg Oideachais in Ollscoil na hÉireann, Má Nuad tugaimid faoi staidéar an oideachais. Táimid rannpháirteach i réimhse leathan taighde oideachasúil, oibrímid ar son forbairt agus léirmheastóireacht foráil an oideachais agus cuirimid ar fáil sraith cúrsaí dírithe ar ghairmithe oideachais.