Dr Bridget McNally

School of Business

Associate Professor
Deputy Head of School

TSI Building
3rd Floor
(01) 708 3811


Bridget Mc Nally qualified as a chartered accountant in 1985 and as a member of the Irish Tax Institute in 1987.  Post qualification, she worked in professional practice as a taxation consultant with Arthur Andersen & Co. and in 1991 moved to Irish Life & Permanent Plc, where she subsequently became  head of group tax. In 2000, she joined Maynooth University  as a lecturer in accounting. She completed her M.Litt in 2004 and her PhD in 2011.  In 2020, she was appointed as Associate Professor in Accounting and as one of the Deputy Heads of the School of Business, Maynooth University. Her current research interests centres on old age retirement provision and on the practical application of International Accounting Standards. She has published both nationally and internationally and has presented her research at numerous peer reviewed conference presentations, nationally and internationally. She is a member of the Irish Pension Policy Research Group (PPRG) and the European Network for Research on Supplementary Pensions (ENRSP). 

Research Interests

Bridget's primary research interests are in the development of  sustainable retirement income provisioning systems, the regulation of private pension systems and appropriate reporting and disclosures of pension fund performance and key pension performance indicators.

Bridget is also interested in the practical applications of International Accounting Standards, particularly in situations where application of the standards present potential challenges in the context of "True and Fair" and "Fair Presentation". 

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date Amount
Sustainable Transition of the Rural Economy through Generational Renewal Joint P.I with Dr Michael Hayden (Maynooth) and Anne Kinsella (Teagasc) 01/11/2021 31/10/2023 74565.48

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2015 Garvey,A.M., Martinez, S.B.G.,Martinez, M.V.J., Lopez Ahumada, J.E., Otal France and Valle Villa, J.M.D. (2015) 'Introduction' In: Crisis Financier y Derecho Social en Irlanda:. Madrid : Groupe Editorial Cinca.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2023 Shin, M.W.; Kinsella,A.; Hayden,M T.; McNally,B. (2023) 'The role of Collaborative Farming in Generational Renewal and Farm Succession'. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, . http://dx.doi.org/:%2010.22434/IFAMR2023.0070
2023 McNally, B, and T. O'Connor (2023) 'The corporate governance lifecycle in emerging markets – the case of the Korea Republic'. Corporate Governance International Journal of Business in Society, .
2022 Laura Parte, Anne Marie Garvey, Bridget McNally, and Jose Antonio Gonzalo-Angulo (2022) 'True and fair view/fair presentation as a nexus between conventional accounting, sustainability accounting and Islamic accounting: unifying three frameworks?'. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, . [DOI]
2021 Garvey A.M.; Parte L.; McNally B.; Gonzalo-Angulo J.A. (2021) 'True and fair override: Accounting expert opinions, explanations from behavioural theories, and discussions for sustainability accounting'. Sustainability (Switzerland), 13 (4):1-23. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2021 Hayden M.T.; McNally B.; Kinsella A. (2021) 'Exploring state pension provision policy for the farming community'. Journal of Rural Studies, 86 :262-269. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Garvey, A. McNally, B. and T. O'Connor. (2019) 'Valuation of Defined Benefit Pension Schemes in IAS 19 Employee Benefits – True and Fair?'. JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL REGULATION AND COMPLIANCE, 27 :31-42. [Full-Text]
2014 McNally,Bridget and Stewart, Jim (2014) 'The Role of Costs in Irish Pension fund Performance'. JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING FINANCE AND ECONOMICS, Vol. 4. No.1 . [Full-Text]
2014 Thomas OConnor, Bridget McNally and Julie Byrne (2014) 'Which Factors Determine The Capital Structure of Non-financial Publicly Traded Irish Firms'. The Accounting, Finance and Governance Review, Volumn 22 (Summer 2015):27-59. [Full-Text]
2014 Stewart J.; McNally B. (2014) 'Trustees and pension schemes in Ireland'. JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL REGULATION AND COMPLIANCE, 22 (1):2-14. [DOI]
2013 Bridget McNally and Thomas OConnor (2013) 'Actuarial valuation of Pension Schemes: An Irish Perspective'. The Accounting, Finance and Governance Review, Volumn 20 (Summer 2013):45-70. [Full-Text]
2002 B. McNally (2002) 'FRS 19 - Deferred Tax - Is not SSAP 15 in Disguise - Find Out Why!'. ACCOUNTANCY IRELAND (JOURNAL OF THE INSTITUTE OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS IN IRELAND), 34 .

Other Journal

Year Publication
2024 Hayden, M.T.; Kinsella, A.; Shin, M.W.; McNally, B. (2024) 'Regeneration through Collaboration' TResearch, Published by Teagasc, .
2014 Bridget McNally and Thomas OConnor (2014) 'Actuarial valuation of Pension Schemes' Accountancy Ireland, Vol.46 :54-56. [Full-Text]

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2023 Hlochova, H., McNally, B., Hayden, M.T. and Kinsella, A. (2023) 35th Irish Accounting and Finance Association Annual Conference, University of Galway Pensions in the Farming Sector- Lessons to be learned from Europe
2023 Shin, M., Kinsella, A., Hayden, M.T. and McNally B. (2023) Agricultural Economics Society of Ireland Annual Conference, University College Cork The Role of Collaborative Farming in Generational Renewal and Farm Succession
2022 Hayden, M.T., Kinsella, A. and McNally, B. (2022) Agricultural Economics Society of Ireland Conference Timely and Smooth Succession path to a Sustainable Transition of the Rural Economy - Generational Renewal NUI Galway,
2021 James Stewart and Bridget McNally (2021) 9th Annual NERI Labour Market Conference The Covid Pandemic and Pension Provision

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2023 Shin, M., Kinsella, A., Hayden, M.T. and McNally B. (2023) Agricultural Economics Society (UK) Annual Conference A Comprehensive Insight to Collaborative Farming for Generational Renewal in the Agricultural Industry University of Warwick, UK, .
2023 Hlochova, H.; McNally, B.; Hayden, M.T.; Kinsella, A. (2023) Irish Accounting and Finance Association Annual Conference Pensions in The Farming Sector - Lessons to be learned from Europe University of Galway, .
2023 Hlochova, H., McNally B., Hayden, M.T. and Kinsella A. (2023) Pension Policy Research Group Seminar Pensions in the Farming Sector- Lessons to be learned from Europe University College Dublin, .
2022 Bridget McNally, (2022) PPRG 2022 Annual Research Seminar Annual pension policy research seminar Online- hosted by School of Business, Maynooth University, 06/01/2022-06/01/2022.
2022 Emer Mulligan, Bridget McNally, Jessica van den Heuvel- Warren (2022) PPRG Annual Research Seminar 2022 Annual pension policy research seminar Online- hosted by Maynooth University, 06/01/2022-06/01/2022.
2022 Emer Mulligan, Bridget McNally, Jessica van den Heuvel- Warren (2022) The European Semester; a driver of National Pension Policy; evidence from the Netherlands and Ireland IAFA 2022 Annual conference Maynooth University, .
2020 Bridget McNally (2020) PPRG Annual Seminar 2020 The 2020 annual seminar of the Pension Policy Research Group featured the latest research from 6 contributors on Pension policy and retirement provision Maynooth University - Renehan Hall, 10/01/2020-10/01/2020.
2020 Bridget McNally & Michael Hayden (2020) PPRG Annual Seminar 2020 Pensions Roadmap - A Farming Perspective Maynooth University - Renehan Hall, 10/01/2020-10/01/2020.
2019 Bridget Mc Nally (2019) PPRG 2019 Annual Conference Annual Conference of Pension Policy Research Group Trinity College, 21/06/2019-21/06/2019.
2018 Bridget Mc Nally (2018) Irish Pension Policy - Objectives for Pillars 1 & 2 PPRG Conference June 2018 TCD, .
2018 Bridget Mc Nally (2018) European Network for Research on Supplementary Pensions ENRSP Conference NUIG, .
2018 Bridget Mc Nally (2018) Total Contributions Approach - PPRG workshop and conference PPRG workshop and conference TCD, .
2017 B Mc Nally (2017) Actuarial Valuation of DB Schemes- True or Fair? Pension Policy Research Group/Fair Tax Seminar NUIG, 13/01/2017-13/01/2017.
2016 Bridget Mc Nally (2016) Jornada de Trabajo: Soluciones Europeas a la Crisis Financiera de Irlanda Post Crisis- A Perspective Universidad de Alcala, Madrid, Spain, .
2014 B Mc Nally & J Stewart (2014) Pension Funds and Governance 2nd Annual NERI Labour Market Conference UCC, 14/05/2014-14/05/2014.
2014 (2014) pension Funds and Governance: the Role of Trusts 2nd Annual NERI Labour Market Conference University College Cork, .
2013 (2013) The Role of Costs in Pension Fund Performance 8th Annual London Business Research Conference Imperial College, London, UK, . [Full-Text]
2010 (2010) Pension Scheme Deficits - Have Trustees a case to Answer? IAFA 2010 Annual Conference University Of Ulster, Belfast Conference, .
2009 Bridget Mc Nally (2009) Actuarial Valuation of Pension Schemes- Only a matter for the actuary? Irish Accounting and Finance Association Annual Conference Quinn Business School, UCD, .
2006 B McNally& J Stewart (2006) Occupational Pension Schemes in Ireland - A Review of Risks and Investment Strategies Annual BAFA Conference- Portsmouth Business School Portsmouth Business School, 20/04/2006-20/04/2006.
2003 B Mc Nally & J Stewart (2003) Occupational Pension Schemes in Ireland - A Review of Risks and Investment Strategies Annual IAFA Conference IT Tallaght, 09/05/2003-09/05/2003.

Published Report

Year Publication
2024 Hayden, M.T.; McNally, B.; Kinsella, A. (2024) Sustainable Transition of the Rural Economy through Generational Renewal. Maynooth University/Teagasc, .
2011 Department of Economics Finance and Accounting (2011) The Economic Impact of the 2011 Irish National Hunt Festival at Punchestown. Punchestown Racecourse, .


Year Publication
2018 Pension Policy Research Group (2018) PPRG Official Response to the DESP Consultative Document on Auto-enrolment. Dublin: [ANET/COS]


Year Publication
2021 Michael T. Hayden, Bridget McNally and Anne Kinsella (2021) The big pension problem for farmers in Ireland. [Article]

Book Review

Year Publication
2013 Bridget McNally and Jim Stewart (2013) Review of Irish Government Report on Pension Charges in Ireland 2012. [Book Review]


Year Publication
2021 Michael T. Hayden, Bridget McNally and Anne Kinsella (2021) Exploring state pension provision policy for the farming community. [Media] [Full-Text]
2021 Michael T. Hayden and, Bridget McNally (2021) Why Irish Farmers face big issues when it comes to pensions. [Media]

Newspaper Articles

Year Publication
2024 Hayden, M.T>; McNally,B.; Kinsella, A. (2024) Irish Farmers Journal- Ireland a laggard on pensions for farmers. [Newspaper Articles] http://dx.doi.org/Pension
2021 Michael T. Hayden, Bridget McNally and Anne Kinsella (2021) University Study shows many low income farmers may be exempt from State Pension. [Newspaper Articles]
2021 Michael T. Hayden, Bridget McNally and Anne Kinsella (2021) Farmers Locked out of State Pension Rely on Farm Income - Findings from Maynooth University Study. [Newspaper Articles]


Year Publication
2023 Age Action Ireland (2023) Spotlight on Income in Older Age - The State of Ageing in Ireland 2023. [Reviews]

Electronic Publication

Year Publication
2024 Hayden, M.T.; McNally, B.; Kinsella,A (2024) Study shows sheep and cattle farmers have 40% pension coverage. [Electronic Publication]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Description Function From / To
Irish Tax Institute Member 01/09/1987 -
Pension Policy Research Group - member Member 01/01/2015 -
Chartered Accountants Ireland Member 01/09/1985 -
European Network for Research on Supplementary Pensions Member 01/09/2019 -

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/03/2017 Irish Accountancy Awards Professional Accounting Bodies and Industry Affiliates
01/03/2019 Teaching & Teaching Fellowship Maynooth University


Committee Function From / To
Faculty of Social Science Secretary 01/09/2016 -


Employer Position From / To
Arthur Andersen Taxation Manager 02/09/1985 - 31/08/1991
Irish Life assurance Plc Group Taxation Manager 01/09/1991 - 31/08/2000

Teaching Interests

Bridget has lectured extensively in Financial Accounting/ Financial Reporting and Analysis at both Undergraduate and postgraduate level. She also engages annually in Masters theses supervision. 

She has been heavily involved in the design of Accounting programmes and modules, both undergraduate and postgraduate and  the accreditation of accounting programmes by the Professional Accounting Bodies.