Dr Jennifer Redmond

Dr. Jennifer Redmond is Associate Professor in Twentieth Century Irish History in the Department of History at Maynooth University and formerly the Director of the MA in Irish History (2014-19).
She is the Chair and main proposer of the successfully funded COST Action HIDDEN: History of Identity Documentation in European Nations which brings together scholars in different disciplines across the EU and its affiliated members to examine issues of identity documentation, migration and citizenship from the twentieth century to the present day. The network runs from October 2022 to October 2026 and incorporates five thematic Work Groups with public facing as well as academic outputs.
Jennifer is also a member of the Motherhood Project at Maynooth
University, which is leading the way in examining cultural representations of motherhood and the way that mothers are depicted in popular culture, film, literature and the media. Jennifer brings her research in the area of motherhood and work and motherhood and citizenship to the project. The Motherhood
Project is member of the European Union Horizon 2020 funded
research network on contemporary European motherhood, involving researchers from Vilnius University in Lithuania and Uppsala University in Sweden.
She was the Director of The Albert M. Greenfield Digital Center for the History of Women’s Education at Bryn Mawr College as part of her Council on Libraries and Information Resources (CLIR) Postdoctoral Fellowship with a joint appointment between Special Collections and the History Department between 2011 and 2013.
Between 2009-2011 she was an IRCHSS Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Department of History, Maynooth University, mentored by Professor Jacqueline Hill working on a project on Irish people in Britain during the Second World War. Dr. Redmond completed her undergraduate degree at University College
Dublin and an M.Phil and PhD at the School of Histories and Humanities at Trinity College Dublin, the latter on the discourses surrounding Irish female migration to Britain during the first decades of Irish independence which was published by Liverpool University Press in 2018 as Moving Histories which
was long-listed for the 2020 Michel Déon Prize which is a joint prize awarded in alternate years by the Royal Irish Academy (funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade) in Ireland and the Académie française in France .
Her research interests include migration, women’s history, Irish social history and digital humanities. Dr Redmond was previously Chair of the Faculty of Arts, Celtic Studies and Philosophy Research Committee, and Chair of the Maynooth University Decade of Commemorations Committee and a member of the
Social Research Ethics Committee for the University (2019-23). She is presently a Faculty representative to the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion committee.
Jennifer is a fellow of the Royal Historical Society and was Vice Chair of the Royal Irish Academic Historical Studies Committee up to 2021. She is a fellow of the Mellon Centre for Migration Studies (Queen's University Belfast) and a visiting fellow of the Centre for Contemporary History, Trinity College Dublin. She is a member of the executive committee of the Irish Historical Society
She also sits on the Editorial Board for the leading international journal, Women's History Review and for the Documents in Irish Foreign Policy series, a joint initiative of the National Archives of Ireland and the Royal Irish Academy. She was the President of the Women’s History Association of Ireland (2014-2017).
She is a former executive committee member of the Church of Ireland Historical Society. Dr Redmond is presently
an external examiner for Dublin City University and is a past external examiner for Mary Immaculate College (University of Limerick) and Trinity College Dublin. Follow Jennifer on Twitter
Dr. Redmond normally teaches the following courses: HY254: Population Change in Post-Famine Ireland; HY276 Gender and History, HY219 Modern Ireland: Twentieth Century; HY395 The Irish in Twentieth Century Britain; HY697 Gender and History
in Britain and Ireland; HY833 a research tutorial for first year PhD
students and contributes to HY6007 (MA in Irish History) Debates and Controversies and IS201 Gender and Sexuality in Society and Culture, an elective stream available to second year undergraduates. She occasionally teaches HY218 Modern Ireland: 19th Century.
Dr. Redmond welcomes inquiries for research supervision for M.Litt or PhD candidates in any of the areas mentioned above.
Research Interests
Research Projects
Year | Publication | |
2018 | Jennifer Redmond (2018) Moving Histories: Irish Women’s Emigration to Britain from Independence to Republic. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. | |
2016 | Redmond, J. (2016) Migrants, medics, matrons: Exploring the spectrum of Irish immigrants in the wartime British health sector. [Link] | |
2016 | Redmond, J. (2016) The thermometer and the travel permit: Irish women in the medical profession in Britain during world war two. [Link] |
Book Chapter
Year | Publication | |
2021 | Jennifer Redmond and Megan McAuley (2021) 'The darkest part of a dark history? Infanticide in Ireland: A case study of Donegal, 1870-1950' In: Birth and the Irish. Dublin : Wordwell Books. | |
2017 | Redmond, J (2017) 'Migrants, medics, matrons: exploring the spectrum of Irish immigrants in the wartime British health sector' In: MEDICINE, HEALTH AND IRISH EXPERIENCES OF CONFLICT, 1914-45. MANCHESTER : MANCHESTER UNIV PRESS. | |
2021 | Jennifer Redmond (2021) '“‘[T]he success of every great movement had been largely due to the free and continuous exercise of the right to petition’: Irish Suffrage Petitioners and Parliamentarians in the 19th Century’' In: The politics of suffrage: structures, institutions, and practices. London : University of London Press. | |
2016 | Redmond J. (2016) 'Migrants, medics, matrons: Exploring the spectrum of Irish immigrants in the wartime British health sector' In: Medicine, health and Irish experiences of conflict 1914-45. | |
2019 | Jennifer Redmond (2019) 'Marriage and Migration' In: Marriage and the Irish: A Miscellany. Dublin : Wordwell. | |
2015 | Redmond J. (2015) 'Journeys toward a gentleman's education: International fellowships and Bryn Mawr College Students, 1900-1930' In: Women in Higher Education, 1850-1970: International Perspectives. [DOI] | |
2014 | Redmond, J (2014) 'The thermometer and the travel permit: Irish women in the medical profession in Britain during World War Two' In: WOMEN AND IRISH DIASPORA IDENTITIES: THEORIES, CONCEPTS AND NEW PERSPECTIVES. MANCHESTER : MANCHESTER UNIV PRESS. | |
2015 | Dr Jennifer Redmond (2015) '‘Safeguarding Irish Girls: Welfare Work, Female Emigrants and the Catholic Church, 1920s -1940s’' In: Cara Delay and Christine Brophy (eds.)(Eds.). Women, Reform, and Resistance in Ireland, 1850-1950: Ordinary and Outcast. | |
2015 | Dr Jennifer Redmond (2015) 'The Politics of Emigrant Bodies: Irish Women’s Sexual Practice in Question' In: Jennifer Redmond, Sonja Tiernan, Sandra McAvoy and Mary McAuliffe(Eds.). Sexual Politics in Modern Ireland. Dublin : Irish Academic Press. | |
2014 | Dr Jennifer Redmond (2014) 'On Leaving… In History, Theory and Reality' In: David Monahan(Eds.). On Leaving. | |
2012 | Dr Jennifer Redmond (2012) '‘In the Family Way and Away from the Family: Examining the Evidence in Irish Unmarried Mothers in Britain, 1920s -1940s’' In: 'She said she was in the family way': pregnancy and infancy in the Irish past. London : Institute of Historical Research. | |
2009 | Dr Jennifer Redmond (2009) '‘Gender, Emigration and Diverging Discourses: Irish Female Emigration, 1922–48’ ' In: Maryann Valiulis(Eds.). Gender and Power in Ireland. : Irish Academic Press. |
Edited Book
Year | Publication | |
2022 | Michael KennedyEunan O'HalpinKate O'MalleyBernadette WhelanKevin O'SullivanJennifer RedmondJohn Gibney (Ed.). (2022) Documents on Irish Foreign Policy v. 13: 1965-1969. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy, [Link] | |
2019 | Jennifer Redmond and Elaine Farrell (Ed.). (2019) Irish Women in the First World War Era Irish Women’s Lives, 1914-18. London: Routledge, [Link] | |
2015 | Sonja Tiernan, Sandra McAvoy and Mary McAuliffe (Ed.). (2015) Sexual Politics in Modern Irish History. Dublin: Irish Academic Press, |
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2022 | Farrell E.; Mccormick L.; Redmond J. (2022) 'Exploring the ordinary: migration, sexuality and crime, and the progression of the 'Agenda' in Irish women's history, 1850s-1950s'. Irish Historical Studies, 46 (170):338-355. [DOI] | |
2021 | Redmond J. (2021) '‘Brave enough to fight? Masculinity, migration and the Irish revolution’'. Irish Studies Review, . [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2021 | Redmond, J (2021) 'Life history and the Irish immigrant experience in Post-War England'. Contemporary British History, . [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2021 | Jennifer Redmond (2021) 'Introduction: Revolutionary Masculinities'. Irish Studies Review, 29 (2). [Full-Text] | |
2006 | Jennifer Redmond, Deirdre Raftery, Maryann Valiulis and Judith Harford (2006) '‘Imperfect Tools: The Role of Textbooks in Providing a Gender Balanced History Curriculum in Ireland’'. International Journal of Learning, 12 (10):179-186. [DOI] | |
2007 | Jennifer Redmond, Deirdre Raftery, Maryann Valiulis and Judith Harford (2007) '‘What's coming up in the exam?’ A survey of teachers and the delivery of a gender-balanced curriculum'. IRISH EDUCATION STUDIES JOURNAL, 26 (1):107-117. https://doi-org.jproxy.nuim.ie/10.1080/03323310601125336 [Full-Text] | |
2019 | Harford, J; Redmond, J (2019) ''I am amazed at how easily we accepted it': the marriage ban, teaching and ideologies of womanhood in post-Independence Ireland*'. Gender and Education, . [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2018 | Jennifer Redmond and Elaine Farrell (2018) 'Special Issue: Irish Women and the First World War Era'. Women's History Review, 27 (3). | |
2018 | Jennifer Redmond and Elaine Farrell (2018) 'War Within and Without: Irish women in the First World War era'. Women's History Review, . [Link] [DOI] | |
2016 | Jennifer Redmond (2016) 'Immigrants, Aliens, Evacuees: Exploring the History of Irish Children in Britain during the Second World War'. Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth, 9 (2):295-308. [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2011 | Dr Jennifer Redmond (2011) 'The Largest Remaining Reserve of Manpower: Historical Myopia, Irish Women Workers and World War Two'. SAOTHAR (JOURNAL OF THE IRISH LABOUR HISTORY SOCIETY), Volume 36 :61-72. [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Redmond J.; Harford J. (2010) 'One man one job: The marriage ban and the employment of women teachers in irish primary schools'. Paedagogica historica, 46 (5):639-654. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2008 | Dr Jennifer Redmond (2008) 'Sinful Singleness? Discourses on Irish Womens Emigration to England, 1922-1948'. Women's History Review, 17 :455-476. [Full-Text] | |
2021 | Jennifer Redmond (2021) 'Irish women and the Great War'. First World War Studies, . [Link] [DOI] | |
2010 | Redmond, J; Harford, J (2010) 'oOne man one jobo: the marriage ban and the employment of women teachers in Irish primary schools'. Paedagogica historica, 46 :639-654. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2008 | Redmond, J. (2008) ''Sinful singleness'? Exploring the discourses on Irish single women's emigration to England, 1922-1948'. Women's History Review, . [Link] [DOI] | |
2007 | Raftery, D.; Harford, J.; Valiulis, M.; Redmond, J. (2007) '‘What's coming up in the exam?’ A survey of teachers and the delivery of a gender-balanced curriculum'. Irish Educational Studies, . [Link] [DOI] |
Other Journal
Year | Publication | |
2022 | Jennifer Redmond (2022) 'Dissenting Voices: Objections and Alternatives to the Anglo-Irish Treaty' Iarmhi: Journal of the Westmeath Archaeological and Historical Society, 1 (2) :119-123. [Link] | |
2021 | Jennifer Redmond (2021) 'Editor for special issue' Irish Studies Review, 29 (2) . [Link] |
Conference Contribution
Published Report
Year | Publication | |
2022 | Jennifer Redmond et al (2022) Research Funding for mid-career researchers in the arts and humanities in Ireland. Irish Humanities Alliance, . [Link] | |
2004 | Jennifer Redmond, Maryann Valiulis, Deirdre Raftery and Judith Harford (2004) Gender Perspectives in the Delivery and Assessment of Junior Cycle History. Dublin, . [Link] | |
2007 | Jennifer Redmond, Maryann Valiulis, Ivana Bacik, Margeurite Woods (2007) Interdisciplinary Report on Prostitution and Trafficking in Ireland. Irish Human Rights Commission, . [Link] | |
2008 | Jennifer Redmond, Maryann Valiulis and Deidre O'Donnell (2008) Women and Ambition in the Irish Civil Service. Department of Justice, . [Link] | |
2006 | Jennifer Redmond, Eileen Drew, Maryann Valiulis (2006) Literature Review on Issues of Work Life Balance, Workplace Culture and Maternity/Childcare Issues. Crisis Pregnancy Agency, . [Link] |
Audiovisual material
Year | Publication | |
2013 | Jennifer Redmond (2013) A Bryn Mawr Tale. [Audiovisual material] [Link] http://greenfield.brynmawr.edu/items/show/2942 |
Year | Publication | |
2013 | Jennifer Redmond (2013) Maids, Porters and the Hidden World of Work at Bryn Mawr College: Celebrating Stories for Black History Month. [Blog] [Link] | |
2013 | Jennifer Redmond (2013) Thoughts on feminism, digital humanities and women’s history. [Blog] [Link] http://greenfield.blogs.brynmawr.edu/2013/05/20/thoughts-on-feminism-digital-humanities-and-womens-history/ | |
2012 | Jennifer Redmond (2012) M. Carey Thomas and Mary Garrett – lives in letters. [Blog] [Link] | |
2012 | Jennifer Redmond (2012) Gender, Education and Embodiment. [Blog] [Link] |
Book Review
Year | Publication | |
2021 | Redmond, J (2021) Women of the Country House in Ireland, 1860-1914. LONDON: [Book Review] [DOI] | |
2021 | Redmond, J (2021) Women, Crime and Punishment in Ireland: Life in the Nineteenth- Century Convict Prison. HOBOKEN: [Book Review] [DOI] | |
2020 | Redmond, J (2020) Youth and Popular Culture in 1950s Ireland. ABINGDON: [Book Review] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2017 | Redmond, J (2017) Women's Voices in Ireland: Women's Magazines in the 1950s and 60s. HOBOKEN: [Book Review] [DOI] | |
2016 | Redmond, J (2016) The Global Dimensions of Irish Identity: Race, Nation, and the Popular Press, 1840-1880. TORONTO: [Book Review] | |
2015 | Redmond, J (2015) Irish nationalist women, 1900-1918. ABINGDON: [Book Review] [DOI] | |
2014 | Redmond, J (2014) Being Mary? Irish Catholic Immigrant Women and Home and Community Building in Harold Hill Essex 1947-1970. WASHINGTON: [Book Review] | |
2011 | Redmond, J (2011) Have women made a difference?: Women in Irish universities, 1850-2010. ABINGDON: [Book Review] [DOI] | |
2011 | Redmond, J (2011) ROSAMOND JACOB: THIRD PERSON SINGULAR. DUBLIN: [Book Review] | |
2010 | Redmond, J (2010) A history of apprenticeship nurse training in Ireland. ABINGDON: [Book Review] | |
2009 | Redmond, J (2009) The Women's Suffrage Movement in Britain and Ireland: a regional survey. ABINGDON: [Book Review] | |
2009 | Redmond, J (2009) Singled Out: How Two Million British Women Survived without Men after the First World War. CHICAGO: [Book Review] |
Year | Publication | |
2021 | Redmond J. (2021) Masculinities in revolutionary and post-revolutionary Ireland. [Editorial] [DOI] |
Electronic Publication
Year | Publication | |
2015 | Dr Jennifer Redmond (2015) Exploring the lives of ‘Outsider Women’. [Electronic Publication] [Link] | |
2013 | Jennifer Redmond and Evan McGonagill (2013) Taking Her Place: Women’s Journey through Education from the Private to the Public Sphere. [Electronic Publication] [Link] | |
2013 | Jennifer Redmond (2013) THE SUMMER SCHOOL FOR WOMEN WORKERS: DIVERSITY, CLASS AND EDUCATION. [Electronic Publication] [Link] |