Campus Services Photocopying and Mail Room Services
The Mail Room will open on Monday to Friday from 9am - 5pm and will close for lunch 1pm-2pm.
document re Postroom Services
Photocopying Services
Central photocopying Services are located on Campus North.
Services provided are as follows:
- Volume Photocopying
- Spiral Binding
- Heat Binding
- Fax Transmission
Photocopying jobs can be requested using the
Photocopying Request Form
and work to be copied can be left in either Campus North (John Hume) or Campus South (Riverstown Annex) Postroom.
Jobs left in the South postroom should be placed in a red folder with the job request form and placed into a red pouch which can then be deposited into the red dropbox.
Exam Photocopying Service
a) Book a slot for self-service photocopying
Exam Photocopying can be scheduled in the Campus North postroom please call extn. 3577 to book a slot / time to use the photocopiers.
b) Service Job
Alternatively exam photocopying is available as a service job.
On request a secure pouch (Green) will be sent to the department and later collected by Campus Services.
Each exam must have a completed
Exam Printing Request form
Please follow the instructions provided with the pouch to ensure a secure process
Please indicate if the completed job is to be returned to the department for final review or sent directly to the Exams Office.
To avail of exam photocopying as a service job please call extn.3577
Postal Services
The campus services post room is located on Campus North in the John Hume Building, with a satelite collection / drop off facility located in Riverstown Annex on Campus South.
- Franking of departmental post (in departmental blue pouch dropped into blue outgoing postbox)
- Registered Post (post to be registered should be accompanied by the Registered Post Form )
- Swift Post
- EMS Courier Post
- Packet/Parcels post outside the EU. All packet/parcel post outside the EU must complete the Packet/Parcel Request Form . Parcels outside the EU should be in the post room before lunch to guarantee postage that same day otherwise it will be sent the following day.
All outgoing post to be in the postrooms outgoing mail boxes (Blue) in departmental blue pouches by 15:30 for processing that day
All outgoing post dispatches at 16.15 hrs daily
(Monday - Friday) from Postal Centre
Central photocopying and postal services on Campus North are located in the John Hume Building (ground floor).
Postal Services collection / drop off point and Volume photocopying job drop off point on Campus South is located in Riverstown Annexe.
Staff at Photocopying/Postal Services - John Hume Building
- Sylvia Burke Ext. 3577 Email: [email protected]
- John Tracey Ext. 3577 email: [email protected]
- Anne Pemberton Ext. 3577 email: [email protected]
Fax No.7086499
Open 09.30 hrs - 17.00 hrs
Closed 13.00 hrs - 14.00 hrs