Dr Clíodhna Murphy


Associate Professor

New House
(01) 474 7218


Clíodhna's research examines the role, operation and impact of human rights in migration law and policy. She has a particular interest in the intersection of migration law and employment law and the rights of migrants at work; migrant integration; and the relations between international, European and domestic legal frameworks. Her scholarship has been published in leading journals such as International & Comparative Law Quarterly; Human Rights Quarterly; Social & Legal Studies; Industrial Law Journal; and The British Journal of Criminology. Her research has been funded by Research Ireland, the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission, the International Transport Workers' Federation, and the Department of Justice. She is a member of the Ethical, Political, Legal and Philosophical Studies Committee of the Royal Irish Academy.

Prior to joining the School of Law and Criminology in 2014, Clíodhna completed her PhD at Trinity College Dublin with the support of an Ussher Postgraduate Fellowship, and went on to hold an Irish Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship at University College Cork. She has taught at Trinity College Dublin, China University of Political Science and Law, and Sciences Po Paris School of International Affairs. She is also a qualified (non-practising) solicitor.

Aside from her post at Maynooth, Clíodhna has acted as a consultant or legal expert for a variety of organisations, including the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), and the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI). She is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Irish Refugee Council (IRC) and sits on the IRC Independent Law Centre Advisory Council. She is a member of the Advisory Board to Dignity in Partnership CLG, a migrant-led social enterprise. Clíodhna was the inaugural Chair of Maynooth University's Sanctuary Committee.


Year Publication
2013 Murphy C (2013) Integration and the Law in Europe: The Intersection of Domestic, EU and International Legal Regimes. Farnham: Ashgate / Routledge.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2024 Murphy, C. (2024) 'Deportation and human rights: the right to respect for private life in MK (Albania) v Minister for Justice and Equality'. Legal Studies, . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Murphy C.; Doyle D.M.; Thompson S. (2023) 'Workers’ Perspectives on State-Constructed Vulnerability to Labour Exploitation: Experiences of Migrant Fishers in Ireland'. Social and Legal Studies, 32 (4). [DOI]
2022 Charles O'Sullivan and Clíodhna Murphy (2022) 'The “Special Structural Vulnerability” within Migrant 
Agricultural Work'. Irish Jurist, 68 (2):50-68.
2021 Fennelly D.; Murphy C. (2021) 'Racial Discrimination and Nationality and Migration Exceptions: Reconciling CERD and the Race Equality Directive'. Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Murphy C and Ryan D (2020) 'Work, Dignity and Non-Citizens: Reflections from the Irish Constitutional Order'. Public Law, (1):30-40.
2020 C. Murphy, D.M. Doyle and M. Murphy (2020) ''Still Waiting' for Justice: Migrant Workers' Perspectives on Labour Exploitation in Ireland'. Industrial Law Journal, 49 :318-351. [DOI]
2020 Murphy C, Caulfield L and Gilmartin M (2020) 'Developing immigrant integration policy in the Irish public sector: An international human rights and public sector duty approach'. Administration, 67 (4):27-45. [Full-Text]
2020 D.M. Doyle. M. Muldoon and C. Murphy (2020) 'Education in Ireland: accessible without discrimination for all?'. International Journal of Human Rights, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Murphy C, Gilmartin M and Caulfield L (2019) 'Building and Applying a Human Rights-Based Model for Migrant Integration Policy'. Journal of Human Rights Practice, (Advance Access):1-22. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Doyle D.; Murphy C.; Murphy M.; Coppari P.; Wechsler R. (2019) 'I Felt like she owns me': Exploitation and uncertainty in the lives of labour trafficking victims in Ireland'. British Journal of Criminology, 59 (1):231-251. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2017 Murphy C. (2017) 'Tackling vulnerability to labour exploitation through regulation: The case of Migrant Fishermen in Ireland'. Industrial Law Journal, 46 (3):417-434. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2017 Fandl, Damast, Artiles, Chothani, Murphy (2017) 'Immigration and Naturalisation - Refugees in Europe and the EU-Turkey Statement: Problems and Prospects'. International Lawyer, 51 (Year In Review):363-380.
2016 Mullally S and Murphy C (2016) 'Double Jeopardy: Domestic Workers in Diplomatic Households'. American Journal of Comparative Law, 64 (3):677-720. [Full-Text]
2016 Murphy, C. (2016) ''A Matter of Humanity'? Emerging Principles Relating to Deportation and Human Rights'. Dublin University Law Journal, 35 (1):259-272. [Full-Text]
2015 Cliodhna Murphy (2015) 'Enforcing Employment Standards for Undocumented Migrant Domestic Workers in the UK and Ireland: Rethinking Illegality in Zones of Invisibility (2015) 29 (4) Journal of Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law'. 29 .
2014 Mullally S and Murphy C (2014) 'Migrant Domestic Workers in the UK: enacting exemptions, exclusions, and rights'. Human Rights Quarterly, 36 (2):397-427. [Full-Text]
2013 Murphy C (2013) 'Reconciling Sovereign Claims with Individual Rights? Access to Citizenship after Mallak and Sulaimon'. Irish Jurist, 49 (1):193-202. [Full-Text]
2013 Murphy C (2013) 'The Enduring Vulnerability of Migrant Domestic Workers in Europe'. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 62 (3):599-627. [Full-Text]
2013 Murphy C (2013) 'Researching Barriers to Access to Justice for Migrant Domestic Workers in Diplomatic Households'. Industrial Law Journal, 42 (4):477-485. [Full-Text]
2013 Murphy C (2013) 'Towards a Human Rights-Based Paradigm of Integration? The Contribution of International Law'. European Human Rights Law Review, :166-180.
2011 Murphy C (2011) 'Immigration and Family Life: Family Reunification in Irish Law'. Dublin University Law Journal, 34 :221-241. [Full-Text]
2010 Murphy C (2010) 'The Concept of Integration in the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights'. European Journal of Migration and Law, 12 (1):23-43. [Full-Text]
2007 Delany H and Murphy C (2007) 'Towards Common Principles Relating to the Protection of Privacy Rights? An Analysis of Recent Developments in England and France and before the European Court of Human Rights'. European Human Rights Law Review, 5 :568-583.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2023 D Fennelly, G Gilmore and C Murphy (2023) 'The Impact of Article 47 of the Charter in the Irish Legal System' In: Article 47 of the EU Charter and Effective Judicial Protection, Vol 2. Oxford : Hart Bloomsbury.
2022 Anja Wiesbrock and Clíodhna Murphy (2022) 'Seasonal Workers Directive 2014/36/EU' In: EU Immigration and Asylum Law: Article-By-Article Commentary. Germany : Beck Nomos.
2020 Murphy C (2020) 'Rights of Others in Domestic Constitutions: Towards an Equality-Based Approach?' In: European Societies, Migration, and the Law: The Others amongst Us. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
2020 Cronin, M., Murphy, C., Doyle, D.M., Byrne, D., and Murphy, M. (2020) 'Refugees' Access to Higher Education in Ireland' In: Refugees and Higher Education: Trans-national Perspectives on Access, Equity and Internationalization. Leiden : Brill | Sense. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004435841
2019 Murphy C, Gilmartin M and Caulfield L (2019) 'Using International Human Rights Law in Interdisciplinary Human Rights Research' In: Case Studies in Legal Research Methodologies: Reflections on Theory and Practice. Dublin : Clarus Press.
2017 Murphy C and Mullally S (2017) 'Lobe v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform' In: Northern/Irish Feminist Judgments: Judges' Troubles and the Gendered Politics of Identity. Oxford : Hart.
2017 Mullally S. and Murphy C. (2017) 'Migrant domestic workers in the UK: Enacting exclusions, exemptions and rights' In: Vulnerability and the Legal Organization of Work. Abingdon : Routledge. [DOI]
2017 Murphy C (2017) 'Membership without Naturalisation? The Limits of European Court of Human Rights Case Law on Residence Security and Equal Treatment' In: Questioning EU Citizenship. Oxford : Hart Bloomsbury.
2015 Mullally S and Murphy C (2015) 'Migrant Domestic Workers in the UK: Enacting Exclusions, Exemptions and Rights' In: Care, Migration and Human Rights. Abingdon : Routledge.
2015 Murphy C (2015) 'Access to Justice for Undocumented Migrant Domestic Workers in Europe: the Consequences of Constructed Illegality' In: Care, Migration and Human Rights. Abingdon : Routledge.
2014 Murphy C (2014) 'Challenging Deportation on the Basis of ‘Private Life’: The Evolving Impact of Article 8 on Irish Immigration Law' In: The ECHR and Ireland: 60 Years And Beyond. Dublin : Bloomsbury.
2008 Murphy C (2008) 'French privacy law' In: The Right to Privacy: A Doctrinal and Comparative Analysis (Thomson Round Hall, 2008). Dublin : Round Hall.

Book Review

Year Publication
2018 Murphy, C (2018) Rebecca Zahn, New Labour Laws in Old Member States: Trade Union Responses to European Enlargement. OXFORD: [Book Review] [DOI]
2017 Murphy C (2017) Moritz Jesse, The Civic Citizens of Europe? The Legal Potential for Immigrant Integration in the EU, Belgium, Germany and the United Kingdom (Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2017) Common Market Law Review. [Book Review]
2013 Cliodhna Murphy (2013) Anna Triandafyllidou (ed), Irregular Migrant Domestic Workers in Europe: Who Cares?. [Book Review]

Other Journal

Year Publication
2024 Mary Gilmartin and Clíodhna Murphy (2024) 'A Small Country with a Huge Diaspora, Ireland Navigates Its New Status as an Immigration Hub' Migration Information Source, the online journal of the Migration Policy Institute, . [Link]
2008 Murphy C (2008) 'Immigration, Integration and Citizenship in the European Union: The Position of Third Country Nationals' Hibernian Law Journal, 8 :155-185.
2005 Murphy C (2005) 'Subsidiary Protection in the EU' Irish Law Times, 23 (13) .
2005 Murphy C (2005) 'Complementary Protection in Ireland' Irish Law Times, 23 (12) .

Published Report

Year Publication
2023 Michael Doherty, Anthony Kerr and Clíodhna Murphy (2023) Report on the social security rights of short-term third-country national migrant workers. ETUI, . https://www.etui.org/publications/report-social-security-rights-short-term-third-country-national-migrant-workers
2018 Murphy C, Caulfield L and Gilmartin M (2018) Developing Integration Policy in the Public Sector: A Human Rights Approach. Maynooth University, . [Full-Text]


Year Publication
2022 Cliodhna Murphy and David Doyle (2022) Workers’ Perspectives on State-Constructed Vulnerability to Exploitation: Experiences of Migrant Fishers in Ireland. [Blog] [Link]
2018 Cliodhna Murphy (2018) Does Ireland Have a Modern Slavery Problem?. [Blog] [Link]
2017 Cliodhna Murphy and Mary Gilmartin (2017) Human Rights-Based Migrant Integration Policy: Lessons from Ireland, Part II – Applying the Human Rights-Based Model. [Blog] [Link]
2017 Cliodhna Murphy and Mary Gilmartin (2017) Human Rights-Based Migrant Integration Policy: Lessons from Ireland – Part I. [Blog] [Link]


Year Publication
2017 Alshamkhany, Ayeva, Brown, Campbell, Casey-Hanley, Crowley, Donnellan, English, Hughes, Penny, Murphy (2017) Safe Haven Ireland Pilot Evaluation Survey and Report. [Report] [Link]

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2019 Cliodhna Murphy (2019) The EU and Human Rights in a Time of Crisis Vulnerability and Human Rights in the European Union Human Trafficking: The Intersection of International, EU and Domestic Legal Regimes Maynooth University, .
2012 Cliodhna Murphy (2012) Migration, Domestic Workers and Human Rights: gender equality and the limits of rights Migration, Domestic Workers and Human Rights: gender equality and the limits of rights UCC, .
2012 Cliodhna Murphy (2012) Irish Society of Comparative Law Conference Domestic Workers and Diplomatic Immunity: Converging Approaches in Europe and the US? UCC, .
2009 Cliodhna Murphy (2009) 4th International Refugee Law Colloquium The Common European Asylum System Phase II and Refugee Integration: The Challenges Ahead Cuenca, Spain, .
2015 Cliodhna Murphy (2015) Irish Feminist Judgments Workshop Lobe and Osayande v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform UCC, .
2019 Cliodhna Murphy (2019) The Zero-Sum Game of Migration in Europe: 20 years after Tampere Precarious Status and Subsistence Supports: Integration Prospects of Survivors of Human Trafficking in Ireland Oxford Brookes University, .
2018 Cliodhna Murphy and David Doyle (2018) The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at Seventy; A Review of Successes and Challenges Lived Experiences of Victims of Trafficking: Exploring the legacy of Article 4 UDHR Maynooth University, .
2017 Cliodhna Murphy (2017) The Others of Immigration Law The Rights of “Others” in Domestic Constitutions: Towards an Equality-Based Approach? Leiden University, .
2017 Cliodhna Murphy (2017) Developing Integration Policy in the Public Sector: A Human Rights Approach Developing Integration Policy in the Public Sector: A Human Rights Approach Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission, .
2017 Cliodhna Murphy (2017) Legal Research Methods Using International Law in Legal Research University of Limerick, .
2017 Cliodhna Murphy (2017) The “Missing Feminist Judgments” in Northern/Irish Law Lobe and Osayande v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform Maynooth University, .
2017 Cliodhna Murphy (2017) Society of Legal Scholars Conference Tackling Vulnerability to Labour Exploitation Amongst Migrant Workers in Ireland UCD, .
2017 Cliodhna Murphy (2017) MUSSI Research Day Developing Integration Policy in the Public Sector: A Human Rights Approach Maynooth University, .
2017 Cliodhna Murphy (2017) Trinity College Law School Research Seminar Series Tackling Exploitation Through Regulation: the Case of Migrant Fishers in Ireland Trinity College Dublin, .
2017 Cliodhna Murphy (2017) NERI Labour Market Conference Tackling Vulnerability to Labour Exploitation Amongst Migrant Workers in Ireland Maynooth University, .
2016 Cliodhna Murphy (2016) The European Borders Crisis: transnational analysis and local responses Ireland’s legal and policy response to the European borders crisis: the good, the bad and the alarming Maynooth University, .
2016 Cliodhna Murphy (2016) Deconstruction of Union Citizenship Membership Without Naturalisation? The Limits of ECtHR Case Law on Residence Security and Equal Treatment University of Konstanz, Germany, .
2015 Cliodhna Murphy (2015) Socio-Legal Scholars Association Conference Law’s Subjects? Liberal Legalism and the Denial of Migrants’ Rights York University, .
2015 Cliodhna Murphy (2015) UCD School of Law Seminar Series Testing the Limits of State Power: Human Rights or the Rule of Law as a Deciding Factor in Immigration Cases? UCD, .
2013 Cliodhna Murphy (2013) Oxford Migration Law Discussion Group Seminar Series Towards a Human Rights-Based Paradigm of Integration? Assessing the Contribution of International Human Rights Law University of Oxford, UK, .
2013 Cliodhna Murphy (2013) Clinical Legal Education in Ireland Building Sustainable Approaches to Clinical Legal Education in Ireland: Integrating Clinical Methods into the Law School Experience NUI Galway, .
2013 Cliodhna Murphy (2013) Socio-Legal Scholars Association Conference Exploring the Limits of Rights Protections: domestic workers and diplomatic immunity York Law School, .
2013 Cliodhna Murphy (2013) Academy of European Law (ERA) Annual Conference on EU Migration Law Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights Academy of European Law, Trier, Germany, .
2013 Cliodhna Murphy (2013) The ECHR and Ireland: 60 Years and Beyond Family life, integration and protection from expulsion: assessing the impact of Article 8 ECHR UCD, .
2013 Cliodhna Murphy (2013) Irish Association of Law Teachers Annual Conference Restricting Access to Labour Markets and to Employment Standards for Migrant Workers: the consequences of constructing ‘illegality’ Belfast, .
2012 Cliodhna Murphy (2012) Society of Legal Scholars Migrant Domestic Workers in Europe: Legal Problems and Prospects University of Bristol, .
2012 Cliodhna Murphy and Siobhan Mullally (2012) Migration and Care in Europe Enacting rights for migrant domestic workers in the UK EUI Florence, Italy, .
2012 Cliodhna Murphy (2012) EU-China Seminar: Protecting Migrant Workers' Rights Labour Standards and Labour Disputes: The Case of Migrant Domestic Workers in the EU NUI Galway, .
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