Ciaran Daly

Research skills, time management, communication, the ability to adapt and learn quickly. Having studied Strategy for my masters greatly benefits me in my current role.
I undertook a BA in Business Studies in the National College of Ireland. While studying for my degree, I worked part-time in a supermarket. Due to the fact that my degree was only 3 years and many are 4 years, I decided to commit to another year of education and get my masters. When applying for jobs I only applied for graduate programs as I felt the experience would be invaluable. I had my interview for Vodafone 2 days before my thesis was due so it was a busy week! I got the job and started a month later in September.
My current role sees me involved in a range of projects that requires me to manage end-to-end the creation of research propositions along with managing results and outputs of any particular research carried out. Working with a range of departments in Vodafone allows me to create propositions testing various new ideas and concepts that may be implemented in the future. Liaising with our external agencies that carry out our research is also one of my daily tasks; that allows me to stay connected with any research or testing being carried out. I also handle the monthly reporting of our overall business performance score on a consumer and enterprise level.
Every day is different at Vodafone. Things change on a daily basis so there is no time for anything to become monotonous or repetitive. The telecommunication industry moves at such a fast pace and it is a huge challenge staying on top of things; it is really enjoyable though.
(submitted 2013)