Prof Joseph Coughlan

School of Business

Head of School

School of Business Building
(01) 474 7560


Joseph is the Professor of Accounting and Head of the School of Business at Maynooth University. His previous academic appointment was as Head of School at Dublin Institute of Technology and he has held visiting appointments at University of Massachusetts Dartmouth and at the Financial University of the Government of the Russian Federation in Moscow. He received his PhD from Warwick Business School. He also holds BComm (Accounting) and a Masters in Management Science from UCD and has been placed nationally and internationally in the final examinations of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). He was also awarded an Honorary Professor award from the Dublin Institute of Technology. His academic interests lie in how organisations build and sustain relationships, managment control systems, sustainability and the business of luxury. He has graduated 17 PhD students and examined PhDs at institutions in Ireland and the UK. Follow Joseph on Twitter: @josephcoughlan

Research Interests

Management Control Systems; Sustainability; Business Relationships; Luxury Marketing; Services Marketing and environments; Online Retail

Post Doctoral Fellows / Research Team

Researcher Name Project Funding Body
Alina Kovalenko Transition of the Irish Maritime Industry to Carbon Neutrality by 2050: Identifying Alternatives, Socio-Economic Assessment and Roadmap

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2023 Leniston, N.; Coughlan, J.; Cusack, T.; Mountford, N. (2023) 'Employer, Industry and Policymaker views on Doctorate Education' In: Education Applications & Developments VIII. Portugal : inSciencePress. [Full-Text]
2014 Kong, S. Morales, L. Coughlan, J. (2014) 'The effects of the global financial crisis on the Shanghai stock market' In: Tayloe, R(Eds.). The Globalization of Chinese Business. Implications for multinational investors. Oxford : Chandos Publishing.
2007 Fitzmaurice, M. Coughlan, J. (2007) 'Teaching Philosophy Statements: A guide' In: O’Farrell, C(Eds.). Teaching Portfolio Practice in Ireland, A Handbook.
1998 Redmond, J. Coughlan, J. (1998) 'The Internet: Implications for Marketing and Direct Marketing' In: Lawlor, M. Keane, J(Eds.). Direct Marketing in Ireland. Dublin : Oak Tree Press.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2023 Gore K; Rigot-Müller P; Coughlan J. (2023) 'Cost-benefit assessment of shore side electricity: An Irish perspective'. Journal of Environmental Management, 326 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2022 Gore K.; Rigot-Müller P.; Coughlan J. (2022) 'Cost assessment of alternative fuels for maritime transportation in Ireland'. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 110 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2022 Wallace E.; Coughlan J. (2022) 'Burnout and counterproductive workplace behaviours among frontline hospitality employees: the effect of perceived contract precarity'. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2022 Creevey D.; Coughlan J.; O'Connor C. (2022) 'Social media and luxury: A systematic literature review'. International Journal of Management Reviews, 24 (1):99-129. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2022 Dhaundiyal M.; Coughlan J. (2022) 'Extending alliance management capability in individual alliances in the post-formation stage'. Industrial Marketing Management, 102 :12-23. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2021 Kearney T.; Coughlan J.; Kennedy A. (2021) 'Investigating the employee–customer relationship in a utilitarian context'. Marketing Management, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Dhaundiyal, M; Coughlan, J (2020) 'The impact of alliance justice capability on the performance of strategic alliances in the Indian IT sector: the mediating role of inter-firm commitment'. Cogent Business &Amp; Management, 7 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Dhaundiyal M.; Coughlan J. (2020) 'Understanding strategic alliance life cycle: A 30 year literature review of leading management journals'. Business: Theory and Practice, 21 (2):519-530. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Zavadska, M; Morales, LPI; Coughlan, J (2019) 'Brent crude oil spot and futures prices: structural break insights'. Journal Of Energy Markets, 12 :31-52. [DOI]
2019 Abdulrazzaq Y.; Morales L.; Coughlan J. (2019) 'Oil sector spillover effects to the Kuwait stock market in the context of uncertainty'. Economics, Management & Financial Markets, 14 (1):21-37. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Zavadska M.; Morales L.; Coughlan J. (2019) 'Brent crude oil prices volatility during major crises'. Finance Research Letters, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2018 Murphy, L; Coughlan, J (2018) 'Does it pay to be proactive? Testing proactiveness and the joint effect of internal and external collaboration on key account manager performance'. Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 38 (2):205-219. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2018 Zavadska, M; Morales, L; Coughlan, J (2018) 'The Lead–Lag Relationship between Oil Futures and Spot Prices—A Literature Review'. International Journal of Financial Studies, 6 (4). [Full-Text]
2016 Dhaundiyal M.; Coughlan J. (2016) 'Investigating the effects of shyness and sociability on customer impulse buying tendencies: The moderating effect of age and gender'. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 44 (9):923-939. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2013 Vize R. Coughlan, J. Kennedy, A. Ellis-Chadwick F. (2013) 'Technology readiness in a B2B online retail context: An examination of antecedents and outcomes'. Industrial Marketing Management, 42 :909-918. [Full-Text]
2013 Hooper D. Coughlan, J. Mullen, M. (2013) 'The Servicescape as an Antecedent to Service Quality and Behavioral Intentions'. Journal of Services Marketing, 27 :271-280. [Full-Text]
2012 Kearney, T. Coughlan, J. Kennedy, A. (2012) 'An Exploration of the Effects of the Servicescape on Customer and Employee Responses in a Grocery Retail Context'. IRISH JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, 32 :71-91. [Full-Text]
2010 Scott P.; Gibbons P.; Coughlan J. (2010) 'Developing subsidiary contribution to the MNC-Subsidiary entrepreneurship and strategy creativity'. Journal of International Management, 16 (4):328-339. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2010 Coughlan, J. Shale, E Dyson, RG (2010) 'Including the customer in efficiency analysis: evidence of a hybrid relational-transactional approach'. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 28 :136-149. [Full-Text]
2010 Kennedy, A.Coughlan, J.Kelleher, C. (2010) 'Business process change in e-government projects: a case study of the Irish Land Registry'. ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF E-GOVERNMENT, 6 :9-22. [Full-Text]
2009 Hooper, D.Coughlan, J.Mullen, M. (2009) 'Structural Equation Modelling: Guidelines for Determining Model Fit'. Electronic Journal on Business Research Methods, 6 . [Full-Text]
2006 Kennedy, A Coughlan, J (2006) 'Online shopping portals: An option for traditional retailers?'. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 34 :516-528. [Full-Text]
1999 Coughlan, J. (1999) 'Airline overbooking in the multi-class case'. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 50 :1098-1103. [Full-Text]

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2022 Gore, K.; Rigot-Muller, P.; Coughlan, J. (2022) International Association of Maritime Economists 2022 Reducing emissions from ships: The costs and benefits of emission abatement approaches Busan, South Korea, 14/09/2022- 16/09/2022
2021 Gore, K., Rigot-Müller, P., Coughlan, J. (2021) International Association of Maritime Economists 2021 Assessment of port-based shipping emissions and the associated externalities across the Irish ports Rotterdam, Netherlands, 25/11/2021- 27/11/2021
2017 Zavadska M.; Morales L.; Coughlan J. (2017) Proceedings of the European Conference on Research Methods in Business and Management Studies The importance of integrating quantitative research methods to understand commodity business finance [Full-Text]

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2022 Gore, K.; Rigot-Muller, P.; Coughlan, J. (2022) Reducing emissions from ships: the costs and benefits of abatement approaches 30th Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) Busan, Korea, .
2022 Ji-Hyland, C.; Coughlan, J. (2022) The moderating effect of competitive intensity and social bonds on the relationships between risk mitigation strategies and supply chain performance Industrial Marketing & Purchasing (IMP) Group conference Florence, Italy, .
2022 Shen, X.; Ji-Hyland, C.; Coughlan, J. (2022) Supply Chain Resilience: What do we know and where do we go from here? Irish Academy of Management Annual Conference Dublin, Ireland, .
2022 Leniston, N.; Coughlan, J.; Mountford, N. (2022) Is it possible to develop an institutional entrepreneur? An examination of interdisciplinary and intersectoral doctoral education as a framework for emerging institutional entrepreneurs New Institutionalism Workshop 2022 Madrid, Spain, .
2022 Ahmed, W.; Coughlan, J.; Hanly, J. (2022) How do Banks cope when borrowers do not pay? Procrastination in Islamic Finance Irish Accounting and Finance Association Annual Conference Maynooth, Ireland, .
2022 Afrane, D; Kennedy, A.; Coughlan, J. (2022) Significance of Psychological capital and its influencing factors in enhancing the performance of the Ghanaian public sector employee Academy of African Business and Development (AABD) Conference Accra, Ghana, .
2022 Leniston, N., Coughlan, J., Cusack, T. and Mountford, N. (2022) A practice perspective on doctoral education – Employer, Policy, and Industry views International Conference on Education and New Developments Madeira, Portugal, .
2021 Wallace, E; Coughlan, J. (2021) 2021 Frontiers in Service Conference A COR perspective on Burnout and CWBs among Generation Z FLEs Temple University, Philadelphia [Online], 09/07/2021-10/07/2021.
2021 Afrane, D; Kennedy, A.; Coughlan, J. (2021) Irish Academy of Management Exploring Psychological capital within the Ghanaian Public Sector Waterford Institute of Technology [Online], 25/08/2021-27/08/2021.
2021 Tilley, S; Byrne, B; Coughlan, J. (2021) Impact of Fines on Bank Reputation: An Analysis of Systemically Important Financial Institutions in the US and UK 8th Biennial ECPR Conference on Regulatory Governance Exeter, UK, .
2021 Ryazanova, O., Donovan, P., Coughlan, J., Moran, G. & Chugh, R. (2021) Cornell Notes: A Key to Engaged Students in Large Undergraduate Business Classes Management Education & Development division's Writers' Workshop Academy of Management conference (online), .
2021 Leniston, N., Mountford, N. and Coughlan, J. (2021) Doctoral education as a lever for institutional change: How intersectoral and interdisciplinary doctoral education may challenge existing institutions Irish Academy of Management Annual Conference Waterford, Ireland, .
2019 Creevey, D; Coughlan, J.; O'Connor, C. (2019) Academy of Marketing An examination of the role of social media on contemporary luxury branding Regents University, London, 02/07/2019-04/07/2019.
2019 Nazarpour, A. Coughlan, J. Fynes, B. (2019) Impact of Mass Customisation Capability on Operational Performance Measures 30th EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON OPERATIONAL RESEARCH (EURO) Dublin, Ireland, 23/06/2019-26/06/2019.
2019 Alzubaidi, A; Coughlan, J.; Morales, L. (2019) Irish Academy of Management Management in a Time of Crisis: The Oil Industry in Iraq Dublin, .
2018 McNamara, P., Nolan, P., Hood, A., Ritter, B. and Coughlan, J. (2018) International Management and Organisational Behaviour Teaching Society conference Teaching Whilst Leading: Why Do University and Business School Leaders Teach (or not)? Maynooth University, .
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Professional Associations

Description Function From / To
Irish Accounting & Finance Association Member 01/09/2012 -
Irish Accounting & Finance Association Chair 01/09/2014 - 31/08/2016

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/01/2015 Honorary Professor Dublin Institute of Technology
01/01/2010 Research Fellowship Dublin Institute of Technology
01/01/1997 Placing in Final Examinations Association of Chartered Certified Accountants


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
University of Warwick Doctor of Philosophy Operational Research & Marketing
University College Dublin Master of Science Operational Research
University College Dublin BComm Commerce (Accounting)


Language Reading Writing Speaking
French Functional Basic Functional

Current Students

Student Name Degree Supervision

Recent Students

Graduation date Name Degree
2020 Kieran Sheahan PhD
2020 Ravshan Khaydarov PhD
2020 Walied Ahmed PhD
2018 Miroslava Zavadska PhD
2016 Chao Ji PhD
2018 Yousef Abdulrazzaq PhD
2018 Ashraf Al-habsi PhD
2015 Irene Neville PhD
2014 Lesley Murphy PhD
2013 Treasa Kearney PhD
2012 Mayank Dhaundiyal PhD
2012 John G. Golden PhD
2012 Roisin Vize PhD
2010 Lorraine Sweeney PhD
2008 Daire Hooper PhD
2023 Alba Rodriguez PhD
2023 Ketan Gore PhD
2022 Hana Hlochova PhD
2022 Dean Creevey PhD