The 10th North South Irish Criminology Conference will take place at Maynooth University on 23 and 24 June 2016.
The general theme of the conference is: ‘Beyond the Penal State: Exploring the Boundaries of Punishment’. Reflecting various contemporary challenges to the traditional notion of punishment, this theme welcomes papers which seek to explore conceptions of punishment beyond the criminal justice system and also beyond the nation state.
Confirmed keynote speakers include:
Professor Mary Bosworth, University of Oxford: ‘Punishment in an Era of Mass Mobility’.
Professor Shadd Maruna, Rutger’s University: ‘Lessons for Ireland from Two Tumultuous Years in US Criminal Justice’.
Sub themes include but are not limited to:
- Criminology in Comparative & Historical perspective
- Globalisation, Migration and Immigration
- Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism
- Human Trafficking
- Prisons and Penal Policy
- Offender Supervision
- Criminal Justice Processes
- Victims and the Criminal Justice System
- White Collar Crime
- Young People, Crime and Justice
- Policing, Regulation and Surveillance
- Restorative Justice
- Gender and Criminal Justice
- Social Exclusion
- Media and Crime
- The policy value of Criminology
- Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure
The aim of the conference is to provide a forum for academics, post-graduate researchers, community activists, practitioners and policy makers in the fields of criminology, criminal justice and cognate disciplines to come together to exchange ideas and disseminate research. Papers from early career researchers are encouraged and there will be a limited number of student bursaries available for travel to the conference.
While there is no registration fee, as in the past, delegates must register in advance; please e-mail [email protected] to confirm your place. The conference is being hosted and administered by Maynooth University Department of Law.
If you are interested in presenting a paper at the NSCC, please see the call for papers for details in relation to the submission process. The submission deadline is Friday, 29 April 2016.
For updates and information, like us on Facebook, follow us on twitter at @MaynoothLaw and see the department website.