Dr Christian Martin

School of Business

Assistant Professor

School of Business Building
(01 ) 474 7573


Christian Martin lectures across different modules in Marketing. His teaching interests are consumer behavior, research methods, branding, and international aspects of marketing. Christian's research interests are in the areas of human values and identities with a specific focus on human-nature interaction, sustainable and materialistic consumption, consumer well-being, and the measurement of psychological constructs. His research draws on and combines insights from marketing, as well as social and environmental psychology. In his research, Christian frequently uses experimental as well as survey research designs. Christian has completed a bank apprenticeship and worked in the banking sector in Germany before pursuing an academic career.

Research Interests

Christian's research focuses on topics related to human-nature interaction, sustainable and materialistic consumption, consumer well-being, and the measurement of psychological constructs. Among others, Christian currently studies the following questions:
  • Why do consumers differ in the importance they assign to environmental protection in their behavior?
  • Why do consumers on average assign more (less) importance to material possessions when they are young (old)?
  • How can consumers' environmental identities be conceptualized and measured best?
  • Is there a tension between materialistic tendencies and environmental friendliness in consumers and what are the consequences if there is one?

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2023 Christian Martin (2023) 'Biospheric values as predictor of climate change risk perception: A multinational investigation'. Risk Analysis, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2022 Leila Rahmani; Simona Haasova; Sandor Czellar; Valentina Clergue; Christian Martin (2022) 'How Often Do You Think About Your Relationship With Nature? The Measurement of Environmental Identity Salience and Its Relationship With Proenvironmental Behaviors'. Frontiers in Psychology, . [DOI]
2020 Pia Furchheim, Christian Martin, Felicitas Morhart (2020) 'Being green in a materialistic world: Consequences for subjective well‐being'. Psychology and Marketing, 37 (1):114-130. [DOI]
2019 Christian Martin, Sandor Czellar, Mario Pandelaere (2019) 'Age-Related Changes in Materialism in Adults--A Self-Uncertainty Perspective'. Journal of Research in Personality, 78 :16-24. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2017 Christian Martin, Sandor Czellar (2017) 'Where do biospheric values come from? A connectedness to nature perspective'. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 52 :56-68. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 Christian Martin, Sandor Czellar (2016) 'The extended Inclusion of Nature in Self scale'. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 47 :181-194. [DOI]

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2023 Rahmani, L. Haasova, S. Czellar, S. Clergue, V. Martin, C. (2023) Association for Consumer Research European Conference Referencing Self-Nature Connection rather than just Nature Increases the Efficiency of Pro-Environmental Interventions on Consumer Behaviors Amsterdam, NL, .
2023 Rahmani, L. Haasova, S. Czellar, S. Clergue, V. Martin, C. (2023) European Marketing Academy Conference Referencing Self-Nature Connection rather than just Nature Increases the Efficiency of Pro-Environmental Interventions on Consumer Behaviors Odense, DK, .
2020 Czellar, S., Rahmani, L., Haasova, S., Clergue, V., Martin, C. (2020) Association for Consumer Research Conference (ACR) Salience Over Centrality? How Environmental Identity Drives Pro-Environmental Consumption Paris, France (virtual conference), .
2020 Czellar, S., Rahmani, L., Clergue, V., Martin, C. (2020) Society for Consumer Psychology Conference (SCP) The Relationships Between Environmental Identity Intensity, Salience and Pro-Environmental Consumption Huntington Beach, CA, .
2019 Czellar, S., Rahmani, L., Clergue, V., Martin, C. (2019) International Conference on Environmental Psychology The influence of salient environmental identities on organic food consumption Plymouth, .
2019 Czellar, S., Rahmani, L., Clergue, V., Martin, C. (2019) World Resources Forum Environmental Identity and Sustainable Consumption Geneva, .
2019 Czellar, S., Rahmani, L., Martin, C., Clergue, V. (2019) European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC) The Importance of Consumer Environmental Identity in Marketing Contexts Hamburg, .
2018 Furchheim, P., Martin, C., Morhart, F. (2018) ICAR Symposium Being Green in a Materialistic World – Consequences for Subjective Well-Being Almeria, Spain, .
2018 Furchheim, P., Martin, C., Morhart, F. (2018) American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Conference Materialism versus Green Values – Revisiting Research on Value Conflicts New Orleans, LA, .
2018 Furchheim, P., Martin, C., Morhart, F. (2018) European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC) A Comprehensive Model of Consequences of a Value Conflict on Well-Being Glasgow, UK, .
2017 Furchheim, P., Martin, C., Morhart, F. (2017) Swiss Psychological Society Conference (SPS) Introducing the Green Materialist – A Segmentation Analysis of European and North American consumers Lausanne, Switzerland, .
2017 Martin, C., Furchheim, P., Morhart, F. (2017) European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC) Introducing The Green Materialist – A Cluster Analysis Of North American And Swiss Consumer Populations Groningen, Netherlands, .
2016 Martin, C., Czellar, S. (2016) Association for Consumer Research Conference (ACR) Age-Related Changes in Materialism in Adults – A Psychological Insecurities Perspective Berlin, Germany, .
2016 Furchheim, P., Martin, C., Morhart, F. (2016) Association for Consumer Research Conference (ACR) Materialism, Green Values, and Well-Being: A Conflicting Values Perspective Berlin, Germany, .
2015 Martin, C., Czellar, S. (2015) European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC) Exploring the role of consumers’ self-nature connection as an antecedent of green values Leuven, Belgium, .
2015 Martin C., Furchheim P., Shrum L.J., Hellwig K. (2015) Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP) International Conference Measuring materialistic mindsets: Development of an implicit measure of materialism Vienna, Austria, .
2014 Martin, C., Czellar, S. (2014) Association for Consumer Research Conference (ACR) The applicability of self-nature connection measures in consumer research Baltimore, MD, .
2014 Martin, C. (2014) Society for Consumer Psychology Conference (SCP) Existential insecurity and materialism – New insights from a dispositional approach Miami, FL, .
2014 Martin, C., Czellar, S. (2014) British Academy of Management Conference (BAM) Investigating the potential of the ‘Inclusion of Nature in Self’ scale for market segmentation Belfast, UK, .
2014 Martin, C., Czellar, S. (2014) British Academy of Management Conference (BAM) Doctoral Symposium Green values mediate the relationship between self-nature connection and green behavior Belfast, UK, .
2014 Martin, C. (2014) European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC) The safety of (status) objects: An investigation of how status consumption buffers existential insecurity in materialistic consumers Valencia, Spain, .
2013 Martin, C. (2013) European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC) Doctoral Colloquium Causes and consequences of existential anxiety in consumers – Essays on terror management theory and consumer behavior Istanbul, Turkey, .
2012 Czellar, S., Lebar, C., Martin, C., Fazio, R. H. (2012) Association for Consumer Research Conference (ACR) Personal death-thought accessibility: A mediating mechanism between self-esteem and risky consumer behaviors? Vancouver, Canada, .
2011 Blut, M., Martin, C., Schnöring, M., Schulte, V., & Woisetschläger, D. (2011) International RESER Conference Determinants of successful buyer-seller-interactions: A conceptual framework of a salesperson’s interaction competence Hamburg, Germany, .
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