Dr Aoife Titley

Froebel Department of Primary and Early Childhood Education

School of Education


Dr Aoife Titley is the lecturer in Global Citizenship Education (GCE) in the Froebel Department of Primary and Early Childhood Education. Before becoming a teacher educator, she worked as an education researcher and a post-primary teacher. Her research in the community and voluntary sector includes projects for organisations such as the Irish Traveller Movement, the Africa Centre, Debt and Development Coalition, Poetry Ireland, Carlow County Development Partnership and Extern Ireland/ HSE. She has also been involved in the design and development of numerous publications for primary schools, including for Amnesty International Ireland, and the Moral Education Curriculum of the United Arab Emirates (Pearson).

Prior to joining the Froebel Department as the DICE Lecturer in 2013, Aoife was also the Programme Manager of the DICE Project for three years, of which the then Froebel College of Education was a partner institution. The DICE Project is a national strategic programme funded by Irish Aid which supports the embedding of development education and intercultural education into initial teacher education in Ireland. Further information is available at www.diceproject.ie.

Aoife has a doctorate in teacher education from the Institute of Education in Dublin City University (DCU). The empirical research for her dissertation explored the experiences of minoritized ethnic young people interested in pursuing a career in primary teaching. In addition to diversifying the primary teaching profession in Ireland, her other research interests include international service learning (sending programmes), GCE policy and practice, and social activism in primary schools.

Dr. Aoife Titley is the Co-Chairperson of the MU Sanctuary Committee, a collaborative community and cross-departmental initiative, working to make Maynooth University an inclusive space for students from asylum seeking and refugee backgrounds.

Aoife represents the Froebel Department on the Advisory Committee for the new Framework for the Recognition of Qualification to teach Ethical, Multi-Belief and Values Education (EMBVE) coordinated by Educate Together (ET) and the Education and Training Board Ireland (ETBI). Aoife is also the Froebel Coordinator of the Certificate in Global Citizenship Education, a specialised learning experience in global citizenship education (GCE) for educators and practitioners. This certificate is a cross-departmental Level 9 programme led by the Department of International Development and further information is available here: https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/study-maynooth/postgraduate-studies/courses/certificate-global-citizenship-education

Research Publications Professional Teaching