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The MU International Office is the first point of contact for international students applying for full-degree, Erasmus, Study Abroad, and Summer School programmes, and supports MU students who wish to study abroad.
Dr Aoife Titley is the lecturer in Global Citizenship Education (GCE) in the Froebel Department of Primary and Early Childhood Education. Before becoming a teacher educator, she worked as an education researcher and a post-primary teacher. Her research in the community and voluntary sector includes projects for organisations such as the Irish Traveller Movement, the Africa Centre, Debt and Development Coalition, Poetry Ireland, Carlow County Development Partnership and Extern Ireland/ HSE. She has also been involved in the design and development of numerous publications for primary schools, including for Amnesty International Ireland, and the Moral Education Curriculum of the United Arab Emirates (Pearson).
Prior to joining the Froebel Department as the DICE Lecturer in 2013, Aoife was also the Programme Manager of the DICE Project for three years, of which the then Froebel College of Education was a partner institution. The DICE Project is a national strategic programme funded by Irish Aid which supports the embedding of development education and intercultural education into initial teacher education in Ireland. Further information is available at
Aoife has a doctorate in teacher education from the Institute of Education in Dublin City University (DCU). The empirical research for her dissertation explored the experiences of minoritized ethnic young people interested in pursuing a career in primary teaching. In addition to diversifying the primary teaching profession in Ireland, her other research interests include international service learning (sending programmes), GCE policy and practice, and social activism in primary schools.
Dr. Aoife Titley is the Co-Chairperson of the MU Sanctuary Committee, a collaborative community and cross-departmental initiative, working to make Maynooth University an inclusive space for students from asylum seeking and refugee backgrounds.
Aoife represents the Froebel Department on the Advisory Committee for the new Framework for the Recognition of Qualification to teach Ethical, Multi-Belief and Values Education (EMBVE) coordinated by Educate Together (ET) and the Education and Training Board Ireland (ETBI). Aoife is also the Froebel Coordinator of the Certificate in Global Citizenship Education, a specialised learning experience in global citizenship education (GCE) for educators and practitioners. This certificate is a cross-departmental Level 9 programme led by the Department of International Development and further information is available here:
Aoife Titley (2020) '‘Africa as pedagogical playground: Problematising sending programmes for teachers’' In: Challenging perceptions of Africa in schools: Critical approaches to global justice education. (Eds) O'Toole, B., Joseph, E., & Nyaluke, D. London : Routledge.
Conference Contribution
Aoife Titley (2023) N/a Invited speaker at the INTO/ Turn to Teaching showcase event about diversity in the teaching profession. ‘A snapshot of teaching: Insights from a PhotoVoice Project’ Maynooth University, .
Aoife Titley and Laura Thornton (2023) N/a Conference presentation at the International Froebel Conference. ‘Framing values: Insights from a PhotoVoice project with international service learning partners in Kolkata’ Maynooth University, .
Aoife Titley (2023) N/a Conference presentation at the International Froebel Conference. ‘Deferred, denied, and dying dreams’: The visual narratives of minoritized ethnic young people interested in pursuing primary teaching as a career Maynooth University, .
Aoife Titley (2023) N/a Invited speaker to online webinar for input on anti-racism and GCE with Irish Development Education Association (IDEA) Irish Development Education Association, .
Aoife Titley (2022) N/a Invited speaker at Institute for Anti-Racism and Black Studies webinar. ‘Introduction to Critical Race Theory and Counter-Storytelling’ Institute of Anti-Racism and Black Studies, .
Aoife Titley (2022) N/a ‘Under-exposure: Exploring the PhotoVoice narratives and ‘deferred dreams’ of minoritized ethnic young people pursuing primary teaching’. Biographic, Narrative and Lifecourse Research Group (BNLR) of the Sociological Association of Ireland (SAI) Conference Sociological Association of Ireland, .
Aoife Titley (2022) N/a 'Shifting Perspectives - From North-South to the Global in Global Citizenship Education’: Invited speaker (co-presenting with Laura Thornton) for Social Justice Week event with Eilish Dillon in Department of International Development Maynooth University, .
Aoife Titley (2022) N/a Invited speaker at DCU showcase: ‘The possibilities and challenges of integrating authentic migrant & minority voices into teacher education Dublin City University, .
Aoife Titley (2022) N/a ‘Listening through the lens: Photo counter-stories of minoritized ethnic young people interested in pursuing a career in primary teaching in Ireland’. ATEE conference in Marino Institute of Education. Theme: Migrant teachers and teaching without borders Marino Institute of Education, .
Aoife Titley (2022) N/a ‘PhotoVoice counter-stories of minoritized ethnic young people interested in pursuing a career in teaching’. DICE Conference: Global Citizenship Education in a changing policy landscape Maynooth University, .
Aoife Titley (2022) N/a ‘Deferred, denied and dying dreams’: The continuum of barriers to initial teacher education for young people from minoritized ethnic backgrounds. Sociological Association of Ireland (SAI Annual Conference) University of Limerick, .
Aoife Titley (2021) N/a ‘Creative qualitative methods: Introduction to PhotoVoice’. Invited speaker, DCU Doctoral Studies Webinar Dublin City University, .
Aoife Titley and Laura Thornton (2021) ‘Froebel teachers in Kolkata: Reflections on readiness to teach within, through and for social justice’ International Froebel Conference University of Edinburgh, .
Aoife Titley (2021) ‘Diversifying Irish Curricula: Best Practices and Challenges of Inclusive Programmes’ International Society of Political Psychology Annual Conference (Education Panel) Online event, .
Aoife Titley (2021) ‘Putting transformative pedagogy and social justice on the agenda in Froebelian initial teacher education’ International Froebel Conference University of Edinburgh, .
Aoife Titley (2021) ‘A snapshot of teaching: Using PhotoVoice as counter-storytelling to capture the narratives of minoritized ethnic young people interested in primary teaching’ Sociological Association of Ireland Annual Conference (Education Panel) Online event, .
Aoife Titley (2020) National Arts in Education Portal Conference 'Diversity and Arts Education': In conversation with Kit de Waal and Leanne McDonagh Online event, .
Aoife Titley (2019) Diversifying teaching through 'doubled' research practice: Reflections on recruitment Diversity in Teaching Symposium National University of Ireland, Galway, .
Aoife Titley (2019) ‘Mapping the barriers to initial teacher education for young people from minoritized ethnic backgrounds’ Strengthening the practice of Intercultural Education in Primary Schools Dublin City University, .
Aoife Titley (2018) ‘Teach for Tomorrow – Education for sustainable development in the classroom’ Educate Together National Conference Science Gallery, Trinity College, .
Aoife Titley (2017) ‘Using Critical Participatory Action Research frameworks to empower minoritized young people in the research process’ NEARI Action Research Seminar Maynooth University, .
Aoife Titley (2015) ‘Holding practitioners hostage? The challenges of reductive development education for initial teacher educators’ Annual Postgraduate Conference, DCU Dublin City University, .
Aoife Titley (2015) ‘Educational othering from the inside: The presence and absence of Irish Travellers in the Intercultural Education Strategy’ Educational Studies Association Ireland Annual Conference Maynooth, .
Aoife Titley (2014) ‘Towards an axiology of development education for eudaimonic well-being in Irish primary schools’ Social. Personal and Health Education (SPHE) Network Conference Dublin City University, .
Aoife Titley (2015) ‘Think Globally, Teach Locally: Transformative pedagogy in Initial Teacher Education’ Wexford Education Centre Annual Research Conference Wexford Education Centre, .
Aoife Titley (2015) ‘Le Chéile – a voluntary summer club for children living in direct provision’ SCOTENS Annual Conference Limerick, .
Aoife Titley and Therese Hegarty (2015) ‘Putting racism on the agenda in initial teacher education in Ireland: Utilising a pedagogy of discomfort to name privilege and support transformative pedagogy’ Centre for Racial Equality, Scotland University of Edinburgh, .
Aoife Titley and Rosalind Duke (2014) ‘The significance of intercultural education as a starting point for student’s active engagement with global justice issues’ Development Studies Association Ireland (DSAI) Conference DSAI, Kimmage, .
Aoife Titley (2013) ‘Longitudinal research with resettled refugees: A case study of the Carlow Rohingya refugee resettlement programme’ ICMC Refugee Resettlement Conference Brussels, Belgium, .
Aoife Titley and Therese Hegarty (2013) ‘Development education and School Placement: Guidelines for Good Practice’ IASSEE Conference Dublin City University, .
Aoife Titley and Mooka Mukela (2012) ‘Inclusive Education: Putting the learner at the heart of education’ Zambia Ireland Teacher Education Partnership (ZITEP) Conference Lusaka, Zambia, .
Aoife Titley and Deirdre O'Rourke (2011) ‘Using social psychology to understand anti-Traveller bias in Ireland’ Development and Intercultural Education (DICE) Conference Dublin City University, .
Aoife Titley (2010) ‘Whole-school approaches to intercultural education’ English Language Teachers Association (ELSTA) Conference Marino Institute of Education, .
Guidelines for Practice
Gavigan, C., Titley, A. Doohan, J., Galvin, P. & Diskin, M. (2018) Qatar 2022: Fair or Foul? A cross-curricular human rights resource for fifth and sixth class. [Guidelines for Practice]
Aoife Titley (2015) Making Global Connections: Friendship Week Activity Pack for Primary Schools. [Guidelines for Practice]
Aoife Titley with the DICE Network (2014) Good practice in development education in primary schools: Guidelines for school placement tutors. [Guidelines for Practice]
Therese Hegarty and Aoife Titley (2013) Intercultural events in Schools and Colleges. [Guidelines for Practice]
Technical Publication
Aoife Titley - Contributing author and editor (2017) Moral Education Curriculum of the United Arab Emirates. [Technical Publication]
Other Journal
Martin, M. Sleeman, S. & Titley, A. (2016) 'Ireland: Development and Intercultural Education'Genealogy, .
Conference Publication
Aoife Titley (2015) Understanding well-being in changing times: The role of SPHE . In: Collins, B., Kavanagh, A, & Moynihan, S eds. Development education as an axiology of well-being in the primary school
O’Sullivan, C., Moynihan, S., Collins, B., Hayes, G. & Titley, A. (2014) The Future of SPHE: Problems and Possibilities The Future of SPHE: Problems and Possibilities
Published Report
Aoife Titley (2012) Longitudinal evaluations of the Carlow Rohingya Refugee Resettlement Programme (3 separate reports 2009-2012). Pobal, .
Aoife Titley (2011) A review of the Cavan Traveller Primary Healthcare Project. Extern Ireland/ HSE, .
Aoife Titley (2011) Debt and Development Coalition Ireland: A development education review. Debt and Development Coalition Ireland, .
Aoife Titley (2010) The Africa Centre: A development education review. The Africa Centre, .
Aoife Titley (2009) The Yellow Flag Programme: Handbook for primary schools. The Irish Traveller Movement, .
Aoife Titley (2009) The Yellow Flag Programme: An intercultural education project for schools. The Irish Traveller Movement, .
Yau, N. and Titley, A. (2008) The needs of migrants and their families in Tralee. Partnership Trá Lí, .
To collaborate with the DICE Lecturers in partner institutions including DCU Institute of Education, Marino Institute of Education and Mary Immaculate College Limerick.
15/03/2011 -
Sociological Association of Ireland
01/12/2020 -
Froebel HOPE Teacher Education Partnership
Committee member and coordinator of research
01/09/2018 -
Castaheany Education Together NS, Ongar, Dublin 15
Member of the Board of Management
07/06/2017 - 01/10/2020
Scoil Choilm CNS, Clonsilla, Dublin 15
Member of the Board of Management
01/09/2017 -
From / To
MU Social Justice Committee
Committee member
04/10/2018 -
Irish Froebel Network Committee
31/03/2021 -
MU Sanctuary Committee
04/10/2018 -
DICE Steering Committee
04/02/2014 -
Froebel Week Organising Committee
Social Justice events coordinator
01/09/2017 -
Other Activities
Partnership initiatives developed with:
- Voluntary Service International
- Kildare Traveller Action Project
- Trócaire
- Amnesty International Ireland
- Turn to Teaching
- Kid's Own Publishing Partnership
Outreach Activities
'Iolar' Activity Camps
Civic Society
'Iolar' Mid-term and summer activity camps organised for the children of asylum seekers in the Mosney Direct Provision Centre.