Ms Justice Úna Ní Raifeartaigh


Úna Ní Raifeartaigh was Reid Professor of Criminal Law in Trinity College Dublin (1991-5) but left academia to engage full-time in practice at the Bar. She practised as a barrister in the Irish courts between 1993 and 2016, first as a Junior Counsel and, after 2009, as a Senior Counsel. She was appointed as a judge of the High Court in 2016 and the Court of Appeal in 2019. Her practice at the Bar concentrated on criminal and public/constitutional/human rights law and she was also involved in number of public inquiries. In the High Court she heard cases in the areas of judicial review, chancery, and crime, and was also in charge of the "international child abduction" list.  In the Court of Appeal, she sits on a wide variety of cases spanning all areas of civil and criminal law.