It is not unusual to worry about the financial pressures of university life. You may face financial difficulties during your time at Maynooth University and have difficulty in supporting yourself financially.
If you find you are experiencing difficulties or need some help in planning your budget, you should contact:
Financial Assistance
There are a number of assistance schemes in place to support Maynooth University students who are having problems financially.
Student Fees & Grants Office
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the payment of your fee liability at any stage throughout the Academic year, please ensure to make contact with the University Student Fees & Grants Office in the first instance, they will discuss your account in detail with you in a private and confidential manner and advise accordingly. The Student Fees & Grants team have extensive experience in all aspects of fee funding and are available daily to assist and advise with your questions or concerns. You can find more information and access the booking tool for appointments here.
Help outside Maynooth University
- The national Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS) is an excellent resource for budgeting advice and tips on managing your money. Check out their handy budgeting tool to identify areas where you can reduce your spending and develop a realistic budget that you can stick to.
Financial Scams
In recent years, there has been a significant increase in scams in Ireland. Scams come through various channels such as email, text, websites and phone calls. The most common type of financial fraud is “vishing” which involves phone calls and voice messages, “smishing” which involves text messages and “phishing” which involves emails. Fraudsters target everyone and it can be difficult to recognise scams.
Please see the below link on tips on how to avoid scams :
How to avoid scams (
Please see the below link to verify the authenticity and safety of online shopping websites: