On the 26th February, The President, Prof. Nolan and the International Office hosted a lunch in Pugin Hall to recognise and celebrate the academic achievements of our international scholars. 32 international students from 17 countries attended the lunch along with invited guests from Education in Ireland, ICOS and the IUA.
A number of scholarships are awarded to international students each year including the George Mitchell, Irish Aid, Government of Ireland, Hume, Science Foundation Ireland and the Maynooth University Taught Masters and International Office scholarships.
In his welcome speech, Professor Nolan highlighted how the number of international students has increased greatly over the past number of years and we are now attracting highly talented international students from all over the world.
This has brought greater diversity to the student experience and it is important that we recognise the contribution they make to our community. Each student was presented with a small gift and the event was a great opportunity to meet the students and share their experience of life on campus.