The Chronologicon Hibernicum Project is hosting a workshop ‘Statistics in historical corpus linguistics’ on Oct. 4th and 5th, 2019 in Maynooth University. We have invited seven speakers to talk about the application of statistical methods to language corpora, especially to those of historical languages. Speakers include:
Marco Aquino-López and David Stifter (Maynooth University)
Robin Ryder (Ceremade, Paris Dauphine)
Martin Hilpert (Univesité de Neuchâtel)
Ann Taylor (University of York)
Søren Wichmann (Leiden University)
George Walkden (University of Konstanz)
Please refer to the
for the detailed schedule and abstracts.
Download further
for attendees here.
This event is funded by the ChronHib Project and the National University of Ireland Pilot Early Career Academic Scheme. Registration is free and includes tea/coffee during the breaks and casual lunches on the 4th and the 5th. However, attendees other than the invited speakers are advised to arrange their own travel and accommodations, for which an information sheet is attached. Please register in advance via the following link:
Please do not hesitate to contact the organisers if you have any questions:
Fangzhe Qiu (
Ellen Ganly (