MU International Office welcomed 700 new international students in September 2019
This September the International Office welcomed students from more than 80 countries to the campus. This international group includes students who have come to the university to study bachelor, masters’ and research degrees as well as occasional students visiting for one year or one semester at undergraduate level under the Erasmus+ and Study Abroad programmes.

International Students in Aula Maxima, at Maynooth University Orientation Information Talk
Non-EU students are becoming increasingly aware of Maynooth University’s high standing international reputation. Maynooth University was rated #1 amongst Irish Universities in the quality of lectures, good teachers, learning support, assessment, performance feedback, language support, course content and the learning overall categories by international students in the International Student Barometer 2019.
Accordingly, MU continues to be an attractive location for international fee-paying students, with a steady intake from India at postgraduate level and the USA and China at undergraduate level. The university welcomed a large number of fee-paying Study Abroad semester and full-year students in September along with increased numbers of students to our short-term programmes throughout the Summer.
Further to the international students who registered in Maynooth in September, our overseas international engineering college in Fuzhou, China welcomed its first students this year with 229 undergraduates studying full time there (see MIEC in Fuzhou article) and more than 150 students attended our MU international short-term programmes during Summer 2019.
In terms of exchange students, the university registered semester students from a wide range of Non-EU countries as well as European locations via the Erasmus+ programme. These exchange students, as well as enriching and internationalising our MU campus, support the university, by maintaining and growing exchange partnerships, in moving toward the strategic goal of doubling the proportion of the graduating student cohort who spend a period of time overseas as a formal part of their studies. Currently approximately 220 are studying abroad for the 2019-2020 academic year.
Alongside the university orientation programmes for undergraduates, postgraduates and the tailormade programme for Erasmus and Study Abroad visiting students, the International Office organised a week full of fun events including a scavenger hunt and Ceilí to help the students settle in and connect with other students. The IO hosted a first-time Afternoon Tea event for new postgraduate students in the beautiful surroundings of Pugin Hall. Furthermore, specific information sessions and presentations were organised for US Federal Aid students, CCZU and US full degree students.
"The first day of orientation in the morning was very useful. There were really only a few things that I needed clarified and that helped. As far as enjoyment, I loved the scavenger hunt. It was a great way to meet people from all over the world. " – quote from an International Student, 2019

Indian students enjoying some Halloween fun in Pugin Hall, Maynooth University
Throughout the year, the International Office will continue to organise events including meet and greet services, information sessions, welcome dinners and Irish cultural events e.g. Halloween celebration, Thanksgiving) for students. International students celebrated Halloween with a special gathering in Pugin Hall in October. Costumes were encouraged and Halloween treats including Irish Barmbrack were served to students, many of whom don’t have this tradition in their home countries.
The International Office is now administrating applications and preparing for the new incoming students who will start in January 2020, as well as marketing and promoting the university for the 2020 and 2021 student intake (see Marketing & Promotional Activities article). We expect to be welcoming a higher number of international students (Study Abroad fee-paying, Erasmus+ exchange and non-fee-paying Non-EU exchange) for the Spring semester than the September 2019 intake.