Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - 14:00
I am delighted to circulate the first issue of Green Shoots Newsletter Issue 1 of Maynooth Green Campus. It is produced by an editorial team led by Dr Joe Larragy, comprising staff and students from across faculties and fields of interest. It builds on and gives a wider platform to many of the elements that were previously confined to Faculty reports and covered on social media. The Newsletter brings things together and is an important milestone. It looks terrific and contains photos, information, news and reflections across a range of areas.
Maynooth University has been a leader in research and public engagement on climate change. Research in other areas such as biodiversity and our commitment to teacher education add momentum to such work, while joint initiatives with Saint Patrick's College Maynooth and with Trócaire on climate justice work are now widely recognised.
Maynooth Green Campus has been to the fore not only in promoting practical efforts to make our campus more sustainable but in promoting awareness of the need to engage with wider issues of climate justice and a "just transition" to a post-carbon economy. Mainstreaming the themes of sustainability into curriculum and research is a vital part of the work of the University. The arrival of Green Shoots is very timely in profiling and promoting this work.
Professor Aidan Mulkeen
Vice-President Academic, Registrar and Deputy President
(This is the link to the newsletter)