Dr Mary Dobbs

Mary joined the School of Law and Criminology in September 2020. Previously, she worked as a lecturer and then senior lecturer in Queen’s University Belfast since 2012, where she remains a visiting fellow.
She specialises in environmental law & governance, agriculture and genetically modified crops - in particular within the EU, but also more broadly. Her current research includes focussing on these issues in the context of Brexit and the European Green Deal. She has published extensively in the field, engages with stakeholders and through giving evidence at parliamentary inquiries, and is a member of organisations such as Brexit and Environment and the Future Earth Ireland committee in the Royal Irish Academy. Mary has undertaken a number of projects and reports in this field, including for environmental NGOs, the Welsh Senedd and the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission.
Mary is also part of two Horizon Europe projects: P2GreeN, 2022-2026 and GoGreenNext, 2024-2028. P2GreeN (https://p2green.eu/) examines the potential to reclaim nutrients from human waste for use as fertiliser in food production - Mary is investigating the legal and regulatory frameworks across the EU and relevant regions for this project, focussing on issues such as criteria for fertilisers, classification as waste or water, and environmental and human health controls. The aim is to contribute to a circular, resilient and sustainable supply chain. GoGreenNext (https://gogreennext.eu/) looks to making cities and urban settings more generally a more resilient, balanced environment, where economic development is undertaken in a manner that furthers the environment and human health in a synergistic manner. Planetary health and socio-ecological resilience are key, as are nature legislation and the potential for environmental rights. Mary was previously part of a successful Jean Monnet Network on soft law in the EU Member States and a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on ’Tensions at the Fringes of Europe’.
She was the legal expert on the Expert Advisory Group for the Citizens' Assembly on Biodiversity Loss (2022-2023); and co-Special Advisor on Agriculture to the Scottish Parliamentary Committee on Rural Affairs and Islands (2022-2026). As part of the EAG for the Citizens' Assembly, Mary had the opportunity to work with the members to help identify potential themes, speakers, formats etc, provide a briefing on the governance frameworks and clarify and elucidate on points throughout the Assembly meetings. She is working with Dr. Orla Kelleher to develop this area further, through undertaking research and organising a workshop (funded by MUSSI and the School of Law and Criminology) on constitutionalising environmental rights.
She holds a PhD on the precautionary principle from UCD (2013), as well as a BCL (Law with French Law) from UCD and a certificat superieur en droit francais from Paris II (Pantheon-Assas)
Mary welcomes potential research students and collaborations regarding environmental law/governance, risk regulation and related areas - including focusses on Brexit/cross-border issues.
Research Interests
My main research interests lie in the area of environmental governance, e.g. regarding issues of agriculture, GMOs and risk regulation. I focus on both theoretical aspects (e.g. legitimacy, resilience, subsidiarity and sustainability) and the practical aspects (e.g. the impacts on farming and biodiversity or the challenges of transnational governance). Due to the nature of both the environment and agriculture, my research engages in a wide range of legal fields regarding for instance EU and national constitutional law, public international law, intellectual property law, trade law, health law and much more. Brexit has become a significant focus for obvious reasons in recent years - drawing many of these strands together. However, I continue to research more generally, including looking at EU and European developments.
It may seem pretty unwieldy, but the interlinkages are part of what makes it interesting and cannot be ignored.
It may seem pretty unwieldy, but the interlinkages are part of what makes it interesting and cannot be ignored.
Research Projects
Year | Publication | |
2022 | Ludivine Petetin and Mary Dobbs (2022) * Brexit and Agriculture. Oxford: Routledge. [Link] |
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2025 | Mary Dobbs and CRG Murray (2025) 'Rights Community Action and the limits of “Due Regard” for Environmental Policy Principles Post-Brexit'. Public Law, . | |
2024 | Mary Dobbs; Alison Hough; Orla Kelleher; Lisa Claire Whitten; Ciara Brennan (2024) 'Non-diminution, dynamic alignment and cooperation: Exploring the potential of the Windsor Framework to protect the environment'. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, . | |
2024 | Tobias Lock; Mary Dobbs; Karen Lynch Shally (2024) 'The Windsor Framework – guarantees, gaps and governance'. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, . [Full-Text] | |
2024 | Mary Dobbs (2024) 'Transnational Narratives and Regulation of GMO Risks by G.C. Leonelli, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2021, ISBN 9781509937387, 328 pp'. European Journal of Risk Regulation, 15 (1):208-214. [DOI] | |
2023 | Dobbs, M.; Hamill, S.E.; Hickey, R. (2023) 'Land Law and Land Use'. Irish Studies in International Affairs, 34 . [Link] [DOI] | |
2022 | M. Dobbs and A. Keenan (2022) 'Territorial Approaches to a Pandemic – A Pathway to Effective Governance?'. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 73 (2). | |
2021 | M. Dobbs, V. Gravey and L. Petetin (2021) '*‘Driving the European Green Deal in turbulent times’'. Politics and Governance, 9 (3):316-326. [Link] https://doi.org/10.17645/pag.v9i3.4321 [Full-Text] | |
2021 | V. Gravey, L. Petetin and M. Dobbs (2021) '*‘Quitter la PAC, comment et pour quoi faire? La (re)construction des politiques agricoles britanniques au Coeur des turbulences du Brexit’'. Politique Européenne, 73 (3):150-178. | |
2020 | Mary Dobbs (2020) 'National governance of public health responses in a pandemic?'. European Journal of Risk Regulation, 11 (2):240-248. https://doi.org/10.1017/err.2020.39 [Full-Text] | |
2019 | C. Brennan, M. Dobbs and V. Gravey (2019) '* Out of the frying pan, into the fire? Environmental governance vulnerabilities in post-Brexit Northern Ireland'. European Environmental Law Review, 21 (2):84-110. https://doi.org/10.1177/1461452919843646 [Full-Text] | |
2017 | M. Dobbs (2017) 'Genetically Modified Crops, Agricultural Sustainability and National OptOuts – Enclosure as the Loophole?'. Common Market Law Review, 54 (4):1093-1122. | |
2016 | M. Dobbs (2016) 'Attaining Subsidiarity-based Multilevel Governance of Genetically Modified Cultivation?'. Journal of Environmental Law, 28 (2):245-273. | |
2015 | M. Dobbs (2015) 'The Shifting Battleground of Article 4(2) TEU: Evolving National Identities and the corresponding need for EU management?'. Web Journal of Current Legal Issues, 21 (2). | |
2014 | M. Dobbs (2014) 'Sovereignty, Article 4(2) TEU and the Respect of National Identities: Swinging the Balance of Power in Favour of the Member States?'. The Yearbook of European Law, 33 (1):298-334. | |
2011 | M. Dobbs (2011) 'Excluding Coexistence of GMOs? The Impact of the EU Commission's 2010 Recommendation on Coexistence'. Review of European Community and International Environmental Law, 20 (2):180-193. | |
2011 | M. Dobbs, D. Casey, A. Greene, J. Lawless and N. Mullholland (2011) '*Transforming Researchers into Educators: Some Reflections on the University College Dublin School of Law Syllabus Design Workshop 2010’'. German Law Journal, 12 (9):1510-1528. | |
2010 | M. Dobbs (2010) 'Legalising General Prohibitions on Cultivation of Genetically Modified Organisms'. German Law Journal, 11 (12):1347-1372. |
Book Chapter
Published Report
Year | Publication | |
2025 | M. Dobbs; C. Brennan; A. Hough; O. Kelleher; L.C. Whitten (2025) The Environment, Human Rights and the Windsor Framework. Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission, . | |
2023 | Aleksandra Czarnik; Mary Dobbs; Joseph McMahon; et al (2023) D-3.7 - Scoping review describing the status of the legislative framework. P2GreeN, . [Link] | |
2023 | C. Brennan, F. Brereton, M. Dobbs, V. Gravey, H. Gould, A. Hough and L.C. Whitten (2023) Linking the Irish Environment - Final Report. EJNI, . [Link] | |
2022 | M. Dobbs & L. Petetin (2022) ‘Designing agricultural policies: contextual considerations’. Welsh Senedd, . [Link] | |
2021 | Mary Dobbs and Ludivine Petetin (2021) * Agriculture: environment, food and animal health standards. UK in a Changing Europe, . |
Year | Publication | |
2023 | Ludivine Petetin; Mary Dobbs (2023) The Agriculture (Wales) Bill – getting support right (part 2). [Blog] [Link] | |
2023 | Ludivine Petetin; Mary Dobbs (2023) The Agriculture (Wales) Bill – greater clarity and ambition needed (part 1). [Blog] [Link] | |
2019 | C. Brennan and M.Dobbs (2019) * Reality bites: The implications of scrutiny-free environmental law reform in Northern Ireland after Brexit. [Blog] [Link] | |
2019 | Mary Dobbs (2019) Environmental principles in the Environment Bill. [Blog] [Link] | |
2018 | Ludivine Petetin and Mary Dobbs (2018) *Collaborating for Agricultural Sustainability. [Blog] [Link] | |
2018 | M. Dobbs, V. Gravey, C. Brennan and A. Uí Bhroin (2018) What is the future of environmental governance in Northern Ireland?. [Blog] [Link] | |
2015 | M. Dobbs (2015) Choosing to go GM-Free? The New EU Legal Framework for Genetically Modified Crops. [Blog] [Link] | |
2015 | M. Dobbs (2015) ‘Can you really be GM-free? Why new European laws pose a moral dilemma’. [Blog] [Link] | |
2015 | M. Dobbs (2015) Cultures OGM: trêve fragile en Europe. [Blog] [Link] | |
2015 | M. Dobbs (2015) GM crops: an uneasy truce hangs over Europe. [Blog] [Link] |
Invited Review Articles
Invited Lectures
Invited Seminars
Year | Publication | |
2023 | Mary Dobbs (2023) Public Participation & the Citizens’ Assembly on Biodiversity Loss. Youtube: [Invited Seminars] [Link] | |
2022 | M. Dobbs (2022) ''Taking back control'? Lessons from designing agricultural policies post-Brexit'. Durham University: [Invited Seminars] | |
2014 | M. Dobbs (2014) Attaining Multilevel Governance of GM Cultivation. [Invited Seminars] | |
2018 | M. Dobbs (2018) ‘Brexit: Where it’s at & where we want it to go’. [Invited Seminars] |
Policy Contribution
Year | Publication | |
2024 | M. Dobbs; V. Gravey (2024) Written Submission to DAERA's Consultation on a Draft Environmental Principles Policy Statement for Northern Ireland. [Policy Contribution] | |
2024 | Ciara Brennan, Finbarr Brereton, Mary Dobbs, Viviane Gravey, Hannah Gould, Alison Hough & Lisa Claire Whitten (2024) Linking the Irish Environment: Exploring the role of civil society in promoting cross-border environmental cooperation. [Policy Contribution] [Link] | |
2023 | Mary Dobbs and Orla Kelleher (2023) Invited oral and written evidence to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Environment and Climate Action (JOCECA) for the Committee's examination of the Citizens' Assembly Report on Biodiversity Loss. [Policy Contribution] [Link] | |
2023 | Mary Dobbs (2023) Review of Evidence : future Scottish agricultural policy (Briefing for Scottish Parliamentary RAI committee). [Policy Contribution] | |
2022 | M. Dobbs (2022) Designing an optimal policy statement: Ambitious, clear and effective [invited paper to NI Departments on environmental principles]. [Policy Contribution] | |
2022 | M. Dobbs; et al (2022) Mapping governance for nature protection in Ireland - Complexity and Interdependence (invited presentation). [Policy Contribution] | |
2022 | M. Dobbs; M. O Cinneide; P. Doran; V. Gravey; S. Hamill; A. Hough; O. Kelleher; R. Killean; R. Walsh (2022) Mapping governance for nature protection in Ireland - Briefing for the Irish Citizens' Assembly on Biodiversity Loss. [Policy Contribution] | |
2022 | M. Dobbs; L. Petetin (2022) Common Frameworks - Briefing Paper for RAINE Committee. [Policy Contribution] | |
2022 | M. Dobbs, V. Gravey, M. Byrne, H. Cooke, J. Prince (2022) Written submission to consultation on NI's Environmental Strategy. [Policy Contribution] | |
2022 | M. Dobbs (2022) Roundtable on the interaction of human rights and the environment in Northern Ireland after Brexit - invited participant. Belfast: [Policy Contribution] | |
2022 | M. Dobbs (2022) Meeting with the Office for Environmental Protection - Issues in NI. [Policy Contribution] | |
2021 | M. Dobbs, V. Gravey, L. Petetin and C. Reid (2021) *Invited written evidence to the Welsh Inquiry on Priorities for the Climate Change, Environment and Infrastructure Committee. [Policy Contribution] | |
2021 | M. Dobbs and V. Gravey (2021) Written submission to consultation on NI's Rural Policy. [Policy Contribution] | |
2021 | M. Dobbs, V. Gravey, M. Byrne, H. Cooke, J. Prince (2021) Written submission to consultation on NI's Green Growth Strategy. [Policy Contribution] | |
2021 | M. Dobbs (2021) Invited written submission to NESC Shared Ireland Consultation - advance consultancy. [Policy Contribution] | |
2021 | M. Dobbs and L. Petetin (2021) Invited written submission to the EU Environment Sub-Committee consultation on UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement. [Policy Contribution] | |
2021 | M. Dobbs (2021) Invited written submission to the House of Lords' Inquiry on the Common Frameworks. [Policy Contribution] | |
2020 | M. Dobbs et al (2020) QUB submission to DAERA's environmental strategy engagement. [Policy Contribution] | |
2020 | M. Dobbs and V. Gravey (2020) Written submission to DAERA's environmental strategy engagement. Joint submission by group of experts from across the university. [Policy Contribution] | |
2020 | M. Dobbs (2020) Invited oral evidence to Northern Ireland Assembly’s Agriculture, Environmental and Rural Affairs Committee on the Agriculture Bill. [Policy Contribution] | |
2020 | M. Dobbs (2020) Invited Oral evidence to Northern Ireland Assembly’s Agriculture, Environmental and Rural Affairs Committee on the Environment Bill. [Policy Contribution] | |
2020 | M. Dobbs (2020) Invited written evidence to Northern Ireland Assembly’s Agriculture, Environmental and Rural Affairs Committee on the Environment Bill. [Policy Contribution] | |
2019 | M. Dobbs (2019) Invited Oral Presentation to Belfast city council on 'Environmental (& agricultural) considerations. [Policy Contribution] | |
2019 | M. Dobbs & L. Petetin (2019) *Written submission to the EFRA & EAC Committees on the Environment (Principles and Governance) Bill. [Policy Contribution] | |
2019 | M. Dobbs (2019) Invited submission on DAERA's environmental strategy, prior to its publication and formal engagement. [Policy Contribution] | |
2019 | M. Dobbs and L. Petetin (2019) 'Supplementary Invited Submission to the Welsh Assembly’s Climate Change, Environment and Rural Affairs Committee on Legislative Consent for the Agriculture Bill'. [Policy Contribution] | |
2019 | M. Dobbs (2019) Invited Oral evidence to the Welsh Climate Change, Environment and Rural Affairs Committee on the Environment Bill. [Policy Contribution] | |
2018 | M. Dobbs and V. Gravey (2018) Submission to the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee Inquiry on ‘Brexit and Northern Ireland: Agriculture. [Policy Contribution] | |
2018 | M. Dobbs, V. Gravey, C. Brennan and A. Uí Bhroin (2018) Written Evidence submitted to DEFRA on the 'Environmental Principles and Governance after Brexit Inquiry'. [Policy Contribution] | |
2018 | M. Dobbs and L. Petetin (2018) Written Evidence submitted to DEFRA Consultation on Health and Harmony. [Policy Contribution] | |
2018 | M. Dobbs, V. Gravey and L. Petetin (2018) Submission to the Welsh Government on‘ Brexit and our Land. [Policy Contribution] | |
2018 | M. Dobbs and L. Petetin (2018) Invited submission to the Welsh Assembly’s Climate Change, Environment and Rural Affairs Committee on Legislative Consent for the Agriculture Bill. [Policy Contribution] | |
2018 | M. Dobbs, V. Gravey and L. Petetin (2018) Submission to DAERA on the NI ‘Future Agricultural Policy Framework. [Policy Contribution] | |
2018 | C. Brennan, M. Dobbs, V. Gravey and A. Ui Bhroin (2018) *The Future of Environmental Governance in Northern Ireland. [Policy Contribution] [Link] | |
2018 | M. Dobbs (2018) Invited oral evidence to the Welsh Climate Change, Environment and Rural Affairs Committee on the UK Agriculture Bill. [Policy Contribution] | |
2018 | M. Dobbs (2018) Invited oral evidence to the House of Commons Northern Ireland Affairs Committee Inquiry on ‘Brexit and Northern Ireland: Agriculture’. [Policy Contribution] | |
2017 | M. Dobbs, L. McGowan, V. Gravey and M. Melo Araujo (2017) Written Submission to: ‘Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee - Brexit: Trade in food inquiry’. [Policy Contribution] |
Conference Contribution
Working Paper
Year | Publication | |
2021 | M. Dobbs, V. Gravey and L. Petetin (2021) The turbulent development of agricultural policies post-Brexit. Queen's University Belfast: [Working Paper] [Link] |
Video recording / TV
Year | Publication | |
2020 | M. Dobbs (2020) Sustainability, Law and Borders. [Video recording / TV] [Link] |
Published Interview
Year | Publication | |
2023 | Orla Dwyer; Josh Gabbatiss (2023) Q&A: Will the UK’s new farm payments cut emissions and help nature?. [Published Interview] [Link] | |
2019 | S. Pickstone (2019) Environmental Divergence: What could change after Brexit’. [Published Interview] [Link] | |
2018 | S. Pickstone (2018) ‘What does Brexit mean for the precautionary principle?’. [Published Interview] [Link] | |
2017 | S. Gardner (2017) ‘Biotech companies wary of Brexit threat to EU crop approvals’. [Published Interview] [Link] |
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