"Refreshing your Assessment Approaches" and launch of six "Assess for Success" Guides

Monday, October 10, 2022 - 14:15

‘Refreshing your Assessment Approaches’ and launch of six ‘Assess for Success’ guides
As part of the ‘Refreshing your Assessment Approaches for the new academic year session hosted by Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) on 9th September, CTL launched six Assess for Success Guides. The guides address topics that were identified as priorities by Maynooth University staff as part of the University’s Assess for Success initiative. The guides, the majority of which have been co-authored by Professor Sally Brown and Professor Kay Sambell, consider approaches to assessment, principles-based assessment, authentic assessment, self and peer assessment, feedback and feedback literacy, and using rubrics to promote learning.
The guides are shared across the university and beyond under a CC BY-NC-SA licence.
Commenting on the guides, Dr Susan Gottlöber (‘Assess for Success’ Advisory Group member and Associate Dean for Teaching and Learning in the Faculty of Arts, Celtic Studies and Philosophy) noted that 'a key feature of these guides is their accessibility. Written by leading international experts, they translate the substantial literature and research in assessment and feedback into clear guidance, implementable advice and great tips. All of the guides, but particularly the one on principles, reinforce Maynooth's commitment to fostering inclusivity and to designing assessment and feedback approaches which reflect our diverse student population’.
Dr Gottlöber, who had attended the ‘Refreshing your Assessment Approaches’ workshop also commented on the vibrant discussions there have been among staff and students during the series of Assess for Success workshops: 'The workshops were informal but firmly grounded in the experts' knowledge and expertise. Staff who attended could ask for advice on issues they have been grappling with, share experiences with each other and leave with ideas around enhancing practice’.
The collaborative work of those involved in Assess for Success, particularly the initiative’s advisory group, will culminate in the launch of the initiative’s Assessment and Feedback hub on 18 November 2022 and a face-to-face workshop on assessing groups with Professors Brown and Sambell. All staff and students are invited to attend this in-person event. Please save the date and register your interest by emailing us on [email protected]