The Maynooth University Access Programme & the Social Science Department in conjunction with College Connect and the Green Campus Committee would like to take this opportunity to invite you to our International Traveller and Roma Day event on campus on the 11th April 2024
In 2022, the theme of our event was Bridging the gaps between Travellers & Higher Education. In2023, the theme was Belonging and celebrating Travellers and Roma students on campus. This year, we are looking at creating a space for Belonging, Culture and looking at the Road Ahead for Travellers and Roma after college, its the element of " what's next" after they graduate as we know not getting employment is a huge fear for Travellers thinking about progressing in education.
We are holding a series of activities throughout the day, including beady pockets, tin smiting and a panel discussion with Maynooth University Traveller and Roma Graduate students talking about where they are working now just to plant the seed of hope for Traveller students in schools and Traveller organisations who will be attending. We will also have the Traveller Living History Exhibition. This exhibition, presented by Meath Travellers Workshop, offers a glimpse into Traveller life in the 1950s. You'll have the chance to explore a fully restored Barrel Top Wagon, traditional tent, flat cart, and engage with storytellers to learn about the rich history and identity of Traveller culture.
Details of the Exhibition:
Date: Thursday, April 11, 2024
Time: 9:30 - 14:00
Location: MSU for Panel discussion and Wagon exhibition will be located In front of the Arts Building
This exhibition is a fantastic opportunity for our community to come together, learn, and celebrate diversity. We have invited schools and community organisations to join us on the day and we encourage you all to participate.