The Postgraduate Feedback Council is the primary mechanism by which taught and research postgraduate students can advise on the enhancement of their experience in Maynooth University.
It is composed of postgraduate representatives from both taught and research degrees from all academic departments and research centres within the University.  It is chaired by the Director of Graduate Research and has representation from the Students Union and University units who are placed to inform and enhance the postgraduate student experience. Issues raised at the Feedback Council may be forwarded to the Graduate Education Committee of Academic Council. 
For full ex-officio membership and remit of the Council, please see the 2021 PGFC Terms of Reference:  Postgraduate Feedback Council Terms of Reference
Council meetings take place three times each academic year.  The meeting schedule for AY2024/2025 is:
•           December 4th 2024: 1-2pm, John Hume Boardroom

Postgraduate student representatives to the Feedback Council

A maximum of two student representatives are nominated by each department to the Council.  Ideally one of these should be a taught postgraduate student (such as a participant on a taught masters programme) or a research student (such as a doctoral student).  The Graduate Research Academy contacts each department head or postgraduate student co-ordinator each October and requests nominations.  Student representatives sit on the Council for one calendar year.

Current membership is being updated.