Daryl Martin
I am a Lecturer in Sociology at Maynooth University. Prior to joining Maynooth, I worked in the Department of Sociology at the University of York.
I have teaching and research interests in the sociology of building design, landscape research, and urban cultures, including a particular interest in the intersections of architecture, embodiment and care. I would welcome proposals to undertake doctoral research in any of these areas.
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2025 | Martin, D; Ivanova, D; Simonsen, T (2025) 'Moving beyond clinical imaginaries: Technogeographies of the everyday urban'. Journal of Medical Humanities, . [DOI] | |
2024 | Martin, D; Wilson, A (2024) 'Introduction: Making the civic city: Architectural interventions and experiments in the urban'. City, 28 (3-4):484-494. [DOI] | |
2024 | Yardimci, O; Martin, D (2024) 'Fragments of citizenship: contested mosque architecture in the North of England'. City, 28 (3-4):539-555. [DOI] | |
2024 | Annandale, E; Nettleton, S; Martin, D; Buse, C; Beynon-Jones, S (2024) 'The constellations of design: architects’ practice modalities when working with embodied individuals and virtual collectives in later life facilities in the UK'. Journal of Professions and Organization, 11 (3):293-309. [DOI] | |
2023 | Allen, K; Pleace, N; Martin, D (2023) 'Home Dissatisfaction, Body Image, and Sociocultural Attitudes: An Exploratory Study'. Housing, Theory and Society, 40 (5):569-588. [DOI] | |
2022 | Martin, D; Buse, C; Brown, N; Nettleton, S; Lewis, A; Chapman, L (2022) 'Assembling atmospheres, encountering care: risk, affect, and safety in the cystic fibrosis clinic'. Wellbeing, Space And Society, 3 . [DOI] | |
2022 | Martin, D; Roe, J (2022) 'Enabling care: Maggie’s Centres and the affordance of hope'. Health and Place, 78 . [DOI] | |
2022 | Lin, X; Martin, D; Chen, B (2022) 'Towards cultural landscapes of care'. Health and Place, 78 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2022.102909 | |
2021 | Brown, N; Buse, C; Lewis, A; Martin, D; Nettleton, S (2021) 'Pathways, Practices and Architectures: Containing Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR) in the Cystic Fibrosis Clinic'. Health, 25 (2):196-213. [DOI] | |
2021 | Beynon-Jones, S; Martin, D; Buse, C; Nettleton, S; Annandale, E (2021) 'Fixing the Future? How architects make time in buildings for later life care'. Sociological Review, 69 (1):139-155. [DOI] | |
2021 | Martin, D (2021) 'Letting the brush lead: Mark Cousins, film-maker of the floating world'. Emotion, Space and Society, 39 . [DOI] | |
2020 | Martin, D; Nettleton, S; Buse, C (2020) 'Drawing atmosphere: A case study of architectural design for care in later life'. Body and Society, 26 (4):62-96. [DOI] | |
2020 | Brown, N; Buse, C; Lewis, A; Martin, D; Nettleton, S (2020) 'Air care: an ‘aerography’ of breath, buildings and bugs in the cystic fibrosis clinic'. Sociology of Health and Illness, 42 (5):972-986. [DOI] | |
2020 | Brown, N; Nettleton, S; Buse, C; Lewis, A; Martin, D (2020) 'The coughing body: etiquettes, techniques, sonographies and spaces'. BioSocieties, 16 :270-288. [DOI] | |
2020 | Buse, C; Brown, N; Nettleton, S; Martin, D; Lewis, A (2020) 'Caring through distancing: spatial boundaries and proximities in the cystic fibrosis clinic'. Social Science & Medicine, 265 . [DOI] | |
2020 | Buse, C; Twigg, J; Nettleton, S; Martin, D (2020) 'Dirty linen, liminal spaces and later life: Meanings of laundry in care home design and practice'. Sociological Research Online, 23 (4). [DOI] | |
2020 | Wood, N; Martin, D (2020) '“I’m a foreigner there”: landscape, wellbeing and the geographies of home'. Health and Place, 62 . [DOI] | |
2020 | Nettleton, S; Martin, D; Buse, C; Prior, L (2020) 'Materializing architecture for social care: Brick walls and compromises in design for later life'. British Journal of Sociology, 71 (1):153-167. [DOI] | |
2019 | Martin, D; Nettleton, S; Buse, C (2019) 'Affecting care: Maggie’s Centres and the orchestration of architectural atmospheres'. Social Science and Medicine, 240 . [DOI] | |
2018 | Nettleton, S; Buse, C; Martin, D (2018) '‘Essentially it's just a lot of bedrooms’: architectural design, prescribed personalisation and the construction of care homes for later life'. Sociology of Health and Illness, 40 (7):1156-1171. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1467-9566.12747 | |
2018 | Martin, D (2018) 'A resonant architecture: Liam McCormick and the sonorities of place'. Landscape Research, 43 (2):260-274. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01426397.2017.1307332 | |
2018 | Nettleton, S; Martin, D; Buse, C (2018) 'Envisioning Bodies And Architectures Of Care: Reflections On Competition Designs For Older People'. Journal of Aging Studies, 45 :54-62. [DOI] | |
2018 | Buse, C; Martin, D; Nettleton, S (2018) 'Conceptualising ‘Materialities of Care’: making visible mundane material culture in health and social care contexts'. Sociology of Health and Illness, 40 (2):243-255. [DOI] | |
2017 | Buse, C; Nettleton, S; Martin, D; Twigg, J (2017) 'Imagined bodies: Architects and their constructions of later life'. Ageing and Society, 37 (7):1435-1457. [DOI] | |
2017 | Hill, D; Martin, D (2017) 'Visibly Mute: Ethical Sociality and the Everyday Exurban'. Antipode, 49 (2):416-436. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/anti.12271 | |
2016 | Butterfield, A; Martin, D (2016) 'Affective sanctuaries: understanding Maggie’s as therapeutic landscapes'. Landscape Research, 41 (6):695-706. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01426397.2016.1197386 | |
2016 | Johnson, M; Martin, D (2016) 'The Anticipated Futures of Space Tourism'. Mobilities, 11 (1):135-151. [Link] https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17450101.2015.1097034 | |
2015 | Martin, D; Nettleton, S; Buse, C; Prior, L; Twigg, J (2015) 'Architecture and health care: a place for sociology'. Sociology of Health and Illness, 37 (7):1007-1022. [Link] https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9566.12284 | |
2014 | Martin, D (2014) 'Translating Space: the Politics of Ruins, the Remote and Peripheral Places'. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 38 (3):1102-1119. [Link] https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1468-2427.12121 | |
2014 | Martin, D (2014) 'Introduction: Towards a political understanding of new urban ruins'. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 38 (3):1037-1046. [Link] [DOI] | |
2011 | Martin, D. (2011) 'Eyjafjallajökull 4′33″: A Stillness in Three Parts'. Mobilities, 6 (1):85-94. [Link] https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17450101.2011.532656 | |
2010 | Martin, D (2010) 'A poetic urbanism: Recreating places, remade to measure, but from the inside out'. City, 14 (5):586-591. [Link] https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13604813.2010.511823 | |
2010 | Martin, D (2010) 'Mobilities‐Based Urban Planning in the North of England'. Mobilities, 5 (1):61-81. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/17450100903435045 | |
2008 | Martin, D (2008) '‘The post‐city being prepared on the site of the ex‐city’'. City, 12 (3):372-382. [Link] https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13604810802479001 |
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