Welcome to REFRESH, designed to support all students returning for second semester in Maynooth University.

This campaign brings together events, social activities, workshops and much more from across the University to provide you with the supports and resources to succeed in Semester Two.

The first weeks of a new semester are an opportunity to Restart, Restore and Renew.

  • Restart: Learn from how last semester went, get prepared for the new semester, and restart your learning.
  • Restore: Take some time to look after your health, prepare yourself for new challenges, and restore your balance.
  • Renew: Make time for friends and connections, learn about new opportunities, and renew your passions.

Check out the events happening each week and get Refreshed for Semester Two!

'REFRESH' is brought to you by MU Student Skills & Success; MU Student Services; Maynooth Students' Union; MU Library.