Angela Rickard

Lecturer/Assistant Professor
Lecturer in the Department of Education in Maynooth University I am the Course Leader on the Professional Master of Education (PME - Year 2). I teache on this and on other postgraduate and undergraduate programmes in the department. I am interested in integrating education for social justice in Initial Teacher Education; supporting creative approaches to teaching and learning and exploring how emerging technologies can be used to complement these approaches. I am the departmental representative in the Ubuntu Teacher Education Network and coordinate a number of related modules on both years of the PME programme.
Working with internal and external partners, I have worked to promote collaborative, inclusive practice generally and Team Teaching in particular. I have has undertaken a number of research initiatives involving partners in Ireland and further afield. Themes include: Social Justice and Development Education, Initial Teacher Education, Teacher Professional Learning and Academic writing.
Working with internal and external partners, I have worked to promote collaborative, inclusive practice generally and Team Teaching in particular. I have has undertaken a number of research initiatives involving partners in Ireland and further afield. Themes include: Social Justice and Development Education, Initial Teacher Education, Teacher Professional Learning and Academic writing.
Research Interests
In both my teaching and research I seek to promote education for social justice. I explore creative approaches to teaching and learning, including Team Teaching and in recent years have worked to bring the formal and non-formal sectors (teachers and Youth Workers) together to explore themes of mutual concern. I have recently completed a Doctorate in Education in the University of Bristol. My dissertation was entitled 'Ye're mad about the gays up there, aren't ye?' Shaping new stories about LGBTQ+ inclusive practice in second level schools in Ireland: a narrative inquiry.
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2019 | Rickard A.; Walsh T. (2019) 'Policy, practice and process in team teaching: a pilot project with co-operating teachers and student teachers on school placement'. Irish Educational Studies, 38 (3):309-326. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2017 | Austin R.; Rickard A.; Reilly J. (2017) 'Face-to-face contact in blended learning for intercultural education: the role of teachers'. Irish Educational Studies, 36 (3):323-340. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2016 | Doggett, B, Grummell, B and Rickard, A (2016) 'Opportunities and Obstacles: How School Leaders View Development Education in Irish Port-Primary Schools'. POLICY AND PRACTICE - A DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION REVIEW, 23 (Autumn):38-64. [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Rickard A. (2014) 'Not-so-simple Story from My Life: Using Auto-ethnography and Creative Writing to Re-frame the Heteronormative Narratives of School Life'. Changing English, 21 (4):348-358. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Rickard A.; Grace A.; Austin R.; Smyth J. (2014) 'Assessing impact of ICT intercultural work'. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education, 10 (3):1-18. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Austin, R; Smyth, J; Rickard, A; Quirk-Bolt, N; Metcalfe, N (2010) 'Collaborative digital learning in schools: teacher perceptions of purpose and effectiveness'. TECHNOLOGY, PEDAGOGY AND EDUCATION, 19 :327-343. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Rickard, A., McAvinia, C. & Quirke-Bolt, N. (2009) 'The Challenge of Change: Digital Video-Analysis and Constructivist Teaching Approaches on a One Year Preservice Teacher Education Program in Ireland. '. JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY IN TEACHER EDUCATION, 17 . | |
2004 | Rickard, A (2004) 'Oilte: Organising In-service Training for Languages & Technology in Education'. Teangeolas, 41 :15-19. |
Conference Contribution
Other Journal
Year | Publication | |
2021 | Lonergan, J., Behan, A., McNerney, L., Croasdell, A., McNerney, E., Rickard, A. and Cahalane, C (2021) 'Discovering Space' Surveyors Journal, 10 (4) :28-29. [Link] | |
2020 | Cahalane, C., Behan, A., Lonergan, J., McNerney, L., Rickard, A., Croasdell, A. and McNerney, E. (2020) 'Space, Surveyors and Students' Surveyors Journal, 10 (1) :26-27. [Link] | |
2020 | Rickard, A., Behan, A., Lonergan, J., McNerney, L., Rickard, A., Croasdell, A., McNerney, E. and Cahalane, C (2020) '5*S: Space, Surveyors, Students: STEM and the Sustainable Development Goals' ETBI Journal of Education, 2 (1) :9-14. [Link] |
Book Chapter
Year | Publication | |
2023 | O'Shea, Marianne, Rickard, Angela (2023) '‘Among Others’ Reinventing Initial Professional Education with Student Teachers & Student Youth Workers' In: The New Publicness of Education: Democratic Possibilities after the Critique of Neo-Liberalism. London : Routledge. [Link] | |
2014 | Rickard, A (2014) 'Navigating Other Worlds (NOW) Exploring Digital Game-based Learning in Teacher Education' In: Game-Based Learning: opportunities and challenges. Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing. | |
2013 | Rickard, A. (2013) 'Navigating Other Worlds (NOW) Digital Games Based Learning project for Science and Maths Education ' In: Teaching Fellowships 2012 – 2013 Project Reports & Outcomes. : NUIM. | |
2016 | Rickard A.; Austin R. (2016) 'Assessing impact of ICT intercultural work: The dissolving boundaries program' In: Exploring the New Era of Technology-Infused Education. [DOI] | |
2010 | Healy, C., Rickard, A., Mc Dermott K. and Ruddock, K. (2010) 'I'm Glad to Know I'm Not Going Mad!: The Use of Videos of Authentic Classroom Practice to Prompt Collaborative Reflective Practice Among Second Level Modern Foreign Languages Teachers' In: The Digital Learning Revolution in Ireland : Case Studies from the National Learning Resources Service. Cambridge : Cambridge Scholars Press. [Full-Text] | |
2006 | Rickard, A., Blin, Françoise & Appel, Christine (2006) 'Training for Trainers: Challenges, Outcomes, and Principles of In-Service Training across the Irish Education System' In: Hubbard, Philip and Mike Levy(Eds.). Teacher Education in CALL. Amsterdam/Philadelphia : John Benjamins. |
Conference Publication
Published Report
Year | Publication | |
2021 | O'Shea, M., Rickard, A. (2021) Among Others: Exploring the impact of a shared module of professional education linking pre-service student teachers and Youth and Community Work students. Centre for Teaching & Learning, Maynooth University, . | |
2014 | Byrne, D., Burke, N.,Dempsey, M., O'Shea, A., & Rickard, A. (2014) FaSMEd Position Paper Low-Attaining Learners in Science and Mathematics. FaSMEd, . [Link] |
Conference Paper
Technical Publication
Working Paper
Year | Publication | |
2013 | Rickard, A., Grummell, B. and Doggett, B. (2013) WorldWise Global Schools: Baseline Research Consultancy, Dublin: WWGS. [Working Paper] [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Rickard, Angela, Quirke-Bolt, Nigel (2009) Going2secondary : An Evaluation of the Going2Secondary Website Project. [Working Paper] |
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