Dr Barry Cannon

Originally from County Donegal, I have a professional background in local government administration and international development and have lived in London, Barcelona and Lima, Peru. I graduated with my PhD from Dublin City University in 2005, with a thesis on populism in Latin America, supervised by Prof. Peadar Kirby. I then worked with Comhlamh, the Irish Association for Development Workers,and received two funded postdoctoral positions from Irish Aid and the Irish Research Council respectively. I started working with the Sociology Department at Maynooth in 2013, teaching modules on political ideas, democracy and citizenship, Latin American politics and supporting third years on their final year dissertations. My research interests are civil society/state relations, democratisation, populism, and the left and right in Latin America, and have written extensively on Bolivarian Venezuela.
Research Interests
My research interests are primarily centred on Latin American politics, with particular expertise on Peru, Venezuela and Central America. I have published on the Bolivarian government of Venezuela, on state/civil society relations in left-led governments of Latin America and on democratization in Central America. I completed an Irish Research Council funded project on the Latin American Right, with a variety of publications, including a book The Right in Latin America: Elite Power, Hegemony and the Struggle for the State (Routledge, 2016). I am a member of the Hostfilm Erasmus + Project led by the University of Salamanca in Spain. To view the project activities see: https://hostfilm.usal.es/index.php/syllabus/.
Research Projects
Year | Publication | |
2016 | Barry Cannon (2016) The right in Latin America: Elite power, hegemony and the struggle for the state. London and New York: Routledge. [DOI] | |
2009 | Barry Cannon (2009) Hugo Chavez and the Bolivarian Revolution: Populism and Democracy in a Globalised Age. Manchester UK: Manchester University Press. [Link] |
Edited Book
Year | Publication | |
2020 | Barry Cannon and Patricia Rangel (Ed.). (2020) The resurgence of the right in Latin America: new coalitions and agendas'. Barcelona: Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals, [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2012 | Barry Cannon and Peadar Kirby (Ed.). (2012) Civil Society and the State in Left-led Latin America: Challenges and Limitations to Democratization. London: Zed, [Link] |
Book Chapter
Year | Publication | |
2023 | Cannon, B.; González, Y. (2023) 'VENEZUELA: Democracy as market, or how the right-wing opposition confused the two in its quest for power' In: The Right in the Americas: Distinct Trajectories and Hemispheric Convergences, from the Origins to the Present. [Link] [DOI] | |
2023 | Barry Cannon (2023) 'El populismo de derecha y el “liberalismo del miedo” en América Latina' In: Populismo: una perspective latinoamericana. Buenos Aires : Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO). | |
2023 | Barry Cannon (2023) 'Populism and the Right in Latin America' In: Populism: Latin American Perspectives. Newcastle on Tyne : Agenda. | |
2022 | Barry Cannon (2022) 'Democratisation and De-democratisation in Times of a Pandemic' In: The Crisis and Future of Democracy. Brussels : Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung. [Link] | |
2021 | Cannon, B. (2021) 'Epilogue: Right and left in a post-Covid-19 world' In: Global Resurgence Of The Right: Conceptual And Regional Perspectives. [Link] | |
2021 | Barry Cannon (2021) 'El Umbral Tiroles de la Hostipitalidad' In: Cine y Hospitalidad: Narrativas visuales del otro. Salamanca : Ediciones Universidad Salamanca. | |
2020 | Cannon, B (2020) 'COVID-19 in Latin America Uneven Responses, Uneven Impacts, Shared Challenges' In: COVID-19 IN THE GLOBAL SOUTH: IMPACTS AND RESPONSES. BRISTOL : BRISTOL UNIV PR. | |
2020 | Barry Cannon (2020) 'Democratization and De-democratization in Left-led Brazil: From ‘Low-Conflict Progressivism’ to ‘Hyper-Reactionary Neoliberalism’' In: Democracy and Brazil: Collapse and Regression. Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge. [Link] | |
2019 | Barry Cannon (2019) 'Characterization, Strategies, and Objectives of the Latin American Right' In: Oxford Encyclopedia of Latin American Politics. Oxford and New York : Oxford University Press. [DOI] | |
2017 | Cannon B. (2017) 'The South American right: Powerful elites and weak states' In: Handbook of South American Governance. [DOI] | |
2013 | Barry Cannon (2013) 'Political Parties: The Right' In: Salvador Martí i Puig and Diego Sánchez-Ancochea(Eds.). Handbook of Central American Governance. London : Routledge. | |
2012 | Barry Cannon (2012) 'States of (In)dependence? Democratization and Citizenship during Latin America’s ‘Left Decade’, 2000–2010' In: Bill Richardson and Lorraine Kelly(Eds.). Power, Place, Representation: Contested Sites of Dependence and Independence in Latin America. London : Peter Lang. | |
2012 | Barry Cannon and Peadar Kirby (2012) 'Civil society–state relations in left-led Latin America: deepening democratization?' In: Barry Cannon and Peadar Kirby(Eds.). Civil Society and the State in Left-led Latin America: Challenges and Limitations to Democratization. London : Zed. | |
2012 | Peadar Kirby and Barry Cannon (2012) 'Globalization, democratization and state–civil society relations in left-led Latin America' In: Barry Cannon and Peadar Kirby(Eds.). Civil Society and the State in Left-led Latin America: Challenges and Limitations to Democratization. London : Zed. | |
2012 | Barry Cannon and Mo Hume (2012) '‘Civil society-state relations in left-led El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua' In: Barry Cannon and Peadar Kirby(Eds.). Civil Society and the State in Left-led Latin America: Challenges and Limitations to Democratization. London : Zed. | |
2007 | Barry Cannon (2007) 'Populisms in Latin America: Sometimes the populists are right!' In: Luis Alberto Cordero y Francisco Carrillo(Eds.). Hacia el buen gobierno: tareas aún pendientes. San Jose de Costa Rica : Fundacion Arias. |
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2024 | Cannon, B.; Murphy, S. (2024) '‘We’re not right-wing or racist but…’: Far-right myth and distributive conflict in asylum seeker related protest in the Republic of Ireland, November 2022–July 2023'. Irish Journal of Sociology, . [Link] [DOI] | |
2023 | Cannon, B. (2023) 'THE FAR RIGHT AND OVERSEAS DEVELOPMENT AID (ODA): NARRATIVES, POLICIES AND IMPACT'. Policy and Practice, 2023 . [Link] | |
2021 | Barry Cannon (2021) 'Socialism equals death, market equals life: anti-socialist and pro-market policy discourse among the contemporary Venezuelan Opposition'. Les Cahiers de Framespa, 36 . [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2020 | Cannon B.; Rangel P. (2020) 'Introduction: the resurgence of the right in Latin America'. Revista Cidob D'Afers Internacionals, (126):7-15. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2018 | Cannon B. (2018) 'Must we talk about populism? Interrogating populism’s conceptual utility in a context of crisis'. New Political Science, 40 (3):477-496. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2017 | Cannon, B; Brown, J (2017) 'VENEZUELA 2016: THE YEAR OF LIVING DANGEROUSLY'. Revista de Ciencia Politica, 37 :613-633. [Full-Text] | |
2015 | Cannon, B; Murphy, MP (2015) 'Where are the Pots and Pans? Collective Responses in Ireland to Neoliberalization in a Time of Crisis: Learning from Latin America'. Irish Political Studies, 30 :1-19. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Cannon, B (2014) 'As Clear as MUD: Characteristics, Objectives, and Strategies of the Opposition in Bolivarian Venezuela'. Latin American Politics and Society, 56 :49-70. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2012 | Cannon B.; Hume M. (2012) 'Central America, civil society and the 'pink tide': Democratization or de-democratization?'. Democratization, 19 (6):1039-1064. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Barry Cannon (2010) 'Wanted! 'Strong publics' for uncertain times. The experience of the Active Citizenship in Central America project'. Development in Practice, 20 :649-663. [Full-Text] | |
2008 | Cannon B. (2008) 'Class/Race Polarisation in Venezuela and the Electoral Success of Hugo Chavez: A break with the past or the song remains the same?'. Third World Quarterly, 29 (4):731-748. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2004 | Dr. Barry Cannon (2004) 'Venezuela, April 2002: Coup or Popular Rebellion? The Myth of a United Venezuela'. Bulletin of Latin American Research, 23 :285-302. [Full-Text] | |
2024 | Cannon, B. (2024) 'GOING GLOBAL: DEFINING, CHARACTERISING AND CONSTRUCTING GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP'. Policy and Practice, 2024-Spring . [Link] |
Other Journal
Year | Publication | |
2017 | Barry Cannon (2017) 'Coups, “smart coups” and elections: Right power strategies in a context of Left hegemony' Irish Jurist, 5 (1) :29-49. [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2016 | Barry Cannon (2016) 'Inside the Mind of Latin America's New Right' NACLA Report on the Americas, 48 (4) :328-333. [Link] http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10714839.2016.1258275 [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Dr. Barry Cannon (2014) 'El poder de la derecha y la influencía permanente de la élite en Centroamérica' Mesoamerica, 35 (56) enero-diciembre :78-105. | |
2011 | Barry Cannon (2011) 'Leftist Governments in Latin America: Successes and Shortcomings by Kurt Weyland, Raúl L. Madrid, Wendy Hunter; Latin America's Left Turns: Politics, Policies and Trajectories of Change by Maxwell A. Cameron, Eric Hershberg' European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, . [Link] |
Published Report
Year | Publication | |
2023 | Barry Cannon (2023) Going Global? Defining, Characterising and Constructing Global Citizenship. Comhlamh, . [Full-Text] | |
2022 | Barry Cannon, Richard King, Joseph Munnelly and Riyad el-Moslemany (2022) Resisting the Far Right: Civil Society Strategies for Countering the Far Right in Ireland. Maynooth University and Crosscare Migrant Project, . [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2022 | Barry Cannon (2022) Emerging modalities of global solidarity and active global citizenship in Ireland. Comhlamh, . [Link] |
Electronic Article
Year | Publication | |
2020 | Barry Cannon (2020) Will Joe Biden 'speak softly' or 'carry a big stick' in Latin America?. [Electronic Article] [Link] | |
2016 | Barry Cannon (2016) Making Sense of Opposition in Venezuela: From the MUD to “La Salida” and Back. [Electronic Article] [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Dr. Barry Cannon (2014) Opposition in Bolivarian Venezuela: Caught Between Conflict and Compromise. [Electronic Article] [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Dr. Barry Cannon (2013) Binary visions of a complex leader or: What I learned from Hugo Chavez (1954-2013). [Electronic Article] [Link] [Full-Text] |
Year | Publication | |
2024 | Barry Cannon; Shane Murphy (2024) Why are people protesting against asylum seekers in Ireland?. London: [Blog] [Link] | |
2022 | Barry Cannon (2022) Are the far right a threat to Irish democracy?. Dublin: [Blog] [Link] | |
2019 | Dr. Barry Cannon (2019) Juan Guaidó’s Policy Proposals: “The Venezuela to Come” or the Venezuela that has already been?. New York: [Blog] [Link] | |
2017 | Barry Cannon (2017) From Chávez to Trump, must we really talk about populism?. London: [Blog] [Link] |
Book Review
Year | Publication | |
2019 | Cannon, B (2019) From Fascism to Populism in History. HOBOKEN: [Book Review] [DOI] | |
2018 | Cannon, B (2018) The Lima Reader: History, Culture, Politics. HOBOKEN: [Book Review] | |
2016 | Cannon, B (2016) Hugo Chavez: Socialist for the Twenty-First Century. HOBOKEN: [Book Review] | |
2016 | Cannon, B (2016) Venezuela's Health Care Revolution. NEW YORK: [Book Review] [DOI] | |
2014 | Cannon, B (2014) The Sandinistas and Nicaragua since 1979. HOBOKEN: [Book Review] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Dr. Barry Cannon (2010) McBeth, B. S. (2008) Dictatorship and Politics: Intrigue, Betrayal, and Survival in Venezuela, 1908-1935. [Book Review] | |
2004 | Dr. Barry Cannon (2004) Venezuelan Politics in the Chávez Era: Class, Polarisation and Conflict by Steve Ellner and Daniel Hellinger. [Book Review] | |
2004 | Dr. Barry Cannon (2004) President Fujimori of Peru: The President Who Dared to Dream by Rei Kimura. [Book Review] |
Newspaper Articles
Year | Publication | |
2024 | Barry Cannon; Shane Murphy (2024) What are anti-immigration protesters demanding? It’s more complex than you think. Dublin: [Newspaper Articles] [Link] | |
2025 | Barry Cannon (2025) Ireland is signing up to a definition of anti-Semitism that has been used against Irish politicians. Dublin: [Newspaper Articles] [Link] |
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.
Teaching Interests
I teach the following courses in Politics:
PO151: Introduction to Political Ideas, discussing major ideologies, such as Liberalism, Conservatism, Socialism, Feminism among others, and key ideas, such as Liberty, Equality, Justice etc.
PO205: Democracy and Citizenship, examining different theories of citizenship and the democratic institutionality which embody them.
PO313: Power in the Americas. This course examines power structures in Latin America and between Latin America and the rest of the Western Hemisphere.
PO303: A Special Topics course for third year students, helping guide them as the do their final year disseratations.
PO151: Introduction to Political Ideas, discussing major ideologies, such as Liberalism, Conservatism, Socialism, Feminism among others, and key ideas, such as Liberty, Equality, Justice etc.
PO205: Democracy and Citizenship, examining different theories of citizenship and the democratic institutionality which embody them.
PO313: Power in the Americas. This course examines power structures in Latin America and between Latin America and the rest of the Western Hemisphere.
PO303: A Special Topics course for third year students, helping guide them as the do their final year disseratations.