Dr Bruno Morando



Rhetoric House
1st Floor


Bruno is a lecturer in Economics at Maynooth University.

Bruno joined the Department in 2021, following the completion of a postdoctoral fellowship at Trinity College Dublin, where he also obtained his PhD in Economics in 2019. 

Bruno also holds 
 a MSc in Economics (LMEC) from the University of Bologna and a BSc in Business and Economics from the University of Verona.

Bruno's research interest revolves around agricultural and development economics and he is particularly keen on spatial data applications in all fields of economics.

Research Interests

My research interests revolve around agricultural and development economics.
I am particularly interested in the study of the magnitude and sources of resource misallocation and keen on spatial data applications to economic issues.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2023 Morando, B. (2023) 'Subsistence Farming and Factor Misallocation: Evidence from Ugandan Agriculture'. World Bank Economic Review, 37 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Morando B. (2022) 'Aggregate productivity and inefficient cropping patterns in Uganda'. Journal of Productivity Analysis, . [DOI]
2021 Luciano Ayala, Federico Frattini and Bruno Morando (2021) 'Setting an example: Political leaders' cues and compliance with health policies in the early stages of the Covid‐19 pandemic in Mexico'. Latin American Policy, . [Link] https://doi.org/10.1111/lamp.12223
2020 Luciano Ayala, Bruno Morando (2020) 'Rental markets, gender, and land certificates: Evidence from Vietnam'. Food Policy, . [Link] https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodpol.2020.101842 [Full-Text]
2020 James Carroll, William Brazil, Bruno Morando and Eleanor Denny (2020) 'What drives the gender-cycling-gap? Census analysis from Ireland'. Transport Policy, . [Link] https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tranpol.2020.07.007

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2023 Bruno Morando; Carol Newman (2023) European Economic Association Annual Conference European Economic Association Annual Conference Barcelona, .
2023 Bruno Morando (2023) Irish Economic Association Annual Conference Irish Economic Association Annual Conference Athlone, .
2022 Bruno Morando (2022) Centre for the Study of African Economies CSAE annual conference University of Oxford, .
2022 Bruno Morando (2022) Agricultural Economics Society of Ireland Annual Meeting Annual AESI Conference Galway, .
2021 Bruno Morando (2021) ISI Conference on Economic Growth and Development ISI annual conference Indian Statistical Institute (online conference), .
2021 Bruno Morando (2021) Association of Southern-European Economic Theorists (ASSET) ASSET Annual Conference Aix-Marseille University, .
2021 Bruno Morando (2021) Centre for the Study of African Economies CSAE annual conference University of Oxford, .
2019 Bruno Morando (2019) Irish Economic Association IEA annual conference UCC, .
2019 Bruno Morando (2019) Nordic Conference in Development Economics NCDE annual conference University of Copenhagen, .
2019 Bruno Morando (2019) Center for the Study of African Economies CSAE annual conference University of Oxford, .
2017 Bruno Morando (2017) Nordic Conference in Development Economics Annual NCDE conference Gothenburg, .
2017 Bruno Morando (2017) Irish Economic Association IEA annual conference Central Bank of Ireland, .
2024 Bruno Morando (2024) Agricultural Economic Society Annual Meeting Agricultural Economics Society Annual Conference Edinburgh, .
2024 Bruno Morando (2024) AESI Annual Meeting Agricultural Economics Society of Ireland Belfast, .

Working Paper

Year Publication
2022 Michael Kilumelume, Bruno Morando, Carol Newman, John Rand (2022) Spillovers from extractive insustries. [Working Paper] [Link] https://doi.org/10.35188/UNU-WIDER/2022/141-9
2021 Bruno Morando (2021) Market access and inefficient cropping patterns in Uganda. [Working Paper] [Link]
2021 Michael Kilumelume, Bruno Morando, Carol Newman and John Rand. (2021) Tariffs, productivity, and resource misallocation. [Working Paper] [Link] https://doi.org/10.35188/UNU-WIDER/2021/114-3
2021 Bruno Morando and Carol Newman (2021) Capital Misallocation, Agricultural Subsidies and Productivity: A European Perspective. [Working Paper] [Link]
2021 Bruno Morando (2021) Subsistence farming and factor misallocation: Evidence from Ugandan agriculture. [Working Paper] [Link]
2024 Bruno Morando (2024) Testing the GAEZ agronomic model in the fields:Evidence from Uganda. [Working Paper] [Link]
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Editorial / Academic Reviews

Amount Role From / To
Referee -
The Journal of Development Studies Referee -