Dr Edward O'Connor

School of Business

Lecturer/Assistant Professor

School of Business Building
(01) 474 7740


Edward O'Connor is an Associate Lecturer in Human Resource Management at Maynooth University's School of Business. Edward's research interests are in the areas of Careers, Skilled Migration, Expatriation and HRM. Edward has published in international peer-reviewed journals and regularly shares his research at national and international conferences. Edward is a John & Pat Hume scholar and an IRC scholarship winner. Prior to academia, Edward worked in management, mainly in the SME sector.

Research Interests

Careers, Skilled Migration, Expatriation, HRM.

To date my research has centered on an in-depth exploration of the career motivations, actions and experiences of skilled migrants from the EU10 countries who currently live and work in Ireland. Specifically, the analysis considers how the broad and proximal contexts, in conjunction with time and timing, influence the career actions and career outcomes of skilled migrants. This analysis is based on the sense-making of the respondents themselves, in their recounts of their career actions and experiences in Ireland. The career and life narratives of thirty eight Polish, Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian expatriates, who are developing careers in the Irish small to medium enterprise (SME) sector, are considered.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2023 Smith-Auchmuty, A.; O'Connor, E.P. (2023) 'Bringing It All Back Home”: Capital Utilization of Irish Repatriates in the Irish SME Animation Industry' In: The Palgrave Handbook of Global Migration in International Business. Cham : Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-38886-6_24
2021 Crowley-Henry, M., O Connor, E. & Suarez-Bilbao, B. (2021) 'Understanding the Organisational Context. Self-Initiated Expatriates’ Experiences in SMEs' In: Self-Initiated Expatriates in Context. Recognizing Space, Time, and Institutions. New York : Routledge. [Link]
2020 (2020) 'Understanding the organisational context: Self-initiated expatriates’ experiences in SMEs' In: Mastering the Context of Self-Initiated Expatriation: Recognizing Space, Time, and Institutions.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2025 Edward O'Connor; J.J. Shao; Akram Al Ariss; Yusuf Sidani (2025) 'Overcoming the either/or mindset: Towards an Integrated Talent Management Framework'. European Management Review, . [DOI]
2023 Suarez-Bilbao B.; Andresen M.; Crowley-Henry M.; O'Connor E.P. (2023) 'The influence of complexity, chance and change on the career crafting strategies of SIEs'. Career Development International, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2021 Crowley-Henry M.; O'Connor E.P.; Suarez-Bilbao B. (2021) 'What goes around comes around. Exploring how skilled migrant founder–managers of SMEs recruit and retain international talent'. Journal of Global Mobility, 9 (2):145-165. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 O’Connor E.; Crowley-Henry M. (2020) 'From home to host: The instrumental kaleidoscopic careers of skilled migrants'. Human Relations, 73 (2):262-287. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Edward O'Connor; Marian Crowley-Henry (2019) 'Exploring the Relationship Between Exclusive Talent Management, Perceived Organizational Justice and Employee Engagement: Bridging the Literature'. Journal of Business Ethics, 56 (4):903-917. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2018 Marian Crowley-Henry, Edward O’ Connor, Akram Al Ariss. (2018) 'Portrayal of skilled migrants in management studies. A review of the literature and future research agenda'. European Management Review, . [DOI] [Full-Text]

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2024 Edward O'Connor; Adele Smith-Auchmuty (2024) “Bringing it all Back Home” – The Impact of Repatriated Capital in a Born-Global Career https://doi.org/10.5465/AMPROC.2024.20054abstract
2023 Smith-Auchmuty, A.; O'Connor, E. (2023) Capital Exchange in Creative Industries University of Sussex, UK,
2023 Smith-Auchmuty, A.; O'Connor, E. (2023) EURAM The Role of Founders in the International Capital Exchange Process Trinity Business School, Dublin, Ireland,
2017 Edward O'Connor; (2017) Academy of Management Annual Conference 2017 Skilled Migrants: Insiders or Outsiders in the Global Talent Management Equation?

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2024 Blanca Suarez-Bilbao; Marian Crowley-Henry; Edward P. O'Connor (2024) IRESI Sustainable Careers Maynooth University, 18/06/2024-18/06/2024.
2023 Edward P. O'Connor; Marian Crowley-Henry (2023) Academy of Management Annual Conference The liminal careers of skilled migrants Boston, USA, 04/08/2023-08/08/2023.
2022 Crowley-Henry, M. & O'Connor, E. (2022) 38th EGOS Colloquium, Sub-theme 17: Careers: Failure and Success in Changed Times 'Time counts! Unpacking skilled migrants' liminal careers' WU Vienna, Austria, .
2022 Blanca Suarez-Bilbao, Maike Andresen, Marian Crowley-Henry, Edward O’Connor (2022) 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SELF-INITIATED EXPATRIATION 'The influence of complexity, chance and change on the career crafting strategies of SIEs' Bamburg, Germany, .
2022 Marian Crowley-Henry and Edward P. O'Connor (2022) 38th EGOS Colloquium Crowley-Henry, M. & O'Connor, E. (2022). 'Time counts! Unpacking skilled migrants' liminal careers'. 38th EGOS Colloquium, Sub-theme 17: [hybrid] Careers: Failure and Success in Changed Times. WU Vienna, Austria WU Vienna, Austria, 07/07/2022-09/07/2022.
2021 Suarez-Bilbao, B., Crowley-Henry, M., O'Connor, E. and Andresen, M (2021) European Academy of Management Conference Connecting international employees' motivations, job crafting strategies and talent management implications. Toward the development of a conceptual framework Montreal, Canada [online], .
2020 Suarez-Bilbao, B., Crowley-Henry, M. and O'Connor, E. (2020) European Academy of Management Conference ‘Bleak House’ or ‘Small is Beautiful’? Exploring the personal and applied career capital of SME skilled migrant founders in attracting, employing and retaining skilled migrant employees Dublin, Ireland [online], .
2019 Edward O'Connor; Marian Crowley-Henry; Jon Briscoe (2019) 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management - nderstanding the Inclusive Organization Identities across time and space: The case of skilled migrants Boston, USA, .
2018 Edward O'Connor & Marian Crowley-Henry (2018) European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS) 2018 From home to host: The instrumental careers of skilled migrants Talinn, Estonia, 05/11/2018-07/11/2018.
2018 Edward O'Connor & Marian Crowley-Henry (2018) Irish Academy of Management (IAM) 2018 From There to Here: Kaleidoscopic careers of skilled migrants Cork University Business School, Cork, Ireland, .
2017 Edward O'Connor, Marian Crowley-Henry (2017) Irish Academy of Management annual Conference, 2017 From Bridgehead to Exploitation – the Instrumental Careers of Skilled Migrants” Belfast, NI, 30/08/2017-01/09/2017.
2016 Edward O'Connor, Marian Crowley-Henry (2016) Irish Academy of Management, 2016 ‘Career Crafting’: An Exploration of Skilled Migrants’ Career Construction in the Host Country UCC, .
2016 Edward O'Connor, Marian Crowley-Henry (2016) EURAM 2016 Towards the Theorization of Skilled Migrant Careers: Exploring the Careers of Skilled Migrant Workers Paris, France, .
2015 Edward O'Connor, Marian Crowley-Henry (2015) UFHRD 2015 Exclusive Talent Management, Perceived Organizational Justice & Employee Engagement: Bridging the Literature UCC, Cork, Ireland, 03/06/2015-05/06/2015.
2015 Edward O'Connor, Marian Crowley-Henry (2015) 1st Conference on Self-Initiated Expatriation SIEs or Skilled Migrants? Is it time to move from labels to issues?” Toulouse, France, .
2014 Edward O'Connor, Marian Crowley-Henry (2014) Irish Academy of Management Conference Talent management of Skilled Migrants University of Limerick, .
2014 Edward O'Connor, Marian Crowley-Henry (2014) 3rd Workshop on Talent Management Organizational Justice & Talent Management Berlin, Germany, .
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/01/2014 Irish Research Council Scholarship Irish Research Council
01/01/2013 John & Pat Hume Scholarship Maynooth University


Employer Position From / To
Maynooth University Assistant Professor 01/09/2017 -
MSI Ltd Project Manager 04/09/2006 - 05/02/2010


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
Maynooth University PhD Business
Maynooth University BBS (Hons) Business & Management
Maynooth University Certificate in Teaching and Learning Teaching and Learning

Teaching Interests

Human resource management (HRM)
Strategic human resource management (SHRM)
International human resource management (IHRM)
Organizational Theory
Placement Experience

Recent Students

Graduation date Name Degree
2020 Clara Manayara Lyn Mutseyekwa Master's Degree
2019 Bo Tang Master's Degree
2019 Liam Mulroney Master's Degree
2017 Shauna Whitney Talbot Master of Business Studies
2019 Yinan Li Master's Degree
2020 James Whelan Master's Degree
2019 Jodi Killackey Masters by Research
2017 Ciara Dunne Master of Business Studies

Internal Collaborators

Name Company Role Country
Adele Smith-Auchmuty Assistant Professor Ireland
Marian Crowley-Henry Co-Author Ireland

External Collaborators

Name Role Country
Akramm Al Ariss - Toulouse Business School Co-Author France