Dr Eoin Flaherty

Before arriving at Maynooth, I spent two years as Lecturer in Sociology at Queen's University Belfast, and two years as Assistant Professor in Sociology at University College Dublin. I am interested in some basic questions of collective behavior: how are patterns of inequality formed and maintained, and how do they change over time? I study these processes over time and space, with a particular focus on income inequality during the late 20th/early 21st century, and instances of famine during the 19th century (mainly Ireland for now). I am also interested in how human societies have formed systems of cooperation and managed resources collectively, and whether such systems were more resilient to environmental stress.
Recent published work available here:
Slater, Eamonn and Flaherty, Eoin (2023) 'Marx on the Reciprocal Interconnections between the Soil and the Human Body: Ireland and Its Colonialised Metabolic Rifts'. Antipode, 55 (2):620-642.
Research Interests
- Top income inequality, labour's share of national income, time series and pooled time series cross-section analysis, rentier incomes.
- Financialisation, social structures of accumulation, power resources.
- Famine, common-pool resource systems, primitive communism, nineteenth-century Ireland.
- Marxist social theory (with a special interest in ecology), and the history of Marxist thought
- Complexity theory, human ecology, environmental sociology.
Research Projects
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2023 | Eoin Flaherty; Marie Moran (2023) 'Rethinking the Concept of a ‘Financial Elite’: A Critical Intervention'. Critical Sociology, 49 (7-8):1157-1172. [DOI] | |
2023 | Coulter, Colin., Shirlow, Peter., and Flaherty, Eoin (2023) '‘Seismic’ or Stalemate? The bio(politics) of the 2021 Northern Ireland Census'. Space and Polity, 27 (1). [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2023 | Flaherty, E.; McAuley, M. (2023) 'New dimensions of inequality in Northern Ireland, 1998–2020'. Space and Polity, . [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2023 | Slater, Eamonn and Flaherty, Eoin (2023) 'Marx on the Reciprocal Interconnections between the Soil and the Human Body: Ireland and Its Colonialised Metabolic Rifts'. Antipode, 55 (2):620-642. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2022 | Flaherty Eoin., Sturm Tristan., and Farries, Elizabeth (2022) 'The conspiracy of Covid-19 and 5G: Spatial analysis fallacies in the age of data democratization'. Social Science and Medicine, 293 . [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2022 | Duong K.; Flaherty E. (2022) 'Does growth reduce poverty? The mediating role of carbon emissions and income inequality'. Economic Change and Restructuring, . [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2021 | Flaherty, Eoin (2021) 'Common-pool resource governance and uneven food security: Regional resilience during the Great Irish Famine, 1845-1852'. Journal of Agrarian Change, 21 (2):285-312. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2020 | Flaherty Eoin and Ó Riain, Seán (2020) 'Labour's declining share of national income in Ireland and Denmark: The national specificities of structural change'. Socio-Economic Review, 18 (4):1039-1064. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2019 | Flaherty, Eoin (2019) 'Varieties of Regulation and Financialization: Comparative Pathways to Top Income Inequality in the OECD, 1975–2005'. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 21 (1):90-115. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2016 | Flaherty, Eoin (2016) 'Rundale and 19th Century Irish Settlement: System, Space, and Genealogy'. Irish Geography, 48 (2):3-38. [Link] http://dx.doi.org/10.2014/igj.v48i2.623 [Full-Text] | |
2015 | Flaherty, Eoin (2015) 'Top incomes under finance-driven capitalism, 1990-2010: power resources and regulatory orders'. Socio-Economic Review, 13 (3):417-447. [Link] https://doi.org/10.1093/ser/mwv011 [Full-Text] | |
2015 | Flaherty, Eoin (2015) 'A statistical and documentary primer on rundale in Ireland'. Ulster Folklife, 58 :22-32. [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Flaherty, Eoin (2014) 'Assessing the distribution of social-ecological resilience and risk: Ireland as a case study of the uneven impact of famine'. Ecological Complexity, 19 (9):35-45. [Link] https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecocom.2014.04.002 [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Flaherty, Eoin (2014) 'Income inequality from 1960-2012: a brief time-series history of capital and labour'. Irish Journal of Sociology, 22 (1):88-101. [Link] https://doi.org/10.7227%2FIJS.22.1.6 [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Flaherty, Eoin (2013) 'Geographies of communality, colonialism, and capitalism: ecology and the world system'. Historical Geography, 41 :59-79. [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Slater, Eamonn., and Flaherty, Eoin (2009) ''Marx on primitive communism: The Irish rundale agrarian commune, its internal dynamics, and metabolic rift'. Irish Journal of Anthropology, 12 (2):5-34. [Link] [Full-Text] |
Year | Publication | |
2019 | Flaherty, Eoin (2019) Complexity and Resilience in the Social and Ecological Sciences. London: Palgrave Macmillan. [DOI] |
Book Chapter
Year | Publication | |
2018 | Flaherty, Eoin (2018) 'Complex Inequalities in the Age of Financialisation: Piketty, Marx, and Class-Biased Power Resources' In: Twenty-First Century Inequality & Capitalism: Piketty, Marx and Beyond. Leiden : Brill. | |
2015 | Flaherty, Eoin., and Ó Riain, Seán (2015) 'The variety of Polanyian double movements in Europe¿s capitalisms' In: The changing worlds and workplaces of capitalism. London : Palgrave Macmillan. [Link] [DOI] | |
2015 | Ó Riain, Seán., Behling, Felix., Ciccia, Rossella., and Flaherty, Eoin (2015) 'Changing workplaces, changing capitalisms' In: The changing worlds and workplaces of capitalism. London : Palgrave Macmillan. [Link] [DOI] | |
2015 | Ó Riain, Seán., Behling, Felix., Ciccia, Rossella., and Flaherty, Eoin (2015) 'Integrating Work and Political Economy' In: The changing worlds and workplaces of capitalism. London : Palgrave Macmillan. [Link] [DOI] | |
2010 | Bendon, Mary., and Flaherty, Eoin (2010) 'Landscapes of recession in contemporary Ireland' In: Ireland of the illusions: a sociological chronicle. Dublin : Institute of Public Administration. [Link] |
Other Journal
Year | Publication | |
2018 | Flaherty, Eoin (2018) 'Doing Time Series Analyses of Income Inequality–Pooled or Comparative?' The game of greed and 20+18 other maths problems from Ireland, . [Link] [DOI] | |
2016 | Flaherty, Eoin (2016) 'Northern Ireland's Economy Post-Brexit: Is North-South Reunification the Answer?' Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics: Brexit Special (Online), . [Link] |
Year | Publication | |
2018 | Flaherty, Eoin (2018) What will happen to Ireland's abortion rate after repeal?. London: [Media] [Link] | |
2016 | Flaherty, Eoin (2016) Four simple steps the UK government follows to make you really, really rich. [Media] [Link] | |
2016 | Flaherty, Eoin (2016) Was there ever a time when so few people controlled so much wealth?. [Media] [Link] | |
2015 | Flaherty, Eoin (2015) Response to 'Fact check: Are those with the broadest shoulders bearing the greatest burden?'. [Media] [Link] | |
2015 | Flaherty, Eoin (2015) Free from the confines of coalition, Osbourne goes on benefits rampage. [Media] [Link] | |
2015 | Flaherty, Eoin (2015) Budget 2016: experts respond. [Media] [Link] |
Online Multimedia
Year | Publication | |
2021 | Flaherty, Eoin (2021) Data Analysis Using SPSS: Online Course. [Online Multimedia] [Link] | |
2021 | Flaherty, Eoin (2021) Data Analysis Using Stata: Online Course. [Online Multimedia] [Link] | |
2020 | Flaherty, Eoin (2020) Data Analysis Using JASP: Online Course. [Online Multimedia] [Link] |
Working Paper
Year | Publication | |
2020 | McAuley, Martina and Flaherty, Eoin (2020) “…til debt do us part…?” Unsecured Debt, Over-indebtedness, and Crisis in the Age of Financialisation. Maynooth University: [Working Paper] | |
2020 | Flaherty, Eoin and McAuley, Martina (2020) Class and Inequality in Northern Ireland. Maynooth University: [Working Paper] | |
2019 | Flaherty, Eoin (2019) Regional resilience during the Great Irish Famine, 1845-1852: the role of common tenancy in spatial inequalities of food security. Maynooth: [Working Paper] [Link] | |
2013 | Flaherty, Eoin and Sean Riain (2013) Labour's Declining Share of National Income in Ireland and Denmark: Similar Trends, Different Dynamics. [Working Paper] [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Slater, E. and Flaherty, E. (2009) The Ecological Dynamics of the Rundale Agrarian Commune. [Working Paper] [Full-Text] |
Book Review
Year | Publication | |
2015 | Flaherty, Eoin (2015) Brunsdon and Comber's 'An Introduction to R for Spatial Analysis and Mapping' (with notes on making the big switch). [Book Review] [Link] | |
2014 | Flaherty, Eoin (2014) Derek Wall: The Sustainable Economics of Elinor Ostrom: Commons, Contestation and Craft. [Book Review] [Link] https://doi.org/10.1007/s10745-014-9664-6 | |
2013 | Flaherty, Eoin (2013) Social Measurement Through Social Surveys, An Applied Approach. Ireland: [Book Review] [DOI] |
Conference Contribution
Teaching Interests
Marxian social theory
Historical sociology
Famines and food security
Income inequality
Political economy
Quantitative research methods
Time series and panel models