Dr Grace Cardiff

Froebel Department of Primary and Early Childhood Education

Assistant Lecturer

School of Education


Grace is a Lecturer in Education at the Froebel Department of Primary and Early Childhood Education. Her teaching areas include physical education, and curriculum, methodologies & assessment. Her research focuses on student voice pedagogies in primary physical education, Meaningful PE, and the role of reflection in support student voice. 

Grace is a qualified primary school teacher and has experience teaching across various class levels in mainstream school settings. She has also taught in a public school in the United States. In addition to her work as a primary school teacher, she have delivered modules on the BA (Honours) Degree in Early Childhood Education through the Lifelong Learning programme in SETU Carlow and on the Masters of Education (Literacy Education) programme in Frostburg State University, Maryland.  

In 2017, Grace earned a Master of Education (Literacy Education) from Frostburg State University, Maryland, USA, and became a certified Reading Specialist in the state of Maryland. Building on her interest in student voice, she began her PhD in 2021 under the supervision of Prof. Déirdre Ní Chróinín and Dr. Richard Bowles (Mary Immaculate College) and Prof. Tim Fletcher (Brock University). She successfully completed her PhD in 2024, with her thesis examining student voice as a pedagogical approach within primary physical education.

Grace actively collaborates with teachers and academics nationally and internationally through various research initiatives. She has established partnerships with lecturers in primary physical education at Mary Immaculate College (MIC) and Dublin City University (DCU). Through her involvement in the Erasmus-funded CHAMP PE project, she has worked alongside teacher educators across Europe and has presented to physical education teachers in Spain, Norway, North Macedonia, and Denmark. Additionally, she contributed as a research assistant on an IRC New Foundations project in collaboration with the Irish Primary PE Association, supporting primary teachers and students in integrating student voice into PE classrooms.

Research Interests

Primary PE, Meaningful PE, Student voice pedagogies, Democratic and Reflective pedagogies, the role of reflection in primary PE

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2024 Cardiff, G.; Bowles, R.; Beni, S.; Ní Chróinín, D.; Fletcher, T. (2024) 'The role of reflection in the enactment of student voice pedagogies in primary physical education'. Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education, . [Link] [DOI]
2024 Cardiff, G.; Beni, S.; Fletcher, T.; Bowles, R.; Chróinín, D.N. (2024) 'Learning to facilitate student voice in primary physical education'. European Physical Education Review, 30 . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Grace Cardiff; Déirdre Ní Chróinín; Richard Bowles; Tim Fletcher; Stephanie Beni (2023) '‘Just let them have a say!’ Students’ perspective of student voice pedagogies in primary physical education'. Irish Educational Studies, 42 (4):659-676. [DOI]

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2024 Grace Cardiff; Stephanie Beni (2024) AIESEP International Conference Teacher emotions in the enactment of student voice pedagogies as innovative practice in primary PE University of Jyväskylä, Finland, 13/05/2024-17/05/2024.
2024 Grace Cardiff (2024) ESAI Annual Conference The emotional dimension of enacting student voice in primary PE Maynooth, Ireland, .
2024 Grace Cardiff; Ciara Fehilly; Déirdre Ní Chróinín; Maura Coulter; Tony Sweeney (2024) Irish Primary PE Association annual conference Mindshift: Using children’s ideas to make PE better for everyone MTU, Cork, .
2024 Grace Cardiff (2024) Revolutionising Education Through Play conference Negotiating Play: Student Voice in Primary Physical Education Mary Immaculate College, .
2023 Grace Cardiff (2023) UCD CHiLD Research Centre & CRN Annual Conference Just let them have a say’: Students UCD, Dublin, .
2023 Grace Cardiff (2023) SCoTENS conference Doctoral Roundtable Discussion: Challenges in enacting student voice Lough Erne, Fermanagh, .
2023 Grace Cardiff (2023) British Educational Research Association (BERA) annual conference Learning how to implement student voice pedagogies and promote meaningful experiences in primary physical education Birmingham, UK, 12/09/2023-14/09/2023.
2023 Grace Cardiff (2023) Children’s Rights, Participation and Education Symposium 'Just let them have a say’: Students' perspectives of student voice pedagogies in primary physical education Queens' University, Belfast, .
2023 Grace Cardiff (2023) Meaningful PE Symposium Student Voice Pedagogies and Meaningful PE Oslo, Norway, .
2022 Grace Cardiff (2022) Féilte (Teaching Council Conference) Student Voice Pedagogies and Meaningful PE DCU, Dublin, .
2022 Tony Sweeney, Grace Cardiff, Richard Bowles & Maura Couter (2022) PE PAYS Forum 2022 Meaningful Engagement in Self-study: learning about practice in PE and sport University of Limerick, 11/06/2022-11/06/2022.
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Description Function From / To
AIESEP Member -
PHE Canada Member -
Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Member -
Irish Primary PE Association Member -

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
11/04/2024 Thesis-in-Three Mary Immaculate College
01/09/2023 Irish Research Council (IRC) Postgraduate Scholarship Irish Research Council
14/09/2023 Best oral presentation in Physical Education and Sports Pedagogy British Educational Research Association (BERA)
23/10/2015 Carlisle and Blake Award Department of Education and Skills
23/10/2015 Bonn Vere Foster Medal Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO)


Employer Position From / To
Frostburg State University Associate Lecturer -
South East Technological University (SETU) Carlow Associate Lecturer -
Mary Immaculate College Departmental Assistant -
Department of Education Primary School Teacher -

Teaching Interests

Physical Education 

Curriculum, Methodologies, & Assessment