Haya Alomeri

Academic Background:
In 2005, I attained a bachelor’s Degree in English Language and Literature from Tabuk University, in Saudi Arabia. Then, I gained a Master's degree in Linguistics from Bangor University in 2016. I work as a lecturer in the language and translation department of Tabuk University where the language used in teaching is entirely English language. I teach a range of different linguistic subjects, with a particular focus on semantics, morphology, and language acquisition which remains a key interest of study. Currently, I’m a PhD student in the school of modern languages and intercultural studies at Maynooth University.
Research Interests:
My thesis focuses on second language acquisition. It investigates the cross-linguistic influence on The production of English consonants by Saudi L2 Learners of English speaking the Hwaiti and Hijazi dialects in Tabuk University.
Notable publication
Alomeri, H., Sanoudaki, E. Tamburelli, M., and Kotzoglou, G. (2016) Diglossia and EFL: the case of Arabic prepositions. Oral presentation at the International Conference on Bilingualism in Education, Bangor University, 10-12 June 2016.
Link to the article: http://bilingualism-in-education.bangor.ac.uk/documents/BOOKOFABSTRACTS%20Final.pdf