Prof John Cullen

Research Interests
He is also interested in the intersection of religious faith and contemporary workplaces and is involved in projects examining workplace religious discrimination and the changing role of chaplains.
Please email [email protected] for information about current projects underway in these areas.
John's research has addressed topics such as ethical leadership, responsible organizational change, ethical competencies for information and data work, sustainability and whistleblowing. He has conducted fieldwork with finance, healthcare, educational, sustainability, local government staff and information management professionals. His work has been published in Human Relations, Work, Employment & Society, the Journal of Business Ethics, Culture & Organization and the Journal of Information Science amongst others.
Year | Publication | |
2023 | Cullen, John G., Lucy, Frances, Nyhan, Marguerite (2023) Managing Sustainable Businesses Responsibly. Cork: Oaktree Press. | |
2022 | John G. Cullen (2022) Business, Ethics & Society: Key Concepts, Current Debates and Contemporary Innovations. London: Sage. | |
2021 | Elizabeth A. Curtis, Martin Beirne, John G. Cullen, Ruth Northway and Siobhán M. Corrigan (2021) Distributed Leadership in Nursing and Healthcare: Theory, Evidence & Development. London: Open University Press / Mc Graw Hill. | |
2018 | John G. Cullen (2018) Work, Ethics & Organisational Life (2nd edition). Cork: Oak Tree Press. [Link] | |
2017 | Elizabeth A. Curtis & John G. Cullen (2017) Leadership and Change for the Health Professional. London: Open University Press / McGraw Hill Education. [Link] | |
2016 | John G. Cullen (2016) Work, Ethics & Organisational Life. : Oak Tree Press. | |
2011 | Cullen, John G (2011) Organisational Behaviour, Management and Teams. : Pearson Custom Publishing. | |
2008 | Cullen, John G. (2008) Communication and Knowledge Sharing at Work: An Introduction. : Blackhall Publishing. | |
2005 | Cullen, John G, Farrelly, M. (2005) Best Practice HR In Ireland. : Oak Tree Press. | |
2004 | Mangan, John O'Connor, Marion Cullen, John G (2004) IMI Handbook of Management. : Oak Tree Press. |
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2025 | John G. Cullen (2025) 'Religious Experience and Workplaces: Management Research for Evolving ‘Faithscapes’'. British Journal of Management, 36 (2). | |
2025 | Barak S. Aharonson; Felix F. Arndt; Pawan Budhwar; Yu-Yu Chang; Soumyadeb Chowdhury; Ana Cristina Costa; John G. Cullen; Kevin Daniels; Paul P. Momtaz; Clare Rigg; Martyna Sliwa; Silvio Vismara; Riikka Sarala; Shuang Ren (2025) 'Establishing a Contribution: Calibration, Contextualization, Construction and Creation'. British Journal of Management, 36 (2). [DOI] | |
2022 | Cullen, John G. (2022) 'Moral Recovery and Ethical Leadership'. Journal of Business Ethics, 175 (3):485-497. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2021 | Clancy, A.; Cullen, J.G.; Hood, A.; McGuinness, C. (2021) 'Student Engagement With Experiential Learning in Large Classes'. Journal of Management Education, 45 . [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2021 | Annette Clancy, John G. Cullen, Alison Hood, Claire McGuinness (2021) 'Teaching Perspectives on Experiential Learning in Large Classes'. Journal of Management Education, 45 (5):685-689. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2020 | Cullen, John G. (2020) 'Varieties of Responsible Management Learning: A Review, Typology and Research Agenda'. Journal of Business Ethics, 162 (4):759-773. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2019 | Cullen, J.G.; Clancy; A; Hood, A; McGuinness, C. (2019) 'Special Issue: “Experiential Learning in Large Classes”'. Journal of Management Education, Vol. 43 (No. 4):471-476. [Full-Text] | |
2018 | Fiona Timmins, Carole King, Jan M.A. de Vries, Martin Johnson, John G. Cullen, Carol Haigh (2018) 'Altruism, honesty and religiosity in nursing students'. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27 (19-20):3687-3698. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2018 | Connolly, Lucy and Cullen, John G. (2018) 'Animals and Organisations: An Ethic of Care Framework'. Organization and Environment, 31 (4):406-424. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2017 | John G. Cullen (2017) 'Educating Business Students About Sustainability: A Bibliometric Review of Current Trends and Research Needs'. Journal of Business Ethics, 145 (2):429-439. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2016 | John G. Cullen (2016) 'Changing Constructions of the Pagan in the Irish National Print Media 1900–2013 JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RELIGION'. To be added, 31 :115-125. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2016 | John G. Cullen (2016) 'Nursing management, religion and spirituality: a bibliometric review, a research agenda and implications for practice JOURNAL OF NURSING MANAGEMENT'. To be added, 24 :291-299. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2016 | Cullen, JG (2016) 'Nursing management, religion and spirituality: a bibliometric review, a research agenda and implications for practice'. Nursing management, 24 :291-299. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Dr John G Cullen (2014) 'Towards an organizational suicidology'. Culture and Organization, 21 :40-52. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Heaslip, G; Donovan, P; Cullen, JG (2014) 'Student response systems and learner engagement in large classes'. Active Learning in Higher Education, 15 :11-24. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Cullen, JG (2014) 'Applying RADAR with new business postgraduates'. Journal of Information Science, 40 :25-27. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Cullen J. (2013) 'Vocational ideation and management career development'. Journal of Management Development, 32 (9):932-944. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Dr John G Cullen (2013) 'Vocational Ideation & Management Career Development'. Journal of Management Development, 32 :932-944. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2012 | Cullen J.; Turnball S. (2012) 'The hetero-ethical management development rationale'. Journal of Management Development, 31 (6):584-593. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2012 | Cotter, Richard J., Dr John G Cullen (2012) 'Reflexive Management Learning: An Integrated Review and Conceptual Typology'. Human Resource Development Review, 11 :227-253. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2011 | Cullen, John G (2011) 'The writing skills course as an introduction to critical practice for larger business undergraduate classes - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT EDUCATION'. To be added, 9 . [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2011 | Cullen J. (2011) 'Researching workplace spiritualization through auto/ethnography'. Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion, 8 (2):143-164. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Cullen, JG (2009) 'How to sell your soul and still get into Heaven: Steven Covey's epiphany-inducing technology of effective selfhood'. Human Relations, 62 :1231-1254. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2008 | John Cullen (2008) 'Self, Soul and Management Learning: Constructing the Genre of the Spiritualized Manager'. Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion, 5 :264-292. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2008 | Cullen J. (2008) 'Catalyzing innovation and knowledge sharing: Librarian 2.0'. Business Information Review, 25 (4):253-258. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2006 | Cullen, J. and Kavanagh, A. (2006) 'Indexing Change in LIS Work: Implications for Recruiting Managers'. Library Management, 27 :600-605. [Full-Text] | |
2006 | J. Cullen, M. O’Connor and J. Mangan (2006) 'Management Development in Ireland: Justifying the Investment'. Journal of Management Development, 25 :325-349. [Full-Text] | |
2006 | Cullen, J. and A. McLaughlin (2006) 'What Drives the Persistence of Presenteeism as a Managerial Value in Hotels? Observations noted during and Irish Work-Life Balance Research Project'. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 25 :510-516. [Full-Text] | |
2005 | Cullen, J. (2005) 'The Silence of the Lambs: Organizational Culture and Politics'. Organization Development Journal, 23 :91-93. [Full-Text] | |
2005 | Cullen, J and Turnbull, S. (2005) 'A Meta-Review of the Management Development Literature'. Human Resource Development Review, 4 :335-355. [Full-Text] | |
2004 | Cullen, J. (2004) 'Identifying sectoral management cultures through recruitment advertising'. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 25 :279-291. [Full-Text] | |
2004 | John Cullen (2004) 'LIS labour market research: implications for management development'. Library Management, 25 :138-145. [Full-Text] | |
2000 | John Cullen (2000) 'A Review of Library and Information Service Job Advertisements: What do they tell us about work in the Irish Library Sector?'. Journal of Information Science, 26 :278-281. [Full-Text] |
Book Chapter
Other Journal
Year | Publication | |
2017 | John G. Cullen (2017) 'Unconscious Ethics' The Financial Broker, 57 :13-13. | |
2016 | Dr John G Cullen (2016) 'Citing & Referencing Using the Harvard Style: Examples' Working Paper, 2016 . [Full-Text] | |
2016 | John G. Cullen (2016) 'Grading Criteria for Evidence-Based Student Projects' Working Paper, 2016 . [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Dr John G Cullen (2014) 'Sustainability & the Education of Managers: A bibliometric analysis of business, organisational & management research from 1993 to 2012' NUIM School of Business Working Paper, March 2014 . [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Dr John G Cullen (2014) 'Indexing Sustainability-Oriented Employment Opportunities in the Irish Recruitment Market' [Technical Note], February 1st 2014 . [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Dr John G Cullen (2013) 'Designing Large Class Reaching for Inclusiveness: Introducing Universal Instructional Design to Teaching Strategies, Learning Resources & Student Resources' Teaching Fellowships: 2012-2013; Project Reports & Outcomes, 2012-2013 :12-15. | |
2013 | Dr John G Cullen (2013) 'Problem-Based Learning & Management Education' SSRN Working Paper, Available at SSRN: or . | |
2012 | Dr John G Cullen (2012) 'Introducing Electronic Peer-Assessment' NUI Maynooth Business School Staff Seminar, 1st November 2012 . | |
2011 | Cullen, John G. (2011) 'Differentiating Between Vocations and Careers (Working Paper)', :1-14. [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Cullen, John G (2010) '‘How Do Organizations Expect New CEOS to Communicate?: An Analysis of CEO Recruitment Notices as Expressions of Desired Management Communication Styles. ‘' :1-19. | |
2008 | Dr John G Cullen (2008) '‘Professionalizing Knowledge Sharing and Communications: Changing Roles for a Changing Profession’' Business Information Review, 25 :53-57. | |
2005 | Dr John G Cullen (2005) 'Corporate Identity and Reputation Intelligence: Emerging Opportunities for Information Professionals' Business Information Review, 22 :101-106. | |
2004 | John G Cullen, Marion O'Connor, John Mangan (2004) 'Matching management tools and techniques with management challenges' Strategy and Leadership, 32 :27-30. | |
2004 | Dr John G Cullen (2004) 'Labour Market Research on Library and Information Work in the Irish Voluntary and Community Sector' Assignation, 21 :2-7. | |
2003 | Dr John G Cullen (2003) 'A Rounded Picture: Using Media Framing as a Tool for Competitive Intelligence and Business Research' Business Information Review, 20 :88-94. | |
2002 | Dr John G Cullen (2002) 'The Employment Market for Library and Information Management Workers in Ireland' Library and Information Research News, 26 :17-26. | |
2000 | Dr John G Cullen (2000) 'Library and Information Work in the Irish Voluntary and Community Sectors: What did the Appointment Sections tell us in 1999?' Assignation, 17 :21-25. |
Conference Contribution
Year | Publication | |
2023 | John G. Cullen (2023) ‘Business Models for Local Climate Action’ at the Climate Action Economic Opportunities conference ‘Business Models for Local Climate Action’ at the Climate Action Economic Opportunities conference, Tullamore Court Hotel Tullamore, County Offaly, . | |
2023 | John Cullen, Paul Hibbert (2023) AMLE Publishing Workshop AMLE Publishing Workshop, University of Sussex Business School University of Sussex Business School, . | |
2023 | John G Cullen (2023) International Conference on Emerging Perspectives in Commerce, Economics, Environment and Management ICCEEM Kolkata, India, 09/02/2023-10/02/2023. | |
2023 | John G. Cullen (2023) 'Organisational Change for Sustainability' for Sustainable Futures Enterprise Engagement Day, UCC 'Organisational Change for Sustainability' for Sustainable Futures Enterprise Engagement Day, University College Cork Cork, . | |
2021 | John G Cullen (2021) Economic Opportunities Arising from Climate Action Webinar Kildare, . | |
2021 | John Cullen, Aoife McGrath, Suzanne Mulligan (2021) CN3 Annual Conference Presentation on 'Chaplaincy in Third Level Institutions in Ireland' Project University College Cork (Online), 21/01/2021-21/01/2021. | |
2021 | John Cullen (2021) Climate Action Economic Opportunities: Local Authorities Supporting Enterprise Local Authorities working with Local Business on Climate Action: Business Models for a Sustainable Future Online, . | |
2020 | John G Cullen (2020) TEL Summer Webinar Series Using Podcasting in Online Teaching Maynooth University, . | |
2020 | John G Cullen (2020) Commercial Awareness & Sustainability Leadership Newcastle University, 09/12/2020-. | |
2020 | John G. Cullen (2020) Sustainable & Healthy Cities for the Future Dr Nyhan will discuss her work on developing intelligent solutions for sustainable, healthy and liveable cities of the future Maynooth University, 21/10/2020-. | |
2020 | John G Cullen (2020) Social Challenges in the Design of Technology Technology & Society Research Network Seminar Maynooth University, 03/12/2020-. | |
2020 | John G Cullen (2020) Sustainable Finance Lunchtime Webinar The first Maynooth University Sustainable Finance Webinar hosted three scholars of sustainable finance and enterprise ((Dr. Edana Richardson, Dept of Law, Maynooth University; Dr Emmanuel Kypraios, Maynooth University School of Business, and; Ali Sheridan, Sustainability Consultant) who presented their recent research projects and findings. The seminar was hosted by Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute Maynooth University, 17/09/2020-. | |
2019 | John G Cullen (2019) Journal of Management Education Special Issue on ‘Experiential Learning and Large Classes’ Writers Workshop Journal of Management Education Special Issue on ‘Experiential Learning and Large Classes’ Writers Workshop Maynooth University, . | |
2019 | John G Cullen (2019) From Foundations to Frontiers: A Celebration of Maynooth University’s Research in the Social Sciences From Foundations to Frontiers: A Celebration of Maynooth University’s Research in the Social Sciences Maynooth University, . | |
2019 | John G Cullen (2019) Creating Economic and Business Opportunities from Climate Change The Business Model of Innovation Tullamore Court Hotel, . | |
2019 | John G Cullen, Annette Clancy (2019) Seminar: Large Classes: Addressing the Challenge of Teaching, Learning & Assessment’ Seminar: Large Classes: Addressing the Challenge of Teaching, Learning & Assessment’ NUI Galway, . | |
2019 | John G Cullen (2019) Ethics & Digitalization Workshop Panel Discussant Maynooth University, . | |
2019 | John G Cullen (2019) Whistleblowing: Symposium and Research Paper Development Workshop 2019 (12 April) Galway. “Teaching Ethics”, Whistleblowing: Symposium and Research Paper Development Workshop, National University of Ireland Galway NUI Galway, . | |
2019 | John G Cullen (2019) Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2019 Journal of Management Education Special Issues Writers Workshop Boston, . | |
2019 | John G Cullen (2019) Urban Ethics Workshop “Concluding remarks” and workshop facilitation, Urban Ethics Workshop, Belfast City Hall Belfast City Hall, . | |
2019 | John G Cullen (2019) Ethics & Digitalization Workshop Ethical Competencies for Digitalized Work Maynooth University, . | |
2018 | John G. Cullen (2018) International Studying Leadership Conference Moral Injury and Ethical Leadership Lancaster University, . | |
2018 | John G. Cullen (2018) International Management & Organizational Teaching Society iMOBTS Annual Conference Maynooth, 28/06/2018-29/06/2018. | |
2018 | John G. Cullen (2018) International Management & Organizational Behaviour Teaching Society Conference Meet the Editors Publication Session Maynooth, . | |
2018 | John G. Cullen (2018) International Studying Leadership Conference International Studying Leadership Conference Lancaster University, 16/12/2018-18/11/2018. | |
2018 | John G. Cullen (2018) International Management & Organizational Behaviour Teaching Society Conference Enhancing Large Class Teaching Through Podcasting Maynooth, 28/06/2018-. | |
2017 | John G. Cullen (2017) Creative Approaches to e-Assessments in the Digital Arts and Humanities’ Seminar. Organised by The Digital Arts and Humanities Research Cluster (DAHRC) at Maynooth University Podcasting for Class Preparation Maynooth University, 08/05/2017-08/05/2017. | |
2017 | John G. Cullen (2017) Publishing from Teaching: How to Turn Teaching Practices into Published Scholarship Scholarship of teaching and learning (SOTL) research domain has dramatically advanced over the last decade, bringing pedagogical research to the forefront of many institutions’ interests. As an increasing number of important institutional stakeholders gain interest in student learning outcomes, SOTL work can highlight how faculty are engaging with students in meaningful ways. Please join Jeanie and Kathy for an interactive seminar sharing ways to help you turn many forms of your teaching practice into SOTL publications. The facilitators, co-Editors of the Journal of Management Education, will share important publishing process steps and offer a space for small group discussion and individual development of SOTL projects. After a brief introduction to the session’s aims, workshop participants will discuss their own ideas and current working papers with the facilitators and other session participants. Workshop time will also include whole-group discussion and Q&A, ending with develop Maynooth University, . | |
2017 | John G. Cullen (2017) 77th Academy of Management Meeting ‘Responsible Management Education & Learning: A Systematic Review, Taxonomy and Research Agenda’. Paper presented in MED Boundary Issues in Management Education Discussion Paper Session Atlanta, Georgia, . | |
2017 | John G. Cullen (2017) School of Business Research Seminar Series Psychostructural Perspectives on Organisational Whistleblowing Maynooth University, 13/12/2017-13/12/2017. | |
2017 | John G. Cullen (2017) at 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management ‘Responsible Management Education & Learning: A Systematic Review, Taxonomy and Research Agenda’. Paper presented in MED Boundary Issues in Management Education Discussion Paper Session Atlanta, Georgia, . | |
2016 | John G. Cullen (2016) Maynooth University Presentation Leadership & ethics Maynooth, . | |
2016 | John G. Cullen (2016) Publishing in Management Education Teaching and Learning Practice: Publication Development Workshop A publication development workshop with Professor Kathy Lund Dean (Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, Minnesota) hosted by School of Business, Maynooth University and Professor Paul Hibbert (University of Saint Andrews, Edinburgh) Maynooth University, 25/08/2016-25/08/2016. | |
2015 | John G. Cullen (2015) PIBA Summer Bootcamps 2015 Lectures on Ethics to Professional Insurance Brokers Association Summer Bootcamp, 9th, 10th, 11th, June and 1st July 2015 Athlone, Cork, Dublin, . | |
2015 | John G. Cullen (2015) Professional Insurance Brokers Association Continuing Professional Development Seminar Ethics in Business Cork, . | |
2014 | Dr John G Cullen (2014) NUI Maynooth Teaching & Learning Showcase 2013/2014 Teaching Information Literacy Skills with RADAR (Poster Session) Maynooth, . | |
2014 | Dr John G Cullen (2014) Keynote address to ANLTC 'Librarian as Researcher' Seminar 8th May 2014 Librarians as Knowledge Producers Maynooth, . [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Dr John G Cullen (2014) 2014 (26th November) Portlaoise ‘Ethics’ Invited lecture to Professional Insurance Brokers Association Meeting, Sheraton Hotel Ethics’ Invited lecture to Professional Insurance Brokers Association Meeting, Sheraton Hotel Athlone, . | |
2014 | Dr John G Cullen (2014) (27th November ) Newcastle ‘Leadership’ Guest lecture on MSc. in Marine Transport andManagement, Newcastle University (Leadership’ Guest lecture on MSc. in Marine Transport andManagement, Newcastle University Newcastle, . | |
2014 | Dr John G Cullen (2014) Invited lecture to Professional Insurance Brokers Association Meeting, Radisson Blu Hotel.(2nd December) Ethics Dublin, . | |
2014 | Dr John G Cullen (2014) Trinity College Dublin School of Nursing & Midwifery, Annual Leadership Seminar Closing address Maynooth, . | |
2014 | Dr John G Cullen (2014) 2014 (25th November) Douglas ‘Ethics’ Invited lecture to Professional Insurance Brokers Association Meeting, Rochestown Park Hotel Ethics’ Invited lecture to Professional Insurance Brokers Association Meeting, Rochestown Park Hotel Cork, . | |
2013 | Dr John G Cullen (2013) NUI Maynooth Teaching & Learning Showcase Assessment Preparation Digital Resource Packs for First Year Business Students – An NDLR Local Innovation Project Maynooth, . | |
2013 | Dr John G Cullen (2013) NUI Maynooth Teaching & Learning Showcase 2012/2013 Designing Large Class Teaching for Inclusiveness: Introducing Universal Instructional Design to Teaching Strategies, Learning Resources and Student Resources Maynooth, . | |
2012 | Bell, Dr. Emma,Dr John G CullenDr. Scott Taylor (2012) International Association of Management, Spirituality and Religion Conference, Indian Institute of Management ‘Sustainability and the Spiritual Work Ethic’ with Delhi, . | |
2012 | Bell, Dr. Emma, Dr John G CullenDr. Scott Taylor (2012) Invited presentation to Management Development Institute, Delhi ‘Sustainability and the Spiritual Work Ethic’ Delhi, . | |
2012 | Dr John G Cullen (2012) 2012, (13th September) Improving Leadership in Healthcare Seminar, School of Nursing & Midwifery. Trinity College Dublin Learning & Leadership Dublin, . | |
2011 | Cullen, John G. (2011) 2011, (24th February) Maynooth , Academic and National Library Training Consortium: The Librarian as Academic Writer Seminar Turning Your Research Into an Advanced Degree How to Plan and Execute a PhD Maynooth, . | |
2011 | Cullen, John G. (2011) Irish Academy of Management Conference Proceedings ‘Careers or Callings: Sustaining Engagement in Taught Development Courses’ Dublin, . | |
2011 | Cullen, John G. (2011) NUI Maynooth Teaching and Learning Showcase 2011 Introducing Critical Thinking Through Writing Skills Instruction Maynooth, . | |
2011 | Cullen, John G. (2011) Department of English, NUI Maynooth, Spring Seminar Series 2011 Knowledge Work, Self and Belabourment in Douglas Coupland's Post-Industrial Novels' Maynooth, . | |
2010 | Mr. Paul Scully (2010) Influence Intel, Social Sciences, Management, . | |
2010 | (2010) Spiritualized Work, Recession and Self London School of Economics and Political Science, Forum on Religion London School of Eonomics and Political Science, . | |
2010 | (2010) The Ethics of Personal Development Dept. Philosophy Seminar Series National University of Ireland Maynooth, . | |
2010 | Mr. Darragh O'Connell (2010) Guest Lecture on Business Landscape Module Darragh O'Connell is the co-founder of twice Oscar nominated studio, Brown Bag Films Brown Bag Films, Social Science, Management, . | |
2010 | (2010) The Sustainability Discourse in Management Theory School of Business and Law Research Seminar Series National University of Ireland Maynooth, . | |
2009 | Mr. Peter Cassells (2009) Guest Lecture on Social Partnership for Business Landscape Module , Social Science, Management, . | |
2009 | (2009) Communicating Mental Health Issues: Comparing Media Reportage in Northern Ireland the Republic of Ir Public Health Agency (Northern Ireland) Belfast, . | |
2009 | (2009) The 'Stickiness' of a Spiritual Learning Initiative in a Soft Culture British Academy of Management Conference Brighton, UK, . | |
2009 | Mr. Richard Cotter (2009) Guest Lecture on Business Landscape Module Allianz Ireland, Social Science, Management, . | |
2009 | (2009) Management and Organizational Learning: Rationales, Ethics and Outcomes Irish Academy of Management Conference Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, . | |
2006 | Dr John G Cullen (2006) Irish Academy of Management: Annual Conference Mimesis and the Managerial Self' Cork, . | |
2005 | Dr John G Cullen (2005) National Suicide Review Group and Rehabcare Research Meeting Suicide Reporting in the Media Dublin, . | |
2004 | Marion O'Connor, John Mangan and John G Cullen (2004) Irish Academy of Management Annual Conference 'Contemporary Management Development in Ireland - A Key Lever in Facilitating and Affecting Change Belfast, . | |
2003 | Catherine Goodman, John G Cullen and Graham Dwyer (2003) International Council for Small Business World Conference Creating strategic capabilities for SMEs through action-learning Belfast, . | |
1998 | Dr John G Cullen (1998) Joint Conference of the Library Association of Ireland and Library Association (Northern Ireland Branch) Supporting the Public Library: The National Policy on Libraries and Information Services Wexford, . | |
2023 | Cullen, John G. (2023) From Application to Assessment - The Journey to Postgraduate Success: Business & Humanities Panel Member at online IADT webinar: From Application to Assessment - The Journey to Postgraduate Success: Business & Humanities Online, . | |
2024 | Cullen, John G. (2024) British Sociological Association, Sociology of Religion Annual Conference, 2024 Workplace Religious Discrimination Disputes in the Changing Irish Religious Landscape: An Empirical Analysis Newcastle, United Kingdom, 08/07/2024-10/07/2024. | |
2023 | John G. Cullen (2023) Local Authority Climate Action Training Programme 2023 (27th June) Session on ‘Local Authorities – Facilitating Sustainable Enterprise’ Climate Action Regional Offices seminar. Organised by Local Authority Climate Action Training Programme [Online] Online, 27/06/2023-. | |
2023 | John G. Cullen (2023) 2023 (4th July) Session on ‘Emerging approaches for developing sustainable enterprise’ Climate Actio Emerging approaches for developing sustainable enterprise’ Online, . | |
2024 | Cullen, John G. (2024) MED Writers Workshop Management Education and Learning Writers Workshop Chicago, USA, . | |
2024 | Cullen, John G. (2024) Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2024 Responsible Organizational Change & The Death Drive: A Freudian Analysis of a Leadership Dismissal Chicago, USA, 13/08/2024-13/08/2024. |
Published Report
Year | Publication | |
2024 | John G. Cullen (2024) Irish library labour market analysis. Library Association of Ireland, . | |
2021 | John G. Cullen (PI), Jack Keyes, Ross Church, Alan Dunney, Breda Maher, Paul Regan, Sean O’Riordáin, Dean Phelan (2021) Climate Action Economic Opportunities: Local Authorities Supporting Enterprise; Policy Analysis Report. Research Sub-Group of the Working Group on Exploring Opportunities from Climate Action, . | |
2021 | John G. Cullen (PI), Jack Keyes, Ross Church, Alan Dunney, Breda Maher, Paul Regan, Sean O’Riordáin, Dean Phelan (2021) Climate Action Economic Opportunities: Local Authorities Supporting Enterprise; Survey Findings. Research Sub-Group of the Working Group on Exploring Opportunities from Climate Action, . | |
2021 | Sabine Hoidn, Peter McNamara, Brett P. Matherne, Nicole Coomber and Ricardo Flores, John G. CUllen (2021) Five-Year Division Review Report Management Education and Development Division pf the Academy of Management’. MED Division Executive Committee, . | |
2018 | John G. Cullen (2018) Review of the Associateship of the Library Association of Ireland. Library Association of Ireland, . [Link] | |
2006 | John G Cullen (2006) Meanings, Messages and Myths: The Coverage & Treatment of Suicide in the Irish Print Media. National Office for Suicide Prevention / HSE, . |
Book Review
Year | Publication | |
2013 | Cullen, JG (2013) Leadership for sustainability: An action research approach. THOUSAND OAKS: [Book Review] [DOI] | |
2013 | Cullen, JG (2013) Labor Disorders in Neoliberal Italy: Mobbing, Well-being, and the Workplace. LONDON: [Book Review] [DOI] | |
2012 | Dr John G Cullen (2012) Rev. of The Good Casuse: Theoretical Perspectives on Corruption. [Book Review] [DOI] | |
2011 | Cullen, Dr John G (2011) Rev. of 'Hijacking Sustainability' by Adrian Parr. [Book Review] [DOI] | |
2010 | Cullen, John G (2010) The Origins of Capitalism and the ‘Rise of the West’. [Book Review] | |
2010 | Cullen, J (2010) Rationality and the Ideology of Disconnection. MALDEN: [Book Review] | |
2010 | Cullen, J (2010) The Origins of Capitalism and the 'Rise of the West'. MALDEN: [Book Review] | |
2010 | Cullen, John G (2010) The Soul of a Leader: Finding Your Path to Success and Fulfillment - JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT SPIRITUALITY AND RELIGION. [Book Review] | |
2009 | Cullen, J (2009) The Allure of Toxic Leaders: Why We Follow Destructive Bosses and Corrupt Politicians - and How We Can Survive Them. MALDEN: [Book Review] | |
2008 | Dr John G Cullen (2008) Dialectics of the Self: Transcending Charles Taylor. [Book Review] | |
2006 | Dr John G Cullen (2006) Sociology: A Guide to Reference and Information Sources. [Book Review] | |
2006 | Dr John G Cullen (2006) Democratizing Innovation. [Book Review] | |
2005 | Dr John G Cullen (2005) Conflict and Consensus: A Study of Values and Attitudes in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Irelan. [Book Review] | |
2005 | Dr John G Cullen (2005) Place and Non-Place: The Recognition of Ireland. [Book Review] | |
2005 | Dr John G Cullen (2005) Negotiated Governance and Public Policy in Ireland. [Book Review] | |
2005 | Dr John G Cullen (2005) In Sickness and In Health: How Information and Knowledge are Related to Health Behaviour. [Book Review] | |
2004 | Dr John G Cullen (2004) Technology and the New Economy. [Book Review] | |
2004 | Dr John G Cullen (2004) RTÉ and the Globalisation of Irish Television. [Book Review] | |
2004 | Dr John G Cullen (2004) Reinventing Modern Dublin: Streetscape, Iconography and Politics of Identity. [Book Review] | |
2003 | Dr John G Cullen (2003) Ireland Unbound: A Turn of the Century Chronicle. [Book Review] | |
2003 | Dr John G Cullen (2003) Jim Sheridan: Framing the Nation. [Book Review] | |
2003 | Dr John G Cullen (2003) Alcohol, Drugs and Health Promotion in Modern Ireland. [Book Review] | |
2003 | Dr John G Cullen (2003) Economic Growth in the Information Age. [Book Review] | |
2002 | Dr John G Cullen (2002) Spectacular Narratives: Hollywood in the Age of the Blockbuster Geoff King Film and Film Culture. [Book Review] | |
2002 | Dr John G Cullen (2002) Investing in People: Higher Education in Ireland from 1960 – 2000. [Book Review] | |
2001 | Dr John G Cullen (2001) The Net Effect. [Book Review] | |
2001 | Dr John G Cullen (2001) Knowledge Management: Classic and Contemporary Works. [Book Review] | |
2000 | Dr John G Cullen (2000) Well Read: Developing Consumer Health Inforamtion in Ireland. [Book Review] | |
2000 | Dr John G Cullen (2000) An Excellent Guide for the Academic Librarian. [Book Review] | |
1997 | Dr John G Cullen (1997) “Reading Habits and Revolution in Ireland” Rev. of Books Beyond the Pale. [Book Review] |
Magazine Article
Newspaper Articles
Policy Contribution
Year | Publication | |
2020 | John G Cullen, Meghan Van Portfliet, Lauren Kierans, Kate Kenny, Vigjilenca Abazi (2020) Submission to the Consultation on the Transposition of the EU Whistleblowing Directive. [Policy Contribution] [Link] |
Year | Publication | |
2015 | Cullen, JG (2015) Parenting, work and the marketization of family life. LONDON: [Reviews] [DOI] | |
2023 | John G. Cullen (2023) Comparative Review of Research Handbook of Responsible Management by O. Laasch, R. Suddaby, R.E. Freeman and D. Jamali [Eds.] and The SAGE Handbook of Responsible Management, Learning and Education by D.C. Moosmayer, O.Laasch, C. Parks and K.G. Brown (Eds.] Academy of Management Learning & Education Vol 22 (no.2): 340.342. [Reviews] |
Working Paper
Year | Publication | |
2019 | Alison Hood, John G. Cullen, Morag Munro (2019) Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET): Literature Overview. [Working Paper] | |
2017 | John G. Cullen (2017) Are Schwartz & Carroll’s 5 Business & Society Frameworks Still Dominant?. Maynooth: [Working Paper] [Link] | |
2014 | Dr John G Cullen (2014) What regional overviews of sustainability in management education tell us (and what they don’t!). [Working Paper] [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Dr John G Cullen (2013) Beliefs About Work and Beliefs About Groupwork: Exploring the Relationship’. [Working Paper] | |
2005 | John Mangan, Kevin Hannigan, John G Cullen (2005) Matching MNC Subsidiary Location and Host Economy Development: An IMI Working Paper. [Working Paper] | |
2004 | John G Cullen & Jean Talbot (2004) Understanding Diversity Management in Ireland: A Survey of Management Practices: An IMI Research Briefing. [Working Paper] | |
2003 | John G Cullen, Marion O'Connor (2003) Human Resource Management Issues in the Irish Context: Recent Research Findings: An IMI Working Paper. [Working Paper] | |
2003 | John G Cullen, Andrew McLaughlin (2003) Work Life Balance as a management issue: A Review of the Current Literature: An IMI Working Paper . . [Working Paper] | |
2003 | John G Cullen, Catherine Goodman and Graham Dwyer (2003) Creating Strategic Capabilities for SMEs through Action-Learning: An IMI Working Paper . [Working Paper] |
Honors and Awards
Editorial / Academic Reviews
Teaching Interests
John Cullen lectures on business ethics, sustainable business and responsible management. His teaching practice is informed by his research on responsible and sustainable management learning and education.
He has secured funding from the Higher Education Authority to design, develop and deliver a micro-credential professional certificate in sustainable business and responsible management, and is the Maynooth University lead and Co Principal Investigator of the Sustainable Futures project.
He also co-edited two Special Issues of the Journal of Management Education on experiential learning in large classes. The first of these (published in June 2021) was on the topic of student engagement with experiential learning in large classes. The second, on teaching perspectives on experiential learning in large classes was published in October 2021.
He has also taught modules on management, organisational behaviour, organisational change & development and leadership at undergraduate, postgraduate and executive education levels.
Current PhD Student Supervision:
Elaine Smith 'Financial Perspectives on Sustainable Food Production in Irish Agriculture' (Co-supervising with Dr. Michael Hayden, Maynooth University School of Business).
Andrea Tordecilla Sanders 'Business model for the immersion of retail companies in the metaverse, taking into account the ethical guidelines in data management' (Co-supervising with Professor Markus Helfert, Innovation Value Institute and Professor Brian Donnellan, Maynooth University School of Business).
Harpreet Kaur ‘How Historical Institutional Contexts Influence Contemporary Healthcare Service Design: The Case of Infertility Care in Ireland’(Co-supervisor with Dr. Nicola Mountford, Maynooth University School of Business).