Dr John Murray

Associate Professor
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2020 | Murray J. (2020) 'A bijection for Euler’s partition theorem in the spirit of Bressoud'. Ramanujan Journal, 51 (1):163-175. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2019 | Gow R.; Murray J. (2019) 'Quadratic principal indecomposable modules and strongly real elements of finite groups'. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 147 (7):2783-2796. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2019 | Murray J. (2019) 'Frobenius-Schur indicators of characters in blocks with cyclic defect'. Journal of Algebra, 533 :90-105. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2018 | Murray J. (2018) 'The quadratic type of the 2-principal indecomposable modules of the double covers of alternating groups'. Journal of Algebra, 512 :81-91. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2018 | Pforte L.; Murray J. (2018) 'The indecomposable symplectic and quadratic modules of the Klein-four group'. Journal of Algebra, 505 :92-124. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2018 | Giannelli E.; Murray J.; Tent J. (2018) 'Alperin–McKay natural correspondences in solvable and symmetric groups for the prime p= 2'. Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, 197 (4):999-1016. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2018 | Murray J. (2018) 'The duals of the 2-modular irreducible modules of the alternating groups'. Symmetry, Integrability And Geometry: Methods And Applications (Sigma), 14 . [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2016 | Murray J. (2016) 'Symmetric bilinear forms and vertices in characteristic 2'. Journal of Algebra, 462 :338-374. [DOI] | |
2016 | Murray J.; Navarro G. (2016) 'Characters, bilinear forms and solvable groups'. Journal of Algebra, 449 :346-354. [DOI] | |
2014 | Murray, J; Tent, J (2014) 'Character heights and p-length in blocks of p-solvable groups'. Journal of Algebra, 398 :318-328. [DOI] | |
2014 | Murray, J (2014) 'On a result of Kiyoko, Okuyama and Wada'. Osaka Journal of Mathematics, 51 :171-177. | |
2014 | Ellers, H; Murray, J (2014) 'Centralizer algebras and degenerate affine Hecke algebras'. Communications in Algebra, 42 :1074-1094. [DOI] | |
2013 | Danz, S; Ellers, H; Murray, J (2013) 'The centralizer of a subgroup in a group algebra'. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 56 :49-56. [DOI] | |
2010 | Ellers, H; Murray, J (2010) 'Carter-Payne homomorphisms and branching rules for endomorphism rings of Specht modules'. Journal of Group Theory, 13 :477-501. [DOI] | |
2009 | Murray, J (2009) 'Real subpairs and Frobenius-Schur indicators of characters in 2-blocks'. Journal of Algebra, 322 :489-513. [DOI] | |
2008 | Murray, J (2008) 'Components of the involution module in blocks with cyclic or Klein-four defect group'. Journal of Group Theory, 11 :43-62. [DOI] | |
2006 | Murray, J (2006) 'Projective modules and involutions'. Journal of Algebra, 299 :616-622. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2006 | Murray, J (2006) 'Strongly real 2-blocks and the Frobenius-Schur indicator'. Osaka Journal of Mathematics, 43 :201-213. | |
2005 | Hethelyi, L; Horvath, E; Kulshammer, B; Murray, J (2005) 'Central ideals and Cartan invariants of symmetric algebras'. Journal of Algebra, 293 :243-260. [DOI] | |
2004 | Murray, J (2004) 'Generators for the centre of the group algebra of a symmetric group'. Journal of Algebra, 271 :725-748. [DOI] | |
2004 | Ellers, H; Murray, J (2004) 'Block theory, branching rules, and centralizer algebras'. Journal of Algebra, 276 :236-258. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2001 | Murray J. (2001) 'On a certain ideal of Külshammer in the centre of a group algebra'. Archiv Der Mathematik, 77 (5):373-377. | |
2001 | Murray, J. (2001) 'Sylow Intersections, Double Cosets, and 2-Blocks'. Communications in Algebra, 29 :3609-3619. [Full-Text] | |
2000 | R. Gow and J. Murray (2000) 'Real 2-Regular Classes and 2-Blocks'. Journal of Algebra, 230 :455-473. [Full-Text] | |
1999 | J. Murray (1999) 'The alternating group AS and the general linear group GL4(2)'. Mathematical Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 99A :123-132. [Full-Text] | |
1999 | J. Murray (1999) 'Blocks of defect zero and products of elements of order p'. Journal of Algebra, 214 :385-399. [Full-Text] |
Conference Contribution
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