Dr John Reynolds


Associate Professor

New House
(01) 474 7274


John joined the School of Law in Maynooth in 2014. Prior to this he taught at the European Inter-University Centre in Venice, and the Irish Centre for Human Rights at the University of Galway, where he held the National University of Ireland EJ Phelan Fellowship in International Law. John holds PhD and LLM degrees in international law from NUI Galway.

John's research focuses on questions of international law in relation to colonialism, racism/apartheid, emergency, and political economy. His work is informed by and engages with the insights of Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL). John's book on Empire, Emergency and International Law (Cambridge University Press, 2017) was awarded the Kevin Boyle Book Prize for Outstanding Legal Scholarship. His scholarship appears in journals such as the European Journal of International Law, Third World Quarterly, the Journal of International Criminal Justice, the Journal of Conflict & Security Law, the UCLA Law Review, the American Journal of International Law, and the Palestine Yearbook of International Law. He is a founding editor of the Third World Approaches to International Law Review journal and website. John's writing also appears in a range of other popular publications including JacobinTribune, Monthly Review, Africa is a Country, Counterpunch, JadaliyyaDublin Review of Books, The Phoenix, and The Irish Times.

John is Programme Director of Maynooth's LL.M in International Justice. He teaches modules on the Department of Law’s LL.M and LL.B programmes on: public international law; race, racism & law; world trade law; economic, social & cultural rights. John's completed and current Ph.D research students span projects across international law and legal theory including: civil war and peace agreements; the politics and prevention of genocide; European migration and border policies; radical left social movement engagement with law and human rights; and civil society projects in settler colonial contexts. He is happy to receive Ph.D proposals in areas of international law, imperialism, rights, and related fields.

John works with various activist groups, social movements and civil society organisations. He was appointed to Ireland’s Department of Foreign Affairs Civil Society Standing Committee on Human Rights in 2015. 

Research Interests

My research focuses on questions of international law as they intersect with colonialism, racism/apartheid, emergency, and political economy. My work is informed by and engages with the insights of Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL) and anti-colonial traditions and theory.

My major research project over recent years examined the evolution and operation of emergency legal doctrines in colonial, settler-colonial and post-colonial contexts, and the influence of colonial states of emergency on international law. My book on Empire, Emergency and International Law was published by Cambridge University Press in 2017, and was awarded the Kevin Boyle Book Prize for Outstanding Legal Scholarship.

Another core focus of my research is the international legal and political dynamics in Palestine, where I have written on questions of self-determination, laws of war and occupation, international criminal justice, race/apartheid, and solidarity, intellectual traditions and academic freedom. My work also has an ongoing interest in questions of praxis and the use of law, rights and legal discourse by social and political movements. 

I am currently working on two main ongoing projects. One is on apartheid and international law in Palestine, and its implications in terms of rights, race, settler-colonialism and decolonisation. The other is on the intersections of international law, imperialism and racial capitalism in managing global migration and maintaining global apartheid.

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date Amount
TWAIL 2023: Democratising International Law Co-investigator Canadian Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council 01/09/2022 01/09/2023
On Praxis: Third World Approaches to International Law Co-organiser, Editor & Author Canadian Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council 01/01/2015 31/12/2017
Empire, Emergency & the Law EJ Phelan Fellow in International Law National University of Ireland 01/01/2013 30/06/2014
States of Emergency, Colonialism & International Law Doctoral Researcher Irish Research Council 30/09/2009 31/12/2012


Year Publication
2012 Max du Plessis, Fatmeh el-Ajou, Victor Kattan, Michael Kearney, John Reynolds, Rina Rosenberg, Iain Scobbie & Virginia Tilley (2012) Beyond Occupation: Colonialism, Apartheid & International Law in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. London: Pluto Press.

Edited Book

Year Publication
2023 John Reynolds et al (Ed.). (2023) Third World Approaches to International Law: Writings on Palestine, 2019-2023. Bogotá & Windsor: TWAIL Review,
2018 John Reynolds, Usha Natarajan, Sujith Xavier & Amar Bhatia (Ed.). (2018) Third World Approaches to International Law: On Praxis and the Intellectual. London: Routledge,

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2023 John Reynolds, Noura Erakat et al (2023) 'Locating Palestine in Third World Approaches to International Law'. Journal of Palestine Studies, 52 (4). [DOI]
2023 Noura Erakat, Darryl Li & John Reynolds (2023) 'Race, Palestine, and International Law'. American Journal of International Law, 117 . [DOI]
2021 John Reynolds (2021) 'A Hundred Years of Settler Colonialism: History, Law, Horizons Beyond'. Palestine Yearbook of International Law, 22 :203-216.
2021 John Reynolds & Noura Erakat (2021) 'We Charge Apartheid? Palestine and the International Criminal Court'. Third World Approaches to International Law Review, (33). [Full-Text]
2020 John Reynolds (2020) 'Fortress Europe, Global Migration & the Global Pandemic'. American Journal of International Law, 114 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Usha Natarajan, Laura Betancur-Restrepo, Amar Bhatia, John Reynolds, Ntina Tzouvala, Sujith Xavier (2020) 'Third World Approaches to International Law Review: A Journal for a Community'. Third World Approaches to International Law Review, 1 . [Full-Text]
2020 Colin Coulter & John Reynolds (2020) 'Good times for a change? Ireland since the general election'. Soundings, (75). [Full-Text]
2019 John Reynolds (2019) 'Decolonising the Chagos Islands?'. Nigerian Yearbook of International Law, 2 . [Full-Text]
2018 John Reynolds (2018) 'The Life of the Law in Palestine'. International Dialogue A Multidisciplinary Journal of World Affairs, 8 :47-59. [Full-Text]
2017 Reynolds J. (2017) 'Repressive inclusion'. Journal of Legal Pluralism & Unofficial Law, 49 (3):268-293. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 Reynolds J. (2016) 'Disrupting civility: amateur intellectuals, international lawyers and TWAIL as praxis'. Third World Quarterly, 37 (11):2098-2118. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 John Reynolds & Sujith Xavier (2016) '“The Dark Corners of the World”: TWAIL and International Criminal Justice'. Journal of International Criminal Justice, 14 (4):959-983. [Full-Text]
2016 Usha Natarajan, John Reynolds, Amar Bhatia & Sujith Xavier (2016) 'Placing TWAIL Scholarship and Praxis'. Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice, 33 (3). [Full-Text]
2016 Usha Natarajan, John Reynolds, Amar Bhatia & Sujith Xavier (2016) 'Third World Approaches to International Law: On Praxis and the Intellectual'. Third World Quarterly, 37 (11):1946-1956.
2016 Asad Kiyani, John Reynolds & Sujith Xavier (2016) 'Third World Approaches to International Criminal Law'. Journal of International Criminal Justice, 14 (4):915-920.
2015 John Reynolds (2015) 'Anti-Colonial Legalities: Paradigms, Tactics & Strategy'. Palestine Yearbook of International Law, 18 :8-52. [Full-Text]
2013 John Reynolds (2013) 'Of Humanity and the Law'. 9 Journal of International Law & International Relations . [Full-Text]
2013 John Reynolds & John Dugard (2013) 'Apartheid, International Law, and the Occupied Palestinian Territory'. 24(3) European Journal of International Law 867-913 .
2012 John Reynolds (2012) 'The Political Economy of States of Emergency'. 14(1) Oregon Review of International Law 85-130 . [Full-Text]
2010 John Reynolds (2010) 'The Use of Force in a Colonial Present, and the Goldstone Report’s Blind Spot'. 16 Palestine Yearbook of International Law 55-77 . [Full-Text]
2010 John Reynolds & Shane Darcy (2010) 'An Enduring Occupation: The Status of the Gaza Strip from the Perspective of International Humanitarian Law'. 15(2) Journal of Conflict and Security Law 211-243 . [Full-Text]
2010 John Reynolds (2010) 'The Long Shadow of Colonialism: The Origins of the Doctrine of Emergency in International Human Rights Law'. 6(5) Osgoode Comparative Research in Law and Political Economy 1-51 . [Full-Text]
2009 John Reynolds (2009) 'International Law from Below'. 15 Palestine Yearbook of International Law 433-438 .

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2023 John Reynolds (2023) 'Apartheid and international law in Palestine' In: Prolonged Occupation and International Law. Leiden : BRILL.
2020 John Reynolds (2020) 'Colonial Apologism and the Politics of Academic Freedom' In: Enforcing Silence: Academic Freedom, Palestine and the Criticism of Israel. London : Zed Books.
2019 John Reynolds (2019) 'الدولية في صورة القانون: التضامن ضد الاستعمار ومحاكم راسل في فيتنام وفلسطين' In: سبعة عقود على الإعلان العالمي لحقوق الإنسان ماضي ومستقبل حقوق الإنسان وفلسطين. Birzeit : Muwatin.
2017 John Reynolds (2017) ''Peripheral Parallels? Europe's Edges and the World of Bandung'' In: Bandung, the Global South, and International Law: Critical Pasts and Pending Futures. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
2013 John Reynolds & Michael Kearney (2013) '’Palestine and the Politics of International Criminal Justice’' In: The Ashgate Research Companion to International Criminal Law: Critical Perspectives (Ashgate).
2012 John Reynolds (2012) '’Third World Approaches to International Law and the Ghosts of Apartheid’' In: The Challenge of Human Rights: Past, Present and Future (Edward Elgar).

Other Journal

Year Publication
2024 John Reynolds (2024) 'Israel Is Brazenly Defying the Order to Prevent Genocide' Jacobin, February 2024, .
2024 John Reynolds & Noura Erakat (2024) 'South Africa's Genocide Case Is a Devastating Indictment of Israel's War on Gaza' Jacobin, January 2024, .
2023 John Reynolds, Shahd Hammouri, Ardi Imseis, Darryl Li, Nahed Samour & Katherine Frank (2023) 'The Legacies of Edward W Said: Academic Praxis and the Question of Palestine' TWAIL Review: Dialogues, 13/2023, .
2023 John Reynolds (2023) 'Government must support re-establishment of UN Special Committee against Apartheid' The Irish Times, 20 September 2023, . [Link]
2022 Noura Erakat & John Reynolds (2022) 'Understanding Apartheid' Jewish Currents, Summer 2022 issue, .
2021 John Reynolds (2021) 'Neoliberalism’s Brand of Justice' Critical Legal Thinking, July 2021, .
2021 John Reynolds (2021) 'Discrimination against Palestinians constitutes apartheid' The Irish Times, 27 April 2021, .
2021 Oisin Suttle & John Reynolds (2021) 'Domestic law makers far better placed than CETA’s investment courts to judge policy choices' Business Post, February 2021, . [Link]
2021 John Reynolds (2021) 'The Comprehensive Trade & Economic Agreement (CETA) and the Battle for the Future' Business & Human Rights in Ireland, January 2021, .
2020 John Reynolds (2020) 'Diego Maradona, anti-imperial symbol' Africa is a Country, December 2020, .
2020 John Reynolds & Colin Coulter (2020) 'Ireland’s New Government Puts a Green Face on the Old Order' Jacobin, July 2020, .
2020 John Reynolds (2020) 'The Politics of the Coronavirus Conjuncture in Ireland' Monthly Review, May 2020, .
2020 John Reynolds (2020) 'How Coronavirus Propped Up Ireland’s Establishment' Tribune, May 2020, .
2020 John Reynolds (2020) 'TWAILR Mixtape: I Sing the Song of the Colony' Third World Approaches to International Law Review, March 2020, .
2019 John Reynolds (2019) 'Law is Politics' Dublin Review of Books, November 2019, 116 .
2017 John Reynolds (2017) 'Routine Emergency in the Jagged Time of Catastrophe' The Nakba Files, March 2017, .
2017 John Reynolds (2017) 'Israel and the A-Word' Counterpunch, March 2017, .
2017 John Reynolds (2017) 'Questioning the state of Israel: decolonisation not demonisation' The Irish Times, 18 January 2017, .
2016 John Reynolds (2016) 'Challenging the Nakba Through International Law?' The Nakba Files, July 2016, .
2015 John Reynolds (2015) 'Odious Debt Politics' Human Rights in Ireland, 9 February 2015, .
2015 John Reynolds (2015) 'On Throwing Stones: Quick Thoughts on Recent Amendments to the Israeli Penal Code' Jadaliyya, 25 July 2015, .
2014 John Reynolds (2014) 'An Entrenched but Unsustainable Colonial Logic' The Journal.ie, 18 August 2014, .
2014 John Reynolds (2014) 'Socio-Economic Rights & Budget Analysis: Some Notes on Available Resources, “Progressivity” and Non-Retrogression' Human Rights in Ireland, 16 October 2014, .
2013 John Reynolds (2013) 'Apartheid in Occupied Palestine: A Rejoinder to Yaffa Zilbershats' EJIL: talk!, 2 October 2013, .
2011 John Reynolds (2011) 'Bertrand Russell’s Legacy' Jadaliyya, 2 November 2011, .
2011 John Reynolds (2011) 'The Spectre of South Africa' Jadaliyya, October 2011, .
2011 John Reynolds (2011) 'Palestinian Statehood: To Recognise, or Not?' Politico, September 2011, .
2011 John Reynolds (2011) 'Emergency, Governmentality, and the Arab Spring' Jadaliyya, 10 August 2011, .
2010 John Reynolds (2010) 'The Trials and Travel Bans of Shawan J' Human Rights in Ireland, 24 November 2010, .
2009 John Reynolds (2009) 'Five Years after the ICJ Advisory Opinion on the Wall: Barriers to Enforcement' Adalah Newsletter, July 2009, .
2009 John Reynolds (2009) 'Seeking to Uphold Third State Responsibility: The Case of Al-Haq v. UK' al-Majdal, 41 .

Published Report

Year Publication
2021 John Reynolds (2021) CETA & the Investment Court System: Implications for Finance and Public Expenditure. Oireachtas Joint Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, .
2021 John Reynolds (2021) CETA & the Investment Court System: Implications for EU Affairs. Oireachtas Joint Committee on EU Affairs, .
2018 Tom Moerenhout & John Reynolds (2018) Legal Opinion re 'Control of Economic Activity (Occupied Territories) Bill 2018'. Seanad Éireann, .
2015 John Reynolds & Josh Curtis (2015) TTIP, ISDS and the Implications for Irish Public Health Policy. Irish Cancer Society, .
2010 John Reynolds (2010) Legitimising the Illegitimate? The Israeli High Court of Justice and the Occupied Palestinian Territory. Al-Haq, .
2007 John Reynolds (2007) Where Villages Stood: Continuing Violations of International Law in Occupied Latroun, 1967-2007. Al-Haq, .
2006 John Reynolds (2006) Al-Nu’man Village: A Case Study of Indirect Forcible Transfer. Al-Haq, .

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2024 John Reynolds (2024) Academics for Palestine & Irish Lawyers for Palestine Israel in the dock for genocide: the signifiance of the case at the International Court of Justice? Trinity College Dublin, February 2024, .
2023 John Reynolds (2023) Sijal Institute & TWAIL Review The Legacies of Edward Said: Academic Praxis and the Question of Palestine November 2023, .
2023 John Reynolds (2023) Melbourne & TWAIL Review Forms of Solidarity, International Law and the Question of Palestine November 2023, .
2023 John Reynolds (2023) Jadaliyya Antisemitism vs. Anti-Zionism November 2023, .
2023 John Reynolds (2023) Centre for Comparative Muslim Studies, Simon Fraser University Decolonise Palestine: The Legalities and Illegalities of the Occupation of Palestine October 2023, .
2023 John Reynolds (2023) Academics for Palestine Gaza in Context Maynooth, October 2023, .
2023 John Reynolds (2023) TWAILR Academy Democratizing International Law Bogotá, July 2023, .
2023 John Reynolds (2023) Law & Society Association conference Publishing for the Global South: AfronomicsLaw & TWAIL Review Puerto Rico, June 2023, .
2023 John Reynolds & Noura Erakat (2023) Law & Society Association conference After Apartheid: Decolonial Futures in Palestine Puerto Rico, June 2023, .
2023 John Reynolds (2023) TWAIL workshop International Law and Global Justice: Third World approaches & transnational conversations Maynooth, April 2023, .
2022 John Reynolds (2022) Law & Society Global Conference: On Rage, Reckoning & Remedy The TWAIL Review: A Journal for a Community Lisbon, Portugal, 16 July 2022, .
2022 John Reynolds & Noura Erakat (2022) Convening on Palestine and International Law Locating Palestine in TWAIL, and TWAIL in Palestine UCLA School of Law, 19-20 May 2022, .
2022 John Reynolds (2022) Centre for Middle East Studies, Mahmoud Darwish fellowship in Palestinian Studies Race, Racism, and Palestine Brown University, USA, 19 April 2022, .
2022 John Reynolds (2022) Race & Ethnicity plenary panel Borders, the Pandemic and Human Rights UCLA Law School, Promise Institute for Human Rights, 28 February 2022, .
2021 John Reynolds (2021) Critical Race Approaches to International Law workshop Global Apartheid and International Law 5 November 2021, .
2021 John Reynolds (2021) Ospiti in arrivo: diritti in festa Palestina tra passato e attualità: occhi e voci di un'esistenza negata Udine, Italia, 28 agosto 2021, .
2021 John Reynolds (2021) Launch of 'Enforcing Silence: Academic Freedom, Palestine and the Criticism of Israel' Academic Freedom & Colonial Nostalgia 22 April 2021, .
2021 John Reynolds (2021) Slí Eile seminar on CETA CETA & the Climate Crisis 21 January 2021, .
2020 John Reynolds (2020) Workshop: Race, Racism and International Law - Critical Race Theory in Global Context Race, Racism and International Law New York University, 16 October 2020, .
2020 John Reynolds (2020) Covid-19 and the Scripts of Emergency Powers Covid-19, Capitalism and States of Emergency New York University, 18 May 2020, .
2020 John Reynolds (2020) Transnational Legal Discourse on Race and Empire Emergency and Migration, Race and the Nation UCLA School of Law, 31 January 2020, . [Full-Text]
2019 John Reynolds (2019) Maynooth Symposium on Academic Freedom and Freedom of Speech Colonial Apologism and the Politics of Academic Freedom Maynooth University—National University of Ireland, 26 November 2019, .
2019 John Reynolds (2019) Book Launch: Noura Erakat's 'Justice for Some' On 'Justice for Some' - Law, Politics & Palestine Trinity College Dublin, 16 October 2019, .
2019 John Reynolds (2019) United Nations Human Rights Council Human Rights and Racial Discrimination, Segration & Apartheid United Nations, Geneva, 8 July 2019, .
2019 John Reynolds & Noura Erakat (2019) British Society for Middle Eastern Studies conference Laws of War & Lawyers of War University of Leeds, 25 June 2019, .
2019 John Reynolds & Noura Erakat (2019) Law & Society Association - Annual Conference 'We Were Basically Pioneers': Lawyers, Laws of War & the Shrinking Civilian Washington DC, 1 June 2019, .
2019 John Reynolds (2019) The Ethics of Law & Justice Third Worldism University of Liverpool, School of Law & Social Justice, 8 May 2019, .
2019 John Reynolds (2019) International Law in the Global South Seminar Series Empire & Emergency, Race & Rights: How Colonial Law Became International Law Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Toronto, 11 March 2019, .
2019 John Reynolds (2019) Third World Approaches to International Law & Critical Race Theory Workshop Race, Empire and International Law UCLA School of Law, 9 March 2019, .
2019 John Reynolds (2019) Critical Perspectives on Race and Human Rights: Transnational Re-Imaginings Race, Political Equality and Human Rights UCLA School of Law, 8 March 2019, .
2018 John Reynolds (2018) European Parliament - EU Member State Responsibilities under International Law Arms Trading & Economic Relations with States involved in War or Territorial Occupation: International Legal Obligations European Parliament, Brussels, 4 December 2018, .
2018 John Reynolds (2018) Seven Decades since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: The History and Future of Human Rights and Palestine Internationalism in the Image of Law: Anti-Colonial Solidarity and the Russell Tribunals on Vietnam and Palestine Muwatin Centre for Democracy & Human Rights, Birzeit University, 6 October 2018, .
2018 John Reynolds (2018) The Threshold from Occupation to Annexation Beyond Occupation and Annexation: The Significance of Apartheid in International Legal Discourse on Palestine Birzeit University, Palestine, 4 October 2018, .
2018 John Reynolds (2018) Law & Society Association - New Books in the Field of International Law & Politics Empire, Emergency & International Law Toronto, 7 June 2018, .
2018 John Reynolds (2018) Palestine Freedom Conference International Law and Liberation Liberty Hall, Dublin, 13 May 2018, .
2018 John Reynolds (2018) Irish Centre for Human Rights, Annual Doctoral Seminar International Law at the Border: Libya, Italy & the Space Between/Beyond NUI Galway, 26 April 2018, .
2018 John Reynolds (2018) Emergency Legal Cultures: British Imperial Legacies Repressive Inclusion: Racial Sovereignty and (Post) Colonial Emergency Legalism Duke University, 26 February 2018, .
2017 John Reynolds (2017) Sadaka High-Level Forum – ‘50 Years of Occupation: Roadblocks to Justice’ Occupation and Illegalities Dublin, 28 November 2017, .
2017 John Reynolds (2017) Freedom of Speech and Higher Education – International Conference Representations of the Intellectual: Praxis, Politics and Solidarity Trinity College Dublin, 12 September 2017, .
2017 John Reynolds (2017) Danzando tra i popoli Lotta anticoloniale: cultura, lingua, identità Blessano, Friuli, 1 Settembre 2017, .
2017 John Reynolds (2017) Words of Violence: Discourses of Abuse in Conflict, Crisis and States of Emergency Constructing the State of Emergency University of Liverpool, 23 July 2017, .
2017 John Reynolds (2017) Comhlámh Trade Justice Group The Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA): Implications for Ireland Dublin, 11 July 2017, .
2017 John Reynolds (2017) Law & Society Association - Walls, Borders, and Bridges “Let Them Drink Rain”: Rights Discourse, Class Struggle and Irish Water México City, 23 June 2017, .
2017 John Reynolds (2017) Fascism and the International: The Global Order, Yesterday and Tomorrow White Nationalist Internationalism? White Slaves, White Genocide, White Zionism Museo de Arte Moderno, México City, 19 June 2017, .
2017 John Reynolds (2017) International Law & the State of Israel: Legitimacy, Exceptionalism, Responsibility Law’s Violence: Catastophe, Emergency, Colonisation Cork City Hall & University College Cork, 31 March 2017, .
2016 John Reynolds (2016) Legacies of the Tricontinental: Imperialism, Resistance, Law Violence and (Neo)Colonialism University of Coimbra, Portugal, 24 September 2016, .
2016 John Reynolds (2016) Law & Society Association – Roundtable Panel: Praxis and the Global South Hearing Walter Rodney Speak: Learning from the South for Engagement from the North New Orleans, 4 June 2016, .
2016 John Reynolds (2016) Symposium on the Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership Investor vs. State Dispute Settlement: A Health Warning Maynooth University—National University of Ireland, 20 April 2016, .
2016 John Reynolds (2016) Empire & Extra-Territorial Violence Law’s Violence: Colonial Control and Exceptional Legalities in Palestine Maynooth University—National University of Ireland, 13 April 2016, .
2016 John Reynolds (2016) Colloquium: A New Generation of International Trade Deals Deciphering TTIP Trinity College Dublin, 11 March 2016, .
2015 John Reynolds (2015) Alternative Strategies for Justice Anti-Colonial Legalities: Tactics & Strategy Birzeit University, Palestine, 14 December 2015, .
2015 John Reynolds (2015) Walter Benjamin in Palestine workshop & conference International Law's State of Emergency: Re-reading Benjamin’s 8th Thesis on History Khalil Sakakini Cultural Centre, Ramallah, Palestine, 11 December 2015, .
2015 John Reynolds (2015) European Conference on International Relations: The Worlds of Violence The Words of Violence: Discourses of Abuse in Conflict, Crisis and States of Emergency Sicily, 23 September 2015, .
2015 John Reynolds (2015) Third World Approaches to International Law Workshop Amateur Intellectuals & International Lawyers Maynooth University—National University of Ireland, 11 September 2015, .
2015 John Reynolds (2015) Irish Cancer Society, Launch of Report on Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership TTIP, ISDS, and the Implications for Irish Public Health Policy Dublin, 16 July 2015, .
2015 John Reynolds (2015) Discourses of Abuse workshop Law & Language: Medicalised Discourses in Conflict & Crisis School of Law & Social Justice, University of Liverpool, 8 July 2015, .
2015 John Reynolds (2015) Third World Approaches to International Law Workshop Third World Approaches to International Criminal Law University of Windsor, 8 June 2015, .
2015 John Reynolds (2015) Harvard Law School – Institute for Global Law and Policy: Heterodox Traditions Investor, State, Human: ICSID and the Right to Water Harvard University, 1 June 2015, .
2015 John Reynolds (2015) Irish Society of International Law & Irish Red Cross, Roundtable on Conflicts Involving ISIS Whither the (Islamic) State? Mansion House, Dublin, 6 March 2015, .
2015 John Reynolds (2015) Third World Approaches to International Law – On Praxis and the Intellectual The Amateur Intellectual, the Anti-Colonial Lawyer and the Question of Palestine The American University in Cairo, 22 February 2015, .
2015 John Reynolds (2015) Centre for Critical International Law, Guest Lecture Series The Exception & The Other: Racialised States of Emergency in the (Post)Colony University of Kent, 27 January 2015, .
2014 John Reynolds (2014) Towards a Materialist History of International Law Beyond the Line: Spaces of Exception in the Making of International Law London School of Economics, 5 December 2014, .
2014 John Reynolds (2014) UN Committee on the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People The Role of Law in the Palestinian Liberation Struggle Parliament of Andalucia, Sevilla, 2 December 2014, .
2014 John Reynolds (2014) Budget 2015: A Human Rights Analysis Socio-Economic Rights and Budget 2015 Free Legal Advice Centres, Dublin, 16 October 2014, .
2014 John Reynolds (2014) TTIP European Day of Action Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership: What is Investor-State Dispute Settlement? Unite Trade Union, Dublin, 11 October 2014, .
2014 John Reynolds (2014) Bandung and the Global South: 60 Years of Transformative International Law The European Periphery and the World of Bandung Harvard University, 3 June 2014, .
2014 John Reynolds (2014) EU COST Action Workshop – Teaching International Criminal Law Alternative Pedagogies of International Law London School of Economics, 31 May 2014, .
2013 John Reynolds (2013) Critical Approaches to International Criminal Law Workshop International Criminal Justice & the Global South City University, London, 19 October 2013, .
2013 John Reynolds (2013) Harvard Institute for Global Law & Policy: New Directions in Global Thought Taking Stock of Third World Perspectives on International Criminal Law Harvard Law School, 3 June 2013, .
2013 John Reynolds (2013) Law & Society Association – Power, Privilege, and the Pursuit of Justice Mapping Emergency Legalities in Colonial Kenya Boston, 31 May 2013, .
2013 John Reynolds (2013) Birzeit Institute of Law – Law and Politics: Strategies of International Law for Palestine Settler Colonialism and the Anatomy of Law Birzeit University, 8 May 2013, .
2012 John Reynolds (2012) Harvard Law School – Institute for Global Law and Policy States of Emergency and Political Economy Harvard University, 4 June 2012, .
2012 John Reynolds (2012) Workshop on Constitutional Reform & Radical Democratic Change The Arab Spring: Rights, Revolution, Reform Cairo, 24 February 2012, .
2011 John Reynolds (2011) Birzeit University / University of Windsor – Beyond Apology & Utopia in the Middle East Governmentality and States of Emergency in the Arab World University of Windsor, 26 November 2011, .
2011 John Reynolds (2011) Third World Approaches to International Law – Capitalism and the Common Good Emergency, Capitalism, and the Common Good University of Oregon, 22 October 2011, .
2011 John Reynolds (2011) International Studies Association – Global Governance: Political Authority in Transition The State of Exception: The Vanishing Point of Human Rights? Montréal, 16 March 2011, .
2010 John Reynolds (2010) Irish Centre for Human Rights – Forgotten Rights, Forgotten Concepts Forgotten, but not Forsaken?: The Ghosts of Apartheid in International Law National University of Ireland, Galway, 20 November 2010, .
2010 John Reynolds (2010) Toronto Group on International Law – Concerning States of Mind, Disturbing Minds of States The Colonial Origins of the Doctrine of Emergency in International Human Rights Law University of Toronto, 29 January 2010, .
2009 John Reynolds (2009) Public Event: Occupation, Colonialism, Apartheid? Anti-apartheid International Law? School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 16 May 2009, .
2009 John Reynolds (2009) Human Sciences Research Council – Re-envisioning Israel/Palestine Sovereignty, Colonialism and the 'State' of Palestine under International Law Cape Town, 13 June 2009, .
2008 John Reynolds (2008) The Local Relevance of Human Rights The Fog of Occupation: The Local Relevance of Humanitarian Law in Israel/Palestine University of Antwerp, 18 October 2008, .
2008 John Reynolds (2008) Harvard Law School – International Human Rights Series Litigating International Law in Domestic Courts Harvard University, 27 October 2008, .
2007 John Reynolds (2007) International Commission of Jurists, Eminent Jurists Panel The Use of Lethal Force as a “Counter-terrorism” Measure Ramallah, 24 August 2007, .
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Teaching Interests

Current modules:
* International Law [LW257]
* Race, Racism & Law [LW498]
* World Trade Law [LW636]
* Economic, Social & Cultural Rights [LW646]

Previous modules:
* Public International Law [LW650]
* International Human Rights [LW635]
* International Criminal Law [LW616]

Elective module contributions:
* Anti-racism [AN215/216]
* Good & Evil [TH252]
* Law & Society [LW261]

Recent Students

Graduation date Name Degree
2022 Fionn Toland Ph.D
2018 Gene Carolan Ph.D
2020 Kieran Timmons Ph.D