Prof Mary Corcoran



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I discovered Sociology when I began a degree in Economic and Social Studies at Trinity College Dublin in October 1979. I was instantly hooked! After completing a degree in Sociology and Politics and a stint working in the newly formed Telecom Eireann (now Eircom) I went to New York City to continue my studies. I received my doctorate in Sociology from Columbia University, New York in 1991 My PhD research explored the experiences of undocumented Irish immigrants in the city in the 1980s. While in New York, I worked as an adjunct lecturer in Sociology at New York University and at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY. On my return to Ireland in 1988 I spent two years teaching at UCD before moving to the National University of Ireland, Maynooth in 1990. My research and teaching interests lie primarily in the fields of urban sociology, public cultures and the sociology of migration. For a full list of my publications, teaching record and presentations please see my curriculum vitae. One of my main ambitions is to bring sociology and the sociological perspective to wider audiences. I do this through my engagement with community groups and civic organisations and through regular appearances in the broadcast media. I have for many years been an active member of the Sociological Association of Ireland helping to promote the discipline more widely. When I am not 'doing sociology' I like to go cycling, walk in the mountains and read fiction.


Year Publication
2012 Perry Share, Mary P. Corcoran and Brian Conway (2012) A Sociology of Ireland. 4th Edition. Dublin: Gill and MacMillan.
2010 Corcoran, M.P., J. Gray and M. Peillon (2010) Suburban Affiliations. : Syracuse University Press.
2010 Mary P. Corcoran (2010) Ireland of the illusions: a sociological chronicle 2007-2008. : Institute of Public Administration.
2008 Mary P. Corcoran (2008) Belongings: shaping identity in Modern Ireland. Dublin: Institute of Public Administration. [Full-Text]
2007 M.P. Corcoran, P. Share and H. Tovey (2007) A Sociology of Ireland, 3rd edition. : Gill and MacMillan.
2006 (2006) Uncertain Ireland: A sociological chronicle 2003-2004. : Institute of Public Administration.
2005 (2005) Political Censorship and the democratic state: the Irish broadcasting ban. : Four Courts Press.
2004 Corcoran, Mary P. (2004) Place and non-place. The reconfiguration of Ireland. : Institute of Public Administration. [Full-Text]
2002 (2002) Ireland Unbound. A Turn of the Century Chronicle 1999-2000. : Institute of Public Administration.
1995 M.P. Corcoran (1995) The Changing Social Environment: The European Context, Sociology 2 Module. : National Distance Education Centre, Dublin City University.
1993 M.P. Corcoran (1993) Irish Illegals: Transients Between Two Societies. : Greenwood Press.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2022 Mary P. Corcoran, R.Hamm and R. Weiner (2022) 'Engaging in Collective Memory-Work Online'. Sage Research Methods Cases, :1-13.
2018 Corcoran M.P.; Kettle P.H. (2018) 'Contesting the politics of place: Urban gardening in Dublin and Belfast'. Urban Gardening As Politics, :132-147. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2022 Corcoran M.P.; Hamm R.; Weiner R. (2022) 'Blurring the distinction between the researcher and the researched: Doing Collective Memory-Work online in Covid times'. Irish Journal of Sociology, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2015 Corcoran M.; Hayes M. (2015) 'Toward a morphology of public space in suburban Dublin'. Built Environment, 41 (4):519-537. [Full-Text]
2015 Corcoran M.; Kettle P. (2015) 'Urban agriculture, civil interfaces and moving beyond difference: the experiences of plot holders in Dublin and Belfast'. Local Environment, 20 (10):1215-1230. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2012 Corcoran, Mary P. (2012) 'Society, space and the public realm: Beyond gated individualization '. Irish Journal of Sociology, 20 . [Full-Text]
2010 Corcoran M. (2010) 'Goda's golden acre for children': Pastoralism and sense of place in new suburban communities'. Urban Studies, 47 (12):2537-2554. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2007 M.P. Corcoran and M. Devlin (2007) 'Editors Introduction'. Irish Journal of Sociology, 16 :5-10. [Full-Text]
2006 Corcoran, Mary (2006) 'The Challenge of Urban Regeneration in Deprived European Neighbourhoods: a Partnership Approach'. Economic And Social Review, 37 :399-422. [Full-Text]
2005 M.P. Corcoran (2005) 'Portrait of the “absent” father: the impact of non-residency on developing and maintaining a fathering role'. Irish Journal of Sociology, 14 :134-153. [Full-Text]
2005 M.P. Corcoran (2005) 'The spectacle of the spire- re-inventing Dublin’s O’Connell street'. SOCILOGIE ET SOCIETES, XXXVII :69-86. [Full-Text]
2004 M.P. Corcoran (2004) 'The political preferences and value orientations of Irish journalists'. Irish Journal of Sociology, 13 :23-42. [Full-Text]
2003 Corcoran, Mary (2003) 'Global cosmopolites: issues of self-identity and collective identity among the transnational Irish elite'. 28 :135-150. [Full-Text]
2002 M.P. Corcoran (2002) 'The Process of Migration and the Reinvention of Self: The Experiences of Returning Irish Emigrants'. ÉIRE-IRELAND, 37 :175-191. [Full-Text]
2002 Corcoran M. (2002) 'Place attachment and community sentiment in marginalised neighbourhoods: A European case study'. Canadian Journal of Urban Research, 11 (1):47-67. [Full-Text]
1991 M.P. Corcoran (1991) 'Informalisation of Metropolitan Labour Forces: the Case of Irish Immigrants in the New York Construction Industry'. Irish Journal of Sociology, 1 :31-51. [Full-Text]
1987 M.P. Corcoran, E. Singer and T. Rogers (1987) 'The Polls: A Report on AIDS'. Public Opinion Quarterly, 51 :580-595. [Full-Text]

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2007 Duffy, Patrick and Corcoran, Mary and Keaveney, Karen (2007) 'Transformations in Housing' In: Understanding Contemporary Ireland. : Pluto Press. [Full-Text]
2006 M.P. Corcoran (2006) 'Re-imagining the built environment: place, community and neighbourhood in the city of Dublin' In: Andrew H. Wyndham(Eds.). Re-imagining Ireland. Charlottesville, VA : University of Virginia Press.
2006 M.P. Corcoran (2006) 'Local responses to a new issue: integrating immigrants in Spain' In: From Immigration to Integration: Local solutions to a global challenge. Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED) programme. Paris : OECD. [Full-Text]
2006 M.P. Corcoran (2006) 'Ethno-city' In: M.P.Corcoran and M. Peillon(Eds.). Uncertain Ireland A sociological chronicle 2003-2005.Irish sociological chronicles; 5. Dublin : Institute of Public Administration. [Full-Text]
2006 M.P. Corcoran (2006) 'An Age of Uncertainty' In: M.P.Corcoran and M. Peillon(Eds.). Uncertain Ireland A sociological chronicle 2003-2004. Dublin : Institute of Public Administration.
2005 M.P. Corcoran (2005) 'The regeneration of Fatima mansions: lessons from Dublin' In: Peter Herrle and Uwe-Jens Walther(Eds.). Socially Inclusive Cities: emerging concepts and practices. Munster, Germany : liT verlag.
2005 M.P. Corcoran (2005) 'A deceived audience or a discerning audience? media, censorship and the threat posed to the public sphere' In: M.P. Corcoran and M. O ’Brien(Eds.). Political censorship and the democratic state: the Irish broadcasting ban. Dublin : Four Courts Press.
2004 Peillon, M.and M.P. Corcoran (2004) 'Introduction: The reconfiguration of Ireland' In: M.P.Corcoran and M. Peillon(Eds.). Place and non-place. The reconfiguration of Ireland. Dublin : Institute of Public Administration.
2003 M.P. Corcoran (2003) ''The process of migration and the reinvention of self: the experience of returning Irish emigrants'' In: Kevin Kenny(Eds.). New Directions in Irish American History.
2002 M.P. Corcoran (2002) ''On the Waterfront'' In: M.P. Corcoran and M.Peillon(Eds.). Ireland Unbound: A turn of the century chronicle. Dublin : Institute of Public Administration.
2001 M.P. Corcoran, M.C. Benson (2001) 'Micro-segregation in a deprived neighbourhood: A Dublin Case Study' In: Daniel Bertaux(Eds.). Households in Precarity: Case Histories in six deprived neighbourhoods across Europe.
2000 M.P. Corcoran and A. White (2000) ''Irish Democracy and the Tribunal of Inquiry''' In: M.Peillon and E. Slater(Eds.). Memories of the Present. Dublin : Institute of Public Administration.
2000 M.P. Corcoran (2000) '''Mall City'' In: M.Peillon and E. Slater(Eds.). Memories of the Present. Dublin : Institute of Public Administration.
2000 M.P. Corcoran (2000) 'Local Authority Housing Residents: An invisible minority'' In: Macolm MacLahlan and Michael O' Connell(Eds.). Cultivating Pluralism. Dublin : Oak Tree Press.
1999 M.P. Corcoran (1999) ''Social Structure and Quality of Life'' In: T.Fahey(Eds.). Social Housing in Ireland: A Study of Success, Failure and Lessons Learned. Dublin : Oak Tree Press.
1999 M.P. Corcoran (1999) ''The End of the Irish Wake'' In: M.Glazier(Eds.). The Encyclopaedia of the Irish in America. Indiana : University of Notre Dame.
1999 M.P. Corcoran (1999) ''Methodology and Overview of Estates'' In: T.Fahey(Eds.). Social Housing in Ireland: A Study of Success, Failure and Lessons Learned. Dublin : Oak Tree Press.
1999 M.P. Corcoran (1999) 'Modernity, Identity and the Returning Irish Emigrant' In: New York Irish History, Volume 13.
1998 M.P. Corcoran (1998) ''The Re-enchantment of Temple Bar'' In: M.Peillon and E. Slater(Eds.). Encounters with Modern Ireland. Dublin : Institute of Public Administration.
1998 M.P. Corcoran (1998) ''Heroes of the Diaspora'' In: M.Peillon and E. Slater(Eds.). Encounters with Modern Ireland. Dublin : Institute of Public Administration.
1997 M.P. Corcoran (1997) 'Clandestine Destinies: the Informal Economic Sector and Irish Immigrant Incorporation'' In: Jim MacLaughlin(Eds.). Location and Dislocation in Irish Society: Multidisciplinary Essays on Emigration and Irish Identities. Cork/Indiana : Cork University Press/University of Notre Dame Press.
1997 M.P. Corcoran (1997) ''Church and State in Contemporary Ireland: Approaching a Crossroads'' In: Seminario di Storia delle istituzioni religiose e relazioni tra Stato Chiesa, Reprint Series No. 20. Firenze : Università degli Studi di Firenze.
1994 M.P. Corcoran (1994) ''Emigrants, Eirepreneurs and Opportunists: A Social Profile of Recent Irish Immigration'' In: Proceedings of the Intercultural Education-Irish Perspectives Conference. Drumcondra : The Teachers Centre.
1988 M.P. Corcoran (1988) ''Ethnic Boundaries and Legal Barriers: the Labour Market Experience of Undocumented Irish Workers in New York City.'' In: New York Irish History, Volume 3.

Other Journal

Year Publication
2009 Corcoran, Mary P. (2009) 'Valuing the local(e) in suburbia' Building Materials: Journal of the Architectural Association of Ireland, 18 :46-54.
2007 Corcoran, Mary P. (2007) 'Consumption and identity (Review essay)' Field Day Review (Notre Dame University Press), 3 :239-245. [Full-Text]
1999 M.P. Corcoran (1999) 'Fin De Siecle Dublin: Landscapes of Consumption and Devastation' ROPES, Special Issue: Fin De Siecle, 7 :41-45.

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2006 Corcoran M. (2006) Economic and Social Review The challenge of urban regeneration in deprived European neighbourhoods: A partnership approach [Full-Text]

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2001 Mary P. Corcoran and Helen Russell (2001) Lone Parenthood and the concept of social capital Sociological Association of Ireland Annual Conference Tralee, Co. Kerry, 02/11/2001-04/11/2001.
2001 Mary P. Corcoran (2001) Place, Attacehment and the Neighbourhood; Citizenship, Diaspora and the contemporary Irish emigrant Culture of Cities Summer Institute Toronto, Canada, 18/06/2001-23/06/2001.

Book Review

Year Publication
2002 Byrne, David (2002) Understanding the Urban. [Book Review]
2000 Delaney, Enda (2000) Demography, State and Society: Irish Migration to Britain. [Book Review]
1999 Walsh, James et al (1999) Poor People , Poor Places. [Book Review]
1998 Lawrence J. McCaffrey (1998) The Irish Catholic Diaspora in America. [Book Review]
1995 Andrew J. Wilson (1995) Irish America and the Ulster Conflict, 1968-1995. [Book Review]
1995 Donnan, Hastings and Thomas Wilson (eds) (1995) Border Approaches: Anthropological perspectives on Frontiers. [Book Review]
1995 (1995) Ireland: the Emigrant Nursery and the World Economy. [Book Review]
1995 Nolan, Brian and Tim Callan (eds) (1995) Values and Social Change in Ireland. [Book Review]
1994 Arkenson, Donald Harman (1994) The Irish Diaspora. [Book Review]
1988 (1988) 'Sociology- from the Margins to the Mainstream', review of Anne Byrne and Madeleine Leonard (eds).1997. Women in Irish Society: A Sociological Reader. [Book Review]


Year Publication
2012 O'Callaghan C.; Corcoran M.; Fuller W. (2012) Sustaining communities: Setting the agenda. [Reviews] [DOI]
2012 Conway B.; Corcoran M.; Cahill L. (2012) The 'miracle' of Fatima: Media framing and the regeneration of a Dublin housing estate. [Reviews] [DOI]
2005 Olagnero M.; Meo A.; Corcoran M. (2005) Social support networks in impoverished European neighbourhoods: Case studies from Italy and Ireland. [Reviews] [DOI]

Working Paper

Year Publication
2009 Conway, B., Cahill, L.M. and Corcoran, M.P. (2009) The miracle of Fatima : Media Framing and the regeneration of a Dublin Housing Estate. [Working Paper] [Full-Text]
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