Dr Michelle Somerton

Research Projects
Book Chapter
Year | Publication | |
2019 | Tsediso Michael Michael Makoelle; Michelle Irene Somerton (2019) 'Facilitating Inclusive Teaching and Learning Spaces Through Digital Education Technology' In: [Link] [DOI] | |
2024 | Samantha Vlcek, Michelle Somerton (2024) 'Teachers’ Collaborative Engagement with Families and Allied Health Professionals Supporting Students with Disability across the Australian Education System' In: Exploring Equity, Inclusion and Agency in Education: Theory, Policy and Practice. Singapore : Springer Nature. |
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2024 | Makoelle, Tsediso Michael; Hernandez-Torrano, Daniel; Somerton, Michelle; Yakavets, Natallia (2024) 'Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Kazakhstani Schools'. Mapping Educational Change in Kazakhstan, . [Link] | |
2024 | Samantha Vlcek; Michelle Somerton; Scott Pedersen (2024) 'Stakeholder Collaboration in the Education of Australian Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review'. Australasian Journal of Special and Inclusive Education, . [Link] [DOI] | |
2024 | Kairat Mukashev; Michelle Somerton (2024) 'Disability and homeschooling: Parents experiences in Kazakhstan'. Children & Society, . [Link] [DOI] | |
2024 | S Vlcek, M Cuskelly, M Somerton, S Pedersen (2024) 'Home-school interactions relating to students with disability: A document analysis of Australian policy and guidelines'. Qualitative Research, . [Link] [DOI] | |
2024 | S Vlcek M Somerton S Pedersen (2024) 'Stakeholder collaboration in the education of Australian students with autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review'. Australasian Journal of Special Education, . | |
2023 | Samantha Vlcek; Michelle Somerton (2023) 'Collaborative engagement between stakeholders in the education of Australian students with disability: a scoping review'. International Journal of Inclusive Education, . [Link] [DOI] | |
2022 | Passeka, Yevgeniya; Somerton, Michelle (2022) 'Bridging the gap: special educators' perceptions of their professional roles in supporting inclusive education in Kazakhstan'. Disability and Society, . [Link] [DOI] | |
2022 | Michelle Somerton (2022) 'Developing an educational app for students with autism'. Frontiers In Education, . [Link] [DOI] | |
2021 | Rollan, Kamila; Somerton, Michelle (2021) 'Inclusive education reform in Kazakhstan: civil society activism from the bottom-up'. International Journal of Inclusive Education, . [Link] [DOI] | |
2021 | Somerton, Michelle; Stolyarova, Valentina; Khanin, Stanislav (2021) 'Autism and the Knowledge and Beliefs of Specialists in Kazakhstan'. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, . [Link] [DOI] | |
2020 | Vlcek, Samantha; Somerton, Michelle; Rayner, Christopher (2020) 'Collaborative Teams: Teachers, Parents, and Allied Health Professionals Supporting Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder in Mainstream Australian Schools'. Australasian Journal of Special and Inclusive Education, . [Link] [DOI] | |
2020 | Helmer, Janet; Kasa, Rita; Somerton, Michelle; Makoelle, Tsediso Michael; Hernandez-Torrano, Daniel (2020) 'Planting the seeds for inclusive education: one resource centre at a time'. International Journal of Inclusive Education, . [Link] [DOI] | |
2020 | (2020) 'Defining spaces: resource centres, collaboration, and inclusion in Kazakhstan'. Journal of Educational Change, . [Link] [DOI] | |
2020 | (2020) 'Mapping research on inclusive education since Salamanca Statement: a bibliometric review of the literature over 25 years'. International Journal of Inclusive Education, . [Link] [DOI] | |
2015 | (2015) 'Who is Billy Possum?'. The Journal of Digital Learning and Teaching Victoria, . [Link] | |
2021 | (2021) 'Inclusive Education in a Post-Soviet Context'. Inclusive Education in a Post-Soviet Context, . [Link] [DOI] |
Published Report
Year | Publication | |
2020 | S Pather, M Somerton, V Stolyarova, A Jaxybayeva, S Khanin. (2020) Diagnosing children with Autism and Intellectual Impairment in Kazakhstan. Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, . [Link] | |
2019 | R Kasa, J Helmer, M Somerton, D Hernandex-Torrrano, T Makoelle. (2019) Creating Conditions for Inclusive Education in Kazakhstan. Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, . [Link] |
Honors and Awards
Editorial / Academic Reviews
Teaching Interests
TCHE2475 Communication for Children with Special Educational Needs (RMIT)
EDIE651 Policy Perspectives and Inclusive Education
EDIE631 Developing Inclusive Schools for an Inclusive Society
EDIE620 Global Perspectives on Inclusive Education
EDIE609 Introduction to Educational Leadership
EDIE610 Applying Leadership to the Kazakhstani Context
EDUC606 Introduction to Educational Research
EDUC600 Research Methods in Education
EDUC675 Dissertation Research (PhD)
EDIE690 Thesis Seminar (Masters)
EDP726 Reflective Practice for Professional Development
EDC111, 211, 221, 311, 421, Reflective Practice and Action Research
EDC422 Early Childhood Learning and Development Challenges (Birth - 6 years)
PhD – Arman Assanbayev (2021) Inclusive Education TVET in Kazakhstan (External Examiners: Professor Paul A Bartolo, University of Malta, and Emeritus Professor Geoff Haywood, Cambridge University)
PhD – Stanislav Khanin (2022) Playing to ThinkCritically: A Delphi Study on Digital Games and Critical Thinking (External Examiners: Distinguished Professor Neil Selwyn, Monash University, and Dr Elizabeth Winter, Cambridge University)
PhD – Samantha Vlcek (2024) Conceptualising Collaboration in the Support of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (External Examiners: Professor Beth Saggers, Queensland University of Technology, and Professor Roger Slee, University of South Australia/Leeds University)
PhD - Natalya Manuilova (2025) Teachers' Professional Digital Competence for Equity in Secondary Schools in Kazakhstan (under examination)
PhD - Akbota Toleganova (2026) Exploring Autism Care: Nurses' Experiences, Challenges, Knowledge and Training Needs in Kazakhstan
EdD - Geraldine Hetherton (2027) The Experiences of Autistic Parents in Navigating Educational Processes to support their Children
MSc – Lyazzat Zholmagambetova: Leadership for inclusive education in rural Kazakhstani schools.
MSc – Aliya Sabitova: The role of local NGOs in the development of inclusive societies through inclusive education.
MSc – Laila Duisenova: Psychological counsellors and their experiences of supporting student with depression in higher education contexts in Kazakhstan.
MSc – Aida Anuarbek: Understanding specific language impairments (SLIs) in post-Soviet contexts: A systematic review.
MSc – Alima Abdulatif: The attitudes ofdefectologists towards the implementation of inclusive education in the city of Kyzylorda.
MSc – Assem Tleubay: Kazakhstani teachers’ experience in supporting students with special educational needs (SEN) and disabilities during COVID-19.
MSc – Kairat Mukashev: Parents’ experiences educating their children with a disability enrolled in homeschooling in Kosshy.
MSc– Gulden Kaliyeva: Teachers’ perspectives and attitudes towards digital inclusion in three rural schools in the Almaty region.
MSc – Meruyert Smagulova: Effect of pandemic: Understanding the experience of parents of children with ASD during remote learning.
MSc – Shakhrizada Kalilayeva: Teachers’ perceptions of gender in single-gender schools in Kazakhstan.
MSc – Aizhan Atshabarova: Parents of students diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders and their reasons for choosing inclusive or special education settings.
MSc – Yevgeniya Passeka: Bridging the gap: Special educators and how they perceive their role in inclusive education.
MSc - Yuliya Palkina: Attitudes of higher education administration and faculty towards inclusive education in Kazakhstani universities.
MSc – Saltanat Tyulesheva: Teachers’ knowledge of adolescent depression and its relationship to youth suicide.
MSc – Kymbat Saduakas: Teachers experiences in supporting children from orphanages studying in mainstream classrooms in Kazakhstan.
MSc – Assem Rakhimbekova: The influences of leadership on the perceptions of Karaganda NIS school teachers towards inclusive education.
MSc – Kamila Rollan: Inclusive education reform in Kazakhstan: Bottom-up civil society activism.
MSc– Ainur Meibekova: Examining inclusive education policy in Kazakhstan secondary schools.
MSc – Aisha Mnazhatdinova: Inclusion is a nice idea but: Faculty attitudes in higher education institutions towards inclusion.
MTeach – Tunde Frisnyak: The inclusion of visual support in the assessment of reading comprehension for students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD).
BEd Honours (First Class) - Samantha Vlcek: Exploring collaboration between teachers, parents, and allied health professionals supporting the education of students with autism spectrum disorder in mainstream Australian primary schools.