Dr Rita Sakr


Associate Professor

Iontas Building
Ground Floor
Office 0.19B


I am Associate Professor in Postcolonial and Global Literatures. I joined the Department of English at Maynooth University in January 2018 after being Lecturer in World Literature at Goldsmiths (University of London), and previously, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Orient Institut Beirut (Max Weber Foundation), ESRC “Partnership for Conflict, Crime and Security Research” Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Kent, and visiting lecturer and fellow at UCD (English and Clinton Institute for American Studies), having completed a PhD at the University of Nottingham, UK. My teaching and research interests include literary and cultural production engaging forced displacement, postcolonialism and decoloniality, Middle-Eastern and Mediterranean studies, modern Arab (including diasporic) literature and film, modern Turkish and Kurdish literature in translation, critical geographies and the environmental humanities, (more-than-)human rights and humanitarianism, peacekeeping and peace-building, and interdisciplinary post-conflict memory studies.
Among various other publications, I am the author of “Anticipating” the 2011 Arab Uprisings: Revolutionary Literatures and Political Geographies (Palgrave) and Monumental Space in the Post-Imperial Novel: An Interdisciplinary Study (Continuum; and in paperback, Bloomsbury Academic). I co-edited The Ethics of Representation in Literature, Art, and Journalism: Transnational Responses to the Siege of Beirut (Routledge) and James Joyce and the Nineteenth-Century French Novel (Rodopi).
I co-directed and co-produced the Research Councils UK-funded documentary film White Flags that focuses on peace-building through memory projects and the arts in post-war Beirut. Screenings and Q&A included: Institute of Contemporary Arts, London; Being Human Festival, UK; World Poetry Day, Nicosia; Mansion Cultural Centre, Beirut.

Recent and forthcoming publications focus on literary/cultural production (primarily Arab) at the crossroads of decoloniality, necropolitics, more-than-human rights, the environmental  humanities and experimental literatures of forced displacement. I am currently completing my third monograph titled Arab Displacements: Experimental Literature, Necropolitics and Decolonial Hauntology (under contract with Edinburgh University Press).

I am the MU Lead on the EU-funded multi-university (lead university UoMalta) Cooperation Partnership in Higher education (postgraduate programme) 'Re-visiting the Mediterranean: Literature, Culture, Environment', 2024-26.

I was Senior Co-Investigator, with Prof Sinead McGilloway (Principal Investigator-Founder Director of Maynooth Centre for Mental Health and Community Research), on a funded (QFI) research programme, titled SALaM-Ireland (Phase 1: 2020-2023; Phase 2: 2023-24), part of an international collaboration based at the University of Washington in St Louis. This is a mixed-methods engaged research project that sought to assess the psychosocial needs of post-primary school students resettled to Ireland from Arab-majority countries and to identify potential school-based and creative strategies to foster support for this population.

Recently completed and ongoing research supervision includes: "The Production of Space and its Subversive Functions in Contemporary Lebanese Literature" (Farah Aridi, Goldsmiths, completed); "The Body and the Environment in Contemporary Iraqi Literature" (Reema Hassan, MU, completed); "Literary Representations of the Environmental Impact of the IT Industry" (Florian Radtke, MU:, ongoing) and as mentor for the IRC-funded postdoctoral project "The Language of Refuge" (Edmund Chapman, ongoing).

From February 2019 to January 2022, I coordinated the MA English: Literatures of Engagement. I co-designed an interdisciplinary, cross-departmental Master of Arts: Cultures of Migration.

In October 2021, I designed and convened a free online course on "Global Migrant Literature and Culture" that is part of "A Pilot Project to Enhance Equal Participation and Inclusivity in the Virtual Learning Environment",  for which I received funding (with colleagues in the Department of Law) from the MU Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Fund and the generous support of Kildare Libraries.

I am Co-Chair of Maynooth University Sanctuary programme.

I am co-founder of the Irish Network of Middle Eastern and North African Studies (INMENAS).

From 2016 to 2019, I was a member of the Executive Council of the International Comparative Literature Association.

Since January 2022, I have been a member of the Board of Literature Ireland.

Since 2016, I have been commissioning editor for the Arab, Middle Eastern, and North African (including diasporic) Literatures and Cultures volumes of the Literary Encyclopedia.

I was a Judge of the 2021 International Dublin Literary Award.

Since December 2021, I have been a member of the Judging Panel of the Rooney Prize for Irish Literature.


Year Publication
2013 Rita Sakr (2013) Monumental Space in the Post-Imperial Novel: An Interdisciplinary Study. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
2013 Rita Sakr (2013) Anticipating the 2011 Arab Uprisings: Revolutionary Literatures and Political Geographies. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
2012 Rita Sakr (2012) Monumental Space in the Post-Imperial Novel: An Interdisciplinary Study. London and New York: Continuum.

Edited Book

Year Publication
2023 Corina Stan and Charlotte Sussman (volume editors); Derek Duncan, David Herd, Josephine McDonagh, Rita Sakr, Corina Stan and Charlotte Sussman (section editors) (Ed.). (2023) Palgrave Handbook of European Migration in Literature and Culture (Rita Sakr, Editor Part 6: Migration and Literary Experiment). New York: Palgrave,
2013 Rita Sakr and Caroline Rooney (Ed.). (2013) The Ethics of Representation in Literature, Journalism and Art: Transnational Responses to the Siege of Beirut. London and New York: Routledge,
2011 Rita Sakr and Finn Fordham (Ed.). (2011) James Joyce and the Nineteenth-Century French Novel. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi (European Joyce Studies series),

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2025 Rita Sakr (2025) 'Teeming Precarity of the More-than-Human in Freedom, Only Freedom' In: Narratives of Precarious Migrancy in the Global South (ed. Gigi Adair and Carly McLaughlin). Abingdon : Routledge, pp. 71-91.
2025 Rita Sakr (2025) ''Transcultural Intermedial Aesthetics and Decolonial Knowledge Production in Ḥasan Balāsim’s Work'' In: Contemporary Arabic Literature and Migration: New Poetics and Perspectives (in press). London : I. B. Tauris/Bloomsbury Academic.
2023 Rita Sakr (2023) 'Taming the Square: Documenting the Rioting Subject in Basma Abdel Aziz’s The Queue' In: Writing the Global Riot: Literature in a Time of Crisis (ed. Jumana Bayeh, Helen Groth and Julian Murphet). Oxford : Oxford University Press, pp. 221-37.
2023 Rita Sakr (2023) 'Arab(ic) Diasporic Literary Trajectories: Reinvented Magical Realisms, Biopolitical Ruptures, and Planetarity' In: Diaspora and Literary Studies (ed. Angela Naimou). Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, pp. 329-45.
2022 Rita Sakr (2022) 'The Severed Limb: Relational Life-writing Against Techno-biopolitical Violence in Atef Abu Saif’s The Drone Eats With Me: A Gaza Diary' In: Literary Representations of the Palestine/Israel Conflict after the Second Intifada (ed. Ned Curthoys and Isabelle Hesse). Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, pp. 13-32.
2020 (2020) 'Expanding the Space of Human Rights in Literature, Reclaiming Literature as a Human Right: Cockroach and Carnival' In: Beirut to Carnival City: Reading Rawi Hage (ed. Krzysztof Majer). Amsterdam : Rodopi/Brill, pp. 87-102. [DOI]
2019 Rita Sakr (2019) 'Heterotopia and its Discontents: Exploring Spatial, Social, and Textual Liminality in Rawi Hage’s Cockroach' In: Contested Spaces, Counter-narratives, and Culture from Below in Canada and Quebec. Toronto : Toronto University Press, pp. 88-106.
2013 Rita Sakr and Caroline Rooney (2013) 'We Teach Life, Sir”: States of Siege, Youth, and Filmed Testimony' In: Liberal Democracies at War: Conflict and Representation. London and New York : Bloomsbury Academic, 199-218.
2013 Rita Sakr and Caroline Rooney (2013) 'Interview with Robert Fisk' In: The Ethics of Representation in Literature, Art and Journalism: Transnational Responses to the Siege of Beirut. London and New York : Routledge, , pp. 184-90.
2013 Rita Sakr and Caroline Rooney (2013) 'Interview with Mischa Hiller' In: The Ethics of REpresentation in Literature, Art and Journalism: Transnational Responses to the Siege of Beirut. London and New York : Routledge, pp. 191-97.
2013 Rita Sakr and Caroline Rooney (2013) 'Interview with Mai Masri' In: The Ethics of REpresentation in Literature, Art and Journalism: Transnational Responses to the Siege of Beirut. London and New York : Routledge, pp.198-204.
2013 Rita Sakr and Caroline Rooney (2013) 'Introduction' In: The Ethics of Representation in Literature, Journalism and Art: Transnational Responses to the Siege of Beirut. London and New York : Routledge, pp. 1-20.
2013 Rita Sakr (2013) 'War is Surrealism Without Art: Representing the Unrepresentable in Mahmoud Darwish, Rawi Hage and Robert Fisk' In: The Ethics of Representation in Literature, Journalism and Art: Transnational Responses to the Siege of Beirut. London and New York : Routledge, pp. 23-36.
2011 Rita Sakr (2011) '“That’s new […]That’s copy: Slightly Rambunctious Females on the top of Some Column! in Zola’s L’Assommoir and Joyce’s Ulysses' In: Joyce and the Nineteenth-Century French Novel. Amsterdam and New York : Rodopi.
2011 Rita Sakr and Finn Fordham (2011) 'Joyce and the “pas mal de siècle”' In: Joyce and the Nineteenth-Century French Novel. Amsterdam and New York : Rodopi.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2024 Rita Sakr (2024) 'Review Essay: Forms of Migration'. Refuge, 40 (2).
2021 Rita Sakr (2021) 'Decolonial Imaginaries of Sanctuary in Behrouz Boochani's Work'. CROSSINGS: JOURNAL OF MIGRATION & CULTURE, 11 (2):231-249.
2019 Rita Sakr (2019) 'Imagining Mid-Nineteenth-Century Beirut as a City of the World: Public Intellectuals, Photography, Cartography, and Historical Literature'. Journal of Urban Cultural Studies, 6 (1):31-57. [Full-Text]
2018 Rita Sakr (2018) 'The More-Than-Human Refugee Journey: Hassan Blasim's Short Stories'. Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 54 (6 Refugee Literature):766-780. [Full-Text]
2011 Rita Sakr (2011) 'Between Terror and Taboo: Monumentalisation as the Matrix of History and Politics in Orhan Pamuk’s The Black Book and Snow'. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 38 :227-247. [Full-Text]
2011 Rita Sakr (2011) 'Imaginative Migrations'. Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 47 (3 (pp. 343-51)). [Full-Text]
2010 Rita Sakr (2010) 'Broken Pillars”: The Counter-Monumental Texture of Ulysses'. Dublin James Joyce Journal, 3 :120-143. [Full-Text]
2008 Rita Sakr (2008) 'Staging Social and Political Spaces: Living Theatre in Joyce’s “The Dead”'. Journal of the Short Story in English, 51 :67-79. [Full-Text]
2007 Rita Sakr (2007) 'Negotiating Post-War Lebanese Literature: A Conversation with Rashid al-Daif'. Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 43 (3):278-85. [Full-Text]

Other Journal

Year Publication
2012 Rita Sakr (2012) 'Writing the 2011 Arab Uprisings: Visions and Realities' Frame: Journal of Literary Studies (Special Issue: Revolution), :9-19.
2007 Rita Sakr (2007) 'Monumental Space and the Carnivalisation of Power in Joyce’s Ulysses and al-Daif’s Ghaflat al-Turab' Quest, (4) .

Published Report

Year Publication
2013 Rita Sakr (2013) Irish Peacekeeping in the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL): A Historical, Political, and Socio-Cultural Study (40 pages). Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs, American University of Beirut, .


Year Publication
2014 Rita Sakr and Caroline Rooney (2014) White Flags (48 mins). [Documentary]


Year Publication
2021 Yvonne Leckey, Sinead McGilloway and Rita Sakr, (2021) Investigating the mental health and wellbeing of young Arabic-speaking adolescents who have migrated to Ireland from conflict-affected countries. [Blog] [Link]

Book Review

Year Publication
2022 Rita Sakr (2022) Review of I Don't Want to Talk About Home by Suad Aldarra (in The Irish Times). [Book Review] [Link]
2021 Rita Sakr (2021) Review of Fictions of Migration in Contemporary Britain and Ireland by Carmen Zamorano Llena (in New Hibernia Review). [Book Review]
2021 Rita Sakr (2021) Landscapes of Violence: Review of God 99 by Hassan Blasim (in Dublin Review of Books). [Book Review]
2017 Rita Sakr (2017) Review of The Lebanese Post-Civil War Novel: Memory, Trauma, and Capital (in Contemporary Levant). [Book Review]
2014 Rita Sakr (2014) James Joyce in the Nineteenth Century (in James Joyce Broadsheet). [Book Review]
2014 Rita Sakr (2014) Review of Architecture and Modern Literature (in James Joyce Quarterly). [Book Review]
2013 Rita Sakr (2013) Review of Transits: The Nomadic Geographies of Anglo-American Modernism (in James Joyce Quarterly). [Book Review]
2013 Rita Sakr (2013) Review of In the Country of Men and Anatomy of a Disappearance by Hisham Matar (in Wasafiri). [Book Review]
2013 Rita Sakr (2013) Review of Rock the Casbah: Rage and Rebellion Across the Islamic World (in British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies). [Book Review]

Encyclopedia Entry

Year Publication
2020 Rita Sakr (2020) Hisham Matar (updated and expanded-3500 words). [Encyclopedia Entry]
2020 Rita Sakr (2020) Rawi Hage (updated and expanded-2750 words). [Encyclopedia Entry]
2011 Rita Sakr (2011) Rawi Hage. [Encyclopedia Entry]
2012 Rita Sakr (2012) Hisham Matar. [Encyclopedia Entry]

Electronic Publication

Year Publication
2018 Rita Sakr (2018) Cultural Imaginaries of Mid-Nineteenth Century Beirut as “City of the World”. [Electronic Publication] [Link]


Year Publication
2024 Rita Sakr; Raphael Cohen; Marwan Muasher (2024) Podcast, Institute of International and European Affairs 'The War on Gaza'. [Media]
2020 Rita Sakr (2020) RTE Brainstorm: A Guide to the Best Arabic Literature in Translation. [Media] [Link]
2019 Rita Sakr (2019) Main guest on BBC World Service Weekend. [Media]
2018 Rita Sakr (2018) One of two main guests on BBC World Service Weekend. [Media]
2016 Rita Sakr (2016) Featured expert on the RTE documentary: Peacekeepers: The Irish in South Lebanon. [Media] [Link]
2016 Rita Sakr (2016) One of two main guests on BBC World Service Weekend. [Media]
2015 Rita Sakr (2015) One of two main guests on BBC World Service Weekend. [Media]
2014 Rita Sakr (2014) One of two main guests on BBC World Service Weekend. [Media]

Invited Lectures

Year Publication
2024 Rita Sakr (2024) 'On Syrian (Im)Mobilities', New Directions in Literature and Migration Conference, Duke University. [Invited Lectures]
2024 Rita Sakr (2024) Keynote Address: On Siege Starvation and More-than-realist Aesthetics in Samar Yazbek’s Planet of Clay ('The Question' symposium). [Invited Lectures]
2024 Rita Sakr (2024) Gaza is a Severing (Institute of International and European Affairs) 'The War on Gaza' webinar. [Invited Lectures]
2023 Rita Sakr (2023) Translational Decoloniality in God 99 (Centro di Studi sul Medio Oriente Contemporaneo, Ca Foscari, Venezia). [Invited Lectures]
2022 Rita Sakr, Pap Ndiaye and Oein De Bhairduin (Dublin Castle) (2022) Taboo and Race (Dublin Castle). [Invited Lectures]
2022 Rita Sakr (2022) Radical (dis)locations of the fragment-shard (Mediterranean Institute). [Invited Lectures]
2020 Rita Sakr (2020) The ethico-politics of mixed-genre, relational life-writing in Atef Abu Saif’s The Drone Eats with Me (Goldsmiths Centre for Comparative Literature). [Invited Lectures]
2018 Rita Sakr (2018) Imagining Mid-Nineteenth-Century Beirut as a “City of the World” (SOAS, School of Oriental and African Studies). [Invited Lectures]
2017 Rita Sakr (2017) Keynote Address: Heterotopic Displacements in Migrant and Refugee Narratives ('Space, Place and Displacement' conference). [Invited Lectures]
2013 Rita Sakr (2013) Human Rights in Contemporary Arab Literature (UCD). [Invited Lectures]
2012 Rita Sakr (2012) A History of Violence: Landscapes of Memory in Orhan Pamuk’s Novels (UCD). [Invited Lectures]
2012 Rita Sakr (2012) Orhan Pamuk and the Contested History of Post-Imperial Turkey (University of Kent). [Invited Lectures]
2012 Rita Sakr (2012) Irish Peacekeeping in Lebanon (AUB). [Invited Lectures]
2010 Rita Sakr (2010) Counter-monumental Rebellions in Joyce’s Ulysses (James Joyce Summer School). [Invited Lectures]

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2024 Rita Sakr (2024) 'Everyone was hungry in the dream!’: Manhunts, food insecurity and more-than-human justice Società per gli Studi sul Medio Oriente SeSaMO conference Crossings and Contaminations: Practices, Languages and Politics in Transit in the Middle East and North Africa University of Cagliari, .
2024 Rita Sakr (2024) Behrouz Boochani's South-South Relational Eco-Poetics Transnational Activisms: Reimagining Boundaries in Political Cultural Production University College Dublin, .
2023 Rita Sakr (2023) Dis-appearing Narrativity: Basma Abdel Aziz’s Subversion of the Documentary Practices of Authoritarian Repression International Inter- and Transdisciplinary Conference The Universal Declaration of Human Right at 75 University of Ghent, Belgium, .
2023 Rita Sakr (2023) Decolonial Underground Aesthetics and Political Imaginaries in Ḥasan Blāsim’s Work Oral Presentation at Underground Imaginaries conference Universidad de Alcalá (Madrid), .
2022 Rita Sakr (2022) Ḥasan Blāsim’s re-orientation of refugee poetics 14th Conference of the European Association for Modern Arabic Literature Sofia University (Bulgaria), .
2022 Rita Sakr (2022) Decolonial Knowledge Production in God 99 British Society for Middle Eastern Studies conference 2022 University of St Andrews, .
2021 Rita Sakr (2021) Transcultural Re-memberings of Planetary Sanctuary in Behrouz Boochani’s Poetics Oral Presentation at Transcultural Mo(ve)ments: Memories, Writings, Embodiments (online) University of Cardiff, .
2019 Rita Sakr (2019) Engaging an Aesthetics and Politics of More-Than-Human Rights in Rawi Hage's Works Oral Presentation at Contemporary Literature: Politics and Aesthetics in Crisis Queen's University Belfast, .
2019 Rita Sakr (2019) Hassan Blasim’s Nightmare Realism” and the Re-imagining of the “Refugee Crisis” Oral Presentation at Forms of Migration conference University of Graz, Austria, .
2018 Rita Sakr (2018) Re-imagining Nineteenth-Century Beirut in Rabee Jaber’s Historical Fiction, Bayrūt Madīnat al-ʿĀlam Oral Presentation at 13th European Association for Modern Arabic Literature conference, Fiction and History: the Rebirth of the Historical Novel in Arabic Universita degli studi di Napoli L'Orientale, .
2018 Rita Sakr (2018) Reconstructing “a Shout in the Street” in Pamuk's A Strangeness in My Mind Oral Presentation at 26th International James Joyce Symposium University of Antwerp, .
2017 Rita Sakr (2017) ‘“Reclaiming the human” in the migrant narratives of Rawi Hage’s Cockroach and Hassan Blasim’s The Iraqi Christ’ Oral Presentation at American Comparative Literature Association Conference Utrecht University, .
2014 Rita Sakr (2014) Re-Transit Beirut: Diasporic, Refugee, and Other Spaces Oral presentation at Walls, Barricades, Borders, Gates: Political Negligence and the Twenty-First Century City SOAS, University of London, .
2013 Rita Sakr (2013) Syrian Prison Writings: An Archive of Human Rights Abuses, Popular Discontent, and Radicalisation Oral Presentation at British Society of Middle Eastern Studies Conference 2013 UCD, Dublin, .
2013 Rita Sakr (2013) Remapping the Revolutionary Middle East: Ahdaf Soueif’s The Map of Love and Cairo: My City, Our Revolution Oral Presentation at Identity and Conflict University of Balamand, .
2012 Rita Sakr (2012) Writing the Egyptian Revolution: The Literature and Journalism of Mohamed Salmawy and Alaa al-Aswany Oral Presentation at Days of Rage conference University of Kent, .
2012 Rita Sakr (2012) A New MENA?: Re-inventing the American Democratization Project in the Arab World,’ Shifting Borders Oral Presentation at Shifting Borders conference American University of beirut, .
2012 Rita Sakr (2012) Imagining 2011: The Literatures of the Arab Uprisings Oral Presentation at British Society of Middle Eastern Studies Conference 2012 London School of Economics, .

Invited Seminars

Year Publication
2015 Rita Sakr (2015) A Cultural-Geographical Reflection on Migrant Routes in Mid-nineteenth-Century Beirut (OIB). [Invited Seminars]


Year Publication
2022 Rita Sakr; Andrew Clarke (2022) World Refugee Day 2022: A Conversation with Rehan Ali and Marwa Zamir. [Webinar]
2021 Rita Sakr (2021) Interculturalism, Literature and the Arts in Ireland Webinar Series. [Webinar]
2021 Rita Sakr and Reema Hassan (2021) A Conversation with Hassan Blasim on Literature, Displacement and Resistance. [Webinar]
2021 Rita Sakr (2021) Academic Response (focusing on Nizar Qabbani's poetry) to Kinda Nassli's Angela's Ashes Through a Syrian Refugee's Eyes (MU Social Justice Week event). [Webinar]
2020 Rita Sakr and Denis Condon (2020) Gaza: A Conversation With Garry Keane and Andrew McConnell. [Webinar] [Link]
2020 Rita Sakr (2020) Conversation with Claire Gallien on Anglo-Arabic Writing and the Practice of Worldliness. [Webinar] [Link]

Guest Speaker Hosted

Year Publication
2024 Rita Sakr (2024) Host at International Literature Festival Dublin, Cities of Literature Abuja: A Conversation With Olumide Popoola and Bibi Bakare-Yusuf. [Guest Speaker Hosted]
2023 Rita Sakr; Julie-Anne Rodgers (2023) Co-host of Sex and Lies in Morocco: A Conversation with Karim Boukhari and Sonia Terrab (in collaboration with EROSS and the French Embassy in Ireland). [Guest Speaker Hosted]
2023 Suad Aldarra; Sinead Mac Aodha; Rita Sakr (2023) Organiser of Literary (Un)belongings: A Conversation with Suad Aldarra at Dublin Book Festival. [Guest Speaker Hosted]
2023 Rita Sakr (2023) Organiser and host of A Conversation and Workshop with Catherine Young Dance (MU Social Justice Week). [Guest Speaker Hosted]
2022 Rita Sakr (2022) Host at International Dublin Literary Festival 'Dublin Meets Abuja': A Conversation with Chiamaka Enyi-Amadi, Gabriel Gbadamosi, Ola Majekodunmi and Chidi Ukwu. [Guest Speaker Hosted]

Conference Hosted

Year Publication
2020 Rita Sakr; Jeneen Naji (2020) Co-organiser and co-host at Righting/Writing Refuge: A Screening of Chauka, Please Tell Us The Time; Conversation with Behrouz Boochani and Omid Tofighian; and roundtable including Irish Refugee Council CEO Ian Henderson, anthropologist of direct provision Abayomi Ogunsanya and MU colleagues (MU Social Justice Week). [Conference Hosted]
2014 Rita Sakr; Karima Laachir; Caroline Rooney (2014) Walls, Barricades, Borders, Gates: Political Negligence and the Twenty-First Century City (SOAS, University of London). [Conference Hosted]
2012 Rita Sakr; Liam Kennedy (2012) Media and the Arab Spring (Clinton Institute for American Studies). [Conference Hosted]
2012 Rita Sakr; May Maalouf; Caroline Rooney (2012) Trust-Building in Divided Beirut. [Conference Hosted]


Year Publication
2023 International writers and academics (2023) 24-hr International Reading for Freedom of Expression & Solidarity with Palestine. [Recording]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Description Function From / To
International Comparative Literature Association Member of the Executive Council 01/08/2016 - 01/08/2019
European Association for Commonwealth Literatures and Language Studies Member -
Irish Association for American Studies Member -
Irish Network for Middle Eastern and North African Studies Co-founder; Founding member 01/07/2020 -
Centre for Comparative Literature at Goldsmiths, University of London Affiliated Member 01/09/2020 -
Multilingual Locals & Significant Geographies: For a New Approach to World Literature (MULOSIGE). An ERC Horizon 2020 project at SOAS Critical Friend 01/06/2019 -
European Association of Modern Arabic Literature Member 01/06/2018 -


Committee Function From / To
University of Sanctuary Committee Co-Chair 01/08/2022 -
Rooney Prize for Irish Literature Jury member 01/01/2021 -
Dublin Literary Award Judge 01/09/2020 - 20/05/2021
Commemorations Committee Member -
Postgraduate Teaching Coordinator of MA/Chair of Working Group 04/02/2019 - 01/02/2022
Scholars at Risk Network Ireland-Maynooth University Committee Member 01/10/2019 -


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
University of Nottingham PhD English Studies (Global Literatures)


Language Reading Writing Speaking
Arabic Fluent Fluent Fluent
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
French Fluent Fluent Fluent
Italian Functional Functional Functional

Other Activities

BBC World Service 2-hour "Weekend Show" Guest in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019 (commenting on political, socio-economic, and cultural news and exploring aspects of my academic research and teaching).
Member of the Board of Literature Ireland
Featured expert on the RTE documentary: Peacekeepers: The Irish in South Lebanon


Client Description
Dublin UNESCO City of Literature Member of Judging Panel of 2021 International Dublin Literary Award
Rooney Prize for Irish Literature Member of the jury for the Rooney Prize for Irish Literature

Outreach Activities

Organisation Type Description
Kildare Libraries, partner in a free online course on "Global Migrant Literature and Culture" that is part of an EDI-funded project (Rita Sakr, Cliodhna Murphy and Edana Richardson) "A Pilot Project to Enhance Equal Participation and Inclusivity in the Virtual Learning Environment" Civic Society

Teaching Interests

Teaching includes:

Year 3 UG Core module EN302 Critical Geographies (module coordinator and co-lecturer with Dr Corley, ongoing)
Year 3 UG Core module EN303 Experimental Forms (co-lecturer with Dr Sullivan, ongoing)
Year 3 UG Elective EN379 Global Arab Migrant Writing and Film (ongoing)
Year 2 Core module EN204 Literatures of Place (module coordinator and co-lecturer with Dr Corley, 2018-19)
Year 2 Great Books (co-teaching with colleagues, 2020-21 and 2022-23)

EN6112 Imagining The Post-Imperial City (ongoing)
"Gaza" Section on MA Elective EN6006 Zionism, Palestinian Nationalism and Culture (with Dr McCarthy)
Section of EN6102 Literatures of Engagement (with Drs Kennedy and Cronin)